// Copyright © 2015 Abhishek Banthia
import Cocoa
func bufferCalculatedWidth() -> Int {
var totalWidth = 55
if DataStore.shared().shouldShowDayInMenubar() {
totalWidth += 12
if DataStore.shared().shouldDisplay(.twelveHour) {
totalWidth += 20
if DataStore.shared().shouldDisplay(.seconds) {
totalWidth += 15
if DataStore.shared().shouldShowDateInMenubar() {
totalWidth += 20
return totalWidth
func compactWidth(for timezone: TimezoneData) -> Int {
var totalWidth = 55
let timeFormat = timezone.timezoneFormat()
if DataStore.shared().shouldShowDayInMenubar() {
totalWidth += 12
if timeFormat == DateFormat.twelveHour || timeFormat == DateFormat.twelveHourWithSeconds {
totalWidth += 20
} else if timeFormat == DateFormat.twentyFourHour || timeFormat == DateFormat.twentyFourHourWithSeconds {
totalWidth += 0
if timezone.shouldShowSeconds() {
// Slight buffer needed when the Menubar supplementary text was Mon 9:27:58 AM
totalWidth += 15
if DataStore.shared().shouldShowDateInMenubar() {
totalWidth += 20
return totalWidth
// Test with Sat 12:46 AM
let bufferWidth: CGFloat = 9.5
class StatusContainerView: NSView {
private var previousX: Int = 0
override func awakeFromNib() {
wantsLayer = true
layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor.clear.cgColor
init(with timezones: [Data]) {
func addSubviews() {
timezones.forEach {
if let timezoneObject = TimezoneData.customObject(from: $0) {
func containerWidth(for timezones: [Data]) -> CGFloat {
let compressedWidth = timezones.reduce(0.0) { (result, timezone) -> CGFloat in
if let timezoneObject = TimezoneData.customObject(from: timezone) {
let precalculatedWidth = Double(compactWidth(for: timezoneObject))
let operationObject = TimezoneDataOperations(with: timezoneObject)
let calculatedSize = compactModeTimeFont.size(operationObject.compactMenuSubtitle(), precalculatedWidth, attributes: timeAttributes)
return result + calculatedSize.width + bufferWidth
return result + CGFloat(bufferCalculatedWidth())
let calculatedWidth = min(compressedWidth,
CGFloat(timezones.count * bufferCalculatedWidth()))
return calculatedWidth
let statusItemWidth = containerWidth(for: timezones)
let frame = NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: statusItemWidth, height: 30)
super.init(frame: frame)
required init?(coder _: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
func addTimezone(_ timezone: TimezoneData) {
let calculatedWidth = bestWidth(for: timezone)
let frame = NSRect(x: previousX, y: 0, width: calculatedWidth, height: 30)
let statusItemView = StatusItemView(frame: frame)
statusItemView.dataObject = timezone
previousX += calculatedWidth
private func bestWidth(for timezone: TimezoneData) -> Int {
let operation = TimezoneDataOperations(with: timezone)
let bestSize = compactModeTimeFont.size(operation.compactMenuSubtitle(), Double(compactWidth(for: timezone)), attributes: timeAttributes)
return Int(bestSize.width + bufferWidth)
func updateTime() {
if subviews.isEmpty {
assertionFailure("Subviews count should > 0")
// See if frame's width needs any adjustment
var newWidth: CGFloat = 0
subviews.forEach {
if let statusItem = $0 as? StatusItemView {
// Determine what's the best width required to display the current string.
let newBestWidth = CGFloat(bestWidth(for: statusItem.dataObject))
// Let's note if the current width is too small/correct
newWidth += statusItem.frame.size.width != newBestWidth ? newBestWidth : statusItem.frame.size.width
if newWidth != frame.size.width {
print("Correcting our width to \(newWidth) and the previous width was \(frame.size.width)")
frame = CGRect(x: frame.origin.x, y: frame.origin.y, width: newWidth, height: frame.size.height)