title: Isotope
layout: default
category: homepage
- name: An exquisite jQuery plugin for magical layouts
symbol: Iso
number: 1
category: alkali
- name: Reveal & hide items with filtering
symbol: Flt
number: 11
category: alkaline-earth
- name: Re–order items with sorting
symbol: Srt
number: 27
category: lanthanoid
- name: Dynamic, intelligent layouts
symbol: Lao
number: 31
category: actinoid
- name: Captivating animations
symbol: Ani
number: 41
category: transition
- name: Sort items by just about anything
symbol: Any
number: 51
category: post-transition
- name: Powerful methods, simple syntax
symbol: Pow
number: 61
category: metalloid
- name: Progressively enhanced for CSS3 transforms & transitions
symbol: CS3
number: 71
category: halogen
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