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// Copyright © 2015 Abhishek Banthia
import Cocoa
import CoreLoggerKit
class VersionUpdateHandler: NSObject {
enum VersionUpdateHandlerPriority: Comparable {
case defaultPri
case low
case medium
case high
static let kSecondsInDay: Double = 86400.0
static let kMacAppStoreRefreshDelay: Double = 5.0
static let kMacRequestTimeout: Double = 60.0
static let kVersionCheckLastVersionKey = "VersionCheckLastVersionKey"
static let kVersionIgnoreVersionKey = "VersionCheckIgnoreVersionKey"
5 years ago
static let kMacAppStoreIDKey = "VersionCheckAppStoreIDKey"
static let kVersionLastCheckedKey = "VersionLastCheckedKey"
static let kVersionLastRemindedKey = "VersionLastRemindedKey"
static let kVersionMacAppStoreBundleID = "";
static let kVersionMacAppStoreAppID = 1056643111
5 years ago
private var appStoreCountry: String!
private var applicationVersion: String!
private var applicationBundleID: String = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier ?? "N/A"
4 years ago
private var updatePriority = VersionUpdateHandlerPriority.defaultPri
public var useAllAvailableLanguages: Bool = true
private var onlyPromptIfMainWindowIsAvailable: Bool = true
private var checkAtLaunch: Bool = true
private var checkPeriod: Double = 0.0
private var remindPeriod: Double = 1.0
private var verboseLogging: Bool = true
5 years ago
private var checkingForNewVersion: Bool = false
private var remoteVersionsDict: [String: Any] = [:]
private var downloadError: Error?
private var dataTask: URLSessionDataTask? = .none
private var visibleLocalAlert: NSAlert?
private var visibleRemoteAlert: NSAlert?
private var remoteRepeater: Repeater?
private var localRepeater: Repeater?
private var showOnFirstLaunch: Bool = false
public var previewMode: Bool = false
private var versionDetails: String?
9 months ago
private let store: DataStore
9 months ago
init(with dataStore: DataStore) {
// Setup App Store Country
9 months ago
store = dataStore
appStoreCountry = Locale.current.regionCode
if appStoreCountry == "150" {
appStoreCountry = "eu"
4 years ago
} else if appStoreCountry.replacingOccurrences(of: "[A-Za-z]{2}", with: "", options: .regularExpression, range: appStoreCountry.startIndex ..< appStoreCountry.endIndex).isEmpty == false {
appStoreCountry = "us"
// Setup App Version
var appVersion = Bundle.main.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "CFBundleShortVersionString") as? String
if appVersion == nil {
appVersion = Bundle.main.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: kCFBundleVersionKey as String) as? String
applicationVersion = appVersion ?? "N/A"
// Bundle Identifier
self.applicationBundleID = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier ?? "com.abhishek.Clocker"
//default settings
self.updatePriority = .defaultPri;
self.useAllAvailableLanguages = true;
self.onlyPromptIfMainWindowIsAvailable = true;
self.checkAtLaunch = true;
self.checkPeriod = 0.0;
self.remindPeriod = 1.0;
self.verboseLogging = true;
5 years ago
private func inThisVersionTitle() -> String {
return "New in this version"
5 years ago
private func updateAvailableTitle() -> String {
return "New version available"
private func versionLabelFormat() -> String {
return "Version %@"
private func okayButtonLabel() -> String {
return "OK"
private func ignoreButtonLabel() -> String {
return "Ignore"
private func downloadButtonLabel() -> String {
return "Download"
private func remindButtonLabel() -> String {
return "Remind Me Later"
private func updatedURL() -> URL {
// Last resort
return URL(string: "macappstore://")!
