* Isotope v2.0.0
* Magical sorting and filtering layouts
* http://isotope.metafizzy.co
( function( window ) {
'use strict';
// -------------------------- helpers -------------------------- //
// extend objects
function extend( a, b ) {
for ( var prop in b ) {
a[ prop ] = b[ prop ];
return a;
var trim = String.prototype.trim ?
function( str ) {
return str.trim();
} :
function( str ) {
return str.replace( /^\s+|\s+$/g, '' );
var docElem = document.documentElement;
var getText = docElem.textContent ?
function( elem ) {
return elem.textContent;
} :
function( elem ) {
return elem.innerText;
// -------------------------- isotopeDefinition -------------------------- //
// used for AMD definition and requires
function isotopeDefinition( Outlayer, getSize, matchesSelector, Item, LayoutMode ) {
// create an Outlayer layout class
var Isotope = Outlayer.create( 'isotope', {
sortAscending: true
Isotope.Item = Isotope.prototype.settings.item = Item;
Isotope.LayoutMode = LayoutMode;
Isotope.prototype._create = function() {
this.itemGUID = 0;
// call super
Outlayer.prototype._create.call( this );
// create layout modes
this.modes = {};
// create from registered layout modes
for ( var name in LayoutMode.modes ) {
this._initLayoutMode( name );
// functions that sort items
this._sorters = {};
// keep of track of sortBys
this.sortHistory = [ 'original-order' ];
Isotope.prototype.reloadItems = function() {
// reset item ID counter
this.itemGUID = 0;
// call super
Outlayer.prototype.reloadItems.call( this );
Isotope.prototype._itemize = function() {
var items = Outlayer.prototype._itemize.apply( this, arguments );
// assign ID for original-order
for ( var i=0, len = items.length; i < len; i++ ) {
var item = items[i];
item.id = this.itemGUID++;
return items;
// -------------------------- layout -------------------------- //
Isotope.prototype._initLayoutMode = function( name ) {
var Mode = LayoutMode.modes[ name ];
// set mode options
// HACK extend initial options, back-fill in default options
var initialOpts = this.options[ name ] || {};
this.options[ name ] = Mode.options ?
extend( Mode.options, initialOpts ) : initialOpts;
// init layout mode instance
this.modes[ name ] = new Mode( this );
Isotope.prototype.layout = function( opts ) {
// set any options pass
this.option( opts );
// don't animate first layout
var isInstant = this._isInitInstant = this.options.isLayoutInstant !== undefined ?
this.options.isLayoutInstant : !this._isLayoutInited;
this.filteredItems = this._filter( this.items );
// layout flow
this.layoutItems( this.filteredItems, isInstant );
// flag for initalized
this._isLayoutInited = true;
// -------------------------- filter -------------------------- //
Isotope.prototype._filter = function( items ) {
var filter = this.options.filter;
filter = filter || '*';
var matches = [];
var hiddenMatched = [];
var visibleUnmatched = [];
var test = getFilterTest( filter );
// test each item
for ( var i=0, len = items.length; i < len; i++ ) {
var item = items[i];
if ( item.isIgnored ) {
// add item to either matched or unmatched group
var isMatched = test( item );
// item.isFilterMatched = isMatched;
// add to matches if its a match
if ( isMatched ) {
matches.push( item );
// add to additional group if item needs to be hidden or revealed
if ( isMatched && item.isHidden ) {
hiddenMatched.push( item );
} else if ( !isMatched && !item.isHidden ) {
visibleUnmatched.push( item );
// disable transition on init
var _transitionDuration = this.options.transitionDuration;
if ( this._isInitInstant ) {
this.options.transitionDuration = 0;
this.reveal( hiddenMatched );
this.hide( visibleUnmatched );
// set back
if ( this._isInitInstant ) {
this.options.transitionDuration = _transitionDuration;
return matches;
// get a function or a matchesSelector test given the filter
function getFilterTest( filter ) {
var test;
if ( typeof filter === 'function' ) {
test = function( item ) {
return filter( item.element );
} else {
test = function( item ) {
return matchesSelector( item.element, filter );
return test;
// -------------------------- sorting -------------------------- //
Isotope.prototype.updateSortData = function( items ) {
// update sorters
var getSortData = this.options.getSortData;
for ( var key in getSortData ) {
var sorter = getSortData[ key ];
this._sorters[ key ] = mungeSorter( sorter );
// update item sort data
// default to all items if none are passed in
items = items || this.items;
