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// SRRecorderControl.h
// ShortcutRecorder
// Copyright 2006-2012 Contributors. All rights reserved.
// License: BSD
// Contributors:
// David Dauer
// Jesper
// Jamie Kirkpatrick
// Ilya Kulakov
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import <ShortcutRecorder/SRCommon.h>
Key code.
@discussion NSNumber representation of unsigned short.
Required key of SRRecorderControl's objectValue.
extern NSString *const SRShortcutKeyCode;
Modifier flags.
@discussion NSNumber representation of NSEventModifierFlags.
Optional key of SRRecorderControl's objectValue.
extern NSString *const SRShortcutModifierFlagsKey;
Interpretation of key code and modifier flags depending on system locale and input source
used when shortcut was taken.
@discussion NSString.
Optional key of SRRecorderControl's objectValue.
extern NSString *const SRShortcutCharacters;
Interpretation of key code without modifier flags depending on system locale and input source
used when shortcut was taken.
@discussion NSString.
Optional key of SRRecorderControl's objectValue.
extern NSString *const SRShortcutCharactersIgnoringModifiers;
@protocol SRRecorderControlDelegate;
An SRRecorderControl object is a control (but not a subclass of NSControl) that allows you to record shortcuts.
@discussion In addition to NSView bindings, exposes:
NSValueBinding. This binding supports 2 options:
- NSValueTransformerBindingOption
- NSValueTransformerNameBindingOption
NSEnabledBinding. This binding supports 2 options:
- NSValueTransformerBindingOption
- NSValueTransformerNameBindingOption
Note that at that moment, this binding _is not_ multivalue.
Required height: 25 points
Recommended min width: 100 points
@interface SRRecorderControl : NSView /* <NSAccessibility, NSKeyValueBindingCreation, NSToolTipOwner, NSNibAwaking> */
The receiver’s delegate.
@discussion A recorder control delegate responds to editing-related messages. You can use to to prevent editing
in some cases or to validate typed shortcuts.
@property (assign) IBOutlet NSObject<SRRecorderControlDelegate> *delegate;
Returns an integer bit field indicating allowed modifier flags.
@discussion Defaults to SRCocoaModifierFlagsMask.
@property (readonly) IBInspectable NSEventModifierFlags allowedModifierFlags;
Returns an integer bit field indicating required modifier flags.
@discussion Defaults to 0.
@property (readonly) IBInspectable NSEventModifierFlags requiredModifierFlags;
Determines whether shortcuts without modifier flags are allowed.
@discussion Defaults to NO.
@property (readonly) IBInspectable BOOL allowsEmptyModifierFlags;
Determines whether the control reinterpret key code and modifier flags
using ASCII capable input source.
@discussion Defaults to YES.
If not set, the same key code may be draw differently depending on current input source.
E.g. with US English input source key code 0x0 is interpreted as "a",
however with Russian input source, it's interpreted as "Ñ„".
@property IBInspectable BOOL drawsASCIIEquivalentOfShortcut;
Determines whether Escape is used to cancel recording.
@discussion Defaults to YES.
If set, Escape without modifier flags cannot be recorded as shortcut.
@property IBInspectable BOOL allowsEscapeToCancelRecording;
Determines whether delete (or forward delete) is used to remove current shortcut and end recording.
@discussion Defaults to YES.
If set, neither Delete nor Forward Delete without modifier flags can be recorded as shortcut.
@property IBInspectable BOOL allowsDeleteToClearShortcutAndEndRecording;
Determines whether control enabled and can be edited or not.
@discussion Defaults to YES.
@property (nonatomic, getter=isEnabled) IBInspectable BOOL enabled;
Determines whether recording is in process.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isRecording;
Returns dictionary representation of receiver's shortcut.
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSDictionary *objectValue;
Configures recording behavior of the control.
@param newAllowedModifierFlags New allowed modifier flags.
