Filter & sort magical layouts
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

97 lines
2.8 KiB

// ========================= jQuery transform extensions ===============================
// if props.transform hasn't been set, do it already
$.props.transform = getStyleProperty('transform');
var optoTransform = {
fnUtilsDimensional : {
'2d' : {
translate : function ( position ) {
return 'translate(' + position[0] + 'px, ' + position[1] + 'px) ';
scale : function ( scale ) {
return 'scale(' + scale[0] + ') ';
'3d' : {
translate : function ( position ) {
return 'translate3d(' + position[0] + 'px, ' + position[1] + 'px, 0) ';
scale : function ( scale ) {
return 'scale3d(' + scale[0] + ', ' + scale[0] + ', 1) ';
dimensions : Modernizr.csstransforms3d ? '3d' : '2d',
// always do translate then scale
transforms : [ 'translate', 'scale' ]
optoTransform.fnUtils = optoTransform.fnUtilsDimensional[ optoTransform.dimensions ];
optoTransform.transformsLen = 2;
var _jQueryStyle = $.style;
$.style = function ( elem, name, value ) {
switch ( name ) {
case 'scale' :
case 'translate' :
// unpack current transform data
var data = $( elem ).data('opto-transform') || {},
// extend new value over current data
newData = {},
transformObj = {};
newData[ name ] = value;
$.extend( data, newData );
for ( fnName in data ) {
var transformValue = data[ fnName ],
getFn = optoTransform.fnUtils[ fnName ];
transformObj[ fnName ] = getFn( transformValue );
// get proper order
// ideally, we could loop through this give an array, but since we only have
// a couple transforms we're keeping track of, we'll do it like so
var translateFn = transformObj.translate || '',
scaleFn = transformObj.scale || '',
valueFns = translateFn + scaleFn;
// set data back in elem
$( elem ).data('opto-transform', data );
// sorting so scale always comes before
value = valueFns;
// set name to vendor specific property
name = $.props.transform;
return _jQueryStyle.apply( this, arguments );
var _fxCur = $.fx.prototype.cur;
$.fx.prototype.cur = function () {
if ( this.prop === 'scale' ) {
var data = $( this.elem ).data('transform'),
currentScale = data && data[ this.prop ] ? data[ this.prop ] : [ 1 ];
// scale value is saved as a 1 item array
return currentScale[0];
return _fxCur.apply(this, arguments);
$.fx.step.scale = function (fx) {
$( fx.elem ).css({ scale: [ ] });
})( jQuery );