// C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 5 A b h i s h e k B a n t h i a
import Cocoa
import CoreLoggerKit
class OnboardingPermissionsViewController : NSViewController {
@IBOutlet var reminderGrantButton : NSButton !
@IBOutlet var calendarGrantButton : NSButton !
@IBOutlet var reminderView : NSView !
@IBOutlet var calendarView : NSView !
@IBOutlet var locationView : NSView !
@IBOutlet var reminderActivityIndicator : NSProgressIndicator !
@IBOutlet var calendarActivityIndicator : NSProgressIndicator !
@IBOutlet var locationActivityIndicator : NSProgressIndicator !
@IBOutlet var appLabel : NSTextField !
@IBOutlet var onboardingTypeLabel : NSTextField !
@IBOutlet var reminderHeaderLabel : NSTextField !
@IBOutlet var reminderDetailLabel : NSTextField !
@IBOutlet var calendarHeaderLabel : NSTextField !
@IBOutlet var calendarDetailLabel : NSTextField !
@IBOutlet var locationHeaderLabel : NSTextField !
@IBOutlet var locationDetailLabel : NSTextField !
@IBOutlet var privacyLabel : NSTextField !
override func viewDidLoad ( ) {
super . viewDidLoad ( )
[ calendarView , reminderView ] . forEach { $0 ? . applyShadow ( ) }
setup ( )
override func viewWillAppear ( ) {
super . viewWillAppear ( )
setupButtons ( )
private func setup ( ) {
appLabel . stringValue = NSLocalizedString ( " Permissions Tab " ,
comment : " Title for Permissions screen " )
onboardingTypeLabel . stringValue = " Your data doesn't leave your device 🔐 "
reminderHeaderLabel . stringValue = NSLocalizedString ( " Reminders Access Title " ,
comment : " Title for Reminders Access Label " )
reminderDetailLabel . stringValue = " Set reminders in the timezone of the location of your choice. Your reminders are stored in the default Reminders app. "
calendarHeaderLabel . stringValue = NSLocalizedString ( " Calendar Access Title " ,
comment : " Title for Calendar access label " )
calendarDetailLabel . stringValue = " Calendar Detail " . localized ( )
privacyLabel . stringValue = CLEmptyString
[ calendarHeaderLabel , calendarDetailLabel , privacyLabel , reminderDetailLabel , reminderHeaderLabel , onboardingTypeLabel , appLabel ] . forEach { $0 ? . textColor = Themer . shared ( ) . mainTextColor ( )
private func setupButtons ( ) {
// i f L o c a t i o n C o n t r o l l e r . s h a r e d I n s t a n c e . l o c a t i o n A c c e s s G r a n t e d ( ) {
// l o c a t i o n B u t t o n . t i t l e = " G r a n t e d "
// } e l s e i f L o c a t i o n C o n t r o l l e r . s h a r e d I n s t a n c e . l o c a t i o n A c c e s s D e n i e d ( ) {
// l o c a t i o n B u t t o n . t i t l e = " D e n i e d "
// } e l s e i f L o c a t i o n C o n t r o l l e r . s h a r e d I n s t a n c e . l o c a t i o n A c c e s s N o t D e t e r m i n e d ( ) {
// l o c a t i o n B u t t o n . t i t l e = " G r a n t "
// } e l s e {
// l o c a t i o n B u t t o n . t i t l e = " U n e x p e c t e d "
// }
if EventCenter . sharedCenter ( ) . calendarAccessGranted ( ) {
calendarGrantButton . title = " Granted " . localized ( )
} else if EventCenter . sharedCenter ( ) . calendarAccessDenied ( ) {
calendarGrantButton . title = " Denied " . localized ( )
} else if EventCenter . sharedCenter ( ) . calendarAccessNotDetermined ( ) {
calendarGrantButton . title = " Grant " . localized ( )
} else {
calendarGrantButton . title = " Unexpected " . localized ( )
if EventCenter . sharedCenter ( ) . reminderAccessGranted ( ) {
reminderGrantButton . title = " Granted " . localized ( )
} else if EventCenter . sharedCenter ( ) . reminderAccessDenied ( ) {
reminderGrantButton . title = " Denied " . localized ( )
} else if EventCenter . sharedCenter ( ) . reminderAccessNotDetermined ( ) {
reminderGrantButton . title = " Grant " . localized ( )
} else {
reminderGrantButton . title = " Unexpected " . localized ( )
@IBAction func calendarAction ( _ : Any ) {
let eventCenter = EventCenter . sharedCenter ( )
if eventCenter . calendarAccessNotDetermined ( ) {
calendarActivityIndicator . startAnimation ( nil )
eventCenter . requestAccess ( to : . event , completionHandler : { [ weak self ] granted in
OperationQueue . main . addOperation {
guard let self = self else { return }
self . calendarActivityIndicator . stopAnimation ( nil )
if granted {
self . calendarGrantButton . title = " Granted " . localized ( )
self . view . window ? . orderBack ( nil )
NSApp . activate ( ignoringOtherApps : true )
// U s e d t o u p d a t e C a l e n d a r V i e w C o n t r o l l e r ' s v i e w
NotificationCenter . default . post ( name : . calendarAccessGranted , object : nil )
} else {
Logger . log ( object : [ " Reminder Access Not Granted " : " YES " ] , for : " Reminder Access Not Granted " )
} )
} else if eventCenter . calendarAccessGranted ( ) {
calendarGrantButton . title = " Granted " . localized ( )
} else {
calendarGrantButton . title = " Denied " . localized ( )
@IBAction func remindersAction ( _ : NSButton ) {
let eventCenter = EventCenter . sharedCenter ( )
if eventCenter . reminderAccessNotDetermined ( ) {
reminderActivityIndicator . startAnimation ( nil )
eventCenter . requestAccess ( to : . reminder , completionHandler : { granted in
OperationQueue . main . addOperation {
self . reminderActivityIndicator . stopAnimation ( nil )
if granted {
OperationQueue . main . addOperation {
self . view . window ? . orderBack ( nil )
NSApp . activate ( ignoringOtherApps : true )
self . reminderGrantButton . title = " Granted " . localized ( )
} else {
Logger . log ( object : [ " Reminder Access Not Granted " : " YES " ] , for : " Reminder Access Not Granted " )
} )
} else if eventCenter . reminderAccessGranted ( ) {
reminderGrantButton . title = " Granted " . localized ( )
} else {
reminderGrantButton . title = " Denied " . localized ( )