You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright © 2015 Abhishek Banthia
import Cocoa
private enum MenubarState {
case compactText
case standardText
case icon
class StatusItemHandler: NSObject {
var hasActiveIcon: Bool = false
6 years ago
var menubarTimer: Timer?
6 years ago
var statusItem: NSStatusItem = {
6 years ago
let statusItem = NSStatusBar.system.statusItem(withLength: NSStatusItem.variableLength)
statusItem.highlightMode = false
return statusItem
private var menubarTitleHandler = MenubarHandler()
private var parentView: StatusContainerView?
private var nsCalendar = Calendar.autoupdatingCurrent
6 years ago
private lazy var units: Set<Calendar.Component> = Set([.era, .year, .month, .day, .hour, .minute])
6 years ago
6 years ago
private var userNotificationsDidChangeNotif: NSObjectProtocol?
// Current State is set twice when the user first launches an app.
// First, when StatusItemHandler() is instantiated in AppDelegate
// Second, when AppDelegate.fetchLocalTimezone() is called triggering a customLabel didSet.
// TODO: Make sure it's set just once.
private var currentState: MenubarState = .standardText {
didSet {
// Do some cleanup
switch oldValue {
case .compactText:
statusItem.view = nil
parentView = nil
case .standardText:
statusItem.button?.title = CLEmptyString
case .icon:
statusItem.button?.image = nil
6 years ago
// Now setup for the new menubar state
switch currentState {
case .compactText:
case .standardText:
case .icon:
6 years ago
print("\nStatus Bar Current State changed: \(currentState)\n")
override init() {
func setupStatusItem() {
// Let's figure out the initial menubar state
var menubarState = MenubarState.icon
let shouldTextBeDisplayed = (DataStore.shared().retrieve(key: CLMenubarFavorites) as? [Data])?.isEmpty ?? true
if !shouldTextBeDisplayed || DataStore.shared().shouldDisplay(.showMeetingInMenubar) {
if DataStore.shared().shouldDisplay(.menubarCompactMode) {
menubarState = .compactText
} else {
menubarState = .standardText
// Initial state has been figured out. Time to set it!
currentState = menubarState
func setSelector() {
if #available(macOS 10.14, *) {
statusItem.button?.action = #selector(menubarIconClicked(_:))
} else {
statusItem.action = #selector(menubarIconClicked(_:))
} = self
statusItem.autosaveName = NSStatusItem.AutosaveName("ClockerStatusItem")
private func setupNotificationObservers() {
let center = NotificationCenter.default
let mainQueue = OperationQueue.main
selector: #selector(updateMenubar),
name: NSWorkspace.didWakeNotification,
object: nil)
DistributedNotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(respondToInterfaceStyleChange),
name: .interfaceStyleDidChange,
object: nil)
6 years ago
userNotificationsDidChangeNotif = center.addObserver(forName: UserDefaults.didChangeNotification,
6 years ago
object: self,
queue: mainQueue) { _ in
6 years ago
deinit {
if let userNotifsDidChange = userNotificationsDidChangeNotif {
private func constructCompactView() {
parentView = nil
let menubarTimezones = retrieveSyncedMenubarTimezones()
6 years ago
if menubarTimezones.isEmpty {
currentState = .icon
parentView = StatusContainerView(with: menubarTimezones)
statusItem.view = parentView
statusItem.view?.window?.backgroundColor = NSColor.clear
6 years ago
private func retrieveSyncedMenubarTimezones() -> [Data] {
let defaultPreferences = DataStore.shared().retrieve(key: CLDefaultPreferenceKey) as? [Data] ?? []
6 years ago
let menubarTimezones = defaultPreferences.filter { (data) -> Bool in
if let timezoneObj = TimezoneData.customObject(from: data) {
return timezoneObj.isFavourite == 1
return false
return menubarTimezones
// This is called when the Apple interface style pre-Mojave is changed.
// In High Sierra and before, we could have a dark or light menubar and dock
// Our icon is template, so it changes automatically; so is our standard status bar text
// Only need to handle the compact mode!
