/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * jQuery Mercutio version 0.1
* * Copyright David DeSandro , licensed MIT
* * http : //desandro.com/resources/jquery-mercutio
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
( function ( $ ) {
// ========================= miniModernizr ===============================
// <3<3<3 and thanks to Faruk and Paul for doing the heavy lifting
if ( ! Modernizr ) {
var miniModernizr = { } ,
vendorCSSPrefixes = ' -o- -moz- -ms- -webkit- -khtml- ' . split ( ' ' ) ,
classes = [ ] ,
docElement = document . documentElement ,
m = document . createElement ( 'modernizr' ) ,
m _style = m . style ,
test _props = function ( props , callback ) {
for ( var i in props ) {
// IE9 ugliness
try {
m _style [ props [ i ] ] !== undefined
} catch ( e ) {
continue ;
console . log ( props [ i ] , m _style [ props [ i ] ] )
if ( m _style [ props [ i ] ] !== undefined ) {
return true ;
} ,
test _props _all = function ( prop , callback ) {
var uc _prop = prop . charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + prop . substr ( 1 ) ,
props = [ prop , 'Webkit' + uc _prop , 'Moz' + uc _prop ,
'O' + uc _prop , 'ms' + uc _prop , 'Khtml' + uc _prop ] ;
return ! ! test _props ( props , callback ) ;
} ,
tests = {
csstransforms : function ( ) {
return ! ! test _props ( [ 'transformProperty' , 'WebkitTransform' ,
'MozTransform' , 'OTransform' , 'msTransform' ] ) ;
} ,
csstransforms3d : function ( ) {
var ret = ! ! test _props ( [ 'perspectiveProperty' , 'WebkitPerspective' , 'MozPerspective' , 'OPerspective' , 'msPerspective' ] ) ;
if ( ret ) {
var st = document . createElement ( 'style' ) ,
div = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
st . textContent = '@media (' + vendorCSSPrefixes . join ( 'transform-3d),(' ) +
'modernizr){#modernizr{height:3px}}' ;
document . getElementsByTagName ( 'head' ) [ 0 ] . appendChild ( st ) ;
div . id = 'modernizr' ;
docElement . appendChild ( div ) ;
ret = div . offsetHeight === 3 ;
st . parentNode . removeChild ( st ) ;
div . parentNode . removeChild ( div ) ;
return ret ;
} ,
csstransitions : function ( ) {
return test _props _all ( 'transitionProperty' ) ;
} ;
// hasOwnProperty shim by kangax needed for Safari 2.0 support
var _hasOwnProperty = ( { } ) . hasOwnProperty , hasOwnProperty ;
if ( typeof _hasOwnProperty !== 'undefined' && typeof _hasOwnProperty . call !== 'undefined' ) {
hasOwnProperty = function ( object , property ) {
return _hasOwnProperty . call ( object , property ) ;
} ;
else {
hasOwnProperty = function ( object , property ) { /* yes, this can give false positives/negatives, but most of the time we don't care about those */
return ( ( property in object ) && typeof object . constructor . prototype [ property ] === 'undefined' ) ;
} ;
// Run through all tests and detect their support in the current UA.
for ( var feature in tests ) {
if ( hasOwnProperty ( tests , feature ) ) {
// run the test, throw the return value into the Modernizr,
// then based on that boolean, define an appropriate className
// and push it into an array of classes we'll join later.
var test = tests [ feature ] ( ) ;
miniModernizr [ feature . toLowerCase ( ) ] = test ;
var className = ( test ? '' : 'no-' ) + feature . toLowerCase ( )
classes . push ( className ) ;
// Add the new classes to the <html> element.
docElement . className += ' ' + classes . join ( ' ' ) ;
var Modernizr = miniModernizr ;
// position convience method
// for now, we'll only use transforms in Chrome and Safari
// In Opera, transform removes all text anti-aliasing, crippling legibility
// in FF, you cannot transition transforms in < 4.0
var usingTransforms = Modernizr . csstransforms && $ . browser . webkit ;
// ========================= smartresize ===============================
/ * !
