/*jshint node: true, strict: false */ // -------------------------- grunt -------------------------- // module.exports = function( grunt ) { var banner = ( function() { var src = grunt.file.read('js/isotope.js'); var re = new RegExp('^\\s*(?:\\/\\*[\\s\\S]*?\\*\\/)\\s*'); var matches = src.match( re ); var banner = matches[0].replace( 'Isotope', 'Isotope PACKAGED' ); return banner; })(); grunt.initConfig({ // ----- global settings ----- // namespace: 'isotope', dataDir: 'tasks/data', // ----- tasks settings ----- // jshint: { docs: [ 'js/**/*.js' ], options: grunt.file.readJSON('.jshintrc') }, requirejs: { pkgd: { options: { baseUrl: 'bower_components', include: [ 'jquery-bridget/jquery.bridget', 'isotope/js/isotope' ], out: 'dist/isotope.pkgd.js', optimize: 'none', paths: { isotope: '../', jquery: 'empty:' }, wrap: { start: banner } } } }, uglify: { pkgd: { files: { 'dist/isotope.pkgd.min.js': [ 'dist/isotope.pkgd.js' ] }, options: { banner: banner } } }, shell: { 'meteor-test': { command: 'meteor/runtests.sh' }, 'meteor-publish': { command: 'meteor/publish.sh' } } }); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-jshint'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-uglify'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-requirejs'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-shell'); grunt.registerTask( 'pkgd-edit', function() { var outFile = grunt.config.get('requirejs.pkgd.options.out'); var contents = grunt.file.read( outFile ); // get requireJS definition code var definitionRE = /define\(\s*'isotope\/js\/isotope'(.|\n)+isotopeDefinition\s*\)/; var definition = contents.match( definitionRE )[0]; // remove name module var fixDefinition = definition.replace( "'isotope/js/isotope',", '' ) // ./item -> isotope/js/item .replace( /'.\//g, "'isotope/js/" ); contents = contents.replace( definition, fixDefinition ); grunt.file.write( outFile, contents ); grunt.log.writeln( 'Edited ' + outFile ); }); grunt.registerTask('meteor-test', 'shell:meteor-test'); grunt.registerTask('meteor-publish', 'shell:meteor-publish'); // ideally we'd run tests before publishing, but the chances of tests breaking (given that // Meteor is orthogonal to the library) are so small that it's not worth the maintainer's time // grunt.regsterTask('meteor', ['shell:meteor-test', 'shell:meteor-publish']); grunt.registerTask('meteor', 'shell:meteor-publish'); grunt.registerTask( 'default', [ 'jshint', 'requirejs', 'pkgd-edit', 'uglify' ]); };