Browse Source

Revert "Merge branch 'master' of"

This reverts commit bdf2d42237, reversing
changes made to 91fc649400.
Abhishek Banthia 11 months ago
  1. 166
  2. 4
  3. 348
  4. 14681
  5. 10
  6. 163
  7. 10
  8. 169
  9. 24
  10. 169
  11. 10
  12. 173
  13. 10
  14. 171
  15. 10
  16. 170
  17. 10
  18. 165
  19. 171
  20. 10
  21. 170
  22. 10
  23. 360
  24. 10
  25. 172
  26. 10
  27. 169
  28. 10
  29. 163
  30. 170
  31. 10
  32. 24
  33. 162
  34. 164
  35. 160
  36. 24
  37. 163
  38. 360
  39. 36
  40. 3
  41. 393
  42. 3936
  43. 3
  44. 393
  45. 3
  46. 393
  47. 30
  48. 3
  49. 3
  50. 3
  51. 2
  52. 3


@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
archiveVersion = 1;
classes = {
objectVersion = 60;
objectVersion = 52;
objects = {
/* Begin PBXBuildFile section */
@ -57,11 +57,6 @@
357391872507277500D30819 /* TimeMarkerViewItem.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 357391852507277500D30819 /* TimeMarkerViewItem.swift */; };
357391882507277500D30819 /* HourMarkerViewItem.xib in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 357391862507277500D30819 /* HourMarkerViewItem.xib */; };
3579765E2680208C009DDA6E /* ParentPanelController+ModernSlider.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3579765D2680208C009DDA6E /* ParentPanelController+ModernSlider.swift */; };
3594620C2B841D6A001CBC11 /* InfoPlist.xcstrings in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3594620B2B841D6A001CBC11 /* InfoPlist.xcstrings */; };
3594620E2B841D6A001CBC11 /* InfoPlist.xcstrings in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3594620D2B841D6A001CBC11 /* InfoPlist.xcstrings */; };
359462102B841D6A001CBC11 /* Localizable.xcstrings in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3594620F2B841D6A001CBC11 /* Localizable.xcstrings */; };
359462112B841D6A001CBC11 /* Localizable.xcstrings in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3594620F2B841D6A001CBC11 /* Localizable.xcstrings */; };
359462142B841D6A001CBC11 /* InfoPlist.xcstrings in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 359462132B841D6A001CBC11 /* InfoPlist.xcstrings */; };
3595FAD0227F88BC0044A12A /* UserDefaults + KVOExtensions.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3595FACF227F88BC0044A12A /* UserDefaults + KVOExtensions.swift */; };
35B2FEC0259A186F005DA84D /* StartupKit in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; productRef = 35B2FEBF259A186F005DA84D /* StartupKit */; };
35B2FEDD259A2291005DA84D /* CoreLoggerKit in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; productRef = 35B2FEDC259A2291005DA84D /* CoreLoggerKit */; };
@ -135,6 +130,8 @@
9A0385C0269E8891003B5E72 /* PermissionsTests.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9A0385BF269E8891003B5E72 /* PermissionsTests.swift */; };
9A0A1C8C20903DBD0012003B /* CoreLocation.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9A9E87651C1FEDC500A7A2DF /* CoreLocation.framework */; };
9A13BAD61CA87F08007C6CBE /* Panel.xib in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9A13BAD81CA87F08007C6CBE /* Panel.xib */; };
9A13BAE01CA882FA007C6CBE /* InfoPlist.strings in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9A13BAE21CA882FA007C6CBE /* InfoPlist.strings */; };
9A13BAEA1CA88A76007C6CBE /* Localizable.strings in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9A13BAEC1CA88A76007C6CBE /* Localizable.strings */; };
9A20A04B1C4DEED200FB45AB /* IOKit.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9A20A04A1C4DEED200FB45AB /* IOKit.framework */; };
9A24A1881ED902CC0095201E /* EventKit.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9A24A1871ED902CC0095201E /* EventKit.framework */; };
9A3169C11D2CC5AA0079FDF8 /* com.abhishek.ClockerHelper.plist in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9A3169C01D2CC5AA0079FDF8 /* com.abhishek.ClockerHelper.plist */; };
@ -152,9 +149,12 @@
9A7547DF1F184DC3004705EF /* Main.storyboard in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9A7547DD1F184DC3004705EF /* Main.storyboard */; };
9A7547E51F184E3F004705EF /* in Login Item Helper */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9A7547D01F184DC3004705EF /* */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (RemoveHeadersOnCopy, ); }; };
9A8605AE1BEC148400A810A4 /* main.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9A8605AD1BEC148400A810A4 /* main.m */; };
9A8B256A232EFAD300204CAD /* Localizable.strings in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9A13BAEC1CA88A76007C6CBE /* Localizable.strings */; };
9A97419B2455442100087B0D /* OnboardingSearchTests.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9A97419A2455442100087B0D /* OnboardingSearchTests.swift */; };
9A9E87621C1FEDB500A7A2DF /* CFNetwork.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9A9E87611C1FEDB500A7A2DF /* CFNetwork.framework */; };
9A9E876A1C1FEDDB00A7A2DF /* SystemConfiguration.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9A9E87691C1FEDDB00A7A2DF /* SystemConfiguration.framework */; };
9AA522C023415BDD00C9E005 /* InfoPlist.strings in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9AA522BE23415BDD00C9E005 /* InfoPlist.strings */; };
9AA522C323415BDD00C9E005 /* InfoPlist.strings in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9AA522C123415BDD00C9E005 /* InfoPlist.strings */; };
9AB6F1562259CF3900A44663 /* CalendarViewController.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9AB6F1552259CF3900A44663 /* CalendarViewController.swift */; };
9AB6F1582259CFFC00A44663 /* AboutViewController.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9AB6F1572259CFFC00A44663 /* AboutViewController.swift */; };
9AB6F15D2259D08300A44663 /* iVersion.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9AB6F15A2259D08300A44663 /* iVersion.m */; };
@ -260,6 +260,8 @@
3508CC99259A0001000E3530 /* StatusItemView.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = StatusItemView.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3508CC9E259A000E000E3530 /* StatusItemHandler.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = StatusItemHandler.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3508CCA9259A0027000E3530 /* StatusContainerView.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = StatusContainerView.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
352AF497232E07B400D96FA7 /* hi */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = hi; path = hi.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
352AF499232E07B400D96FA7 /* hi */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = hi; path = hi.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3531F7C026936C6E00DF0111 /* GoogleService-Info.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; path = "GoogleService-Info.plist"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3531F7EA26936D8800DF0111 /* Firebase.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = Firebase.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3531F7F42693882300DF0111 /* Keys.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; name = Keys.plist; path = Internal/Keys.plist; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
@ -274,23 +276,27 @@
3531F80426938D7700DF0111 /* leveldb-library.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = "leveldb-library.framework"; path = "Frameworks/Firebase/leveldb-library.framework"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3531F80526938D7700DF0111 /* GoogleDataTransport.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = GoogleDataTransport.framework; path = Frameworks/Firebase/GoogleDataTransport.framework; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
353B5BC42698B78A0023858D /* UpcomingEventStatusItemView.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = UpcomingEventStatusItemView.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
353B5BC72698D4BB0023858D /* hr */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = hr; path = hr.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3548C45926BECF1B00AFB533 /* UpcomingEventViewItem.xib */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = file.xib; path = UpcomingEventViewItem.xib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3548C45C26BEEF4C00AFB533 /* ParentPanelController+UpcomingEvents.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = "ParentPanelController+UpcomingEvents.swift"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3548C45E26BEEFB400AFB533 /* UpcomingEventsDataSource.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = UpcomingEventsDataSource.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3548C46026BEEFE400AFB533 /* UpcomingEventViewItem.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = UpcomingEventViewItem.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3552066027AF6277000EF08F /* tr */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = tr; path = tr.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3552066227AF63DC000EF08F /* ar */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ar; path = ar.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3552066327AF63DC000EF08F /* ar */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ar; path = ar.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3552066427AF6488000EF08F /* pl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = pl; path = pl.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3552066527AF6489000EF08F /* pl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = pl; path = pl.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
35584D1327EF8EB5006E3EAD /* ThemerTests.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = ThemerTests.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
35584D1727F0B019006E3EAD /* DateFormatterManagerTests.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = DateFormatterManagerTests.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
35584D1927F0B64E006E3EAD /* AppDelegateTests.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = AppDelegateTests.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
35621CFB27F66C1900926D5C /* SearchDataSourceTests.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = SearchDataSourceTests.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3567F7DB288DC6520049C7A9 /* uk */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = uk; path = uk.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3569A44E25441F320087E254 /* pt-BR */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "pt-BR"; path = "pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
357391852507277500D30819 /* TimeMarkerViewItem.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = TimeMarkerViewItem.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
357391862507277500D30819 /* HourMarkerViewItem.xib */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.xib; path = HourMarkerViewItem.xib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3579765D2680208C009DDA6E /* ParentPanelController+ModernSlider.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = "ParentPanelController+ModernSlider.swift"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3594620B2B841D6A001CBC11 /* InfoPlist.xcstrings */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.json.xcstrings; name = InfoPlist.xcstrings; path = Clocker/InfoPlist.xcstrings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3594620D2B841D6A001CBC11 /* InfoPlist.xcstrings */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.json.xcstrings; path = InfoPlist.xcstrings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3594620F2B841D6A001CBC11 /* Localizable.xcstrings */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.json.xcstrings; name = Localizable.xcstrings; path = Clocker/Localizable.xcstrings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
359462122B841D6A001CBC11 /* mul */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.json.xcstrings; name = mul; path = mul.lproj/Main.xcstrings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
359462132B841D6A001CBC11 /* InfoPlist.xcstrings */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.json.xcstrings; path = InfoPlist.xcstrings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3595FACF227F88BC0044A12A /* UserDefaults + KVOExtensions.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = "UserDefaults + KVOExtensions.swift"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
35A6A4B925C5DEF300356073 /* zh-Hant */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "zh-Hant"; path = "zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
35B2FEB1259A1649005DA84D /* StartupKit */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = folder; path = StartupKit; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
35B2FED4259A2244005DA84D /* CoreLoggerKit */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = folder; path = CoreLoggerKit; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
35B2FEE4259A2C25005DA84D /* CoreModelKit */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = folder; path = CoreModelKit; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
@ -363,12 +369,24 @@
9A0385BA269E3434003B5E72 /* StandardMenubarHandlerTests.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = StandardMenubarHandlerTests.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9A0385BF269E8891003B5E72 /* PermissionsTests.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = PermissionsTests.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9A13BAD71CA87F08007C6CBE /* en */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.xib; name = en; path = en.lproj/Panel.xib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9A13BAE11CA882FA007C6CBE /* en */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = en; path = en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9A13BAEB1CA88A76007C6CBE /* en */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = en; path = en.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9A20A04A1C4DEED200FB45AB /* IOKit.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = IOKit.framework; path = System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };
9A20A06F1C4E804D00FB45AB /* ServiceManagement.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = ServiceManagement.framework; path = System/Library/Frameworks/ServiceManagement.framework; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };
9A24A1871ED902CC0095201E /* EventKit.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = EventKit.framework; path = System/Library/Frameworks/EventKit.framework; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };
9A3169C01D2CC5AA0079FDF8 /* com.abhishek.ClockerHelper.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; name = com.abhishek.ClockerHelper.plist; path = Clocker/com.abhishek.ClockerHelper.plist; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9A4379291BEC230A00F4E27F /* libc++.tbd */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "sourcecode.text-based-dylib-definition"; name = "libc++.tbd"; path = "usr/lib/libc++.tbd"; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };
9A43792B1BEC231100F4E27F /* libz.tbd */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "sourcecode.text-based-dylib-definition"; name = libz.tbd; path = usr/lib/libz.tbd; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };
9A4DC4DF2337F2EB00F03FA4 /* ru */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ru; path = ru.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9A4DC4E12337F2EB00F03FA4 /* ru */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ru; path = ru.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9A4DC4E22337F31200F03FA4 /* zh-Hans */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "zh-Hans"; path = "zh-Hans.lproj/InfoPlist.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9A4DC4E32337F31200F03FA4 /* zh-Hans */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "zh-Hans"; path = "zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9A4DC4E42337F5BC00F03FA4 /* de */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = de; path = de.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9A4DC4E52337F5BC00F03FA4 /* de */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = de; path = de.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9A4DC4E62337F5C800F03FA4 /* ja */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ja; path = ja.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9A4DC4E72337F5C800F03FA4 /* ja */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ja; path = ja.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9A4DC4E82337F5D600F03FA4 /* ko */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ko; path = ko.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9A4DC4E92337F5D600F03FA4 /* ko */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ko; path = ko.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9A56DB7D1C1CFB73004CE6AF /* MainMenu.xib */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = file.xib; name = MainMenu.xib; path = Clocker/MainMenu.xib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9A5B1A8D1BECDFB700A77C68 /* Clocker.entitlements */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.xml; name = Clocker.entitlements; path = Clocker/Clocker.entitlements; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9A5E6B9F1CAF71C1006E7C5C /* libicucore.tbd */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "sourcecode.text-based-dylib-definition"; name = libicucore.tbd; path = usr/lib/libicucore.tbd; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };
@ -391,6 +409,26 @@
9A9E87671C1FEDD300A7A2DF /* Security.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = Security.framework; path = System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };
9A9E87691C1FEDDB00A7A2DF /* SystemConfiguration.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = SystemConfiguration.framework; path = System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };
9A9E876B1C1FEDE700A7A2DF /* libsqlite3.tbd */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "sourcecode.text-based-dylib-definition"; name = libsqlite3.tbd; path = usr/lib/libsqlite3.tbd; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };
9AA522BF23415BDD00C9E005 /* de */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = de; path = de.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9AA522C223415BDD00C9E005 /* de */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = de; path = de.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9AA522C423415BDD00C9E005 /* de */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = de; path = de.lproj/Main.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9AA522C623415BF600C9E005 /* ru */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ru; path = ru.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9AA522C723415BF600C9E005 /* ru */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ru; path = ru.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9AA522C823415BF600C9E005 /* ru */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ru; path = ru.lproj/Main.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9AA522C923415C4F00C9E005 /* zh-Hans */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "zh-Hans"; path = "zh-Hans.lproj/InfoPlist.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9AA522CA23415C4F00C9E005 /* zh-Hans */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "zh-Hans"; path = "zh-Hans.lproj/InfoPlist.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9AA522CB23415C4F00C9E005 /* zh-Hans */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "zh-Hans"; path = "zh-Hans.lproj/Main.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9AA522CC234169E400C9E005 /* fr */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = fr; path = fr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9AA522CD234169E400C9E005 /* fr */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = fr; path = fr.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9AA522CE234169F200C9E005 /* ca */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ca; path = ca.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9AA522CF234169F200C9E005 /* ca */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = ca; path = ca.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9AA522D023416A0E00C9E005 /* es */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = es; path = es.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9AA522D123416A0E00C9E005 /* es */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = es; path = es.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9AA522D323416A1B00C9E005 /* pt-PT */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = "pt-PT"; path = "pt-PT.lproj/InfoPlist.strings"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9AA522D423416A6000C9E005 /* nl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = nl; path = nl.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9AA522D523416A6000C9E005 /* nl */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = nl; path = nl.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9AA522D623416E6000C9E005 /* it */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = it; path = it.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9AA522D723416E6000C9E005 /* it */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = it; path = it.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9AB6F1552259CF3900A44663 /* CalendarViewController.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = CalendarViewController.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9AB6F1572259CFFC00A44663 /* AboutViewController.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = AboutViewController.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9AB6F15A2259D08300A44663 /* iVersion.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = iVersion.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
@ -685,8 +723,8 @@
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
9A3169C01D2CC5AA0079FDF8 /* com.abhishek.ClockerHelper.plist */,
3594620B2B841D6A001CBC11 /* InfoPlist.xcstrings */,
3594620F2B841D6A001CBC11 /* Localizable.xcstrings */,
9A13BAE21CA882FA007C6CBE /* InfoPlist.strings */,
9A13BAEC1CA88A76007C6CBE /* Localizable.strings */,
C2CCCD8120619C4C00F2DFC2 /* LocationController.swift */,
name = Utilties;
@ -701,7 +739,7 @@
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9A7547E01F184DC3004705EF /* Info.plist */,
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9AA522C123415BDD00C9E005 /* InfoPlist.strings */,
9A7547D51F184DC3004705EF /* Supporting Files */,
path = ClockerHelper;
@ -857,7 +895,7 @@
9ABF4559268FDABA002C779B /* CopyToClipboardTests.swift */,
C2BFE3E52049F82300825BE5 /* ClockerUITests.m */,
C2BFE3E72049F82300825BE5 /* Info.plist */,
3594620D2B841D6A001CBC11 /* InfoPlist.xcstrings */,
9AA522BE23415BDD00C9E005 /* InfoPlist.strings */,
C213713320B4FD920024D5A4 /* FloatingWindowTests.swift */,
C213713220B4FD920024D5A4 /* ClockerUITests-Bridging-Header.h */,
C2F7821A20B70E3700B6CD07 /* AboutUsTests.swift */,
@ -1106,8 +1144,6 @@
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@ -1151,8 +1187,8 @@
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9AA522C323415BDD00C9E005 /* InfoPlist.strings in Resources */,
9A7547DF1F184DC3004705EF /* Main.storyboard in Resources */,
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
@ -1169,8 +1205,8 @@
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9AA522C023415BDD00C9E005 /* InfoPlist.strings in Resources */,
3531F7C426936C8300DF0111 /* GoogleService-Info.plist in Resources */,
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@ -1179,9 +1215,11 @@
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9A13BAE01CA882FA007C6CBE /* InfoPlist.strings in Resources */,
35C36F912259EAF4002FA5C6 /* Preferences.storyboard in Resources */,
9AB89E031CE97A4900EC8EB1 /* Media.xcassets in Resources */,
9A13BAD61CA87F08007C6CBE /* Panel.xib in Resources */,
@ -1189,10 +1227,8 @@
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35C36F17225961DA002FA5C6 /* DateTools.bundle in Resources */,
35C36EF322595F14002FA5C6 /* WelcomeView.xib in Resources */,
3594620C2B841D6A001CBC11 /* InfoPlist.xcstrings in Resources */,
3548C45A26BECF1B00AFB533 /* UpcomingEventViewItem.xib in Resources */,
35C36EF822595F14002FA5C6 /* Onboarding.storyboard in Resources */,
359462102B841D6A001CBC11 /* Localizable.xcstrings in Resources */,
35C36F612259DE67002FA5C6 /* NotesPopover.xib in Resources */,
9A3169C11D2CC5AA0079FDF8 /* com.abhishek.ClockerHelper.plist in Resources */,
9A56DB801C1CFB73004CE6AF /* MainMenu.xib in Resources */,
@ -1384,15 +1420,87 @@
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9AA522D023416A0E00C9E005 /* es */,
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9AA522D623416E6000C9E005 /* it */,
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9A4DC4E52337F5BC00F03FA4 /* de */,
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9AA522CF234169F200C9E005 /* ca */,
9AA522D123416A0E00C9E005 /* es */,
9AA522D523416A6000C9E005 /* nl */,
9AA522D723416E6000C9E005 /* it */,
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35A6A4B925C5DEF300356073 /* zh-Hant */,
353B5BC72698D4BB0023858D /* hr */,
3552066027AF6277000EF08F /* tr */,
3552066327AF63DC000EF08F /* ar */,
3552066527AF6489000EF08F /* pl */,
3567F7DB288DC6520049C7A9 /* uk */,
name = Localizable.strings;
path = Clocker;
sourceTree = "<group>";
9A7547DD1F184DC3004705EF /* Main.storyboard */ = {
isa = PBXVariantGroup;
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9A7547DE1F184DC3004705EF /* Base */,
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9AA522C823415BF600C9E005 /* ru */,
9AA522CB23415C4F00C9E005 /* zh-Hans */,
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isa = PBXVariantGroup;
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9AA522BF23415BDD00C9E005 /* de */,
9AA522C723415BF600C9E005 /* ru */,
9AA522C923415C4F00C9E005 /* zh-Hans */,
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isa = PBXVariantGroup;
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9AA522C223415BDD00C9E005 /* de */,
9AA522C623415BF600C9E005 /* ru */,
9AA522CA23415C4F00C9E005 /* zh-Hans */,
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sourceTree = "<group>";
/* End PBXVariantGroup section */
/* Begin XCBuildConfiguration section */
@ -1435,7 +1543,6 @@
@ -1514,7 +1621,6 @@
SDKROOT = macosx;
SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = "Clocker-Bridging-Header.h";
@ -1557,7 +1663,6 @@
name = Debug;
@ -1596,7 +1701,6 @@
name = Release;
@ -1635,7 +1739,6 @@
name = Distribution;
@ -1823,7 +1926,6 @@
PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.abhishek.ClockerUITests;
SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = "ClockerUITests/ClockerUITests-Bridging-Header.h";
@ -1872,7 +1974,6 @@
PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.abhishek.ClockerUITests;
SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = "ClockerUITests/ClockerUITests-Bridging-Header.h";
@ -1920,7 +2021,6 @@
PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.abhishek.ClockerUITests;
SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = "ClockerUITests/ClockerUITests-Bridging-Header.h";
@ -1973,7 +2073,6 @@
@ -2021,7 +2120,6 @@
@ -2104,7 +2202,6 @@
SDKROOT = macosx;
SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = "Clocker-Bridging-Header.h";
@ -2186,7 +2283,6 @@
SDKROOT = macosx;
SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = "Clocker-Bridging-Header.h";