* smartresize : debounced resize event for jQuery
* http : //github.com/lrbabe/jquery-smartresize
* Copyright ( c ) 2009 Louis - Remi Babe
* Licensed under the GPL license .
* http : //docs.jquery.com/License
* /
var $event = $ . event ,
resizeTimeout ;
$event . special . smartresize = {
setup : function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . bind ( "resize" , $event . special . smartresize . handler ) ;
} ,
teardown : function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . unbind ( "resize" , $event . special . smartresize . handler ) ;
} ,
handler : function ( event , execAsap ) {
// Save the context
var context = this ,
args = arguments ;
// set correct event type
event . type = "smartresize" ;
if ( resizeTimeout ) { clearTimeout ( resizeTimeout ) ; }
resizeTimeout = setTimeout ( function ( ) {
jQuery . event . handle . apply ( context , args ) ;
} , execAsap === "execAsap" ? 0 : 100 ) ;
} ;
$ . fn . smartresize = function ( fn ) {
return fn ? this . bind ( "smartresize" , fn ) : this . trigger ( "smartresize" , [ "execAsap" ] ) ;
} ;
// ========================= mercutio ===============================
var mercutioMethods = {
filter : function ( $cards ) {
var props = this . data ( 'mercutio' ) ,
filter = props . opts . filter === '' ? '*' : props . opts . filter ;
if ( ! filter ) {
props . $cards . filtered = $cards ;
} else {
var hiddenClass = props . opts . hiddenClass ,
hiddenSelector = '.' + hiddenClass ,
$visibleCards = $cards . not ( hiddenSelector ) ,
$hiddenCards = $cards . filter ( hiddenSelector ) ,
$cardsToShow = $hiddenCards ;
props . $cards . filtered = $cards . filter ( filter ) ;
if ( filter !== '*' ) {
$cardsToShow = $hiddenCards . filter ( filter ) ;
var $cardsToHide = $visibleCards . not ( filter ) . toggleClass ( hiddenClass ) ;
$cardsToHide . addClass ( hiddenClass ) ;
props . styleQueue . push ( { $el : $cardsToHide , style : props . opts . hiddenStyle } ) ;
props . styleQueue . push ( { $el : $cardsToShow , style : props . opts . visibleStyle } ) ;
$cardsToShow . removeClass ( hiddenClass ) ;
return this ;
} ,
// used on all the filtered cards, $cards.filtered
sort : function ( ) {
} ,
placeCard : function ( setCount , setY , props ) {
// here, `this` refers to a child element or "brick"
// get the minimum Y value from the columns
var minimumY = Math . min . apply ( Math , setY ) ,
setHeight = minimumY + this . outerHeight ( true ) ,
i = setY . length ,
shortCol = i ,
setSpan = props . colCount + 1 - i ,
animOpts = $ . extend ( { } , props . opts . animationOptions ) ,
position , x , y ;
// Which column has the minY value, closest to the left
while ( i -- ) {
if ( setY [ i ] === minimumY ) {
shortCol = i ;
x = props . colW * shortCol + props . posLeft ;
y = minimumY ;
position = mercutioMethods . position ( x , y ) ;
// position the brick
props . styleQueue . push ( { $el : this , style : position } ) ;
// this[ props.applyStyle ]( position, animOpts );
// apply setHeight to necessary columns
for ( i = 0 ; i < setSpan ; i ++ ) {
props . colYs [ shortCol + i ] = setHeight ;
return this ;
} ,
singleColumn : function ( colYs , props ) {
return this . each ( function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . mercutio ( 'placeCard' , props . colCount , colYs , props ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
multiColumn : function ( colYs , props ) {
return this . each ( function ( ) {
var $this = $ ( this ) ,
//how many columns does this brick span
colSpan = Math . ceil ( $this . outerWidth ( true ) / props . colW ) ;
colSpan = Math . min ( colSpan , props . colCount ) ;
if ( colSpan === 1 ) {
// if brick spans only one column, just like singleMode
$this . mercutio ( 'placeCard' , props . colCount , colYs , props ) ;
} else {
// brick spans more than one column
// how many different places could this brick fit horizontally
var groupCount = props . colCount + 1 - colSpan ,
groupY = [ ] ;
// for each group potential horizontal position
for ( i = 0 ; i < groupCount ; i ++ ) {
// make an array of colY values for that one group
var groupColY = colYs . slice ( i , i + colSpan ) ;
// and get the max value of the array
groupY [ i ] = Math . max . apply ( Math , groupColY ) ;
$this . mercutio ( 'placeCard' , groupCount , groupY , props ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
// parseTransformStyle : function( style ) {
// for ( prop in style ) {
// switch
// }
// return style;
// },
complete : function ( props ) {
// are we animating the layout arrangement?