5 years ago
@objc private func setLastChecked(_ date: Date) {
5 years ago
UserDefaults.standard.set(date, forKey: VersionUpdateHandler.kVersionLastCheckedKey)
private func lastChecked() -> Date? {
9 months ago
return store.retrieve(key: VersionUpdateHandler.kVersionLastCheckedKey) as? Date
5 years ago
private func setLastReminded(_ date: Date?) {
UserDefaults.standard.set(date, forKey: VersionUpdateHandler.kVersionLastRemindedKey)
private func lastReminded() -> Date? {
9 months ago
return store.retrieve(key: VersionUpdateHandler.kVersionLastRemindedKey) as? Date
5 years ago
private func ignoredVersion() -> String? {
9 months ago
return store.retrieve(key: VersionUpdateHandler.kVersionIgnoreVersionKey) as? String
5 years ago
private func setIgnoredVersion(_ version: String) {
UserDefaults.standard.set(version, forKey: VersionUpdateHandler.kVersionIgnoreVersionKey)
private func setViewedVersionDetails(_ viewed: Bool) {
UserDefaults.standard.set(viewed ? applicationVersion : nil, forKey: VersionUpdateHandler.kVersionCheckLastVersionKey)
private func viewedVersionDetails() -> Bool {
9 months ago
let lastVersionKey = store.retrieve(key: VersionUpdateHandler.kVersionCheckLastVersionKey) as? String ?? ""
5 years ago
return lastVersionKey == applicationVersion
private func lastVersion() -> String {
9 months ago
return store.retrieve(key: VersionUpdateHandler.kVersionCheckLastVersionKey) as? String ?? ""
5 years ago
private func setLastVersion(_ version: String) {
UserDefaults.standard.set(version, forKey: VersionUpdateHandler.kVersionCheckLastVersionKey)
private func localVersionsDict() -> [String: Any] {
return [String: Any]()
private func versionDetails(_ version: String, _ dict: [String: Any]) -> String? {
if let versionData = dict[version] as? String {
return versionData
} else if let versionDataArray = dict[version] as? NSArray {
return versionDataArray.componentsJoined(by: "\n")
return nil
5 years ago
private func versionDetails(since lastVersion: String, in dict: [String: Any]) -> String? {
var lastVersionCopy = lastVersion
if previewMode {
lastVersionCopy = "0"
var newVersionFound = false
3 years ago
var details = ""
5 years ago
let versions = dict.keys.sorted()
for version in versions {
if version.compareVersion(lastVersionCopy) == .orderedDescending {
newVersionFound = true
details.append(versionDetails(version, dict) ?? "")
if newVersionFound {
return details.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.newlines)
return nil
5 years ago
private func shouldCheckForNewVersion() -> Bool {
if (!self.previewMode) {
if let lastRemindedDate = lastReminded() {
// Reminder takes priority over check period
if Date().timeIntervalSince(lastRemindedDate) < Double(remindPeriod * Self.kSecondsInDay) {
if verboseLogging {"iVersion did not check for a new version because the user last asked to be reminded less than \(self.remindPeriod) days ago")
return false
} else if let lastCheckedDate = lastChecked(), Date().timeIntervalSince(lastCheckedDate) < Double(self.checkPeriod * Self.kSecondsInDay) {
if (self.verboseLogging) {"iVersion did not check for a new version because the last check was less than \(self.checkPeriod) days ago")
return false
} else if (self.verboseLogging) {"iVersion debug mode is enabled - make sure you disable this for release")
// perform the check
5 years ago
return true
private func checkForNewVersionInBackground() {
var newerVersionAvailable = false
var osVersionSupported = false
var latestVersion: String? = nil
var versions: [String:String]? = nil
var itunesServiceURL = "\(self.appStoreCountry ?? "us")/lookup"
itunesServiceURL = itunesServiceURL.appendingFormat("?bundleId=%@", self.applicationBundleID)
if (verboseLogging) {"iVersion is checking \(itunesServiceURL) for a new app version...")