@ -12,12 +12,12 @@


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"state" : "translated",
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"state" : "translated",
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"comment" : "Privacy - Calendars Usage Description",
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"de" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Clocker kann nützlicher sein, wenn es kommende Termine von Ihren Kalender anzeigen kann. Sie können diese Einstellung in Systemeinstellungen › Sicherheit Privatsphäre › Privatsphäre ändern"
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "new",
"value" : "Clocker can be more useful when it can display upcoming events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy"
"ru" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Clocker can be more useful when it can display upcoming events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy"
"zh-Hans" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Clocker在展示你即将到来的日程时非常有用。你可以在 系统设置› 安全和隐私› 隐私 中更改设置。"
"NSHumanReadableCopyright" : {
"comment" : "Copyright (human-readable)",
"extractionState" : "extracted_with_value",
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"ru" : {
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"zh-Hans" : {
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"state" : "translated",
"value" : "版权所有© 2016, Abhishek Banthia"
"NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription" : {
"comment" : "Privacy - Location Always and When In Use Usage Description",
"extractionState" : "extracted_with_value",
"localizations" : {
"de" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Clocker kann nützlicher sein, wenn es Ihren Standort zur Bestimmung Ihrer aktuellen Zeitzone verwenden kann."
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "new",
"value" : "Clocker can be more useful when it can use your location to determine your current timezone."
"ru" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Clocker can be more useful when it can use your location to determine your current timezone."
"zh-Hans" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Clocker can be more useful when it can use your location to determine your current timezone."
"NSLocationUsageDescription" : {
"comment" : "Privacy - Location Usage Description",
"extractionState" : "extracted_with_value",
"localizations" : {
"de" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Clocker kann nützlicher sein, wenn es Ihren Standort zur Bestimmung Ihrer aktuellen Zeitzone verwenden kann."
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "new",
"value" : "Clocker can be more useful when it can use your location to determine your current timezone."
"ru" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Clocker can be more useful when it can use your location to determine your current timezone."
"zh-Hans" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Clocker can be more useful when it can use your location to determine your current timezone."
"NSRemindersUsageDescription" : {
"comment" : "Privacy - Reminders Usage Description",
"extractionState" : "extracted_with_value",
"localizations" : {
"de" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Clocker kann nützlicher sein, wenn es Erinnerungen für Ihre ausgewählte Zeitzone(n) setzen kann. Sie können diese Einstellung in Systemeinstellungen › Sicherheit und Privatsphäre › Privatsphäre ändern."
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "new",
"value" : "Clocker can be more useful when it can set reminders for your selected timezone(s). You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy."
"ru" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Clocker can be more useful when it can set reminders for your selected timezone(s). You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy."
"zh-Hans" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Clocker can be more useful when it can set reminders for your selected timezone(s). You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy."
"version" : "1.0"


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
"CFBundleName" = "Clocker";


@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "كلوكر";
"Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!" = "شكرا للمساعدة في جعل Clocker افضل!";
"iRateMessageTitle" = "قيّم %@";
"iRateAppMessage" = "اذا ما اعجبك استخدام %@، فهل من الممكن ان نأخذ دقيقة من وقتك لتقييمه ؟ لن يأخذ أكثر من دقيقة من وقتك. نشكرك لدعمك!";
"iRateGameMessage" = "إذا أعجبك %@، فهل من الممكن أن نأخذ دقيقة من وقتك لتقييمه؟ لن تأخذ عملية التقييم أكثر من دقيقة من وقتك. نشكرك لدعمك!";
"iRateCancelButton" = "لا، شكراً";
"iRateRateButton" = "قيّم الآن";
"iRateRemindButton" = "ذكرني لاحقاً";
"iRateUpdateMessage" = "التحديث الان؟";
"ClockerVersion" = "الإصدار %@";
"CLFeedbackAlertTitle" = "شكرا للمساعدة في جعل Clocker افضل!";
"app-name" = "Clocker";
"start-at-login" = "بدء عند تسجيل الدخول";
"setup-steps" = "يتطلب الأمر فقط 3 خطوات لضبط Clocker";
"Permissions-Header" = "الصلاحيات";
"See your next Calendar event here." = "تابع حدثك القادم هنا.";
"Click here to start." = "أضغط هنا لتبدأ.";
"Reminders Access" = "صلاحيات الوصول إلى التذكيرات";
"Calendar Access" = "صلاحيات الوصول إلى التقويم";
"Permissions" = "الصلاحيات";
"Calendar Detail" = "الأحداث القادمة من تقويماتك الشخصية والمشتركة يمكن أن تظهر في شريط القائمة ولوحة التحكم.";
"Reminders Detail" = "عين تذكيرات في المنطقة الزمني للموقع الذي تريده. يتم تخزين تذكيراتك في تطبيق التذكير بشكل افتراضي.";
"Privacy Text" = "يمكنك تغيير هذا لاحقًا في قسم اعدادات الخصوصية المتواجد بتفضيلات النظام.";
"Granted Button Text" = "مسموح";
"Denied Button Text" = "مرفوض";
"Grant Button Text" = "منح";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker." = "يتطلب الأمر فقط 3 خطوات لتفعيل Clocker.";
"Get Started" = "ابدأ الاستخدام";
// Tab Item Titles
"Preferences Tab" = "التفضيلات";
"Appearance Tab" = "إعدادات المظهر";
"Calendar Tab" = "التقويم";
"About Tab" = "حول";
"Permissions Tab" = "الصلاحيات";
// General Preferences Screen
"Start at Login" = "بدأ Clocker عند تسجيل الدخول";
"Sort by Time Difference" = "الترتيب حسب الفارق الزمني";
"Sort by Name" = "الترتيب حسب الاسم";
"Sort by Label" = "الترتيب حسب العلامة";
"Search Field Placeholder" = "أدخل اسم المدينة أو الولاية أو البلد";
"No Timezone Selected" = "رجاء اختر منطقتك الزمنية!";
"Max Timezones Selected" = "الحد الأقصى المسموح به 100 منطقة زمنية!";
"Max Search Characters" = "الحد الأقصى 50 حرفًا!";
"Add Button Title" = "إضافة";
"Close Button Title" = "إغلاق";
// Onboarding
"Open Clocker At Login" = "بدأ \"كلوكر\" عند تسجيل الدخول";
"Launch Clocker" = "تشغيل Clocker";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker." = "يتطلب الأمر فقط 3 خطوات لتفعيل Clocker.";
"Get Started" = "ابدأ الاستخدام";
// Permissions
"Calendar Access Title" = "صلاحيات الوصول إلى التقويم";
"Reminders Access Title" = "صلاحيات الوصول إلى التذكيرات";
"Later Config Description" = "يمكن إعداد هذا لاحقًا في تفضيلات النظام.";
"Back" = "عودة";
"Continue" = "متابعة";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars." = "يكون Clocker مفيدًا أكثر عندما يكون لديه صلاحيات عرض أحداث من تقويمك.";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy." = "يكون Clocker أكثر فائدةُ عندما يكون لديه صلاحيات عرض أحداث من تقويمك. يمكنك تغير هذا في تفضيلات النظام > اعدادات الأمان والخصوصية > أعدادات الخصوصية.";
/* Text for button that takes the user to the System Preferences app. In case the user hasn't given Calendar/Reminders access permission, this button takes you to the System Preferences app where the user can give proper permissions to Clocker. */
"Launch Preferences" = "الانتقال إلى تفضيلات النظام";
"Grant Access" = "منح صلاحية الوصول";
"Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel." = "الأحداث القادمة من تقويماتك الشخصية والمشتركة يمكن أن تظهر في شريط القائمة ولوحة التحكم.";
"Granted" = "سماح";
"Denied" = "رفض";
"Grant" = "منح";
"Unexpected" = "غير متوقع";
// Onboarding Search
"Quick Add Locations" = "إضافة سريعة للمواقع";
"More search options in Clocker Preferences." = "المزيد من خيارات البحث في إعدادات تفضيلات Clocker.";
"Enter 3 or more characters for locations you'll like to add" = "أدخل على الأقل ثلاثة أحرف من الموقع الذي ترغب بإضافته";
// Start at Login
"Launch at Login" = "تشغيل عند تسجيل الدخول";
"This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences." = "يمكن إعداد هذا لاحقًا في تفضيلات النظام.";
"Should Clocker open automatically on startup?" = "هل تريد أن يبدأ Clocker عند بدأ التشغيل؟";
// Final Onboarding Screen
"You're all set!" = "You're all set!";
"Thank you for the details." = "Thank you for the details.";
"You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences." = "You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences.";
"If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!" = "If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!";
// Appearance Tab
"Panel Theme" = "Panel Theme";
"Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options." = "Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options.";
"Main Panel Options" = "Main Panel Options";
"Time Format" = "Time Format";
"Day Display Options" = "Day Display Options";
"Show Future Slider" = "Show Future Slider";
"Show Sunrise/Sunset" = "Show Sunrise/Sunset";
"Display the time in seconds" = "Display the time in seconds";
"Larger Text" = "Larger Text";
"Future Slider Range" = "Future Slider Range";
"Include Date" = "Include Date";
"Include Day" = "Include Day";
"Include Place Name" = "Include Place Name";
"Menubar Display Options" = "Menubar Display Options";
/* Appears in Preferences -> Appearance which allows the user to switch between the compact and standard menubar mode. It doesn't lead anywhere. */
"Menubar Mode" = "Menubar Mode";
"Preview" = "Preview";
"Miscellaneous" = "Miscellaneous";
// Empty View
"No places added" = "No places added";
// Panel
"No upcoming event." = "No upcoming event.";
"You have no events scheduled for tomorrow." = "You have no events scheduled for tomorrow.";
// Review
"Enjoy using Clocker?" = "Enjoy using Clocker?";
// App Feedback
"Tell us what you think!" = "Tell us what you think!";
"Contact Information (Optional)" = "Contact Information (Optional)";
"Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!" = "Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!";
// About View Screen
"Feedback is always welcome:" = "Feedback is always welcome:";
// Calendars View
"Upcoming Event View Options" = "Upcoming Event View Options";
"Show Upcoming Event View" = "Show Upcoming Event View";
"Show All Day Meetings" = "Show All Day Meetings";
"Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar" = "Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar";
"Truncate menubar text longer than" = "Truncate menubar text longer than";
"characters" = "characters";
"Show events from" = "Show events from";
"If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"" = "If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"";
// Notes Popover
"Reminder Set" = "Reminder Set";
"Successfully set." = "Successfully set.";
// Errors
"You're offline, maybe?" = "You're offline, maybe?";
"Try again, maybe?" = "Try again, maybe?";
"The Internet connection appears to be offline." = "The Internet connection appears to be offline.";
// UI Tests
"New Zealand" = "New Zealand";
"Florida" = "Florida";
"San Francisco" = "San Francisco";
// iCloud
"Enable iCloud Sync" = "Enable iCloud Sync";


