// Copyright © 2015 Abhishek Banthia
import Cocoa
import CoreLoggerKit
import EventKit
extension EventCenter {
func calendarAccessGranted() -> Bool {
return EKEventStore.authorizationStatus(for: .event) == .authorized
func calendarAccessNotDetermined() -> Bool {
return EKEventStore.authorizationStatus(for: .event) == .notDetermined
func calendarAccessDenied() -> Bool {
return EKEventStore.authorizationStatus(for: .event) == .denied
func fetchSourcesAndCalendars() -> [Any] {
var sourcesAndCalendars: [Any] = []
// Fetch array of user's calendars sorted first by source title and then by calendar title
let calendars = eventStore.calendars(for: .event).sorted { cal1, cal2 -> Bool in
if cal1.source.sourceIdentifier == cal2.source.sourceIdentifier {
return cal1.title < cal2.title
return cal1.source.title < cal2.source.title
// Now time to fetch the events
// Fetch the user-selected calendars. Initially, all the calendars will be selected
var setOfCalendars: Set<String> = Set()
if let userCalendars = UserDefaults.standard.array(forKey: CLSelectedCalendars) as? [String], !userCalendars.isEmpty {
setOfCalendars = Set(userCalendars)
var currentSourceTitle = CLEmptyString
for calendar in calendars {
if !(calendar.source.title == currentSourceTitle) {
currentSourceTitle = calendar.source.title
let isCalendarSelected = setOfCalendars.contains(calendar.calendarIdentifier)
let calendarInfo = CalendarInfo(calendar: calendar, selected: isCalendarSelected)
return sourcesAndCalendars
func isThereAnUpcomingCalendarEvent() -> Bool {
if DataStore.shared().shouldDisplay(.showMeetingInMenubar) {
let filteredDates = EventCenter.sharedCenter().eventsForDate
let autoupdatingCal = EventCenter.sharedCenter().autoupdatingCalendar
guard let events = filteredDates[autoupdatingCal.startOfDay(for: Date())] else {
return false
for event in events {
if event.event.startDate.timeIntervalSinceNow > 0, !event.isAllDay {
let timeForEventToStart = event.event.startDate.timeIntervalSinceNow / 60
if timeForEventToStart > 30 {
Logger.info("Our next event: \(event.event.title ?? "Error") starts in \(timeForEventToStart) mins")
return true
return false
/* Used for the compact menubar mode.
Returns a tuple with 0 as the header string and 1 as the subtitle string
func separateFormat(event: EKEvent) -> (String, String)? {
guard let truncateLength = DataStore.shared().retrieve(key: CLTruncateTextLength) as? NSNumber, let eventTitle = event.title else {
return nil
let seconds = event.startDate.timeIntervalSinceNow
var formattedTitle: String = CLEmptyString
if eventTitle.count > truncateLength.intValue {
let truncateIndex = eventTitle.index(eventTitle.startIndex, offsetBy: truncateLength.intValue)
let truncatedTitle = String(eventTitle[..<truncateIndex])
} else {
var menubarText: String = CLEmptyString
let minutes = seconds / 60
if minutes > 2 {
let suffix = String(format: " in %0.f mins", minutes)
} else if minutes == 1 {
let suffix = String(format: " in %0.f min", minutes)
} else {
menubarText.append(" starts now.")
return (formattedTitle, menubarText)
func format(event: EKEvent) -> String {
guard let truncateLength = DataStore.shared().retrieve(key: CLTruncateTextLength) as? NSNumber, let eventTitle = event.title else {
return CLEmptyString
let seconds = event.startDate.timeIntervalSinceNow
var menubarText: String = CLEmptyString
if eventTitle.count > truncateLength.intValue {
let truncateIndex = eventTitle.index(eventTitle.startIndex, offsetBy: truncateLength.intValue)
let truncatedTitle = String(eventTitle[..<truncateIndex])
} else {
let minutes = seconds / 60
if minutes > 2 {
let suffix = String(format: " in %0.f mins", minutes)
} else if minutes == 1 {
let suffix = String(format: " in %0.f min", minutes)
} else {
menubarText.append(" starts now.")
