--- title: Hash history with jQuery BBQ category: docs layout: default toc: - { title: Markup, anchor: markup } - { title: jQuery script, anchor: jquery_script } --- As cool as Isotope is, the only thing that could make it even cooler would be adding bookmark-able URL hashes. Ben Alman's [jQuery BBQ](http://benalman.com/projects/jquery-bbq-plugin/) allows us to do just that. > jQuery BBQ leverages the HTML5 hashchange event to allow simple, yet powerful bookmarkable #hash history. [**See Demo: Hash history**](../demos/hash-history.html) BBQ is a marvelous plugin that provides for a lot more functionality. The [hash history demo](../demos/hash-history.html) uses multiple options (`sortBy`, `sortAscending`, and `layoutMode` in addition to `filter`), the ability to use back-button history, and properly highlights selected links. Given BBQ's tremendous capabilities, the code can grow to be a bit complex. Be sure to read through [BBQ's docs](http://benalman.com/code/projects/jquery-bbq/docs/files/jquery-ba-bbq-js.html) and take look at [its examples](http://benalman.com/code/projects/jquery-bbq/examples/) before you dive in and code up your own solution. ## Markup Instead of setting the option values and keys with `data` attributes, we can add the option in the `href` for each link. {% highlight html %} {% endhighlight %} The `href` value is a serialized string, suitable for a URL. These values can be created with [jQuery.param()](http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.param/). {% highlight javascript %} $.param({ filter: '.metal' }) // >> "filter=.metal" $.param({ filter: '.alkali, alkaline-earth' }) // >> "filter=.alkali%2C+alkaline-earth" $.param({ filter: ':not(.transition)' }) // >> "#filter=%3Anot(.transition)" {% endhighlight %} ## jQuery script These serialized `href` values can be converted into their proper jQuery object form when clicked using [jQuery.deparam()](http://benalman.com/code/projects/jquery-bbq/docs/files/jquery-ba-bbq-js.html#jQuery.deparam) from jQuery BBQ. {% highlight javascript %} $('.option-set a').click(function(){ // get href attr, remove leading # var href = $(this).attr('href').replace( /^#/, '' ), // convert href into object // i.e. 'filter=.inner-transition' -> { filter: '.inner-transition' } option = $.deparam( href, true ); // set hash, triggers hashchange on window $.bbq.pushState( option ); return false; }); {% endhighlight %} Calling [$.bbq.pushState()](http://benalman.com/code/projects/jquery-bbq/docs/files/jquery-ba-bbq-js.html#jQuery.bbq.pushState) will trigger the `hashchange` event. At that point, we can parse the hash from the URL and use it to trigger the proper change in the Isotope instance. {% highlight javascript %} $(window).bind( 'hashchange', function( event ){ // get options object from hash var hashOptions = $.deparam.fragment(); // apply options from hash $container.isotope( hashOptions ); }) // trigger hashchange to capture any hash data on init .trigger('hashchange'); {% endhighlight %} Now any filter buttons that are clicked will update the URL hash, so these options can be bookmarked.