@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
"CFBundleName" = "Clocker";


@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
"Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!" = "Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!";
"iRateMessageTitle" = "Rate %@";
"iRateAppMessage" = "If you enjoy using %@, would you mind taking a moment to rate it? It won’t take more than a minute. Thanks for your support!";
"iRateGameMessage" = "If you enjoy playing %@, would you mind taking a moment to rate it? It won’t take more than a minute. Thanks for your support!";
"iRateCancelButton" = "No, Thanks";
"iRateRateButton" = "Rate It Now";
"iRateRemindButton" = "Remind Me Later";
"iRateUpdateMessage" = "Update now?";
"ClockerVersion" = "Version %@";
"CLFeedbackAlertTitle" = "Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!";
"app-name" = "Clocker";
"start-at-login" = "Start At Login";
"setup-steps" = "It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker";
"Permissions-Header" = "Permissions";
"See your next Calendar event here." = "See your next Calendar event here.";
"Click here to start." = "Click here to start.";
"Reminders Access" = "Reminders Access";
"Calendar Access" = "Calendar Access";
"Permissions" = "Permissions";
"Calendar Detail" = "Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel.";
"Reminders Detail" = "Set reminders in the timezone of the location of your choice. Your reminders are stored in the default Reminders app.";
"Privacy Text" = "You can change this later in the Privacy section of the System Preferences.";
"Granted Button Text" = "Granted";
"Denied Button Text" = "Denied";
"Grant Button Text" = "Grant";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker." = "It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker.";
"Get Started" = "Get Started";
// Tab Item Titles
"Preferences Tab" = "Preferences";
"Appearance Tab" = "Appearance";
"Calendar Tab" = "Calendar";
"About Tab" = "About";
"Permissions Tab" = "Permissions";
// General Preferences Screen
"Start at Login" = "Start Clocker at Login";
"Sort by Time Difference" = "Sort by Time Difference";
"Sort by Name" = "Sort by Name";
"Sort by Label" = "Sort by Label";
"Search Field Placeholder" = "Enter a city, state or country name";
"No Timezone Selected" = "Please select a timezone!";
"Max Timezones Selected" = "Maximum 100 timezones allowed!";
"Max Search Characters" = "Only 50 characters allowed!";
"Add Button Title" = "Add";
"Close Button Title" = "Close";
// Onboarding
"Open Clocker At Login" = "Open Clocker At Login";
"Launch Clocker" = "Launch Clocker";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker." = "It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker.";
"Get Started" = "Get Started";
// Permissions
"Calendar Access Title" = "Calendar Access";
"Reminders Access Title" = "Reminders Access";
"Later Config Description" = "These can be configured later in System Preferences.";
"Back" = "Back";
"Continue" = "Continue";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars." = "Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars.";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy." = "Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy.";
"Launch Preferences" = "Launch Preferences";
"Grant Access" = "Grant Access";
"Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel." = "Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel.";
"Granted" = "Granted";
"Denied" = "Denied";
"Grant" = "Grant";
"Unexpected" = "Unexpected";
// Onboarding Search
"Quick Add Locations" = "Quick Add Locations";
"More search options in Clocker Preferences." = "More search options in Clocker Preferences.";
"Enter 3 or more characters for locations you'll like to add" = "Enter 3 or more characters for locations you'll like to add";
// Start at Login
"Launch at Login" = "Launch at Login";
"This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences." = "This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences.";
"Should Clocker open automatically on startup?" = "Should Clocker open automatically on startup?";
// Final Onboarding Screen
"You're all set!" = "You're all set!";
"Thank you for the details." = "Thank you for the details.";
"You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences." = "You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences.";
"If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!" = "If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!";
// Appearance Tab
"Panel Theme" = "Panel Theme";
"Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options." = "Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options.";
"Main Panel Options" = "Main Panel Options";
"Time Format" = "Time Format";
"Day Display Options" = "Day Display Options";
"Show Future Slider" = "Show Future Slider";
"Show Sunrise/Sunset" = "Show Sunrise/Sunset";
"Display the time in seconds" = "Display the time in seconds";
"Larger Text" = "Larger Text";
"Future Slider Range" = "Future Slider Range";
"Include Date" = "Include Date";
"Include Day" = "Include Day";
"Include Place Name" = "Include Place Name";
"Menubar Display Options" = "Menubar Display Options";
"Menubar Mode" = "Menubar Mode";
"Preview" = "Preview";
"Miscellaneous" = "Miscellaneous";
// Empty View
"No places added" = "No places added";
// Panel
"No upcoming event." = "No upcoming event.";
"You have no events scheduled for tomorrow." = "You have no events scheduled for tomorrow.";
// Review
"Enjoy using Clocker?" = "Enjoy using Clocker?";
// App Feedback
"Tell us what you think!" = "Tell us what you think!";
"Contact Information (Optional)" = "Contact Information (Optional)";
"Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!" = "Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!";
// About View Screen
"Feedback is always welcome:" = "Feedback is always welcome:";
// Calendars View
"Upcoming Event View Options" = "Upcoming Event View Options";
"Show Upcoming Event View" = "Show Upcoming Event View";
"Show All Day Meetings" = "Show All Day Meetings";
"Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar" = "Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar";
"Truncate menubar text longer than" = "Truncate menubar text longer than";
"characters" = "characters";
"Show events from" = "Show events from";
"If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"" = "If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"";
// Notes Popover
"Reminder Set" = "Reminder Set";
"Successfully set." = "Successfully set.";
// Errors
"You're offline, maybe?" = "You're offline, maybe?";
"Try again, maybe?" = "Try again, maybe?";
"The Internet connection appears to be offline." = "The Internet connection appears to be offline.";
// UI Tests
"New Zealand" = "New Zealand";
"Florida" = "Florida";
"San Francisco" = "San Francisco";
// DST changes
"Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours" = "Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours";
"Copied to Clipboard" = "Copied to Clipboard";
"No upcoming events for today!" = "No upcoming events for today 🎉";
"Great going." = "Great going.";
"Happy Weekend." = "Happy Weekend.";
// iCloud
"Enable iCloud Sync" = "Enable iCloud Sync";


@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
/* InfoPlist.strings
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16. */
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
/* (No Comment) */
"CFBundleName" = "Clocker";
/* Privacy - Calendars Usage Description */
"NSCalendarsUsageDescription" = "Clocker kann nützlicher sein, wenn es kommende Termine von Ihren Kalender anzeigen kann. Sie können diese Einstellung in Systemeinstellungen › Sicherheit Privatsphäre › Privatsphäre ändern";
/* Copyright (human-readable) */
"NSHumanReadableCopyright" = "Copyright © 2016, Abhishek Banthia";
/* Privacy - Location Always and When In Use Usage Description */
"NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription" = "Clocker kann nützlicher sein, wenn es Ihren Standort zur Bestimmung Ihrer aktuellen Zeitzone verwenden kann.";
/* Privacy - Location Usage Description */
"NSLocationUsageDescription" = "Clocker kann nützlicher sein, wenn es Ihren Standort zur Bestimmung Ihrer aktuellen Zeitzone verwenden kann.";
/* Privacy - Reminders Usage Description */
"NSRemindersUsageDescription" = "Clocker kann nützlicher sein, wenn es Erinnerungen für Ihre ausgewählte Zeitzone(n) setzen kann. Sie können diese Einstellung in Systemeinstellungen › Sicherheit und Privatsphäre › Privatsphäre ändern.";


@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
"Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!" = "Danke, dass du dabei geholfen hast, Clocker noch besser zu machen!";
"iRateMessageTitle" = "%@ bewerten";
"iRateAppMessage" = "Wenn dir %@ gefällt, dann bewerte uns doch im App Store. Das dauert kaum eine Minute und hilft uns sehr. Vielen Dank für deine Unterstützung!";
"iRateGameMessage" = "Wenn du Spaß an %@ hast, dann bewerte uns doch im App Store. Das dauert kaum eine Minute und hilft uns sehr. Vielen Dank, für deine Unterstützung!";
"iRateCancelButton" = "Nein, danke";
"iRateRateButton" = "Jetzt bewerten";
"iRateRemindButton" = "Später erinnern";
"iRateUpdateMessage" = "Jetzt aktualisieren?";
"ClockerVersion" = "Version %@";
"CLFeedbackAlertTitle" = "Danke, dass Du hilfst Clocker noch besser zu machen!";
"app-name" = "Clocker";
"start-at-login" = "Bei der Anmeldung starten";
"setup-steps" = "In nur drei Schritten ist Clocker fertig eingerichtet";
"Permissions-Header" = "Berechtigungen";
"See your next Calendar event here." = "Siehe bevorstehendes Kalenderereignis?";
"Click here to start." = "Hier klicken, um zu starten.";
"Reminders Access" = "Erinnerungen-Zugriff";
"Calendar Access" = "Kalender-Zugriff";
"Permissions" = "Berechtigungen";
"Calendar Detail" = "Anstehende Termine aus Deinem persönlichen und geteilten Kalendern können in der Menüleiste und im Fenster angezeigt werden.";
"Reminders Detail" = "Erinnerungen in der Zeitzone Deiner Wahl festlegen. Deine Erinnerungen werden in der Standard-Erinnerungs-App gespeichert.";
"Privacy Text" = "Du kannst das später im Bereich Datenschutz in den Systemeinstellungen ändern.";
"Granted Button Text" = "Gewährt";
"Denied Button Text" = "Verweigert";
"Grant Button Text" = "Gewähren";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker." = "In nur drei Schritten ist Clocker fertig eingerichtet.";
"Get Started" = "Erste Schritte";
// Tab Item Titles
"Preferences Tab" = "Einstellungen";
"Appearance Tab" = "Darstellung";
"Calendar Tab" = "Kalender";
"About Tab" = "Über";
"Permissions Tab" = "Berechtigungen";
// General Preferences Screen
"Start at Login" = "Clocker bei der Anmeldung starten";
"Sort by Time Difference" = "Nach Zeitdifferenz sortieren";
"Sort by Name" = "Nach Namen sortieren";
"Sort by Label" = "Nach Bezeichnung sortieren";
"Search Field Placeholder" = "Gebe eine Stadt, ein Bundesland oder Land ein";
"No Timezone Selected" = "Bitte wählen Sie eine Zeitzone!";
"Max Timezones Selected" = "Es werden maximal 100 Zeitzonen unterstützt!";
"Max Search Characters" = "Es sind nur 50 Zeichen erlaubt!";
"Add Button Title" = "Hinzufügen";
"Close Button Title" = "Schließen";
// Onboarding
"Open Clocker At Login" = "Clocker bei der Anmeldung starten";
"Launch Clocker" = "Clocker starten";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker." = "In nur drei Schritten ist Clocker fertig eingerichtet.";
"Get Started" = "Erste Schritte";
// Permissions
"Calendar Access Title" = "Kalender-Zugriff";
"Reminders Access Title" = "Zugriff auf Erinnerungen";
"Later Config Description" = "Dies kann später in den Clocker Einstellungen konfiguriert werden.";
"Back" = "Zurück";
"Continue" = "Fortfahren";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars." = "Clocker ist nützlicher, wenn es Ereignisse aus Deinem Kalendern anzeigen kann.";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy." = "Clocker ist nützlicher, wenn es Ereignisse aus Deinem Kalendern anzeigen kann. Du kannst diese Einstellung in Systemeinstellungen › Sicherheit Privatsphäre › Privatsphäre ändern.";
"Launch Preferences" = "Einstellungen öffnen";
"Grant Access" = "Zugriff erlauben";
"Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel." = "Anstehende Termine aus Deinem persönlichen und geteilten Kalendern können in der Menüleiste und im Fenster angezeigt werden.";
"Granted" = "Gewährt";
"Denied" = "Abgelehnt";
"Grant" = "Gewähren";
"Unexpected" = "Unerwartet";
// Onboarding Search
"Quick Add Locations" = "Orte schnell hinzufügen";
"More search options in Clocker Preferences." = "Weitere Suchoptionen in den Clocker Einstellungen.";
"Enter 3 or more characters for locations you'll like to add" = "Gebe 3 oder mehr Zeichen für den Orte ein, die Du hinzufügen möchtest";
// Start at Login
"Launch at Login" = "Bei der Anmelden starten";
"This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences." = "Dies kann später in den Clocker Einstellungen konfiguriert werden.";
"Should Clocker open automatically on startup?" = "Soll Clocker beim Start automatisch geöffnet werden?";
// Final Onboarding Screen
"You're all set!" = "Du bist startklar!";
"Thank you for the details." = "Vielen Dank für die Details.";
"You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences." = "Du wirst ein Uhr-Symbol in Ihrer Menüleiste sehen, wenn Du die App startest. Wenn Du ein Dock-Symbol sehen möchtest, gehe in die Einstellungen.";
"If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!" = "Wenn Du uns helfen möchtest die App in Deine Sprache zu übersetzen oder von Zeit zu Zeit Informationen zur App erhalten möchtest, gibt bitte hier Deine E-Mail ein!";
// Appearance Tab
"Panel Theme" = "Erscheinungsbild";
"Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options." = "Favorisiere eine Zeitzone, um diese in der Menüleiste zu zeigen.";
"Main Panel Options" = "Optionen für Programmfenster";
"Time Format" = "Zeitformat";
"Day Display Options" = "Anzeigeoptionen für den Tag";
"Show Future Slider" = "\"Future Slider\" anzeigen";
"Show Sunrise/Sunset" = "Sonnenaufgang/-untergang anzeigen";
"Display the time in seconds" = "Zeit in Sekunden anzeigen";
"Larger Text" = "Größerer Text";
"Future Slider Range" = "Bereich für den \"Future Slider\"";
"Include Date" = "Datum hinzufügen";
"Include Day" = "Tag hinzufügen";
"Include Place Name" = "Ortsname hinzufügen";
"Menubar Display Options" = "Anzeigeoptionen für die Menüleiste";
"Menubar Mode" = "Menüleisten-Modus";
"Preview" = "Vorschau";
"Miscellaneous" = "Verschiedenes";
// Empty View
"No places added" = "Keine Orte hinzugefügt";
// Panel
"No upcoming event." = "Kein anstehendes Ereignis.";
"You have no events scheduled for tomorrow." = "Du hast keine Kalendereinträge für morgen.";
// Review
"Enjoy using Clocker?" = "Gefällt Dir Clocker?";
// App Feedback
"Tell us what you think!" = "Sag uns, was Du denkst!";
"Contact Information (Optional)" = "Kontaktinformationen (optional)";
"Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!" = "Kontaktinformationen sind optional! Diese helfen uns jedoch Dich zu erreichen, falls wir weitere Informationen benötigen oder helfen können!";
// About View Screen
"Feedback is always welcome:" = "Feedback ist immer willkommen:";
// Calendars View
"Upcoming Event View Options" = "Zukünftige Ereignisse zeigen";
"Show Upcoming Event View" = "Anzeigeoptionen für zukünftige Ereignisse";
"Show All Day Meetings" = "Ganztägige Ereignisse anzeigen";
"Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar" = "Das nächste Ereignis in der Menüliste zeigen";
"Truncate menubar text longer than" = "Text in der Menüleiste kürzen, der länger ist als";
"characters" = "Zeichen";
"Show events from" = "Zeige Ereignisse aus";
"If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"" = "Wenn der Besprechungstitel \"Besprechung mit Neel\" ist und die Kürzungslänge auf 5 eingestellt wurde, dann erscheint der Text in der Menüleiste als \"Bespr...\"";
// Notes Popover
"Reminder Set" = "Erinnerung gespeichert";
"Successfully set." = "Erfolgreich gespeichert.";
// Errors
"You're offline, maybe?" = "Bist Du eventuell offline?";
"Try again, maybe?" = "Versuche es nochmal!";
"The Internet connection appears to be offline." = "Scheinbar besteht keine Verbindung zum Internet.";
// UI Tests
"New Zealand" = "Neuseeland";
"Florida" = "Florida";
"San Francisco" = "San Francisco";
// DST changes
"Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours" = "Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours";
"Copied to Clipboard" = "Copied to Clipboard";
"No upcoming events for today!" = "No upcoming events for today 🎉";
"Great going." = "Great going.";
"Happy Weekend." = "Happy Weekend.";
// iCloud
"Enable iCloud Sync" = "Enable iCloud Sync";


