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// Copyright © 2015 Abhishek Banthia
import Foundation
open class Repeater: Equatable {
/// State of the timer
/// - paused: idle (never started yet or paused)
/// - running: timer is running
/// - executing: the observers are being executed
/// - finished: timer lifetime is finished
public enum State: Equatable, CustomStringConvertible {
case paused
case running
case executing
case finished
public static func == (lhs: State, rhs: State) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (.paused, .paused),
(.running, .running),
(.executing, .executing),
(.finished, .finished):
return true
return false
/// Return `true` if timer is currently running, including when the observers are being executed.
public var isRunning: Bool {
guard self == .running || self == .executing else { return false }
return true
/// Return `true` if the observers are being executed.
public var isExecuting: Bool {
guard case .executing = self else { return false }
return true
/// Is timer finished its lifetime?
/// It return always `false` for infinite timers.
/// It return `true` for `.once` mode timer after the first fire,
/// and when `.remainingIterations` is zero for `.finite` mode timers
public var isFinished: Bool {
guard case .finished = self else { return false }
return true
/// State description
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .paused: return "idle/paused"
case .finished: return "finished"
case .running: return "running"
case .executing: return "executing"
/// Repeat interval
public enum Interval {
case nanoseconds(_: Int)
case microseconds(_: Int)
case milliseconds(_: Int)
case minutes(_: Int)
case seconds(_: Double)
case hours(_: Int)
case days(_: Int)
internal var value: DispatchTimeInterval {
switch self {
case let .nanoseconds(value): return .nanoseconds(value)
case let .microseconds(value): return .microseconds(value)
case let .milliseconds(value): return .milliseconds(value)
case let .seconds(value): return .milliseconds(Int(Double(value) * Double(1000)))
case let .minutes(value): return .seconds(value * 60)
case let .hours(value): return .seconds(value * 3600)
case let .days(value): return .seconds(value * 86400)
/// Mode of the timer.
/// - infinite: infinite number of repeats.
/// - finite: finite number of repeats.
/// - once: single repeat.
public enum Mode {
case infinite
case finite(_: Int)
case once
/// Is timer a repeating timer?
internal var isRepeating: Bool {
switch self {
case .once: return false
default: return true
/// Number of repeats, if applicable. Otherwise `nil`
public var countIterations: Int? {
switch self {
case let .finite(counts): return counts
default: return nil
/// Is infinite timer
public var isInfinite: Bool {
guard case .infinite = self else {
return false
return true
/// Handler typealias
public typealias Observer = ((Repeater) -> Void)
/// Token assigned to the observer
public typealias ObserverToken = UInt64
/// Current state of the timer
public private(set) var state: State = .paused {
didSet {
5 years ago
onStateChanged?(self, state)
/// Callback called to intercept state's change of the timer
public var onStateChanged: ((_ timer: Repeater, _ state: State) -> Void)?
/// List of the observer of the timer
private var observers = [ObserverToken: Observer]()
/// Next token of the timer
private var nextObserverID: UInt64 = 0
/// Internal GCD Timer
private var timer: DispatchSourceTimer?
/// Is timer a repeat timer
public private(set) var mode: Mode
/// Number of remaining repeats count
public private(set) var remainingIterations: Int?
/// Interval of the timer
private var interval: Interval
/// Accuracy of the timer
private var tolerance: DispatchTimeInterval
/// Dispatch queue parent of the timer
private var queue: DispatchQueue?
/// Initialize a new timer.
/// - Parameters:
/// - interval: interval of the timer
/// - mode: mode of the timer
/// - tolerance: tolerance of the timer, 0 is default.
/// - queue: queue in which the timer should be executed; if `nil` a new queue is created automatically.
/// - observer: observer
public init(interval: Interval, mode: Mode = .infinite, tolerance: DispatchTimeInterval = .nanoseconds(3), queue: DispatchQueue? = nil, observer: @escaping Observer) {
self.mode = mode
self.interval = interval
self.tolerance = tolerance
remainingIterations = mode.countIterations
self.queue = (queue ?? DispatchQueue(label: "com.abhishek.Clocker"))
timer = configureTimer()
/// Add new a listener to the timer.
/// - Parameter callback: callback to call for fire events.
/// - Returns: token used to remove the handler
public func observe(_ observer: @escaping Observer) -> ObserverToken {
var (new, overflow) = nextObserverID.addingReportingOverflow(1)
if overflow { // you need to add an incredible number of offset...sure you can't
nextObserverID = 0
new = 0
nextObserverID = new
observers[new] = observer
return new
/// Remove an observer of the timer.
