Adds elements via `addItems` method, then triggers `layout` just for those new elements.
Useful for Infinite Scroll.
<h2 id="destroy">destroy</h2>
{% highlight javascript %}
.isotope( 'destroy' )
{% endhighlight %}
Removes Isotope functionality completely. Returns element back to pre-init state.
<h2 id="insert">insert</h2>
{% highlight javascript %}
.isotope( 'insert', $content, callback )
{% endhighlight %}
Appends elements to container, adds items to via `addItems` method, and then triggers `reLayout` method so new elements are properly filtered, sorted and laid-out.
<h2 id="layout">layout</h2>
{% highlight javascript %}
.isotope( 'layout', $content, callback )
{% endhighlight %}
Arranges new elements to the end of the layout.
<h2 id="option">option</h2>
{% highlight javascript %}
.isotope( 'option', options )
{% endhighlight %}
Modifies options for plugin instance.
<h2 id="reLayout">reLayout</h2>
{% highlight javascript %}
.isotope( 'reLayout', callback )
{% endhighlight %}
Resets layout properties and lays-out every item element.