return menubarText
func nextOccuring(_: [EventInfo]) -> EventInfo? {
if calendarAccessDenied() || calendarAccessNotDetermined() {
return nil
let relevantEvents = filteredEvents[autoupdatingCalendar.startOfDay(for: Date())] ?? []
let filteredEvents = relevantEvents.filter {
$0.event.isAllDay == false && $0.event.endDate.timeIntervalSinceNow > 0
if filteredEvents.count == 1 { return filteredEvents.first }
// If there are multiple events coming up, prefer the ones the currentUser has accepted
let acceptedEvents = filteredEvents.filter {
$0.attendeStatus == .accepted
let optionalEvents = filteredEvents.filter {
$0.attendeStatus == .tentative
if let firstAcceptedEvent = acceptedEvents.first {
return firstAcceptedEvent
// If there are no accepted events, prefer the first optional event
if acceptedEvents.isEmpty, !optionalEvents.isEmpty {
return optionalEvents.first
// Otherwise check if there's a filtered event at all and return it
if let first = filteredEvents.first {
return first
let filteredAllDayEvent = relevantEvents.filter {
return filteredAllDayEvent
func upcomingEventsForDay(_: [EventInfo]) -> [EventInfo]? {
if calendarAccessDenied() || calendarAccessNotDetermined() {
return nil
let todayEvents = filteredEvents[autoupdatingCalendar.startOfDay(for: Date())] ?? []
let tomorrowEvents = filteredEvents[autoupdatingCalendar.startOfDay(for: Date().addingTimeInterval(86400))] ?? []
let relevantEvents = todayEvents + tomorrowEvents
return relevantEvents.filter {
$0.event.startDate.timeIntervalSinceNow > -300
func initializeStoreIfNeccesary() {
if eventStore == nil {
eventStore = EKEventStore()
func requestAccess(to entity: EKEntityType, completionHandler: @escaping (_ granted: Bool) -> Void) {
eventStore.requestAccess(to: entity) { [weak self] granted, _ in
// On successful granting of calendar permission, we default to showing events from all calendars
if let self = self, entity == .event, granted {
func filterEvents() {
filteredEvents = [:]
if let selectedCalendars = UserDefaults.standard.array(forKey: CLSelectedCalendars) as? [String] {
for date in eventsForDate.keys {
if let events = eventsForDate[date] {
for event in events {
if selectedCalendars.contains(event.event.calendar.calendarIdentifier) {
if filteredEvents[date] == nil {
filteredEvents[date] = Array()
Logger.info("Fetched filtered events for \(filteredEvents.count) days\n")
Logger.info("Unable to filter events because user hasn't selected calendars")
func saveDefaultIdentifiersList() {
OperationQueue.main.addOperation { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
let allCalendars = self.retrieveAllCalendarIdentifiers()
if !allCalendars.isEmpty {
UserDefaults.standard.set(allCalendars, forKey: CLSelectedCalendars)
Logger.info("Finished saving all calendar identifiers in default")
func retrieveAllCalendarIdentifiers() -> [String] {
return eventStore.calendars(for: .event).map { calendar -> String in
private func createDateComponents(with calendar: NSCalendar?, _ day: Int) -> Date {
var dateComps = DateComponents()
dateComps.day = day
guard let convertedDate = calendar?.date(byAdding: dateComps,
to: Date(),
options: NSCalendar.Options.matchFirst)
else {
return Date()
return convertedDate
private func shouldSkipEvent(_ event: EKEvent) -> Bool {
if event.hasAttendees, let attendes = event.attendees {
for participant in attendes where participant.isCurrentUser && participant.participantStatus == .declined {
return true
return false
func fetchEvents(_ start: Int, _ end: Int) {
if calendarAccessDenied() || calendarAccessNotDetermined() {
Logger.info("Refetching aborted because we don't have permission!")
let calendar = NSCalendar(calendarIdentifier: NSCalendar.Identifier.gregorian)
let startDate = createDateComponents(with: calendar, start)
let endDate = createDateComponents(with: calendar, end)
// Passing in nil for calendars to search all calendars
let predicate = eventStore.predicateForEvents(withStart: startDate,
end: endDate,
calendars: nil)
var eventsForDateMapper: [Date: [EventInfo]] = [:]
let events = eventStore.events(matching: predicate)
// Populate our cache with events that match our startDate and endDate.
// We map eachDate to array of events happening on that day
for event in events where shouldSkipEvent(event) == false {
// Iterate through the days this event spans. We only care about
// days for this event that are between startDate and endDate
let eventStartDate = event.startDate as NSDate
let eventEndDate = event.endDate as NSDate
var date = eventStartDate.laterDate(startDate)
let final = eventEndDate.earlierDate(endDate)
date = autoupdatingCalendar.startOfDay(for: date)
while date.compare(final) == .orderedAscending {
guard var nextDate = autoupdatingCalendar.date(byAdding: Calendar.Component.day, value: 1, to: date) else {
Logger.info("Could not calculate end date")
nextDate = autoupdatingCalendar.startOfDay(for: nextDate)
if eventsForDateMapper[date] == nil {
eventsForDateMapper[date] = []
eventsForDateMapper[date]?.append(generateEventInfo(for: event, date, nextDate))
date = nextDate
// We now sort the array so that AllDay Events are first, then sort by startTime
for date in eventsForDateMapper.keys {
let sortedEvents = eventsForDateMapper[date]?.sorted(by: { event1, event2 -> Bool in
if event1.isAllDay { return true } else if event2.isAllDay { return false } else { return event1.event.startDate < event2.event.startDate }
eventsForDateMapper[date] = sortedEvents
eventsForDate = eventsForDateMapper
Logger.info("Fetched events for \(eventsForDate.count) days")
private func generateEventInfo(for event: EKEvent, _ date: Date, _ nextDate: Date) -> EventInfo {
// Make a customized struct
let isStartDate = autoupdatingCalendar.isDate(date, inSameDayAs: event.startDate) && (event.endDate.compare(date) == .orderedDescending)
let isEndDate = autoupdatingCalendar.isDate(date, inSameDayAs: event.endDate) && (event.startDate.compare(date) == .orderedAscending)
let isAllDay = event.isAllDay || (event.startDate.compare(date) == .orderedAscending && event.endDate.compare(nextDate) == .orderedSame)
let isSingleDay = event.isAllDay && (event.startDate.compare(date) == .orderedSame && event.endDate.compare(nextDate) == .orderedSame)
let eventParticipationStatus = attendingStatusForUser(event)
let meetingURL = retrieveMeetingURL(event)
let eventInfo = EventInfo(event: event,
isStartDate: isStartDate,
isEndDate: isEndDate,
isAllDay: isAllDay,
isSingleDay: isSingleDay,
meetingURL: meetingURL,
attendeStatus: eventParticipationStatus)
return eventInfo
static var dataDetector: NSDataDetector?