@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
"CFBundleName" = "Clocker";


@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
"Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!" = "Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!";
"iRateMessageTitle" = "Rate %@";
"iRateAppMessage" = "If you enjoy using %@, would you mind taking a moment to rate it? It won’t take more than a minute. Thanks for your support!";
"iRateGameMessage" = "If you enjoy playing %@, would you mind taking a moment to rate it? It won’t take more than a minute. Thanks for your support!";
"iRateCancelButton" = "No, Thanks";
"iRateRateButton" = "Rate It Now";
"iRateRemindButton" = "Remind Me Later";
"iRateUpdateMessage" = "Update now?";
"ClockerVersion" = "Version %@";
"CLFeedbackAlertTitle" = "Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!";
"app-name" = "Clocker";
"start-at-login" = "Start At Login";
"setup-steps" = "It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker";
"Permissions-Header" = "Permissions";
"See your next Calendar event here." = "See your next Calendar event here.";
"Click here to start." = "Click here to start.";
"Reminders Access" = "Reminders Access";
"Calendar Access" = "Calendar Access";
"Permissions" = "Permissions";
"Calendar Detail" = "Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel.";
"Reminders Detail" = "Set reminders in the timezone of the location of your choice. Your reminders are stored in the default Reminders app.";
"Privacy Text" = "You can change this later in the Privacy section of the System Preferences.";
"Granted Button Text" = "Granted";
"Denied Button Text" = "Denied";
"Grant Button Text" = "Grant";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker." = "It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker.";
"Get Started" = "Get Started";
// Tab Item Titles
"Preferences Tab" = "Preferences";
"Appearance Tab" = "Appearance";
"Calendar Tab" = "Calendar";
"About Tab" = "About";
"Permissions Tab" = "Permissions";
// General Preferences Screen
"Start at Login" = "Start Clocker at Login";
"Sort by Time Difference" = "Sort by Time Difference";
"Sort by Name" = "Sort by Name";
"Sort by Label" = "Sort by Label";
"Search Field Placeholder" = "Enter a city, state or country name";
"No Timezone Selected" = "Please select a timezone!";
"Max Timezones Selected" = "Maximum 100 timezones allowed!";
"Max Search Characters" = "Only 50 characters allowed!";
"Add Button Title" = "Add";
"Close Button Title" = "Close";
// Onboarding
"Open Clocker At Login" = "Open Clocker At Login";
"Launch Clocker" = "Launch Clocker";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker." = "It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker.";
"Get Started" = "Get Started";
// Permissions
"Calendar Access Title" = "Calendar Access";
"Reminders Access Title" = "Reminders Access";
"Later Config Description" = "These can be configured later in System Preferences.";
"Back" = "Back";
"Continue" = "Continue";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars." = "Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars.";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy." = "Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy.";
"Launch Preferences" = "Launch Preferences";
"Grant Access" = "Grant Access";
"Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel." = "Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar and the panel.";
"Granted" = "Granted";
"Denied" = "Denied";
"Grant" = "Grant";
"Unexpected" = "Unexpected";
// Onboarding Search
"Quick Add Locations" = "Quick Add Locations";
"More search options in Clocker Preferences." = "More search options in Clocker Preferences.";
"Enter 3 or more characters for locations you'll like to add" = "Enter 3 or more characters for locations you'll like to add";
// Start at Login
"Launch at Login" = "Launch at Login";
"This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences." = "This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences.";
"Should Clocker open automatically on startup?" = "Should Clocker open automatically on startup?";
// Final Onboarding Screen
"You're all set!" = "You're all set!";
"Thank you for the details." = "Thank you for the details.";
"You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences." = "You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences.";
"If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!" = "If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!";
// Appearance Tab
"Panel Theme" = "Panel Theme";
"Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options." = "Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options.";
"Main Panel Options" = "Main Panel Options";
"Time Format" = "Time Format";
"Day Display Options" = "Day Display Options";
"Show Future Slider" = "Show Future Slider";
"Time Scroller" = "Time Scroller";
"Show Sunrise/Sunset" = "Show Sunrise/Sunset";
"Display the time in seconds" = "Display the time in seconds";
"Larger Text" = "Larger Text";
"Future Slider Range" = "Future Slider Range";
"Future Slider Range" = "Future Slider Range";
"Include Date" = "Include Date";
"Include Day" = "Include Day";
"Include Place Name" = "Include Place Name";
"Menubar Display Options" = "Menubar Display Options";
"Menubar Mode" = "Menubar Mode";
"Preview" = "Preview";
"Miscellaneous" = "Miscellaneous";
// Empty View
"No places added" = "No places added";
// Panel
"No upcoming event." = "No upcoming event.";
"You have no events scheduled for tomorrow." = "You have no events scheduled for tomorrow.";
// Review
"Enjoy using Clocker?" = "Enjoy using Clocker?";
// App Feedback
"Tell us what you think!" = "Tell us what you think!";
"Contact Information (Optional)" = "Contact Information (Optional)";
"Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!" = "Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!";
// About View Screen
"Feedback is always welcome:" = "Feedback is always welcome:";
// Calendars View
"Upcoming Event View Options" = "Upcoming Event View Options";
"Show Upcoming Event View" = "Show Upcoming Event View";
"Show All Day Meetings" = "Show All Day Meetings";
"Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar" = "Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar";
"Truncate menubar text longer than" = "Truncate menubar text longer than";
"characters" = "characters";
"Show events from" = "Show events from";
"If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"" = "If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"";
// Notes Popover
"Reminder Set" = "Reminder Set";
"Successfully set." = "Successfully set.";
// Errors
"You're offline, maybe?" = "You're offline, maybe?";
"Try again, maybe?" = "Try again, maybe?";
"The Internet connection appears to be offline." = "The Internet connection appears to be offline.";
// UI Tests
"New Zealand" = "New Zealand";
"Florida" = "Florida";
"San Francisco" = "San Francisco";
// DST changes
"Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours" = "Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours";
"Copied to Clipboard" = "Copied to Clipboard";
// Upcoming Event View
"No upcoming events for today!" = "No upcoming events for today 🎉";
"Great going." = "Great going.";
"Happy Weekend." = "Happy Weekend.";
// iCloud
"Enable iCloud Sync" = "Enable iCloud Sync";


@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
"CFBundleName" = "Clocker";


@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
"Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!" = "¡Gracias por ayudar a mejorar Clocker!";
"iRateMessageTitle" = "Valora %@";
"iRateAppMessage" = "Si te gusta %@, ¿podrías escribirnos una reseña? No te tomará más de un minuto. ¡Gracias por tu apoyo!";
"iRateGameMessage" = "Si te gusta %@, ¿te importaría dedicar un momento para valorarla? No tardarás nada. ¡Gracias por tu apoyo!";
"iRateCancelButton" = "No, gracias";
"iRateRateButton" = "Califícalo ahora";
"iRateRemindButton" = "Recordarme más tarde";
"iRateUpdateMessage" = "¿Actualizar ahora?";
"ClockerVersion" = "Versión %@";
"CLFeedbackAlertTitle" = "¡Gracias por ayudar a mejorar Clocker!";
"app-name" = "Clocker";
"start-at-login" = "Abrir en el inicio de sesión";
"setup-steps" = "Sólo te tomará 3 pasos configurar Clocker";
"Permissions-Header" = "Permisos";
"See your next Calendar event here." = "Vea aquí su próximo evento del calendario.";
"Click here to start." = "Haga clic aquí para comenzar.";
"Reminders Access" = "Acceder a Recordatorios";
"Calendar Access" = "Acceder al calendario";
"Permissions" = "Permisos";
"Calendar Detail" = "Los próximos eventos de sus calendarios personales y compartidos pueden mostrarse en la barra de menú y en el panel.";
"Reminders Detail" = "Establece recordatorios en la zona horaria de la ubicación seleccionada. Los recordatorios serán guardados en la aplicación Recordatorios predeterminada.";
"Privacy Text" = "Puede cambiar esto más tarde en la sección de Privacidad de las Preferencias del Sistema.";
"Granted Button Text" = "Permitido";
"Denied Button Text" = "Denegado";
"Grant Button Text" = "Permitir";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker." = "Sólo te tomará 3 pasos configurar Clocker.";
"Get Started" = "Comenzar ahora";
// Tab Item Titles
"Preferences Tab" = "Preferencias";
"Appearance Tab" = "Aspecto";
"Calendar Tab" = "Calendario";
"About Tab" = "Acerca de";
"Permissions Tab" = "Permisos";
// General Preferences Screen
"Start at Login" = "Abrir Clocker al inicio de sesión";
"Sort by Time Difference" = "Ordenar por diferencia horaria";
"Sort by Name" = "Ordenar por nombre";
"Sort by Label" = "Ordenar por etiqueta";
"Search Field Placeholder" = "Introduzca un nombre de ciudad, estado o país";
"No Timezone Selected" = "¡Por favor, selecciona una zona horaria!";
"Max Timezones Selected" = "¡Se permiten maximo 100 zonas horarias!";
"Max Search Characters" = "¡Solo se permiten 50 caracteres!";
"Add Button Title" = "Añadir";
"Close Button Title" = "Cerrar";
// Onboarding
"Open Clocker At Login" = "Abrir Clocker al iniciar sesión";
"Launch Clocker" = "Abrir Clocker";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker." = "Sólo te tomará 3 pasos configurar Clocker.";
"Get Started" = "Comenzar ahora";
// Permissions
"Calendar Access Title" = "Acceder al calendario";
"Reminders Access Title" = "Acceder a Recordatorios";
"Later Config Description" = "Se puede configurar más tarde en Preferencias del sistema.";
"Back" = "Regresar";
"Continue" = "Continuar";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars." = "Clocker es más útil cuando puede mostrar eventos de tus calendarios.";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy." = "Clocker es más útil cuando puede mostrar eventos de tus calendarios. Puede cambiar esta configuración en Preferencias del Sistema › Seguridad y privacidad › Privacidad.";
/* Text for button that takes the user to the System Preferences app. In case the user hasn't given Calendar/Reminders access permission, this button takes you to the System Preferences app where the user can give proper permissions to Clocker. */
"Launch Preferences" = "Abrir las preferencias";
"Grant Access" = "Permitir acceso";
"Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel." = "Los próximos eventos de sus calendarios personales y compartidos pueden mostrarse en la barra de menú y en el panel.";
"Granted" = "Permitido";
"Denied" = "Denegado";
"Grant" = "Permitir";
"Unexpected" = "Inesperado";
// Onboarding Search
"Quick Add Locations" = "Agregar ubicaciones rápidamente";
"More search options in Clocker Preferences." = "Más opciones de búsqueda en las preferencias de Clocker.";
"Enter 3 or more characters for locations you'll like to add" = "Introduce 3 o más caracteres de las ubicaciones que quisiera añadir";
// Start at Login
"Launch at Login" = "Ejecutar cuando inicia la sesión";
"This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences." = "Esto se puede configurar más tarde en las Preferencias de Clocker.";
"Should Clocker open automatically on startup?" = "¿Quieres que Clocker se abra automáticamente al inicio?";
// Final Onboarding Screen
"You're all set!" = "¡Todo listo!";
"Thank you for the details." = "Gracias por informarnos.";
"You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences." = "Verás un icono de reloj en tu barra de menú cuando inicies la aplicación. Si quieres ver el icono en el Dock, ve a Preferencias.";
"If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!" = "Si quieres ayudarnos a traducir la aplicación en tu idioma o recibir actualizaciones relacionadas con la aplicación, ¡Por favor escribe tu correo electrónico!";
// Appearance Tab
"Panel Theme" = "Apariencia de la aplicación";
"Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options." = "Elija una zona horaria como favorita para habilitar las opciones de visualización de la barra de menú.";
"Main Panel Options" = "Opciones del Panel Principal";
"Time Format" = "Formato de hora";
"Day Display Options" = "Formato de visualización del día";
"Show Future Slider" = "Mostrar el deslizador para horas futuras";
"Show Sunrise/Sunset" = "Mostrar salida de sol/puesta de sol";
"Display the time in seconds" = "Mostrar el tiempo en segundos";
"Larger Text" = "Texto más grande";
"Future Slider Range" = "Deslizador de rango de tiempo";
"Include Date" = "Mostrar fecha";
"Include Day" = "Mostrar día";
"Include Place Name" = "Mostrar nombre del lugar";
"Menubar Display Options" = "Opciones de visualización del reloj en la barra de menú";
"Menubar Mode" = "Modo en la barra de menú";
"Preview" = "Vista previa";
"Miscellaneous" = "Varios";
// Empty View
"No places added" = "No hay zonas horarias añadidas";
// Panel
"No upcoming event." = "No hay próximos eventos.";
"You have no events scheduled for tomorrow." = "No tienes eventos programados para mañana.";
// Review
"Enjoy using Clocker?" = "¿Te gusta Clocker?";
// App Feedback
"Tell us what you think!" = "¡Queremos conocer tu opinión!";
"Contact Information (Optional)" = "Información de contacto (opcional)";
"Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!" = "¡Los campos de contacto son opcionales! ¡Su información de contacto nos permitirá contactarnos con usted en caso de que necesitemos más información o podamos ayudar!";
// About View Screen
"Feedback is always welcome:" = "Tus comentarios son bienvenidos:";
// Calendars View
"Upcoming Event View Options" = "Opciones de visualización de los próximos eventos";
"Show Upcoming Event View" = "Mostrar el próximo evento";
"Show All Day Meetings" = "Mostrar todas las reuniones del día";
"Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar" = "Mostrar el título de la próxima reunión en la barra de menú";
"Truncate menubar text longer than" = "Cortar el texto de la barra de menú si es mayor que";
"characters" = "caracteres";
"Show events from" = "Mostrar eventos de";
"If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"" = "Si el título de la reunión es \"Reunión con Neel\" y la longitud de corte está establecida en 5 caracteres, el texto en la barra de menú aparecerá como \"Reuni…\"";
// Notes Popover
"Reminder Set" = "Recordatorio establecido";
"Successfully set." = "Configurado con éxito.";
// Errors
"You're offline, maybe?" = "¿Quizás estás sin conexión a internet?";
"Try again, maybe?" = "¿Podrías intentarlo otra vez?";
"The Internet connection appears to be offline." = "Parece que no hay conexión a internet.";
// UI Tests
"New Zealand" = "Nueva Zelanda";
"Florida" = "Florida";
"San Francisco" = "San Francisco";
// DST changes
"Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours" = "Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours";
"Copied to Clipboard" = "Copied to Clipboard";
"No upcoming events for today!" = "No upcoming events for today 🎉";
"Great going." = "Great going.";
"Happy Weekend." = "Happy Weekend.";
// iCloud
"Enable iCloud Sync" = "Enable iCloud Sync";