for ( var i=0, len = items.length; i < len; i++ ) {
var item = items[i];
if ( item.isIgnored ) {
// ----- munge sorter ----- //
// encapsulate this, as we just need mungeSorter
// other functions in here are just for munging
var mungeSorter = ( function() {
// add a magic layer to sorters for convienent shorthands
// `.foo-bar` will use the text of .foo-bar querySelector
// `[foo-bar]` will use attribute
// you can also add parser
// `.foo-bar parseInt` will parse that as a number
function mungeSorter( sorter ) {
// if not a string, return function or whatever it is
if ( typeof sorter !== 'string' ) {
return sorter;
// parse the sorter string
var args = trim( sorter ).split(' ');
var query = args[0];
// check if query looks like [an-attribute]
var attrMatch = query.match( /^\[(.+)\]$/ );
var attr = attrMatch && attrMatch[1];
var getValue = getValueGetter( attr, query );
// use second argument as a parser
var parser = getParser( args[1] );
// parse the value, if there was a parser
sorter = parser ? function( elem ) {
return elem && parser( getValue( elem ) );
} :
// otherwise just return value
function( elem ) {
return elem && getValue( elem );
return sorter;
// get an attribute getter, or get text of the querySelector
function getValueGetter( attr, query ) {
var getValue;
// if query looks like [foo-bar], get attribute
if ( attr ) {
getValue = function( elem ) {
return elem.getAttribute( attr );
} else {
// otherwise, assume its a querySelector, and get its text
getValue = function( elem ) {
var child = elem.querySelector( query );
return child && getText( child );
return getValue;
// return a parser function if arg matches
function getParser( arg ) {
var parser;
switch ( arg ) {
case 'parseInt' :
parser = function( val ) {
return parseInt( val, 10 );
case 'parseFloat' :
parser = function( val ) {
return parseFloat( val );
default :
// just return val if parser isn't one of these
// TODO - console log that that parser doesn't exist
parser = function( val ) {
return val;
return parser;
return mungeSorter;
// ----- sort method ----- //
// sort filteredItem order
Isotope.prototype._sort = function() {
var sortByOpt = this.options.sortBy;
if ( !sortByOpt ) {
// concat all sortBy and sortHistory
var sortBys = [].concat.apply( sortByOpt, this.sortHistory );
// sort magic
var itemSorter = getItemSorter( sortBys, this.options.sortAscending );
this.filteredItems.sort( itemSorter );
// keep track of sortBy History
var lastSortBy = this.sortHistory[ this.sortHistory.length - 1 ];
if ( sortByOpt !== lastSortBy ) {
// add to front, oldest goes in last
this.sortHistory.unshift( sortByOpt );
// returns a function used for sorting
function getItemSorter( sortBys, sortAsc ) {
return function sorter( itemA, itemB ) {
// cycle through all sortKeys
for ( var i = 0, len = sortBys.length; i < len; i++ ) {
var sortBy = sortBys[i];
var a = itemA.sortData[ sortBy ];
var b = itemB.sortData[ sortBy ];
if ( a > b || a < b ) {
// if sortAsc is an object, use the value given the sortBy key
var isAscending = sortAsc[ sortBy ] !== undefined ? sortAsc[ sortBy ] : sortAsc;
var direction = isAscending ? 1 : -1;
return ( a > b ? 1 : -1 ) * direction;
return 0;
// -------------------------- methods -------------------------- //
// get layout mode
Isotope.prototype._mode = function() {
var layoutMode = this.options.layoutMode;
var mode = this.modes[ layoutMode ];
if ( !mode ) {
// TODO console.error
throw new Error( 'No layout mode: ' + layoutMode );
// HACK sync mode's options
// any options set after init for layout mode need to be synced
mode.options = this.options[ layoutMode ];
return mode;
Isotope.prototype._resetLayout = function() {
// trigger original reset layout
Outlayer.prototype._resetLayout.call( this );
Isotope.prototype._getItemLayoutPosition = function( item ) {
return this._mode()._getItemLayoutPosition( item );
Isotope.prototype._manageStamp = function( stamp ) {
var mode = this._mode();
// HACK copy over some options
mode.options.isOriginLeft = this.options.isOriginLeft;
mode.options.isOriginTop = this.options.isOriginTop;
mode._manageStamp( stamp );
Isotope.prototype._getContainerSize = function() {
return this._mode()._getContainerSize();
Isotope.prototype.resize = function() {
return Isotope;
// -------------------------- transport -------------------------- //
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
// AMD
define( [
isotopeDefinition );
} else {
// browser global
window.Isotope = isotopeDefinition(
})( window );