/// - Parameter id: id of the observer to remove
public func remove(observer identifier: ObserverToken) {
observers.removeValue(forKey: identifier)
/// Remove all observers of the timer.
/// - Parameter stopTimer: `true` to also stop timer by calling `pause()` function.
public func removeAllObservers(thenStop stopTimer: Bool = false) {
if stopTimer {
/// Configure a new timer session.
/// - Returns: dispatch timer
private func configureTimer() -> DispatchSourceTimer {
let associatedQueue = (queue ?? DispatchQueue(label: "com.repeat.\(NSUUID().uuidString)"))
let timer = DispatchSource.makeTimerSource(queue: associatedQueue)
let repeatInterval = interval.value
let deadline: DispatchTime = ( + repeatInterval)
if mode.isRepeating {
timer.schedule(deadline: deadline, repeating: repeatInterval, leeway: tolerance)
} else {
timer.schedule(deadline: deadline, leeway: tolerance)
timer.setEventHandler { [weak self] in
if let unwrapped = self {
return timer
/// Destroy current timer
private func destroyTimer() {
timer?.setEventHandler(handler: nil)
if state == .paused || state == .finished {
/// Create and schedule a timer that will call `handler` once after the specified time.
/// - Parameters:
/// - interval: interval delay for single fire
/// - queue: destination queue, if `nil` a new `DispatchQueue` is created automatically.
/// - observer: handler to call when timer fires.
/// - Returns: timer instance
public class func once(after interval: Interval, queue: DispatchQueue? = nil, _ observer: @escaping Observer) -> Repeater {
let timer = Repeater(interval: interval, mode: .once, queue: queue, observer: observer)
return timer
/// Create and schedule a timer that will fire every interval optionally by limiting the number of fires.
/// - Parameters:
/// - interval: interval of fire
/// - count: a non `nil` and > 0 value to limit the number of fire, `nil` to set it as infinite.
/// - queue: destination queue, if `nil` a new `DispatchQueue` is created automatically.
/// - handler: handler to call on fire
/// - Returns: timer
public class func every(_ interval: Interval, count: Int? = nil, queue: DispatchQueue? = nil, _ handler: @escaping Observer) -> Repeater {
let mode: Mode = (count != nil ? .finite(count!) : .infinite)
let timer = Repeater(interval: interval, mode: mode, queue: queue, observer: handler)
return timer
/// Force fire.
/// - Parameter pause: `true` to pause after fire, `false` to continue the regular firing schedule.
public func fire(andPause pause: Bool = false) {
if pause == true {
/// Reset the state of the timer, optionally changing the fire interval.
/// - Parameters:
/// - interval: new fire interval; pass `nil` to keep the latest interval set.
/// - restart: `true` to automatically restart the timer, `false` to keep it stopped after configuration.
public func reset(_ interval: Interval?, restart: Bool = true) {
if state.isRunning {
setPause(from: state)
// For finite counter we want to also reset the repeat count
if case let .finite(count) = mode {
self.remainingIterations = count
// Create a new instance of timer configured
if let newInterval = interval {
self.interval = newInterval
} // update interval
timer = configureTimer()
state = .paused
if restart {
state = .running
/// Start timer. If timer is already running it does nothing.
public func start() -> Bool {
guard state.isRunning == false else {
return false
// If timer has not finished its lifetime we want simply
// restart it from the current state.
guard state.isFinished == true else {
state = .running
return true
// Otherwise we need to reset the state based upon the mode
// and start it again.
reset(nil, restart: true)
return true
/// Pause a running timer. If timer is paused it does nothing.
public func pause() -> Bool {
5 years ago
guard state != .paused, state != .finished else {
return false
return setPause(from: state)
/// Pause a running timer optionally changing the state with regard to the current state.
/// - Parameters:
/// - from: the state which the timer should only be paused if it is the current state
/// - to: the new state to change to if the timer is paused
/// - Returns: `true` if timer is paused
private func setPause(from currentState: State, to newState: State = .paused) -> Bool {
guard state == currentState else {
return false
state = newState
return true
/// Called when timer is fired
private func timeFired() {
state = .executing
// dispatch to observers
observers.values.forEach { $0(self) }
// manage lifetime
switch mode {
case .once:
// once timer's lifetime is finished after the first fire
// you can reset it by calling `reset()` function.
setPause(from: .executing, to: .finished)
case .finite:
// for finite intervals we decrement the left iterations count...
remainingIterations! -= 1
if remainingIterations! == 0 {
// ...if left count is zero we just pause the timer and stop
setPause(from: .executing, to: .finished)
case .infinite:
// infinite timer does nothing special on the state machine
deinit {
public static func == (lhs: Repeater, rhs: Repeater) -> Bool {
return lhs === rhs