@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
"CFBundleName" = "Clocker";


@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
"Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!" = "Merci d'aider à améliorer Clocker !";
"iRateMessageTitle" = "Noter %@";
"iRateAppMessage" = "Si vous aimez utiliser %@, pourriez-vous prendre un moment pour l'évaluer ? Cela ne prendra pas plus d'une minute. Merci pour votre soutien !";
"iRateGameMessage" = "Si vous aimez utiliser %@, pourriez-vous prendre un moment pour l'évaluer ? Cela ne prendra pas plus d'une minute. Merci pour votre soutien !";
"iRateCancelButton" = "Non Merci";
"iRateRateButton" = "Évaluez-le maintenant";
"iRateRemindButton" = "Me le rappeler ultérieurement";
"iRateUpdateMessage" = "Mettre à jour maintenant ?";
"ClockerVersion" = "Version %@";
"CLFeedbackAlertTitle" = "Merci pour votre aide à rendre Clocker encore meilleur!";
"app-name" = "Clocker";
"start-at-login" = "Activer avec la session";
"setup-steps" = "Plus que trois marches à gravir et vous aurez ajusté Clocker";
"Permissions-Header" = "Droits d'accès";
"See your next Calendar event here." = "Retrouvez votre prochain événement de calendrier ici.";
"Click here to start." = "Cliquez ici pour commencer.";
"Reminders Access" = "Accès aux rappels";
"Calendar Access" = "Accès au Calendrier";
"Permissions" = "Autorisations";
"Calendar Detail" = "Les événements à venir de vos calendriers personnels et partagés peuvent être affichés dans la barre de menus et dans le panneau.";
"Reminders Detail" = "Placez des rappels dans le fuseau horaire de votre choix. Vos rappels seront enregistrés dans l'application 'Rappels' par défaut.";
"Privacy Text" = "Vous pourrez modifier cela plus tard dans la section Confidentialité des Préférences Système.";
"Granted Button Text" = "Autorisé";
"Denied Button Text" = "Refusée";
"Grant Button Text" = "Autoriser";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker." = "Cela ne prend que 3 étapes pour configurer Clocker.";
"Get Started" = "Get Started";
// Tab Item Titles
"Preferences Tab" = "Préférences";
"Appearance Tab" = "Apparence";
"Calendar Tab" = "Calendrier";
"About Tab" = "À propos";
"Permissions Tab" = "Autorisations";
// General Preferences Screen
"Start at Login" = "Démarrer Clocker à la connexion";
"Sort by Time Difference" = "Trier par différence de temps";
"Sort by Name" = "Tri par nom";
"Sort by Label" = "Trier par étiquette";
"Search Field Placeholder" = "Saisissez une ville, une région ou un pays";
"No Timezone Selected" = "Veuillez sélectionner un fuseau horaire !";
"Max Timezones Selected" = "100 fuseaux horaires maximum autorisés !";
"Max Search Characters" = "50 caractères maximum autorisés !";
"Add Button Title" = "Ajouter";
"Close Button Title" = "Fermer";
// Onboarding
"Open Clocker At Login" = "Ouvrir Clocker à la connexion";
"Launch Clocker" = "Lancer Clocker";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker." = "Cela ne prend que 3 étapes pour configurer Clocker.";
"Get Started" = "Commencer";
// Permissions
"Calendar Access Title" = "Accès au calendrier";
"Reminders Access Title" = "Accès aux rappels";
"Later Config Description" = "Ces paramètres peuvent être configurés plus tard dans les Préférences Système.";
"Back" = "Retour";
"Continue" = "Continuer";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars." = "Clocker est plus utile quand il peut afficher des événements de vos calendriers.";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy." = "Clocker est plus utile quand il peut afficher des événements de vos calendriers. Vous pouvez modifier ce paramètre dans Préférences Système › Sécurité & Confidentialité › Confidentialité.";
/* Text for button that takes the user to the System Preferences app. In case the user hasn't given Calendar/Reminders access permission, this button takes you to the System Preferences app where the user can give proper permissions to Clocker. */
"Launch Preferences" = "Préférences de démarrage";
"Grant Access" = "Autoriser l'accès";
"Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel." = "Les événements à venir de vos calendriers personnels et partagés peuvent être affichés dans la barre de menus et dans le panneau.";
"Granted" = "Autorisé";
"Denied" = "Refusé";
"Grant" = "Autoriser";
"Unexpected" = "Inattendu";
// Onboarding Search
"Quick Add Locations" = "Ajouter rapidement des emplacements";
"More search options in Clocker Preferences." = "Plus d'options de recherche dans les Préférences de Clocker.";
"Enter 3 or more characters for locations you'll like to add" = "Entrez 3 caractères ou plus pour les emplacements que vous souhaitez ajouter";
// Start at Login
"Launch at Login" = "Démarrer à la connexion";
"This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences." = "Ceci peut être configuré plus tard dans les préférences de Clocker.";
"Should Clocker open automatically on startup?" = "Clocker doit-il s'ouvrir automatiquement au démarrage ?";
// Final Onboarding Screen
"You're all set!" = "Tout est prêt !";
"Thank you for the details." = "Merci pour votre commentaire.";
"You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences." = "Vous verrez une icône d'horloge dans votre barre de menu lorsque vous lancez l'application. Si vous souhaitez voir une icône de dock, allez dans Préférences.";
"If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!" = "Si vous souhaitez nous aider à localiser l'application dans votre langue ou recevoir des mises à jour peu fréquentes liées à l'application, veuillez entrer votre adresse e-mail !";
// Appearance Tab
"Panel Theme" = "Apparence de la fenêtre";
"Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options." = "Mettre en favori un fuseau horaire pour activer les options d'affichage de la barre de menus.";
"Main Panel Options" = "Options de la fenêtre principale";
"Time Format" = "Format de l'heure";
"Day Display Options" = "Options d'affichage du jour";
"Show Future Slider" = "Show Future Slider";
"Show Sunrise/Sunset" = "Afficher le lever/coucher du soleil";
"Display the time in seconds" = "Display the time in seconds";
"Larger Text" = "Larger Text";
"Future Slider Range" = "Future Slider Range";
"Include Date" = "Include Date";
"Include Day" = "Include Day";
"Include Place Name" = "Include Place Name";
"Menubar Display Options" = "Menubar Display Options";
"Menubar Mode" = "Menubar Mode";
"Preview" = "Prévisualisation";
"Miscellaneous" = "Miscellaneous";
// Empty View
"No places added" = "Aucun lieu ajouté";
// Panel
"No upcoming event." = "Aucun événement à venir.";
"You have no events scheduled for tomorrow." = "You have no events scheduled for tomorrow.";
// Review
"Enjoy using Clocker?" = "Enjoy using Clocker?";
// App Feedback
"Tell us what you think!" = "Tell us what you think!";
"Contact Information (Optional)" = "Contact Information (Optional)";
"Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!" = "Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!";
// About View Screen
"Feedback is always welcome:" = "Feedback is always welcome:";
// Calendars View
"Upcoming Event View Options" = "Upcoming Event View Options";
"Show Upcoming Event View" = "Show Upcoming Event View";
"Show All Day Meetings" = "Show All Day Meetings";
"Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar" = "Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar";
"Truncate menubar text longer than" = "Truncate menubar text longer than";
"characters" = "characters";
"Show events from" = "Show events from";
"If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"" = "If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"";
// Notes Popover
"Reminder Set" = "Reminder Set";
"Successfully set." = "Successfully set.";
// Errors
"You're offline, maybe?" = "You're offline, maybe?";
"Try again, maybe?" = "Try again, maybe?";
"The Internet connection appears to be offline." = "The Internet connection appears to be offline.";
// UI Tests
"New Zealand" = "New Zealand";
"Florida" = "Floride";
"San Francisco" = "San Francisco";
// DST changes
"Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours" = "Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours";
"Copied to Clipboard" = "Copied to Clipboard";
"No upcoming events for today!" = "No upcoming events for today 🎉";
"Great going." = "Great going.";
"Happy Weekend." = "Happy Weekend.";
// iCloud
"Enable iCloud Sync" = "Enable iCloud Sync";


@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "विव क समय";
"CFBundleName" = "विव क समय";


@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "विव क समय";
"Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!" = "Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!";
"iRateMessageTitle" = "Rate %@";
"iRateAppMessage" = "If you enjoy using %@, would you mind taking a moment to rate it? It won’t take more than a minute. Thanks for your support!";
"iRateGameMessage" = "If you enjoy playing %@, would you mind taking a moment to rate it? It won’t take more than a minute. Thanks for your support!";
"iRateCancelButton" = "No, Thanks";
"iRateRateButton" = "Rate It Now";
"iRateRemindButton" = "Remind Me Later";
"iRateUpdateMessage" = "Update now?";
"ClockerVersion" = "Version %@";
"CLFeedbackAlertTitle" = "Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!";
"app-name" = "Clocker";
"start-at-login" = "Start At Login";
"setup-steps" = "It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker";
"Permissions-Header" = "अनमति";
"See your next Calendar event here." = "अपन अगलडर कयकरम यह।";
"Click here to start." = "श करनिए यहिक कर।";
"Reminders Access" = "रिडर अनमति";
"Calendar Access" = "कडर अनमति";
"Permissions" = "अनमति";
"Reminders Detail" = "अपन पसद कन क समय कर मिडर सट कर। आपकिडर डिट रिडर ऐप मरहत किए ज।";
"Calendar Detail" = "अपनि और सडर स आन घटनर और पनल मि सकत।";
"Privacy Text" = "आप आपक पसद भविय मिटम पिज कइवस अनग म बदल सकत।";
"Granted Button Text" = "सत";
"Denied Button Text" = "इनकर कि";
"Grant Button Text" = "अनन";
// Tab Item Titles
"Preferences Tab" = "पिज";
"Appearance Tab" = "दिवट";
"Calendar Tab" = "कडर";
"About Tab" = "अबउट";
"Permissions Tab" = "अनमति";
// General Preferencess
"Start at Login" = "लिन पर श कर";
"Sort by Time Difference" = "समय अतर दट कर";
"Sort by Name" = "नम दट कर";
"Sort by Label" = "लबल दट कर";
"Search Field Placeholder" = "Enter a city, state or country name";
"No Timezone Selected" = "Please select a timezone!";
"Max Timezones Selected" = "Maximum 100 timezones allowed!";
"Max Search Characters" = "Only 50 characters allowed!";
"Add Button Title" = "ऐड ";
"Close Button Title" = "बद कर";
// Onboarding
"Open Clocker At Login" = "Open Clocker At Login";
"Launch Clocker" = "Launch Clocker";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker." = "बस तन स और एपिशन तर।";
"Get Started" = "श कर";
// Permissions
"Calendar Access Title" = "कडर एकस";
"Reminders Access Title" = "रिडर एकस";
"Later Config Description" = "इनद मिटम पथमिकतिगर कि सकत।";
"Back" = "वपस";
"Continue" = "ज रख";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars." = "Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars.";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy." = "Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy.";
"Launch Preferences" = "Launch Preferences";
"Grant Access" = "Grant Access";
"Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel." = "Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel.";
"Granted" = "Granted";
"Denied" = "Denied";
"Grant" = "Grant";
"Unexpected" = "Unexpected";
// Onboarding Search
"Quick Add Locations" = "Quick Add Locations";
"More search options in Clocker Preferences." = "More search options in Clocker Preferences.";
"Enter 3 or more characters for locations you'll like to add" = "Enter 3 or more characters for locations you'll like to add";
// Start at Login
"Launch at Login" = "Launch at Login";
"This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences." = "This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences.";
"Should Clocker open automatically on startup?" = "Should Clocker open automatically on startup?";
// Final Onboarding Screen
"You're all set!" = "You're all set!";
"Thank you for the details." = "Thank you for the details.";
"You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences." = "You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences.";
"If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!" = "If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!";
// Appearance Tab
"Panel Theme" = "परकटन";
"Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options." = "Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options.";
"Main Panel Options" = "Main Panel Options";
"Time Format" = "Time Format";
"Day Display Options" = "Day Display Options";
"Show Future Slider" = "Show Future Slider";
"Show Sunrise/Sunset" = "Show Sunrise/Sunset";
"Display the time in seconds" = "Display the time in seconds";
"Larger Text" = "Larger Text";
"Future Slider Range" = "Future Slider Range";
"Include Date" = "Include Date";
"Include Day" = "Include Day";
"Include Place Name" = "Include Place Name";
"Menubar Display Options" = "Menubar Display Options";
"Menubar Mode" = "Menubar Mode";
"Preview" = "Preview";
"Miscellaneous" = "Miscellaneous";
// Empty View
"No places added" = "No places added";
// Panel
"No upcoming event." = "No upcoming event.";
"You have no events scheduled for tomorrow." = "You have no events scheduled for tomorrow.";
// Review
"Enjoy using Clocker?" = "Enjoy using Clocker?";
// App Feedback
"Tell us what you think!" = "Tell us what you think!";
"Contact Information (Optional)" = "Contact Information (Optional)";
"Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!" = "Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!";
// About View Screen
"Feedback is always welcome:" = "Feedback is always welcome:";
// Calendars View
"Upcoming Event View Options" = "Upcoming Event View Options";
"Show Upcoming Event View" = "Show Upcoming Event View";
"Show All Day Meetings" = "Show All Day Meetings";
"Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar" = "Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar";
"Truncate menubar text longer than" = "Truncate menubar text longer than";
"characters" = "characters";
"Show events from" = "Show events from";
"If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"" = "If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"";
// Notes Popover
"Reminder Set" = "Reminder Set";
"Successfully set." = "Successfully set.";
// Errors
"You're offline, maybe?" = "You're offline, maybe?";
"Try again, maybe?" = "Try again, maybe?";
"The Internet connection appears to be offline." = "The Internet connection appears to be offline.";
// UI Tests
"New Zealand" = "नड";
"Florida" = "फि";
"San Francisco" = "सन फि";
// DST changes
"Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours" = "Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours";
"Copied to Clipboard" = "Copied to Clipboard";
"No upcoming events for today!" = "No upcoming events for today 🎉";
"Great going." = "Great going.";
"Happy Weekend." = "Happy Weekend.";
// iCloud
"Enable iCloud Sync" = "Enable iCloud Sync";


