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* Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2007-2010, 2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
* and read it before using this
* file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
#include <Availability.h>
#include <TargetConditionals.h>
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <dispatch/dispatch.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include <SystemConfiguration/SCDynamicStore.h>
#include <Security/Security.h>
typedef const struct AuthorizationOpaqueRef * AuthorizationRef;
@header SCPreferences
@discussion The SCPreferences API allows an application to load and
store XML configuration data in a controlled manner and provide
the necessary notifications to other applications that need to
be aware of configuration changes.
To access configuration preferences, you must first establish a
preferences session using the SCPreferencesCreate function.
To identify a specific set of preferences to access, you pass a
value in the prefsID parameter.
A NULL value indicates that the default system preferences are
to be accessed.
A string that starts with a leading "/" character specifies
the absolute path to the file containing the preferences to
be accessed.
A string that does not start with a leading "/" character
specifies a file relative to the default system preferences
When you are finished with the preferences session, use
CFRelease to close it.
@typedef SCPreferencesRef
@discussion This is the handle to an open preferences session for
accessing system configuration preferences.
typedef const struct CF_BRIDGED_TYPE(id) __SCPreferences * SCPreferencesRef;
@enum SCPreferencesNotification
@discussion Used with the SCPreferencesCallBack callback
to describe the type of notification.
@constant kSCPreferencesNotificationCommit Indicates when new
preferences have been saved.
@constant kSCPreferencesNotificationApply Key Indicates when a
request has been made to apply the currently saved
preferences to the active system configuration.
typedef CF_OPTIONS(uint32_t, SCPreferencesNotification) {
kSCPreferencesNotificationCommit = 1<<0, // __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_4,__IPHONE_NA)
kSCPreferencesNotificationApply = 1<<1 // __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_4,__IPHONE_NA)
@typedef SCPreferencesContext
Structure containing user-specified data and callbacks for SCPreferences.
@field version The version number of the structure type being passed
in as a parameter to the SCPreferencesSetCallback function.
This structure is version 0.
@field info A C pointer to a user-specified block of data.
@field retain The callback used to add a retain for the info field.
If this parameter is not a pointer to a function of the correct
prototype, the behavior is undefined.
The value may be NULL.
@field release The calllback used to remove a retain previously added
for the info field.
If this parameter is not a pointer to a function of the
correct prototype, the behavior is undefined.
The value may be NULL.
@field copyDescription The callback used to provide a description of
the info field.
typedef struct {
CFIndex version;
void * __nullable info;
const void * __nonnull (* __nullable retain)(const void *info);
void (* __nullable release)(const void *info);
CFStringRef __nonnull (* __nullable copyDescription)(const void *info);
} SCPreferencesContext;
@typedef SCPreferencesCallBack
@discussion Type of the callback function used when the
preferences have been updated and/or applied.
@param prefs The preferences session.
@param notificationType The type of notification, such as changes
committed, changes applied, etc.
@param info A C pointer to a user-specified block of data.
typedef void (*SCPreferencesCallBack) (
SCPreferencesRef prefs,
SCPreferencesNotification notificationType,
void * __nullable info
@function SCPreferencesGetTypeID
@discussion Returns the type identifier of all SCPreferences instances.
SCPreferencesGetTypeID (void) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_1,__IPHONE_NA);
@function SCPreferencesCreate
@discussion Initiates access to the per-system set of configuration
@param allocator The CFAllocator that should be used to allocate
memory for this preferences session.
This parameter may be NULL in which case the current
default CFAllocator is used.
If this reference is not a valid CFAllocator, the behavior
is undefined.
@param name A string that describes the name of the calling
@param prefsID A string that identifies the name of the
group of preferences to be accessed or updated.
@result Returns a reference to the new SCPreferences.
You must release the returned value.
SCPreferencesRef __nullable
SCPreferencesCreate (
CFAllocatorRef __nullable allocator,
CFStringRef name,
CFStringRef __nullable prefsID
@function SCPreferencesCreateWithAuthorization
@discussion Initiates access to the per-system set of configuration
@param allocator The CFAllocator that should be used to allocate
memory for this preferences session.