@param newRequiredModifierFlags New required modifier flags.
@param newAllowsEmptyModifierFlags Determines whether empty modifier flags are allowed.
@discussion Flags are filtered using SRCocoaModifierFlagsMask. Flags does not affect object values set manually.
These restrictions can be ignored if delegate implements shortcutRecorder:shouldUnconditionallyAllowModifierFlags:forKeyCode: and returns YES for given modifier flags and key code.
Throws NSInvalidArgumentException if either required flags are not allowed
or required flags are not empty and no modifier flags are allowed.
@see SRRecorderControlDelegate
- (void)setAllowedModifierFlags:(NSEventModifierFlags)newAllowedModifierFlags
Called to initialize internal state after either initWithFrame or awakeFromNib is called.
- (void)_initInternalState;
Turns on the recording mode.
@discussion You SHOULD not call this method directly.
- (BOOL)beginRecording;
Turns off the recording mode. Current object value is preserved.
@discussion You SHOULD not call this method directly.
- (void)endRecording;
Clears object value and turns off the recording mode.
@discussion You SHOULD not call this method directly.
- (void)clearAndEndRecording;
Designated method to end recording. Sets a given object value, updates bindings and turns off the recording mode.
@discussion You SHOULD not call this method directly.
- (void)endRecordingWithObjectValue:(NSDictionary *)anObjectValue;
Returns shape of the control.
@discussion Primarily used to draw appropriate focus ring.
- (NSBezierPath *)controlShape;
Returns rect for label with given attributes.
@param aLabel Label for drawing.
@param anAttributes A dictionary of NSAttributedString text attributes to be applied to the string.
- (NSRect)rectForLabel:(NSString *)aLabel withAttributes:(NSDictionary *)anAttributes;
Returns rect of the snap back button in the receiver coordinates.
- (NSRect)snapBackButtonRect;
Returns rect of the clear button in the receiver coordinates.
@discussion Returned rect will have empty width (other values will be valid) if button should not be drawn.
- (NSRect)clearButtonRect;
Returns label to be displayed by the receiver.
@discussion Returned value depends on isRecording state objectValue and currenlty pressed keys and modifier flags.
- (NSString *)label;
Returns label for accessibility.
@discussion Returned value depends on isRecording state objectValue and currenlty pressed keys and modifier flags.
- (NSString *)accessibilityLabel;
Returns string representation of object value.
- (NSString *)stringValue;
Returns string representation of object value for accessibility.
- (NSString *)accessibilityStringValue;
Returns attirbutes of label to be displayed by the receiver according to current state.
@see normalLabelAttributes
@see recordingLabelAttributes
@see disabledLabelAttributes
- (NSDictionary *)labelAttributes;
Returns attributes of label to be displayed by the receiver in normal mode.
- (NSDictionary *)normalLabelAttributes;
Returns attributes of label to be displayed by the receiver in recording mode.
- (NSDictionary *)recordingLabelAttributes;
Returns attributes of label to be displayed by the receiver in disabled mode.
- (NSDictionary *)disabledLabelAttributes;
Draws background of the receiver into current graphics context.
- (void)drawBackground:(NSRect)aDirtyRect;
Draws interior of the receiver into current graphics context.
- (void)drawInterior:(NSRect)aDirtyRect;
Draws label of the receiver into current graphics context.
- (void)drawLabel:(NSRect)aDirtyRect;
Draws snap back button of the receiver into current graphics context.
- (void)drawSnapBackButton:(NSRect)aDirtyRect;
Draws clear button of the receiver into current graphics context.
- (void)drawClearButton:(NSRect)aDirtyRect;
Determines whether main button (representation of the receiver in normal mode) is highlighted.
- (BOOL)isMainButtonHighlighted;
Determines whether snap back button is highlighted.
- (BOOL)isSnapBackButtonHighlighted;
Determines whetehr clear button is highlighted.