@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 7/9/21.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
"Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!" = "Hvala što pomažeš poboljšati Clocker!";
"iRateMessageTitle" = "Ocijeni %@";
"iRateAppMessage" = "Ako voliš koristiti %@, ocijeni program. Postupak ocjenjivanja traje manje od jedne minute. Hvala na podršci!";
"iRateGameMessage" = "Ako voliš igrati %@, ocijeni program. Postupak ocjenjivanja traje manje od jedne minute. Hvala na podršci!";
"iRateCancelButton" = "Ne, hvala";
"iRateRateButton" = "Ocijeni";
"iRateRemindButton" = "Podsjeti me kasnije";
"iRateUpdateMessage" = "Sada aktualizirati?";
"ClockerVersion" = "Verzija %@";
"CLFeedbackAlertTitle" = "Hvala što pomažeš poboljšati Clocker!";
"app-name" = "Clocker";
"start-at-login" = "Pokreni nakon prijave";
"setup-steps" = "Za postavljanje programa Clocker potrebna su samo tri koraka";
"Permissions-Header" = "Dozvole";
"See your next Calendar event here." = "Ovdje pogledaj svoje sljedeće kalendarske događaje.";
"Click here to start." = "Pritisni ovdje za pokretanje.";
"Reminders Access" = "Pristup podsjetnicima";
"Calendar Access" = "Pristup kalendaru";
"Permissions" = "Dozvole";
"Calendar Detail" = "Predstojeći događaji iz tvojih osobnih i zajedničkih kalendara mogu se prikazati u traci izbornika i na ploči.";
"Reminders Detail" = "Postavi podsjetnike u tvoju vremensku zonu mjesta. Tvoji se podsjetnici spremaju u standardni program Podsjetnici.";
"Privacy Text" = "Ovo možeš kasnije promijeniti u odjeljku Privatnost u Postavkama sustava.";
"Granted Button Text" = "Dozvoljeno";
"Denied Button Text" = "Zabranjeno";
"Grant Button Text" = "Dozvoli";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker." = "Za postavljanje programa Clocker potrebna su samo tri koraka.";
"Get Started" = "Početak";
// Tab Item Titles
"Preferences Tab" = "Postavke";
"Appearance Tab" = "Izgled";
"Calendar Tab" = "Kalendar";
"About Tab" = "Informacije";
"Permissions Tab" = "Dozvole";
// General Preferences Screen
"Start at Login" = "Pokreni Clocker nakon prijave";
"Sort by Time Difference" = "Razvrstaj po vremenskoj ralzici";
"Sort by Name" = "Razvrstaj po imenu";
"Sort by Label" = "Razvrstaj po oznaci";
"Search Field Placeholder" = "Upiši grad, državu ili zemlju";
"No Timezone Selected" = "Odaberi vremensku zonu!";
"Max Timezones Selected" = "Ograničeno na 100 vremenskih zona!";
"Max Search Characters" = "Ograničeno na 50 znakova!";
"Add Button Title" = "Dodaj";
"Close Button Title" = "Zatvori";
// Onboarding
"Open Clocker At Login" = "Otvori Clocker nakon prijave";
"Launch Clocker" = "Pokreni Clocker";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker." = "Za postavljanje programa Clocker potrebna su samo tri koraka.";
"Get Started" = "Početak";
// Permissions
"Calendar Access Title" = "Pristup kalendaru";
"Reminders Access Title" = "Pristup podsjetnicima";
"Later Config Description" = "Mogu se kasnije konfigurirati u postavkama sustava.";
"Back" = "Natrag";
"Continue" = "Nastavi";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars." = "Clocker je korisniji kad može prikazivati događaje u tvojim kalendarima.";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy." = "Clocker je korisniji kad može prikazivati događaje u tvojim kalendarima. Ovu postavku možeš promijeniti u Postavke sustava › Sigurnost i privatnost › Privatnost.";
/* Text for button that takes the user to the System Preferences app. In case the user hasn't given Calendar/Reminders access permission, this button takes you to the System Preferences app where the user can give proper permissions to Clocker. */
"Launch Preferences" = "Pokreni postavke";
"Grant Access" = "Dopusti pristup";
"Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel." = "Predstojeći događaji iz tvojih osobnih i zajedničkih kalendara mogu se prikazati u traci izbornika i na ploči.";
"Granted" = "Dodijeljeno";
"Denied" = "Odbijeno";
"Grant" = "Odobrenje";
"Unexpected" = "Neočekivano";
// Onboarding Search
"Quick Add Locations" = "Brzo dodavanje mjesta";
"More search options in Clocker Preferences." = "Daljnje opcije pretage u Clocker postavkama.";
"Enter 3 or more characters for locations you'll like to add" = "Upiši tri ili više znakova za mjesta koja želiš dodati";
// Start at Login
"Launch at Login" = "Pokreni nakon prijave";
"This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences." = "Ovo se može kasnije konfigurirati u Clocker postavkama.";
"Should Clocker open automatically on startup?" = "Želiš li automatski pokrenuti Clocker nakon pokretanja računala?";
// Final Onboarding Screen
"You're all set!" = "Sve je spremno!";
"Thank you for the details." = "Hvala ti na detalju.";
"You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences." = "Kad pokreneš program, u traci izbornika vidjet ćeš ikonu sata. Ako želiš vidjeti ikonu u traci programa, idi na Postavke.";
"If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!" = "Ako želiš pomoći prevesti program na tvoj jezik ili primati rijetke obavijesti o novim verzijama programa, upiši tvoju e-mail adresu!";
// Appearance Tab
"Panel Theme" = "Tema ploče";
"Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options." = "Odaberi vremensku zonu za aktiviranje opcija prikaza trake izbornika.";
"Main Panel Options" = "Opcije glavne ploče";
"Time Format" = "Format za vrijeme";
"Day Display Options" = "Opcije za prikaz dana";
"Show Future Slider" = "Prikaži klizač budućnosti";
"Show Sunrise/Sunset" = "Prikaži izlazak/zalazak sunca";
"Display the time in seconds" = "Prikaži vrijeme u sekundama";
"Larger Text" = "Veći tekst";
"Future Slider Range" = "Klizač za raspon budućnosti";
"Include Date" = "Uključi datum";
"Include Day" = "Uključi dan";
"Include Place Name" = "Uključi ime mjesta";
"Menubar Display Options" = "Opcije prikaza izbornika";
/* Appears in Preferences -> Appearance which allows the user to switch between the compact and standard menubar mode. It doesn't lead anywhere. */
"Menubar Mode" = "Modus izbornika";
"Preview" = " Pregled";
"Miscellaneous" = "Razno";
// Empty View
"No places added" = "Nema dodanih mjesta";
// Panel
"No upcoming event." = "Nema predstojećih događaja.";
"You have no events scheduled for tomorrow." = "Za sutra nemaš zakazanih događaja.";
// Review
"Enjoy using Clocker?" = "Voliš Clocker?";
// App Feedback
"Tell us what you think!" = "Javi nam što misliš!";
"Contact Information (Optional)" = "Kontaktni podaci (opcionalno)";
"Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!" = "Polja za kontakt nisu obavezna! Tvoji kontaktni podaci omogućit će nam da te kontaktiramo u slučaju da trebamo daljnje informacije ili ako možemo pomoći!";
// About View Screen
"Feedback is always welcome:" = "Uvijek se radujemo povratnim informacijama:";
// Calendars View
"Upcoming Event View Options" = "Opcije prikaza predstojećih događaja";
"Show Upcoming Event View" = "Prikaži prikaz predstojećih događaja";
"Show All Day Meetings" = "Prikaži cjelodnevne sastanke";
"Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar" = "Prikaži sljedeći sastanak u traci izbornika";
"Truncate menubar text longer than" = "Skrati tekst u traci izbornika koji je duži od";
"characters" = "znakova";
"Show events from" = "Prikaži događaje od";
"If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"" = "Ako je naslov sastanka „Sastanak s Vladimirom”, a kraćenje je postavljeno na 5, tekst na traci pojavit će se kao „Sasta …”";
// Notes Popover
"Reminder Set" = "Postavljanje podsjetnika";
"Successfully set." = "Uspješno postavljeno.";
// Errors
"You're offline, maybe?" = "Možda nemaš vezu s internetom?";
"Try again, maybe?" = "Želiš li ponovo pokušati?";
"The Internet connection appears to be offline." = "Čini se da ne postoji veza s internetom.";
// UI Tests
"New Zealand" = "Novi Zeland";
"Florida" = "Florida";
"San Francisco" = "San Francisco";
// DST changes
"Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours" = "Prijelaz na ljetno računanje vremena dogodit će se za < 24 sata";
"Copied to Clipboard" = "Kopirano u međuspremnik";
"No upcoming events for today!" = "Za danas nema predstojećih događaja 🎉";
"Great going." = "Super.";
"Happy Weekend." = "Uživaj vikend.";
// iCloud
"Enable iCloud Sync" = "Enable iCloud Sync";


@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
"CFBundleName" = "Clocker";


@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
"Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!" = "Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!";
"iRateMessageTitle" = "Rate %@";
"iRateAppMessage" = "If you enjoy using %@, would you mind taking a moment to rate it? It won’t take more than a minute. Thanks for your support!";
"iRateGameMessage" = "If you enjoy playing %@, would you mind taking a moment to rate it? It won’t take more than a minute. Thanks for your support!";
"iRateCancelButton" = "No, Thanks";
"iRateRateButton" = "Rate It Now";
"iRateRemindButton" = "Remind Me Later";
"iRateUpdateMessage" = "Update now?";
"ClockerVersion" = "Version %@";
"CLFeedbackAlertTitle" = "Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!";
"app-name" = "Clocker";
"start-at-login" = "Start At Login";
"setup-steps" = "It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker";
"Permissions-Header" = "Permissions";
"See your next Calendar event here." = "See your next Calendar event here.";
"Click here to start." = "Click here to start.";
"Reminders Access" = "Reminders Access";
"Calendar Access" = "Calendar Access";
"Permissions" = "Permissions";
"Calendar Detail" = "Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel.";
"Reminders Detail" = "Set reminders in the timezone of the location of your choice. Your reminders are stored in the default Reminders app.";
"Privacy Text" = "You can change this later in the Privacy section of the System Preferences.";
"Granted Button Text" = "Granted";
"Denied Button Text" = "Denied";
"Grant Button Text" = "Grant";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker." = "It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker.";
"Get Started" = "Get Started";
// Tab Item Titles
"Preferences Tab" = "Preferences";
"Appearance Tab" = "Appearance";
"Calendar Tab" = "Calendar";
"About Tab" = "About";
"Permissions Tab" = "Permissions";
// General Preferences Screen
"Start at Login" = "Start Clocker at Login";
"Selected Timezones" = "Selected Timezones";
"Sort by Time Difference" = "Sort by Time Difference";
"Sort by Name" = "Sort by Name";
"Sort by Label" = "Sort by Label";
"Search Field Placeholder" = "Enter a city, state or country name";
"No Timezone Selected" = "Please select a timezone!";
"Max Timezones Selected" = "Maximum 100 timezones allowed!";
"Max Search Characters" = "Only 50 characters allowed!";
"Add Button Title" = "Add";
"Close Button Title" = "Close";
// Onboarding
"Open Clocker At Login" = "Open Clocker At Login";
"Launch Clocker" = "Launch Clocker";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker." = "It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker.";
"Get Started" = "Get Started";
// Permissions
"Calendar Access Title" = "Calendar Access";
"Reminders Access Title" = "Reminders Access";
"Later Config Description" = "These can be configured later in System Preferences.";
"Back" = "Back";
"Continue" = "Continue";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars." = "Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars.";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy." = "Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy.";
"Launch Preferences" = "Launch Preferences";
"Grant Access" = "Grant Access";
"Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel." = "Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel.";
"Granted" = "Granted";
"Denied" = "Denied";
"Grant" = "Grant";
"Unexpected" = "Unexpected";
// Onboarding Search
"Quick Add Locations" = "Quick Add Locations";
"More search options in Clocker Preferences." = "More search options in Clocker Preferences.";
"Search Locations" = "Search Locations";
// Start at Login
"Launch at Login" = "Launch at Login";
"This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences." = "This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences.";
"Should Clocker open automatically on startup?" = "Should Clocker open automatically on startup?";
// Final Onboarding Screen
"You're all set!" = "You're all set!";
"Thank you for the details." = "Thank you for the details.";
"You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences." = "You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences.";
"If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!" = "If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!";
// Appearance Tab
"Panel Theme" = "Panel Theme";
"Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options." = "Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options.";
"Main Panel Options" = "Main Panel Options";
"Time Format" = "Time Format";
"Day Display Options" = "Day Display Options";
"Show Future Slider" = "Show Future Slider";
"Show Sunrise/Sunset" = "Show Sunrise/Sunset";
"Display the time in seconds" = "Display the time in seconds";
"Larger Text" = "Larger Text";
"Future Slider Range" = "Future Slider Range";
"Include Date" = "Include Date";
"Include Day" = "Include Day";
"Include Place Name" = "Include Place Name";
"Menubar Display Options" = "Menubar Display Options";
"Menubar Mode" = "Menubar Mode";
"Preview" = "Preview";
"Miscellaneous" = "Miscellaneous";
// Empty View
"No places added" = "No places added";
// Panel
"No upcoming event." = "No upcoming event.";
"You have no events scheduled for tomorrow." = "You have no events scheduled for tomorrow.";
// Review
"Enjoy using Clocker?" = "Enjoy using Clocker?";
// App Feedback
"Tell us what you think!" = "Tell us what you think!";
"Contact Information (Optional)" = "Contact Information (Optional)";
"Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!" = "Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!";
// About View Screen
"Feedback is always welcome:" = "Feedback is always welcome:";
// Calendars View
"Upcoming Event View Options" = "Upcoming Event View Options";
"Show Upcoming Event View" = "Show Upcoming Event View";
"Show All Day Meetings" = "Show All Day Meetings";
"Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar" = "Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar";
"Truncate menubar text longer than" = "Truncate menubar text longer than";
"characters" = "characters";
"Show events from" = "Show events from";
"If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"" = "If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"";
// Notes Popover
"Reminder Set" = "Reminder Set";
"Successfully set." = "Successfully set.";
// Errors
"You're offline, maybe?" = "You're offline, maybe?";
"Try again, maybe?" = "Try again, maybe?";
"The Internet connection appears to be offline." = "The Internet connection appears to be offline.";
// UI Tests
"New Zealand" = "New Zealand";
"Florida" = "Florida";
"San Francisco" = "San Francisco";
// DST changes
"Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours" = "Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours";
"Copied to Clipboard" = "Copied to Clipboard";
"No upcoming events for today!" = "No upcoming events for today 🎉";
"Great going." = "Great going.";
"Happy Weekend." = "Happy Weekend.";
// iCloud
"Enable iCloud Sync" = "Enable iCloud Sync";


@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
"CFBundleName" = "Clocker";