This parameter may be NULL in which case the current
default CFAllocator is used.
If this reference is not a valid CFAllocator, the behavior
is undefined.
@param name A string that describes the name of the calling
@param prefsID A string that identifies the name of the
group of preferences to be accessed or updated.
@param authorization An authorization reference that is used to
authorize any access to the enhanced privileges needed
to manage the preferences session.
@result Returns a reference to the new SCPreferences.
You must release the returned value.
SCPreferencesRef __nullable
SCPreferencesCreateWithAuthorization (
CFAllocatorRef __nullable allocator,
CFStringRef name,
CFStringRef __nullable prefsID,
AuthorizationRef __nullable authorization
@function SCPreferencesLock
@discussion Locks access to the configuration preferences.
This function obtains exclusive access to the configuration
preferences. Clients attempting to obtain exclusive access
to the preferences will either receive a kSCStatusPrefsBusy
error or block waiting for the lock to be released.
@param prefs The preferences session.
@param wait A boolean flag indicating whether the calling process
should block waiting for another process to complete its update
operation and release its lock.
@result Returns TRUE if the lock was obtained;
FALSE if an error occurred.
SCPreferencesLock (
SCPreferencesRef prefs,
Boolean wait
@function SCPreferencesCommitChanges
@discussion Commits changes made to the configuration preferences to
persistent storage.
This function commits any changes to permanent storage.
Implicit calls to the SCPreferencesLock and SCPreferencesUnlock
functions will be made if exclusive access has not already been
Note: This routine commits changes to persistent storage.
Call the SCPreferencesApplyChanges function to apply the
changes to the running system.
@param prefs The preferences session.
@result Returns TRUE if the lock was obtained;
FALSE if an error occurred.
SCPreferencesCommitChanges (
SCPreferencesRef prefs
@function SCPreferencesApplyChanges
@discussion Requests that the currently stored configuration
preferences be applied to the active configuration.
@param prefs The preferences session.
@result Returns TRUE if the lock was obtained;
FALSE if an error occurred.
SCPreferencesApplyChanges (
SCPreferencesRef prefs
@function SCPreferencesUnlock
@discussion Releases exclusive access to the configuration preferences.
This function releases the exclusive access lock to the
preferences. Other clients will be now be able to establish
exclusive access to the preferences.
@param prefs The preferences session.
@result Returns TRUE if the lock was obtained;
FALSE if an error occurred.
SCPreferencesUnlock (
SCPreferencesRef prefs
@function SCPreferencesGetSignature
@discussion Returns a sequence of bytes that can be used to determine
if the saved configuration preferences have changed.
@param prefs The preferences session.
@result Returns a CFDataRef that reflects the signature of the configuration
preferences at the time of the call to the SCPreferencesCreate function.
CFDataRef __nullable
SCPreferencesGetSignature (
SCPreferencesRef prefs
@function SCPreferencesCopyKeyList
@discussion Returns an array of currently defined preference keys.
@param prefs The preferences session.
@result Returns the list of keys.
You must release the returned value.
CFArrayRef __nullable
SCPreferencesCopyKeyList (
SCPreferencesRef prefs
@function SCPreferencesGetValue
@discussion Returns the data associated with a preference key.
This function retrieves data associated with the specified
Note: To avoid inadvertantly reading stale data, first call
the SCPreferencesLock function.
@param prefs The preferences session.
@param key The preference key to be returned.
@result Returns the value associated with the specified preference key;
NULL if no value was located.
CFPropertyListRef __nullable
SCPreferencesGetValue (
SCPreferencesRef prefs,
CFStringRef key
@function SCPreferencesAddValue
@discussion Adds data for a preference key.
This function associates new data with the specified key.
To commit these changes to permanent storage, a call must
be made to the SCPreferencesCommitChanges function.