dataTask = NetworkManager.task(with: itunesServiceURL) { [weak self] response, error in
guard let self = self, let data = response else {return }
if (error != nil || response == nil) {"Response is nil or error is non-nil")
let json = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableContainers)
if let unwrapped = json as? [String: Any],
let results = unwrapped["results"] as? Array<Any>,
let firstResult = results.first as? [String: Any],
let bundleID = firstResult["bundleId"] as? String {
if (bundleID == self.applicationBundleID) {
guard let minimumSupportedOSVersion = firstResult["minimumOsVersion"] as? String else { return }
let version = ProcessInfo.processInfo.operatingSystemVersion
let systemVersion = "\(version.majorVersion).\(version.minorVersion).\(version.patchVersion)"
osVersionSupported = systemVersion.compareVersion(minimumSupportedOSVersion) != ComparisonResult.orderedAscending
if (!osVersionSupported) {"Current OS version is not supported")
// get version details
let releaseNotes = firstResult["releaseNotes"]
latestVersion = firstResult["version"] as? String
if let version = latestVersion, osVersionSupported {
versions = [version : (releaseNotes as? String) ?? ""]
newerVersionAvailable = latestVersion?.compareVersion(self.applicationVersion) == .orderedDescending
if (self.verboseLogging) {
if (newerVersionAvailable) {"iVersion found a new version \(latestVersion ?? "N/A") of the app on iTunes. Current version is \(self.applicationVersion ?? "nil")")
} else {"iVersion did not find a new version of the app on iTunes. Current version is \(self.applicationVersion ?? "nil") and the latest version is \(latestVersion ?? "nil")")
} else {
if (self.verboseLogging) {"iVersion found that the application bundle ID \(self.applicationBundleID) does not match the bundle ID of the app found on iTunes \(bundleID) with the specified App Store ID")
} else {"Server returned an error while fetching version info")
//TODO: Set download error"Versions downloaded \(versions ?? [:])")
self.performSelector(onMainThread: #selector(VersionUpdateHandler.setRemoteVersionsDict(_:)),
with: versions,
waitUntilDone: true)
self.performSelector(onMainThread: #selector(VersionUpdateHandler.setLastChecked(_:)),
with: Date(),
waitUntilDone: true)
self.performSelector(onMainThread: #selector(Self.downloadVersionsData),
with: nil,
waitUntilDone: true)
@objc private func setRemoteVersionsDict(_ dict: [String: Any]?) {
if let unwrappedDict = dict {"Setting Remote Versions Dict to \(unwrappedDict)")
remoteVersionsDict = unwrappedDict
private func checkForNewVersion() {
if (!self.checkingForNewVersion) {
self.checkingForNewVersion = true .userInitiated).async {
5 years ago
private func applicationLaunched() {
if checkAtLaunch {
if (shouldCheckForNewVersion()) {
5 years ago
} else if verboseLogging {"iVersion will not check for updatess because checkAtLaunch option is disabled")
5 years ago
private func versionDetailsString() -> String {
if versionDetails == nil {
if viewedVersionDetails() {
versionDetails = versionDetails(applicationVersion, localVersionsDict())
} else {
5 years ago
versionDetails = versionDetails(since: lastVersion(), in: localVersionsDict())
return versionDetails!
5 years ago
private func mostRecentVersionInDict(_ dict: [String: Any]) -> String {
// return [dictionary.allKeys sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compareVersion:)].lastObject;
// TODO: Fix this sorting
return dict.keys.sorted().last ?? ""
private func showAlertWithTitle(_ title: String,
_ details: String,
_ defaultButton: String,
_ ignoreButton: String?,
_ remindButton: String?) -> NSAlert {"Showing alert")
5 years ago
let floatMax = CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude
let alert = NSAlert()
alert.messageText = title
alert.informativeText = inThisVersionTitle()
alert.addButton(withTitle: defaultButton)
let scrollView = NSScrollView(frame: NSRect(x: 0.0,
y: 0.0,
width: 380.0,
height: 15.0))
let contentSize = scrollView.contentSize
scrollView.borderType = .bezelBorder
scrollView.hasVerticalScroller = true
scrollView.hasHorizontalScroller = false
scrollView.autoresizingMask = [.width, .height]
let textView = NSTextView(frame: NSRect(x: 0.0,
y: 0.0,
width: contentSize.width,
height: contentSize.height))
3 years ago
textView.minSize = NSSize(width: 0.0, height: contentSize.height)
textView.maxSize = NSSize(width: floatMax, height: floatMax)
5 years ago
textView.isVerticallyResizable = true
textView.isHorizontallyResizable = false
textView.isEditable = false
textView.autoresizingMask = .width
3 years ago
textView.textContainer?.containerSize = NSSize(width: contentSize.width, height: floatMax)
5 years ago
textView.textContainer?.widthTracksTextView = true