@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
"About Tab" = "このプログラムについて";
"Add Button Title" = "追加";
"Appearance Tab" = "外観";
"Back" = "戻る";
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
"CLFeedbackAlertTitle" = "Clocker の品質向上にご協力いただきありがとうございます!";
"Calendar Access" = "カレンダーアクセス";
/* Permissions */
"Calendar Access Title" = "カレンダーアクセス";
"Calendar Detail" = "個人カレンダーおよび共有カレンダーからの今後のイベントをメニューバーとパネルに表示させることができます。";
"Calendar Tab" = "カレンダー";
"Click here to start." = "ここをクリックして開始します。";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars." = "Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars.";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy." = "Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy.";
"ClockerVersion" = "バージョン %@";
"Close Button Title" = "閉じる";
"Contact Information (Optional)" = "Contact Information (Optional)";
"Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!" = "Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!";
"Continue" = "続ける";
"Copied to Clipboard" = "Copied to Clipboard";
"Day Display Options" = "Day Display Options";
/* DST changes */
"Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours" = "Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours";
"Denied" = "Denied";
"Denied Button Text" = "拒否されています";
"Display the time in seconds" = "Display the time in seconds";
/* Review */
"Enjoy using Clocker?" = "Enjoy using Clocker?";
"Enter 3 or more characters for locations you'll like to add" = "Enter 3 or more characters for locations you'll like to add";
"Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options." = "メニューバーの表示オプションを有効にするには、タイムゾーンをお気に入りとして登録してください。";
/* About View Screen */
"Feedback is always welcome:" = "Feedback is always welcome:";
"Florida" = "Florida";
"Future Slider Range" = "Future Slider Range";
"Get Started" = "はじめに";
"Get Started" = "はじめに";
"Grant" = "Grant";
"Grant Access" = "Grant Access";
"Grant Button Text" = "許可";
"Granted" = "Granted";
"Granted Button Text" = "許可されています";
"Great going." = "Great going.";
"Happy Weekend." = "Happy Weekend.";
"If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"" = "If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"";
"If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!" = "If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!";
"Include Date" = "Include Date";
"Include Day" = "Include Day";
"Include Place Name" = "Include Place Name";
/* Welcome Onboarding */
"It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker." = "Clocker のセットアップは3ステップのみです。";
/* Welcome Onboarding */
"It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker." = "Clocker のセットアップは3ステップのみです。";
"Larger Text" = "Larger Text";
"Later Config Description" = "これらはシステム環境設定で後から設定できます。";
"Launch Clocker" = "Clocker を起動";
"Launch Preferences" = "Launch Preferences";
/* Start at Login */
"Launch at Login" = "Launch at Login";
"Main Panel Options" = "Main Panel Options";
"Max Search Characters" = "設定可能な文字数は50です!";
"Max Timezones Selected" = "最大で100の時間帯が設定可能です!";
"Menubar Display Options" = "メニューバーの表示オプション";
"Menubar Mode" = "メニューバーモード";
"Miscellaneous" = "その他";
"More search options in Clocker Preferences." = "More search options in Clocker Preferences.";
/* UI Tests */
"New Zealand" = "New Zealand";
"No Timezone Selected" = "時間帯を選択してください!";
/* Empty View */
"No places added" = "No places added";
/* Panel */
"No upcoming event." = "No upcoming event.";
"No upcoming events for today!" = "No upcoming events for today 🎉";
/* Onboarding */
"Open Clocker At Login" = "ログイン時に Clocker を開始";
/* Appearance Tab */
"Panel Theme" = "Panel Theme";
"Permissions" = "アクセス許可";
"Permissions Tab" = "アクセス許可";
"Permissions-Header" = "アクセス許可";
/* Tab Item Titles */
"Preferences Tab" = "設定";
"Preview" = "プレビュー";
"Privacy Text" = "この設定はシステム環境設定のプライバシーセクションであとから変更が可能です。";
/* Onboarding Search */
"Quick Add Locations" = "場所を簡単に追加";
/* Notes Popover */
"Reminder Set" = "Reminder Set";
"Reminders Access" = "リマインダーアクセス";
"Reminders Access Title" = "リマインダーアクセス";
"Reminders Detail" = "選択したロケーションのタイムゾーンでリマインダーを設定します。リマインダーはデフォルトのリマインダーアプリに保存されます。";
"San Francisco" = "San Francisco";
"Search Field Placeholder" = "都市名、州や県、国名を入力してください";
"See your next Calendar event here." = "次回のカレンダーイベントはこちらをご覧ください。";
"Should Clocker open automatically on startup?" = "Should Clocker open automatically on startup?";
"Show All Day Meetings" = "Show All Day Meetings";
"Show Future Slider" = "Show Future Slider";
"Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar" = "次のミーティングタイトルをメニューバーに表示する";
"Show Sunrise/Sunset" = "Show Sunrise/Sunset";
"Show Upcoming Event View" = "Show Upcoming Event View";
"Show events from" = "Show events from";
"Sort by Label" = "ラベルで並べ替え";
"Sort by Name" = "地名で並べ替え";
"Sort by Time Difference" = "時差で並べ替え";
/* General Preferences Screen */
"Start at Login" = "ログイン時に Clocker を開始";
"Successfully set." = "Successfully set.";
/* App Feedback */
"Tell us what you think!" = "Tell us what you think!";
"Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!" = "Clocker の品質向上にご協力いただきありがとうございます!";
"Thank you for the details." = "Thank you for the details.";
"The Internet connection appears to be offline." = "The Internet connection appears to be offline.";
"This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences." = "This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences.";
"Time Format" = "表示フォーマット";
"Truncate menubar text longer than" = "Truncate menubar text longer than";
"Try again, maybe?" = "Try again, maybe?";
"Unexpected" = "Unexpected";
/* Calendars View */
"Upcoming Event View Options" = "Upcoming Event View Options";
"Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel." = "Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel.";
"You have no events scheduled for tomorrow." = "You have no events scheduled for tomorrow.";
"You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences." = "アプリを起動すると、メニューバーに時計のアイコンが表示されます。ドックのアイコンが表示される場合は、format@@0に進みます。";
/* Final Onboarding Screen */
"You're all set!" = "You're all set!";
/* Errors */
"You're offline, maybe?" = "オフラインのようです。";
"app-name" = "Clocker";
"characters" = "characters";
"iRateAppMessage" = "%@ がお気に召したのであれば、評価をして頂けますか? 1分とはかかりません。ご協力ありがとうございます!";
"iRateCancelButton" = "いいえ、結構です";
"iRateGameMessage" = "%@ がお気に召したのであれば、評価をして頂けますか? 1分とはかかりません。ご協力ありがとうございます!";
"iRateMessageTitle" = "%@ を評価";
"iRateRateButton" = "今すぐ評価します";
"iRateRemindButton" = "後で通知する";
"iRateUpdateMessage" = "今すぐアップデートしますか?";
"setup-steps" = "Clocker のセットアップは3ステップのみです";
"start-at-login" = "ログイン時に開始";
// iCloud
"Enable iCloud Sync" = "Enable iCloud Sync";


@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
"CFBundleName" = "Clocker";


@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "시계";
"Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!" = "Clocker가 더 발전할 수 있도록 도와주셔서 정말 감사합니다!";
"iRateMessageTitle" = "비율 %@ ";
"iRateAppMessage" = "%@을 즐기고 계신다면, 잠시 평가를 위해 시간을 내주시겠습니까? 단 1분도 걸리지 않겠습니다. 지원해주셔서 감사합니다!";
"iRateGameMessage" = "%@을 즐기고 계신다면, 잠시 평가를 위해 시간을 내주시겠습니까? 단 1분도 걸리지 않겠습니다. 지원해주셔서 감사합니다!";
"iRateCancelButton" = "나중에 할게요";
"iRateRateButton" = "지금 평가하기";
"iRateRemindButton" = "나중에 다시 알리기";
"iRateUpdateMessage" = "지금 업데이트를 진행할까요?";
"ClockerVersion" = "버전 %@";
"CLFeedbackAlertTitle" = "Clocker가 더 발전할 수 있도록 도와주셔서 정말 감사합니다!";
"app-name" = "시계";
"start-at-login" = "로그인을 해주세요";
"setup-steps" = "시계를 설정하는데 3가지만 하시면 됩니다";
"Permissions-Header" = "권한";
"See your next Calendar event here." = "당신의 다음 일정을 여기서 보세요";
"Click here to start." = "여기를 눌러서 시작합니다.";
"Reminders Access" = "리마인더 권한";
"Calendar Access" = "캘린더 권한";
"Permissions" = "권한";
"Calendar Detail" = "여러분의 개인&공유 캘린더에서 다가오는 이벤트들은 메뉴바와 패널에서 보여질 수 있습니다.";
"Reminders Detail" = "Set reminders in the timezone of the location of your choice. Your reminders are stored in the default Reminders app.";
"Privacy Text" = "You can change this later in the Privacy section of the System Preferences.";
"Granted Button Text" = "Granted";
"Denied Button Text" = "Denied";
"Grant Button Text" = "Grant";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker." = "It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker.";
"Get Started" = "Get Started";
// Tab Item Titles
"Preferences Tab" = "Preferences";
"Appearance Tab" = "Appearance";
"Calendar Tab" = "Calendar";
"About Tab" = "About";
"Permissions Tab" = "Permissions";
// General Preferences Screen
"Start at Login" = "Start Clocker at Login";
"Sort by Time Difference" = "Sort by Time Difference";
"Sort by Name" = "Sort by Name";
"Sort by Label" = "Sort by Label";
"Search Field Placeholder" = "Enter a city, state or country name";
"No Timezone Selected" = "Please select a timezone!";
"Max Timezones Selected" = "Maximum 100 timezones allowed!";
"Max Search Characters" = "50 문자까지만 허용됩니다!";
"Add Button Title" = "추가";
"Close Button Title" = "닫기";
// Onboarding
"Open Clocker At Login" = "로그인해서 Clocker 열기";
"Launch Clocker" = "Clocker 실행하기";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker." = "It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker.";
"Get Started" = "Get Started";
// Permissions
"Calendar Access Title" = "캘린더 접근";
"Reminders Access Title" = "리마인더 권한";
"Later Config Description" = "이것들은 나중에 설정에서 바꾸실 수 있습니다";
"Back" = "Back";
"Continue" = "Continue";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars." = "Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars.";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy." = "Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy.";
"Launch Preferences" = "Launch Preferences";
"Grant Access" = "Grant Access";
"Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel." = "Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel.";
"Granted" = "Granted";
"Denied" = "Denied";
"Grant" = "Grant";
"Unexpected" = "Unexpected";
// Onboarding Search
"Quick Add Locations" = "Quick Add Locations";
"More search options in Clocker Preferences." = "More search options in Clocker Preferences.";
"Enter 3 or more characters for locations you'll like to add" = "Enter 3 or more characters for locations you'll like to add";
// Start at Login
"Launch at Login" = "Launch at Login";
"This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences." = "This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences.";
"Should Clocker open automatically on startup?" = "Should Clocker open automatically on startup?";
// Final Onboarding Screen
"You're all set!" = "You're all set!";
"Thank you for the details." = "Thank you for the details.";
"You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences." = "You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences.";
"If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!" = "If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!";
// Appearance Tab
"Panel Theme" = "Panel Theme";
"Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options." = "Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options.";
"Main Panel Options" = "Main Panel Options";
"Time Format" = "Time Format";
"Day Display Options" = "Day Display Options";
"Show Future Slider" = "Show Future Slider";
"Show Sunrise/Sunset" = "Show Sunrise/Sunset";
"Display the time in seconds" = "Display the time in seconds";
"Larger Text" = "글씨를 크게하기";
"Future Slider Range" = "미래 슬라이더 범위";
"Include Date" = "날짜 추가하기";
"Include Day" = "시간 추가하기";
"Include Place Name" = "장소 이름";
"Menubar Display Options" = "메뉴바 화면표시 설정";
"Menubar Mode" = "메뉴바 모드";
"Preview" = "미리보기";
"Miscellaneous" = "기타";
// Empty View
"No places added" = "추가된 장소가 없음";
// Panel
"No upcoming event." = "예정된 이벤트 없음";
"You have no events scheduled for tomorrow." = "내일 일정이 없어요!";
// Review
"Enjoy using Clocker?" = "Clocker 사용에 만족하십니까?";
// App Feedback
"Tell us what you think!" = "여러분의 의견을 들려주세요.";
"Contact Information (Optional)" = "연락처 정보 (선택)";
"Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!" = "연락처 필드는 선택 사항입니다! 귀하의 연락처 정보는 추가 정보가 필요하거나 도움이 필요한 경우 연락을 드릴 것입니다!";
// About View Screen
"Feedback is always welcome:" = "피드백은 언제나 환영입니다:";
// Calendars View
"Upcoming Event View Options" = "다가오는 이벤트 보기 옵션";
"Show Upcoming Event View" = "다가오는 일정 보기";
"Show All Day Meetings" = "모든 일정 보기";
"Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar" = "다음 일정을 메뉴바에서 보기";
"Truncate menubar text longer than" = "다음보다 긴 메뉴 표시 줄 텍스트를 자릅니다.
"characters" = "글자";
"Show events from" = "오늘부터 이벤트 표시";
"If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"" = "만약 미팅 제목이 \"Meeting with Neel\" 이면 5글자만 보여지기 때문에 주의해주세요. (\"Meeti...\")";
// Notes Popover
"Reminder Set" = "알림 설정";
"Successfully set." = "설정이 완료되었습니다";
// Errors
"You're offline, maybe?" = "당신은 오프라인입니다. 아마도?";
"Try again, maybe?" = "다시 시도 해보세요";
"The Internet connection appears to be offline." = "인터넷 연결이 오프라인 상태입니다.";
// UI Tests
"New Zealand" = "뉴질랜드";
"Florida" = "플로리다";
"San Francisco" = "샌프란시스코";
// DST changes
"Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours" = "Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours";
"Copied to Clipboard" = "Copied to Clipboard";
"No upcoming events for today!" = "No upcoming events for today 🎉!";
"Great going." = "Great going.";
"Happy Weekend." = "Happy Weekend.";
// iCloud
"Enable iCloud Sync" = "Enable iCloud Sync";


@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
"CFBundleName" = "Clocker";


@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
"Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!" = "Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!";
"iRateMessageTitle" = "Rate %@";
"iRateAppMessage" = "If you enjoy using %@, would you mind taking a moment to rate it? It won’t take more than a minute. Thanks for your support!";
"iRateGameMessage" = "If you enjoy playing %@, would you mind taking a moment to rate it? It won’t take more than a minute. Thanks for your support!";
"iRateCancelButton" = "No, Thanks";
"iRateRateButton" = "Rate It Now";
"iRateRemindButton" = "Remind Me Later";
"iRateUpdateMessage" = "Update now?";
"ClockerVersion" = "Version %@";
"CLFeedbackAlertTitle" = "Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!";
"app-name" = "Clocker";
"start-at-login" = "Start At Login";
"setup-steps" = "It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker";
"Permissions-Header" = "Permissions";
"See your next Calendar event here." = "See your next Calendar event here.";
"Click here to start." = "Click here to start.";
"Reminders Access" = "Reminders Access";
"Calendar Access" = "Calendar Access";
"Permissions" = "Permissions";
"Calendar Detail" = "Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel.";
"Reminders Detail" = "Set reminders in the timezone of the location of your choice. Your reminders are stored in the default Reminders app.";
"Privacy Text" = "You can change this later in the Privacy section of the System Preferences.";
"Granted Button Text" = "Granted";
"Denied Button Text" = "Denied";
"Grant Button Text" = "Grant";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker." = "It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker.";
"Get Started" = "Get Started";
// Tab Item Titles
"Preferences Tab" = "Preferences";
"Appearance Tab" = "Appearance";
"Calendar Tab" = "Calendar";
"About Tab" = "About";
"Permissions Tab" = "Permissions";
// General Preferences Screen
"Start at Login" = "Start Clocker at Login";
"Sort by Time Difference" = "Sort by Time Difference";
"Sort by Name" = "Sort by Name";
"Sort by Label" = "Sort by Label";
"Search Field Placeholder" = "Enter a city, state or country name";
"No Timezone Selected" = "Please select a timezone!";
"Max Timezones Selected" = "Maximum 100 timezones allowed!";
"Max Search Characters" = "Only 50 characters allowed!";
"Add Button Title" = "Add";
"Close Button Title" = "Close";
// Onboarding
"Open Clocker At Login" = "Open Clocker At Login";
"Launch Clocker" = "Launch Clocker";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker." = "It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker.";
"Get Started" = "Get Started";
// Permissions
"Calendar Access Title" = "Calendar Access";
"Reminders Access Title" = "Reminders Access";
"Later Config Description" = "These can be configured later in System Preferences.";
"Back" = "Back";
"Continue" = "Continue";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars." = "Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars.";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy." = "Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy.";
"Launch Preferences" = "Launch Preferences";
"Grant Access" = "Grant Access";
"Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel." = "Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel.";
"Granted" = "Granted";
"Denied" = "Denied";
"Grant" = "Grant";
"Unexpected" = "Unexpected";
// Onboarding Search
"Quick Add Locations" = "Quick Add Locations";
"More search options in Clocker Preferences." = "More search options in Clocker Preferences.";
"Enter 3 or more characters for locations you'll like to add" = "Enter 3 or more characters for locations you'll like to add";
// Start at Login
"Launch at Login" = "Launch at Login";
"This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences." = "This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences.";
"Should Clocker open automatically on startup?" = "Should Clocker open automatically on startup?";
// Final Onboarding Screen
"You're all set!" = "You're all set!";
"Thank you for the details." = "Thank you for the details.";
"You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences." = "You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences.";
"If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!" = "If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!";
// Appearance Tab
"Panel Theme" = "Panel Theme";
"Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options." = "Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options.";
"Main Panel Options" = "Main Panel Options";
"Time Format" = "Time Format";
"Day Display Options" = "Day Display Options";
"Show Future Slider" = "Show Future Slider";
"Show Sunrise/Sunset" = "Show Sunrise/Sunset";
"Display the time in seconds" = "Display the time in seconds";
"Larger Text" = "Larger Text";
"Future Slider Range" = "Future Slider Range";
"Include Date" = "Include Date";
"Include Day" = "Include Day";
"Include Place Name" = "Include Place Name";
"Menubar Display Options" = "Menubar Display Options";
"Menubar Mode" = "Menubar Mode";
"Preview" = "Preview";
"Miscellaneous" = "Miscellaneous";
// Empty View
"No places added" = "No places added";
// Panel
"No upcoming event." = "No upcoming event.";
"You have no events scheduled for tomorrow." = "You have no events scheduled for tomorrow.";
// Review
"Enjoy using Clocker?" = "Enjoy using Clocker?";
// App Feedback
"Tell us what you think!" = "Tell us what you think!";
"Contact Information (Optional)" = "Contact Information (Optional)";
"Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!" = "Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!";
// About View Screen
"Feedback is always welcome:" = "Feedback is always welcome:";
// Calendars View
"Upcoming Event View Options" = "Upcoming Event View Options";
"Show Upcoming Event View" = "Show Upcoming Event View";
"Show All Day Meetings" = "Show All Day Meetings";
"Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar" = "Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar";
"Truncate menubar text longer than" = "Truncate menubar text longer than";
"characters" = "characters";
"Show events from" = "Show events from";
"If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"" = "If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"";
// Notes Popover
"Reminder Set" = "Reminder Set";
"Successfully set." = "Successfully set.";
// Errors
"You're offline, maybe?" = "You're offline, maybe?";
"Try again, maybe?" = "Try again, maybe?";
"The Internet connection appears to be offline." = "The Internet connection appears to be offline.";
// UI Tests
"New Zealand" = "New Zealand";
"Florida" = "Florida";
"San Francisco" = "San Francisco";
// DST changes
"Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours" = "Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours";
"Copied to Clipboard" = "Copied to Clipboard";
"No upcoming events for today!" = "No upcoming events for today 🎉";
"Great going." = "Great going.";
"Happy Weekend." = "Happy Weekend.";
// iCloud
"Enable iCloud Sync" = "Enable iCloud Sync";