@param prefs The preferences session.
@param key The preference key to be updated.
@param value The CFPropertyListRef object containing the
value to be associated with the specified preference key.
@result Returns TRUE if the value was added;
FALSE if the key already exists or
if an error occurred.
SCPreferencesAddValue (
SCPreferencesRef prefs,
CFStringRef key,
CFPropertyListRef value
@function SCPreferencesSetValue
@discussion Updates the data associated with a preference key.
This function adds or replaces the value associated with the
specified key. To commit these changes to permanent storage
a call must be made to the SCPreferencesCommitChanges function.
@param prefs The preferences session.
@param key The preference key to be updated.
@param value The CFPropertyListRef object containing the
data to be associated with the specified preference key.
@result Returns TRUE if the value was set;
FALSE if an error occurred.
SCPreferencesSetValue (
SCPreferencesRef prefs,
CFStringRef key,
CFPropertyListRef value
@function SCPreferencesRemoveValue
@discussion Removes the data associated with a preference key.
This function removes the data associated with the specified
key. To commit these changes to permanent storage a call must
be made to the SCPreferencesCommitChanges function.
@param prefs The preferences session.
@param key The preference key to be removed.
@result Returns TRUE if the value was removed;
FALSE if the key did not exist or if an error occurred.
SCPreferencesRemoveValue (
SCPreferencesRef prefs,
CFStringRef key
@function SCPreferencesSetCallback
@discussion Assigns a callback to a preferences session. The function
is called when the changes to the preferences have been
committed or applied.
@param prefs The preferences session.
@param callout The function to be called when the preferences have
been changed or applied.
If NULL, the current callback is removed.
@param context The SCPreferencesContext associated with
the callout.
@result Returns TRUE if the notification client was successfully set.
SCPreferencesSetCallback (
SCPreferencesRef prefs,
SCPreferencesCallBack __nullable callout,
SCPreferencesContext * __nullable context
@function SCPreferencesScheduleWithRunLoop
@discussion Schedule commit and apply notifications for the specified
preferences session using the specified run loop and mode.
@param prefs The preferences session.
@param runLoop A reference to a run loop on which the notification
should be scheduled.
Must be non-NULL.
@param runLoopMode The mode on which to schedule the notification.
Must be non-NULL.
@result Returns TRUE if the notifications are successfully scheduled;
FALSE otherwise.
SCPreferencesScheduleWithRunLoop (
SCPreferencesRef prefs,
CFRunLoopRef runLoop,
CFStringRef runLoopMode
@function SCPreferencesUnscheduleFromRunLoop
@discussion Unschedule commit and apply notifications for the specified
preferences session from the specified run loop and mode.
@param prefs The preferences session.
@param runLoop A reference to a run loop from which the notification
should be unscheduled.
Must be non-NULL.
@param runLoopMode The mode on which to unschedule the notification.
Must be non-NULL.
@result Returns TRUE if the notifications are successfully unscheduled;
FALSE otherwise.
SCPreferencesUnscheduleFromRunLoop (
SCPreferencesRef prefs,
CFRunLoopRef runLoop,
CFStringRef runLoopMode
@function SCPreferencesSetDispatchQueue
@discussion Schedule commit and apply notifications for the specified
preferences session.
@param prefs The preferences session.
@param queue The dispatch queue to run the callback function on.
@result Returns TRUE if the notifications are successfully scheduled;
FALSE otherwise.
SCPreferencesSetDispatchQueue (
SCPreferencesRef prefs,
dispatch_queue_t __nullable queue
@function SCPreferencesSynchronize
@discussion Synchronizes accessed preferences with committed changes.
Any references to preference values returned by calls to the
SCPreferencesGetValue function are no longer valid unless they
were explicitly retained or copied. Any preference values
that were updated (add, set, remove) but not committed will
be discarded.
@param prefs The preferences session.
SCPreferencesSynchronize (
SCPreferencesRef prefs
#endif /* _SCPREFERENCES_H */