- (BOOL)isClearButtonHighlighted;
Determines whether modifier flags are valid for key code according to the receiver settings.
@param aModifierFlags Proposed modifier flags.
@param aKeyCode Code of the pressed key.
@see allowedModifierFlags
@see allowsEmptyModifierFlags
@see requiredModifierFlags
- (BOOL)areModifierFlagsValid:(NSEventModifierFlags)aModifierFlags forKeyCode:(unsigned short)aKeyCode;
A helper method to propagate view-driven changes back to model.
@discussion This method makes it easier to propagate changes from a view
back to the model without overriding bind:toObject:withKeyPath:options:
- (void)propagateValue:(id)aValue forBinding:(NSString *)aBinding;
@protocol SRRecorderControlDelegate <NSObject>
Asks the delegate if editing should begin in the specified shortcut recorder.
@param aRecorder The shortcut recorder which editing is about to begin.
@result YES if an editing session should be initiated; otherwise, NO to disallow editing.
@discussion Implementation of this method by the delegate is optional. If it is not present, editing proceeds as if this method had returned YES.
- (BOOL)shortcutRecorderShouldBeginRecording:(SRRecorderControl *)aRecorder;
Gives a delegate opportunity to bypass rules specified by allowed and required modifier flags.
@param aRecorder The shortcut recorder for which editing ended.
@param aModifierFlags Proposed modifier flags.
@param aKeyCode Code of the pressed key.
@result YES if recorder should bypass key code with given modifier flags despite settings like required modifier flags, allowed modifier flags.
@discussion Implementation of this method by the delegate is optional.
Normally, you wouldn't allow a user to record shourcut without modifier flags set: disallow 'a', but allow cmd-'a'.
However, some keys were designed to be key shortcuts by itself. E.g. Functional keys. By implementing this method a delegate can allow
these special keys to be set without modifier flags even when the control is configured to disallow empty modifier flags.
@see allowedModifierFlags
@see allowsEmptyModifierFlags
@see requiredModifierFlags
- (BOOL)shortcutRecorder:(SRRecorderControl *)aRecorder shouldUnconditionallyAllowModifierFlags:(NSEventModifierFlags)aModifierFlags forKeyCode:(unsigned short)aKeyCode;
Asks the delegate if the shortcut can be set by the specified shortcut recorder.
@param aRecorder The shortcut recorder which shortcut is beign to be recordered.
@param aShortcut The Shortcut user typed.
@result YES if shortcut can be recordered. Otherwise NO.
@discussion Implementation of this method by the delegate is optional. If it is not present, shortcut is recordered as if this method had returned YES.
You may implement this method to filter shortcuts that were already set by other recorders.
@see SRValidator
- (BOOL)shortcutRecorder:(SRRecorderControl *)aRecorder canRecordShortcut:(NSDictionary *)aShortcut;
Tells the delegate that editing stopped for the specified shortcut recorder.
@param aRecorder The shortcut recorder for which editing ended.
@discussion Implementation of this method by the delegate is optional.
- (void)shortcutRecorderDidEndRecording:(SRRecorderControl *)aRecorder;
FOUNDATION_STATIC_INLINE BOOL SRShortcutEqualToShortcut(NSDictionary *a, NSDictionary *b)
if (a == b)
return YES;
else if (a && !b)
return NO;
else if (!a && b)
return NO;
return ([a[SRShortcutKeyCode] isEqual:b[SRShortcutKeyCode]] && [a[SRShortcutModifierFlagsKey] isEqual:b[SRShortcutModifierFlagsKey]]);
FOUNDATION_STATIC_INLINE NSDictionary *SRShortcutWithCocoaModifierFlagsAndKeyCode(NSEventModifierFlags aModifierFlags, unsigned short aKeyCode)
return @{SRShortcutKeyCode: @(aKeyCode), SRShortcutModifierFlagsKey: @(aModifierFlags)};