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// IKDemoWindowController.m
// ShortcutRecorderDemo
// Created by Ilya Kulakov on 18.01.13.
// Copyright (c) 2013 Ilya Kulakov. All rights reserved.
#import <PTHotKey/PTHotKeyCenter.h>
#import "IKDemoWindowController.h"
@implementation IKDemoWindowController
SRValidator *_validator;
#pragma mark SRRecorderControlDelegate
- (BOOL)shortcutRecorder:(SRRecorderControl *)aRecorder canRecordShortcut:(NSDictionary *)aShortcut
__autoreleasing NSError *error = nil;
BOOL isTaken = [_validator isKeyCode:[aShortcut[SRShortcutKeyCode] unsignedShortValue] andFlagsTaken:[aShortcut[SRShortcutModifierFlagsKey] unsignedIntegerValue] error:&error];
if (isTaken)
[self presentError:error
return !isTaken;
- (BOOL)shortcutRecorderShouldBeginRecording:(SRRecorderControl *)aRecorder
[[PTHotKeyCenter sharedCenter] pause];
return YES;
- (void)shortcutRecorderDidEndRecording:(SRRecorderControl *)aRecorder
[[PTHotKeyCenter sharedCenter] resume];
- (BOOL)shortcutRecorder:(SRRecorderControl *)aRecorder shouldUnconditionallyAllowModifierFlags:(NSEventModifierFlags)aModifierFlags forKeyCode:(unsigned short)aKeyCode
// Keep required flags required.
if ((aModifierFlags & aRecorder.requiredModifierFlags) != aRecorder.requiredModifierFlags)
return NO;
// Don't allow disallowed flags.
if ((aModifierFlags & aRecorder.allowedModifierFlags) != aModifierFlags)
return NO;
switch (aKeyCode)
case kVK_F1:
case kVK_F2:
case kVK_F3:
case kVK_F4:
case kVK_F5:
case kVK_F6:
case kVK_F7:
case kVK_F8:
case kVK_F9:
case kVK_F10:
case kVK_F11:
case kVK_F12:
case kVK_F13:
case kVK_F14:
case kVK_F15:
case kVK_F16:
case kVK_F17:
case kVK_F18:
case kVK_F19:
case kVK_F20:
return YES;
return NO;
#pragma mark SRValidatorDelegate
- (BOOL)shortcutValidator:(SRValidator *)aValidator isKeyCode:(unsigned short)aKeyCode andFlagsTaken:(NSEventModifierFlags)aFlags reason:(NSString **)outReason
#define IS_TAKEN(aRecorder) (recorder != (aRecorder) && SRShortcutEqualToShortcut(shortcut, [(aRecorder) objectValue]))
SRRecorderControl *recorder = (SRRecorderControl *)self.window.firstResponder;
if (![recorder isKindOfClass:[SRRecorderControl class]])
return NO;
NSDictionary *shortcut = SRShortcutWithCocoaModifierFlagsAndKeyCode(aFlags, aKeyCode);
if (IS_TAKEN(_pingShortcutRecorder) ||
IS_TAKEN(_globalPingShortcutRecorder) ||
*outReason = @"it's already used. To use this shortcut, first remove or change the other shortcut";
return YES;
return NO;
#undef IS_TAKEN
- (BOOL)shortcutValidatorShouldCheckMenu:(SRValidator *)aValidator
return YES;
#pragma mark NSObject
- (void)awakeFromNib
[super awakeFromNib];
_validator = [[SRValidator alloc] initWithDelegate:self];