Filter & sort magical layouts
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title: Troubleshooting
category: docs
layout: doc
related: etc
## Unloaded Content
Most layout modes (i.e masonry, fitRows) need to measure the size of each item to appropriately account for its space in the layout. Unloaded content like images and @font-face fonts can throw off layout and cause item elements to overlap one another. Ideally, Isotope layouts should be initialized after all inner content has loaded.
### Images
For images, the best method is to specify the width and height of images inline.
{% highlight html %}
<img src="img-file.jpg" width="280" height="160" />
{% endhighlight %}
If you’re using a PHP-based CMS, you can use the [getimagesize]( function.
Another solution is to initialize Isotope inside `$(window).load()` instead of `$(document).ready()`.
{% highlight javascript %}
// options...
{% endhighlight %}
### @font-face fonts
Both Typekit and Google WebFont Loader provide font events to control scripts based on how fonts are loaded.
+ [Typekit font events](
+ [Google WebFont Loader: Events](
Additionally, you can use the `$(window).load()` pattern above to wait for all content, including @font-face fonts, to load before initializing Isotope.