textView.string = details
scrollView.documentView = textView
let height = min(200.0, scrollView.documentView?.frame.size.height ?? 200.0) + 3.0
3 years ago
scrollView.frame = NSRect(x: 0.0, y: 0.0, width: scrollView.frame.size.width, height: height)
5 years ago
alert.accessoryView = scrollView
if let ignoreButtonTitle = ignoreButton {
alert.addButton(withTitle: ignoreButtonTitle)
5 years ago
if let remindButtonTitle = remindButton {
alert.addButton(withTitle: remindButtonTitle)
5 years ago
let modalResponse = alert.runModal()
if modalResponse == .alertFirstButtonReturn {
// Right most button
didDismissAlert(alert, 0)
} else if modalResponse == .alertSecondButtonReturn {
didDismissAlert(alert, 1)
} else {
didDismissAlert(alert, 2)
return alert
private func showIgnoreButton() -> Bool {
return ignoreButtonLabel().isEmpty == false && updatePriority < VersionUpdateHandlerPriority.medium
5 years ago
private func showRemindButtton() -> Bool {
return remindButtonLabel().isEmpty == false && updatePriority < VersionUpdateHandlerPriority.high
5 years ago
private func didDismissAlert(_ alert: NSAlert, _ buttonIndex: Int) {
5 years ago
// Get Button Indice
let downloadButtonIndex = 0
let ignoreButtonIndex = showIgnoreButton() ? 1 : 0
let remindButtonIndex = showRemindButtton() ? ignoreButtonIndex + 1 : 0
let latestVersion = mostRecentVersionInDict(self.remoteVersionsDict)
if (self.visibleLocalAlert == alert) {
visibleLocalAlert = nil
if (buttonIndex == downloadButtonIndex) {
} else if (buttonIndex == ignoreButtonIndex) {
// ignore this version
} else if (buttonIndex == remindButtonIndex) {
self.visibleRemoteAlert = nil
5 years ago
private func showAppPageInAppStore() {
if (self.verboseLogging) {"iVersion will open App Store using the following URL \(updatedURL())")
5 years ago
@objc private func downloadVersionsData() {
if onlyPromptIfMainWindowIsAvailable, NSApplication.shared.mainWindow == nil {"Main window not available in downloadVersionsData")
remoteRepeater = Repeater(interval: .seconds(5), mode: .once) { _ in
5 years ago
OperationQueue.main.addOperation { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else {
5 years ago
if checkingForNewVersion {
checkingForNewVersion = false
4 years ago
if remoteVersionsDict.isEmpty {
5 years ago
if downloadError != nil {"Update Check Failed because of \(downloadError!.localizedDescription)")
5 years ago
} else {"Version Update Check because an unknown error occurred")
5 years ago
5 years ago
let details = versionDetails(since: applicationVersion, in: remoteVersionsDict)
let mostRecentVersion = mostRecentVersionInDict(remoteVersionsDict)
if details != nil {"About to show visible remote alert")
5 years ago
// Check if ignored
let showDetails = ignoredVersion() != mostRecentVersion || previewMode
// show details
if showDetails && self.visibleRemoteAlert == nil {
var title = updateAvailableTitle()
title = title.appending(" (\(mostRecentVersion))")
self.visibleRemoteAlert = showAlertWithTitle(title,
details ?? "N/A",
showIgnoreButton() ? self.ignoreButtonLabel() : nil,
showRemindButtton() ? self.remindButtonLabel() : nil)
remoteRepeater = nil
5 years ago
private func checkIfNewVersion() {
if onlyPromptIfMainWindowIsAvailable, NSApplication.shared.mainWindow == nil {"Main window not available in checkIfNewVersion")
localRepeater = Repeater(interval: .seconds(5), mode: .once) { _ in
OperationQueue.main.addOperation { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else {
let lastVersionString = lastVersion()
4 years ago
if lastVersionString.isEmpty == false || showOnFirstLaunch || previewMode {
if applicationVersion.compareVersion(lastVersionString) == ComparisonResult.orderedDescending || previewMode {
// Clear Reminder
if (self.versionDetails != nil && visibleLocalAlert == nil && visibleRemoteAlert == nil) {"Visible Local Alert about to be display")
visibleLocalAlert = showAlertWithTitle(inThisVersionTitle(), self.versionDetailsString(), okayButtonLabel(), nil, nil)
} else {"Skipping to show local alert because version details is \(self.versionDetails ?? "nil")")
} else {
//record this as last viewed release"Set Viewed Version Details")
localRepeater = nil
extension String {
func compareVersion(_ version: String) -> ComparisonResult {
return compare(version,
options: CompareOptions.numeric,
range: nil,
locale: nil)
func compareVersionDescending(_ version: String) -> ComparisonResult {
let comparsionResult = (0 - compareVersion(version).rawValue)
switch comparsionResult {
case -1:
return ComparisonResult.orderedAscending
case 0:
return ComparisonResult.orderedSame
case 1:
return ComparisonResult.orderedDescending
assertionFailure("Invalid Comparison Result")
return .orderedSame