// use plugin-ish syntax for css or animate
var styleFn = ( props . initialized && props . opts . animate ) ? 'animate' : 'css' ,
animOpts = props . opts . animationOptions ;
// process styleQueue
$ . each ( props . styleQueue , function ( i , obj ) {
// var style = mercutioMethods.parseTransformStyle( obj.style );
for ( var prop in obj . style ) {
console . log ( prop , obj . style [ prop ] )
// switch ( obj.style[prop] ) {
// case 'scale' :
// console.log( obj.style )
// break;
// }
// have to extend animation to play nice with jQuery
obj . $el [ styleFn ] ( obj . style , $ . extend ( { } , animOpts ) ) ;
} ) ;
// clear out queue for next time
props . styleQueue = [ ] ;
// provide props.bricks as context for the callback
// callback = callback || function(){};
// callback.call( props.$bricks );
// set all data so we can retrieve it for appended appendedContent
// or anyone else's crazy jquery fun
this . data ( 'mercutio' , props ) ;
return this ;
} ,
// used on collection of cards (should be filtered, and sorted before )
// accepts cards-to-be-laid-out and colYs to start with
layout : function ( $cards , colYs ) {
var props = this . data ( 'mercutio' ) ;
// console.log( props.opts.hiddenStyle.scale )
// layout logic
var layoutMode = props . opts . singleMode ? 'singleColumn' : 'multiColumn' ;
$cards . mercutio ( layoutMode , colYs , props ) ;
// set the height of the container to the tallest column
props . containerHeight = Math . max . apply ( Math , props . colYs ) ;
var containerStyle = { height : props . containerHeight - props . posTop } ;
props . styleQueue . push ( { $el : this , style : containerStyle } ) ;
// this[ props.applyStyle ]( containerStyle, animOpts ).mercutio( 'complete', props );
this . mercutio ( 'complete' , props ) ;
return this ;
} ,
resetColYs : function ( props ) {
var colYs = [ ] ,
i = props . colCount ;
while ( i -- ) {
colYs . push ( props . posTop ) ;
props . colYs = colYs ;
return colYs
} ,
resize : function ( ) {
// console.log( this.data('mercutio') , this[0].id )
var props = this . data ( 'mercutio' ) ,
prevColCount = props . colCount ;
props . initialized = true ;
// get updated colCount
this . mercutio ( 'getColCount' , props ) ;
if ( props . colCount !== prevColCount ) {
// if column count has changed, do a new column cound
var colYs = mercutioMethods . resetColYs ( props ) ;
this . mercutio ( 'layout' , props . $cards . filtered , colYs ) ;
return this ;
} ,
append : function ( ) {
} ,
getColCount : function ( props ) {
props . colCount = Math . floor ( this . width ( ) / props . colW ) ;
props . colCount = Math . max ( props . colCount , 1 ) ;
return this ;
} ,
// only run though on initial init
setup : function ( ) {
var props = this . data ( 'mercutio' ) ;
props . $cards = { } ;
props . styleQueue = [ ] ;
// need to get cards
props . $cards . all = props . opts . selector ?