// Borrowing logic from Ityscal
private func findAppropriateURLs(_ description: String) -> URL? {
guard let results = EventCenter.dataDetector?.matches(in: description, options: .reportCompletion, range: NSMakeRange(0, description.count)) else {
return nil
for result in results {
if result.resultType == .link, var actualLink = result.url?.absoluteString {
// Check for Zoom links
if actualLink.contains("zoom.us/j/")
|| actualLink.contains("zoom.us/s/")
|| actualLink.contains("zoom.us/w/")
// Create a Zoom App link
let workspace = NSWorkspace.shared
if workspace.urlForApplication(toOpen: URL(string: "zoommtg://")!) != nil {
actualLink = actualLink.replacingOccurrences(of: "https://", with: "zoommtg://")
actualLink = actualLink.replacingOccurrences(of: "?", with: "&")
actualLink = actualLink.replacingOccurrences(of: "/j/", with: "/join?confno=")
actualLink = actualLink.replacingOccurrences(of: "/s/", with: "/join?confno=")
actualLink = actualLink.replacingOccurrences(of: "/w/", with: "/join?confno=")
if let appLink = URL(string: actualLink) {
return appLink
} else if actualLink.contains("zoommtg://")
|| actualLink.contains("meet.google.com/")
|| actualLink.contains("hangouts.google.com/")
|| actualLink.contains("webex.com/")
|| actualLink.contains("gotomeeting.com/join")
|| actualLink.contains("ringcentral.com/j")
|| actualLink.contains("bigbluebutton.org/gl")
|| actualLink.contains("://bigbluebutton.")
|| actualLink.contains("://bbb.")
|| actualLink.contains("indigo.collocall.de")
|| actualLink.contains("public.senfcall.de")
|| actualLink.contains("youcanbook.me/zoom/")
|| actualLink.contains("workplace.com/groupcall")
|| actualLink.contains("bluejeans.com/")
if let meetingLink = result.url {
return meetingLink
return nil
private func retrieveMeetingURL(_ event: EKEvent) -> URL? {
if EventCenter.dataDetector == nil {
var dataDetector: NSDataDetector?
do {
dataDetector = try NSDataDetector(types: NSTextCheckingResult.CheckingType.link.rawValue)
} catch {
assertionFailure("Unable to create a link-type data detector")
return nil
EventCenter.dataDetector = dataDetector
if let location = event.location {
return findAppropriateURLs(location)
if let url = event.url {
return findAppropriateURLs(url.absoluteString)
if let notes = event.notes {
return findAppropriateURLs(notes)
return nil
private func attendingStatusForUser(_ event: EKEvent) -> EKParticipantStatus {
// First check if the current user is the organizer
if event.organizer?.isCurrentUser == true {
return event.organizer?.participantStatus ?? .unknown
guard let attendes = event.attendees else {
return .unknown
for attende in attendes where attende.isCurrentUser {
return attende.participantStatus
return .unknown
struct CalendarInfo {
let calendar: EKCalendar
var selected: Bool
struct EventInfo {
let event: EKEvent
let isStartDate: Bool
let isEndDate: Bool
let isAllDay: Bool
let isSingleDay: Bool
let meetingURL: URL?
let attendeStatus: EKParticipantStatus
func metadataForMeeting() -> String {
let timeIntervalSinceNowForMeeting = event.startDate.timeIntervalSinceNow
if timeIntervalSinceNowForMeeting < 0, timeIntervalSinceNowForMeeting > -300 {
return "started \(event.startDate.shortTimeAgoSinceNow) ago."
} else if event.startDate.isToday {
let timeSince = Date().timeAgo(since: event.startDate)
let withoutAn = timeSince.replacingOccurrences(of: "an", with: CLEmptyString)
let withoutAgo = withoutAn.replacingOccurrences(of: "ago", with: CLEmptyString)
return "in \(withoutAgo.lowercased())"
} else if event.startDate.isTomorrow {
let hoursUntil = event.startDate.hoursUntil
return "in \(hoursUntil)h"
return "Error"