You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright © 2015 Abhishek Banthia
import CoreLoggerKit
import Foundation
4 years ago
extension ParentPanelController: NSCollectionViewDataSource {
func collectionView(_: NSCollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection _: Int) -> Int {
return (96 * PanelConstants.modernSliderDaySupport * 2) + 1
func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView, itemForRepresentedObjectAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> NSCollectionViewItem {
4 years ago
let item = collectionView.makeItem(withIdentifier: TimeMarkerViewItem.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as! TimeMarkerViewItem
item.setup(with: indexPath.item)
return item
extension ParentPanelController {
func setupModernSliderIfNeccessary() {
if modernSlider != nil {
modernSlider.enclosingScrollView?.scrollerInsets = NSEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0)
modernSlider.enclosingScrollView?.backgroundColor = NSColor.clear
4 years ago
modernSlider.postsBoundsChangedNotifications = true
selector: #selector(collectionViewDidScroll(_:)),
name: NSView.boundsDidChangeNotification,
object: modernSlider.superview)
4 years ago
closestQuarterTimeRepresentation = setModernSliderLabel()
let indexPaths: Set<IndexPath> = Set([IndexPath(item: modernSlider.numberOfItems(inSection: 0) / 2, section: 0)])
modernSlider.scrollToItems(at: indexPaths, scrollPosition: .centeredHorizontally)
@IBAction func goForward(_: NSButton) {
@IBAction func goBackward(_: NSButton) {
private func navigateModernSliderToSpecificIndex(_ index: Int) {
guard let contentView = modernSlider.superview as? NSClipView else {
let changedOrigin = contentView.documentVisibleRect.origin
let newPoint = NSPoint(x: changedOrigin.x + contentView.frame.width / 2, y: changedOrigin.y)
if let indexPath = modernSlider.indexPathForItem(at: newPoint) {
let previousIndexPath = IndexPath(item: indexPath.item + index, section: indexPath.section)
modernSlider.scrollToItems(at: Set([previousIndexPath]), scrollPosition: .centeredHorizontally)
@objc func collectionViewDidScroll(_ notification: NSNotification) {
guard let contentView = notification.object as? NSClipView else {
let changedOrigin = contentView.documentVisibleRect.origin
let newPoint = NSPoint(x: changedOrigin.x + contentView.frame.width / 2, y: changedOrigin.y)
let indexPath = modernSlider.indexPathForItem(at: newPoint)
if let correctIndexPath = indexPath?.item, currentCenterIndexPath != correctIndexPath {
currentCenterIndexPath = correctIndexPath
let minutesToAdd = setDefaultDateLabel(correctIndexPath)
setTimezoneDatasourceSlider(sliderValue: minutesToAdd)
public func setModernSliderLabel(_ shouldUpdate: Bool = false) -> Date {
let defaultParameters = minuteFromCalendar()
let hourQuarterDate = Calendar.current.nextDate(after: defaultParameters.0,
matching: DateComponents(minute: defaultParameters.1),
matchingPolicy: .strict,
repeatedTimePolicy: .first,
direction: .forward)!
if shouldUpdate {
4 years ago
// modernSliderLabel.stringValue = timezoneFormattedStringRepresentation(hourQuarterDate)
} else {
4 years ago
// let fullString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "Time Scroller")
// modernSliderLabel.attributedStringValue = fullString
return hourQuarterDate
public func setDefaultDateLabel(_ index: Int) -> Int {
let totalCount = (96 * PanelConstants.modernSliderDaySupport * 2) + 1
let centerPoint = Int(ceil(Double(totalCount / 2)))
if index > (centerPoint + 1) {
let remainder = (index % (centerPoint + 1))
let nextDate = .minute, value: remainder * 15, to: closestQuarterTimeRepresentation ?? Date())!
4 years ago
// modernSliderLabel.stringValue = timezoneFormattedStringRepresentation(nextDate)
return nextDate.minutes(from: Date()) + 1
} else if index <= centerPoint {
let remainder = centerPoint - index + 1
let previousDate = .minute, value: -1 * remainder * 15, to: closestQuarterTimeRepresentation ?? Date())!
4 years ago
// modernSliderLabel.stringValue = timezoneFormattedStringRepresentation(previousDate)
return previousDate.minutes(from: Date())
} else {
return 0
private func minuteFromCalendar() -> (Date, Int) {
let currentDate = Date()
var minute = Calendar.current.component(.minute, from: currentDate)
if minute < 15 {
minute = 15
} else if minute < 30 {
minute = 30
} else if minute < 45 {
minute = 45
} else {
minute = 0
return (currentDate, minute)
private func timezoneFormattedStringRepresentation(_ date: Date) -> String {
let dateFormatter = DateFormatterManager.dateFormatterWithFormat(with: .none,
format: "MMM d HH:mm",
timezoneIdentifier: TimeZone.current.identifier,
locale: Locale.autoupdatingCurrent)
return dateFormatter.string(from: date)