@objc func respondToInterfaceStyleChange() {
if DataStore.shared().shouldDisplay(.menubarCompactMode) {
@objc func setHasActiveIcon(_ value: Bool) {
hasActiveIcon = value
@objc func menubarIconClicked(_ sender: Any) {
guard let mainDelegate = NSApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate else {
@objc func updateMenubar() {
guard let fireDate = calculateFireDate() else { return }
let shouldDisplaySeconds = shouldDisplaySecondsInMenubar()
menubarTimer = Timer(fire: fireDate,
interval: 0,
repeats: false,
block: { [weak self] _ in
if let strongSelf = self {
// Tolerance, even a small amount, has a positive imapct on the power usage. As a rule, we set it to 10% of the interval
menubarTimer?.tolerance = shouldDisplaySeconds ? 0.5 : 20
guard let runLoopTimer = menubarTimer else {
print("Timer is unexpectedly nil")
RunLoop.main.add(runLoopTimer, forMode: .common)
6 years ago
private func shouldDisplaySecondsInMenubar() -> Bool {
let syncedTimezones = retrieveSyncedMenubarTimezones()
6 years ago
for timezone in syncedTimezones {
if let timezoneObj = TimezoneData.customObject(from: timezone) {
let shouldShowSeconds = timezoneObj.shouldShowSeconds()
if shouldShowSeconds {
return true
6 years ago
return false
private func calculateFireDate() -> Date? {
let shouldDisplaySeconds = shouldDisplaySecondsInMenubar()
let menubarFavourites = DataStore.shared().retrieve(key: CLMenubarFavorites)
6 years ago
if !units.contains(.second), shouldDisplaySeconds {
var components = nsCalendar.dateComponents(units, from: Date())
// We want to update every second only when there's a timezone present!
if shouldDisplaySeconds, let seconds = components.second, let favourites = menubarFavourites as? [Data], !favourites.isEmpty {
components.second = seconds + 1
} else if let minutes = components.minute {
components.minute = minutes + 1
} else {
print("Unable to create date components for the menubar timewr")
return nil
guard let fireDate = components) else {
print("Unable to form Fire Date")
return nil
return fireDate
func updateCompactMenubar() {
func performTimerWork() {
if currentState == .compactText {
} else if currentState == .standardText, let title = menubarTitleHandler.titleForMenubar() {
// Need setting button's image to nil
// Especially if we have showUpcomingEvents turned to true and menubar timezones are empty
statusItem.button?.image = nil
statusItem.button?.title = title
} else {
private func setupForStandardTextMode() {
print("Initializing menubar timer")
// Let's invalidate the previous timer
menubarTimer = nil
@objc func invalidateTimer(showIcon show: Bool, isSyncing sync: Bool) {
// Check if user is not showing
// 1. Timezones
// 2. Upcoming Event
let menubarFavourites = (DataStore.shared().retrieve(key: CLMenubarFavorites) as? [Data]) ?? []
6 years ago
if menubarFavourites.isEmpty, DataStore.shared().shouldDisplay(.showMeetingInMenubar) == false {
print("Invalidating menubar timer!")
if show {
currentState = .icon
} else if sync {
print("Invalidating menubar timer for sync purposes!")
if show {
} else {
print("Not stopping menubar timer!")
private func invalidation() {
private func setClockerIcon() {
if statusItem.view != nil {
statusItem.view = nil
if statusItem.button?.image?.name() == NSImage.Name.menubarIcon {
statusItem.button?.title = CLEmptyString
statusItem.button?.image = NSImage(named: .menubarIcon)
statusItem.button?.imagePosition = .imageOnly
private func setupForStandardText() {
var menubarText = CLEmptyString
if let menubarTitle = menubarTitleHandler.titleForMenubar() {
menubarText = menubarTitle
} else if DataStore.shared().shouldDisplay(.showMeetingInMenubar) {
// Don't have any meeting to show
} else {
// We have no favourites to display and no meetings to show.
// That means we should display our icon!
guard !menubarText.isEmpty else {
statusItem.button?.title = menubarText
statusItem.button?.font = NSFont.monospacedDigitSystemFont(ofSize: 14.0, weight: NSFont.Weight.regular)
statusItem.button?.image = nil
statusItem.button?.imagePosition = .imageLeft
private func setupForCompactTextMode() {
// Let's invalidate the previous timer
menubarTimer = nil