this . find ( props . opts . selector ) :
this . children ( ) ;
props . colW = props . opts . columnWidth || props . $cards . all . outerWidth ( true ) ;
// if colW == 0, back out before divide by zero
if ( ! props . colW ) {
window . console && console . error ( 'Column width calculated to be zero. Stopping Mercutio plugin before divide by zero. Check that the width of first child inside the mercutio container is not zero.' ) ;
return this ;
this . css ( 'position' , 'relative' ) . mercutio ( 'getColCount' , props ) ;
cardStyle = { position : 'absolute' } ;
if ( usingTransforms ) {
cardStyle . left = 0 ;
cardStyle . top = 0 ;
props . $cards . all . css ( cardStyle ) ;
// get top left position of where the bricks should be
var $cursor = $ ( document . createElement ( 'div' ) ) ;
this . prepend ( $cursor ) ;
props . posTop = Math . round ( $cursor . position ( ) . top ) ;
props . posLeft = Math . round ( $cursor . position ( ) . left ) ;
$cursor . remove ( ) ;
// add mercutio class first time around
var $container = this ;
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
$container . addClass ( 'mercutio' ) ;
} , 1 ) ;
return this ;
} ,
init : function ( options ) {
return this . each ( function ( ) {
var $this = $ ( this ) ,
data = $this . data ( 'mercutio' ) ,
props = data || { } ;
// checks if masonry has been called before on this object
props . initialized = ! ! data ;
var previousOptions = props . initialized ? data . opts : { } ;
props . opts = $ . extend (
{ } ,
$ . fn . mercutio . defaults ,
previousOptions ,
) ;
$this . data ( 'mercutio' , props ) ;
if ( ! props . initialized ) {
$this . mercutio ( 'setup' ) ;
var colYs = mercutioMethods . resetColYs ( props ) ;
. mercutio ( 'filter' , props . $cards . all )
. mercutio ( 'layout' , props . $cards . filtered , colYs ) ;
// binding window resizing
if ( props . opts . resizeable ) {
$ ( window ) . bind ( 'smartresize.mercutio' , function ( ) { $this . mercutio ( 'resize' ) ; } ) ;
} else if ( ! props . opts . resizeable && ! ! previousOptions . resizeable ) {
$ ( window ) . unbind ( 'smartresize.mercutio' ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
transform : function ( value ) {
return {
'-webkit-transform' : value ,
'-moz-transform' : value ,
'-o-transform' : value ,
'transform' : value
} ,
translate : function ( x , y ) {
return mercutioMethods . transform ( 'translate(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px) scale(1)' )
} ,
translate3d : function ( x , y ) {
return mercutioMethods . transform ( 'translate3d(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px, 0) scale(1)' )
} ,
positionAbs : function ( x , y ) {
return { left : x , top : y }
} ;
if ( usingTransforms ) {
var translateMethod = Modernizr . csstransforms3d ? 'translate3d' : 'translate' ;
mercutioMethods . position = mercutioMethods [ translateMethod ] ;
} else {
mercutioMethods . position = mercutioMethods . positionAbs ;
// mercutioMethods.position = Modernizr.csstransforms3d ? mercutioMethods.translate3d : mercutioMethods.positionAbs;
// mercutio code begin
$ . fn . mercutio = function ( firstArg ) {
// Method calling logic
var method = mercutioMethods [ firstArg ] ;
if ( method ) {
// remove firstArg, which is a string of the function name, from arguments
var args = Array . prototype . slice . call ( arguments , 1 ) ;
return method . apply ( this , args ) ;
} else if ( ! firstArg || typeof firstArg === 'object' ) {
return mercutioMethods . init . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
} ;
// Default plugin options
$ . fn . mercutio . defaults = {
// singleMode: false,
// columnWidth: undefined,
// itemSelector: undefined,
// appendedContent: undefined,
// saveOptions: true,
resizeable : true ,
hiddenClass : 'mercutio-hidden' ,
hiddenStyle : {
opacity : 0 ,
scale : 0.001
} ,
visibleStyle : {
opacity : 1 ,
scale : 1
} ,
animationOptions : {
queue : false
} ;
} ) ( jQuery ) ;