@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
"CFBundleName" = "Clocker";


@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
"Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!" = "Dziękujemy za pomoc przy rozwijaniu Clockera!";
"iRateMessageTitle" = "Oceń %@";
"iRateAppMessage" = "If you enjoy using %@, would you mind taking a moment to rate it? It won’t take more than a minute. Thanks for your support!";
"iRateGameMessage" = "If you enjoy playing %@, would you mind taking a moment to rate it? It won’t take more than a minute. Thanks for your support!";
"iRateCancelButton" = "Nie, dziękuję";
"iRateRateButton" = "Oceń teraz";
"iRateRemindButton" = "Przypomnij mi później";
"iRateUpdateMessage" = "Zaktualizuj teraz";
"ClockerVersion" = "Wersja %@";
"CLFeedbackAlertTitle" = "Dziękujemy za pomoc przy rozwijaniu Clockera!";
"app-name" = "Clocker";
"start-at-login" = "Uruchom przy logowaniu";
"setup-steps" = "It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker";
"Permissions-Header" = "Uprawnienia";
"See your next Calendar event here." = "Tu zobaczysz swoje najbliższe wydarzenie z kalendarza.";
"Click here to start." = "Kliknij tutaj, aby rozpocząć.";
"Reminders Access" = "Dostęp do powiadomień";
"Calendar Access" = "Dostęp do kalendarza";
"Permissions" = "Uprawnienia";
"Calendar Detail" = "Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel.";
"Reminders Detail" = "Set reminders in the timezone of the location of your choice. Your reminders are stored in the default Reminders app.";
"Privacy Text" = "You can change this later in the Privacy section of the System Preferences.";
"Granted Button Text" = "Przyznane";
"Denied Button Text" = "Odrzucone";
"Grant Button Text" = "Przyznaj";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker." = "It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker.";
"Get Started" = "Rozpocznij";
// Tab Item Titles
"Preferences Tab" = "Ustawienia";
"Appearance Tab" = "Wygląd";
"Calendar Tab" = "Kalendarz";
"About Tab" = "O aplikacji";
"Permissions Tab" = "Uprawnienia";
// General Preferences Screen
"Start at Login" = "Uruchom Clockera przy logowaniu";
"Sort by Time Difference" = "Sortuj według Różnicy Czasu";
"Sort by Name" = "Sortuj wg Nazwy";
"Sort by Label" = "Sortuj według Etykiety";
"Search Field Placeholder" = "Wprowadź miasto, województwo lub nazwę kraju";
"No Timezone Selected" = "Wybierz strefę czasową!";
"Max Timezones Selected" = "Dozwolone maksymalnie 100 stref czasowych!";
"Max Search Characters" = "Dozwolone jest tylko 50 znaków!";
"Add Button Title" = "Dodaj";
"Close Button Title" = "Zamknij";
// Onboarding
"Open Clocker At Login" = "Uruchom Clockera przy logowaniu";
"Launch Clocker" = "Uruchom Clockera";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker." = "It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker.";
"Get Started" = "Rozpocznij";
// Permissions
"Calendar Access Title" = "Dostęp do kalendarza";
"Reminders Access Title" = "Dostęp do powiadomień";
"Later Config Description" = "These can be configured later in System Preferences.";
"Back" = "Wstecz";
"Continue" = "Dalej";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars." = "Clocker jest bardziej przydatny, gdy może wyświetlać wydarzenia z Twojego kalendarza.";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy." = "Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy.";
/* Text for button that takes the user to the System Preferences app. In case the user hasn't given Calendar/Reminders access permission, this button takes you to the System Preferences app where the user can give proper permissions to Clocker. */
"Launch Preferences" = "Preferencje uruchomienia";
"Grant Access" = "Przyznaj dostęp";
"Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel." = "Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel.";
"Granted" = "Granted";
"Denied" = "Denied";
"Grant" = "Grant";
"Unexpected" = "Nieoczekiwany";
// Onboarding Search
"Quick Add Locations" = "Quick Add Locations";
"More search options in Clocker Preferences." = "More search options in Clocker Preferences.";
"Enter 3 or more characters for locations you'll like to add" = "Enter 3 or more characters for locations you'll like to add";
// Start at Login
"Launch at Login" = "Uruchom przy logowaniu";
"This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences." = "This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences.";
"Should Clocker open automatically on startup?" = "Should Clocker open automatically on startup?";
// Final Onboarding Screen
"You're all set!" = "Wszystko gotowe!";
"Thank you for the details." = "Dziękuję za szczegóły.";
"You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences." = "You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences.";
"If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!" = "If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!";
// Appearance Tab
"Panel Theme" = "Panel Theme";
"Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options." = "Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options.";
"Main Panel Options" = "Główny panel opcji";
"Time Format" = "Format czasu";
"Day Display Options" = "Opcje wyswietlania daty";
"Show Future Slider" = "Pokaż suwak przyszłości";
"Show Sunrise/Sunset" = "Pokaż wschód/zachód Słońca";
"Display the time in seconds" = "Wyświetl czas z sekundami";
"Larger Text" = "Powiększenie tekstu";
"Future Slider Range" = "Zakres suwaka przyszłości";
"Include Date" = "Pokaż datę";
"Include Day" = "Pokaż dzień";
"Include Place Name" = "Pokaż miejsce";
"Menubar Display Options" = "Opcje wyświetlania paska menu";
/* Appears in Preferences -> Appearance which allows the user to switch between the compact and standard menubar mode. It doesn't lead anywhere. */
"Menubar Mode" = "Wygląd na pasku menu";
"Preview" = "Podgląd";
"Miscellaneous" = "Pozostałe";
// Empty View
"No places added" = "Brak dodanych miejsc";
// Panel
"No upcoming event." = "Brak nadchodzących wydarzeń.";
"You have no events scheduled for tomorrow." = "Nie masz zaplanowanych wydarzeń na jutro.";
// Review
"Enjoy using Clocker?" = "Podoba ci się Clocker?";
// App Feedback
"Tell us what you think!" = "Tell us what you think!";
"Contact Information (Optional)" = "Dane kontaktowe (opcjonalnie)";
"Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!" = "Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!";
// About View Screen
"Feedback is always welcome:" = "Twoja opinia jest zawsze mile widziana:";
// Calendars View
"Upcoming Event View Options" = "Upcoming Event View Options";
"Show Upcoming Event View" = "Show Upcoming Event View";
"Show All Day Meetings" = "Pokaż całodniowe spotkania";
"Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar" = "Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar";
"Truncate menubar text longer than" = "Truncate menubar text longer than";
"characters" = "znaki";
"Show events from" = "Pokaż wydarzenia z";
"If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"" = "If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"";
// Notes Popover
"Reminder Set" = "Przypomnienie ustawione";
"Successfully set." = "Zapisane.";
// Errors
"You're offline, maybe?" = "Jesteś offline (?)";
"Try again, maybe?" = "Spróbuj ponownie później";
"The Internet connection appears to be offline." = "Wygląda na to, że nie działa połączenie z internetem.";
// UI Tests
"New Zealand" = "Nowa Zelandia";
"Florida" = "Floryda";
"San Francisco" = "San Francisco";
// iCloud
"Enable iCloud Sync" = "Enable iCloud Sync";


@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
"Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!" = "Obrigado por ajudar a tornar o Clocker ainda melhor!";
"iRateMessageTitle" = "Avaliar %@";
"iRateAppMessage" = "Se você gosta de usar o %@, você se importaria de avaliá-lo? Não vai demorar mais de um minuto. Obrigado por seu apoio!";
"iRateGameMessage" = "Se você está gostando jogar %@, poderia avaliá-lo? Não levará mais de um minuto. Agradecemos o seu apoio!";
"iRateCancelButton" = "Não, Obrigado";
"iRateRateButton" = "Avaliar Agora";
"iRateRemindButton" = "Lembrar mais tarde";
"iRateUpdateMessage" = "Atualizar agora?";
"ClockerVersion" = "Versão %@";
"CLFeedbackAlertTitle" = "Obrigado por ajudar a tornar o Clocker ainda melhor!";
"app-name" = "Clocker";
"start-at-login" = "Iniciar ao iniciar sessão";
"setup-steps" = "São apenas 3 passos para configurar o Clocker";
"Permissions-Header" = "Permissões";
"See your next Calendar event here." = "Veja seu próximo evento do Calendário aqui.";
"Click here to start." = "Clique aqui para iniciar.";
"Reminders Access" = "Acessos aos Lembretes";
"Calendar Access" = "Acesso ao Calendário";
"Permissions" = "Permissões";
"Calendar Detail" = "Próximos eventos de seus calendários pessoais e compartilhados podem ser exibidos no menu e no painel.";
"Reminders Detail" = "Defina lembretes no fuso horário da localização de sua escolha. Seus lembretes são armazenados no aplicativo padrão Lembretes.";
"Privacy Text" = "Você pode alterar isso mais tarde na seção Privacidade das Preferências do Sistema.";
"Granted Button Text" = "Concedida";
"Denied Button Text" = "Rejeitada";
"Grant Button Text" = "Conceder";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker." = "São apenas 3 passos para configurar o Clocker.";
"Get Started" = "Comece a Usar";
// Tab Item Titles
"Preferences Tab" = "Preferências";
"Appearance Tab" = "Aparência";
"Calendar Tab" = "Calendário";
"About Tab" = "Sobre";
"Permissions Tab" = "Permissões";
// General Preferences Screen
"Start at Login" = "Iniciar Clocker ao iniciar sessão";
"Sort by Time Difference" = "Ordenar por diferença de horário";
"Sort by Name" = "Ordenar por nome";
"Sort by Label" = "Ordenar por Etiqueta";
"Search Field Placeholder" = "Insira uma cidade, estado ou país";
"No Timezone Selected" = "Por favor, selecione um fuso horário!";
"Max Timezones Selected" = "Máximo de fusos horários permitido: 100!";
"Max Search Characters" = "Só são permitidos até 50 caracteres!";
"Add Button Title" = "Adicionar";
"Close Button Title" = "Fechar";
// Onboarding
"Open Clocker At Login" = "Abrir o Clocker ao iniciar sessão";
"Launch Clocker" = "Iniciar Clocker";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker." = "São apenas 3 passos para configurar o Clocker.";
"Get Started" = "Comece a Usar";
// Permissions
"Calendar Access Title" = "Acesso ao Calendário";
"Reminders Access Title" = "Acessos aos Lembretes";
"Later Config Description" = "Isso pode ser configurado mais tarde nas Preferências de Sistema.";
"Back" = "Voltar";
"Continue" = "Continuar";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars." = "O bloqueador é mais útil quando pode exibir eventos de seus calendários.";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy." = "O bloqueador é mais útil quando pode exibir eventos de seus calendários. Você pode alterar essa configuração em Preferências do Sistema › Segurança e Privacidade › Privacidade.";
/* Text for button that takes the user to the System Preferences app. In case the user hasn't given Calendar/Reminders access permission, this button takes you to the System Preferences app where the user can give proper permissions to Clocker. */
"Launch Preferences" = "Abrir Preferências";
"Grant Access" = "Conceder Acesso";
"Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel." = "Próximos eventos de seus calendários pessoais e compartilhados podem ser exibidos no menu e no painel.";
"Granted" = "Concedido";
"Denied" = "Negado";
"Grant" = "Conceder";
"Unexpected" = "Inesperado";
// Onboarding Search
"Quick Add Locations" = "Quick Add Locations";
"More search options in Clocker Preferences." = "Mais opções de busca em Preferências do Clocker.";
"Enter 3 or more characters for locations you'll like to add" = "Insira 3 ou mais caracteres para locais que gostaria de adicionar";
// Start at Login
"Launch at Login" = "Abrir ao iniciar sessão";
"This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences." = "Isso pode ser configurado mais tarde nas Preferências do Clocker.";
"Should Clocker open automatically on startup?" = "O Clocker deve abrir automaticamente na inicialização?";
// Final Onboarding Screen
"You're all set!" = "Tudo pronto!";
"Thank you for the details." = "Obrigado pelos detalhes.";
"You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences." = "Você verá um ícone de relógio na sua Barra de Menu ao iniciar o aplicativo. Se quiser ver um ícone do Dock, vá para Preferências.";
"If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!" = "Se você quiser nos ajudar a localizar o app no seu idioma ou receber atualizações pouco frequentes, digite seu e-mail!";
// Appearance Tab
"Panel Theme" = "Tema do painel";
"Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options." = "Favorite um fuso horário para habilitar opções de exibição na barra de menus.";
"Main Panel Options" = "Opções do painel principal";
"Time Format" = "Formato da hora";
"Day Display Options" = "Opções de Exibição do Dia";
"Show Future Slider" = "Show Future Slider";
"Show Sunrise/Sunset" = "Mostrar Nascer do Sol / Pôr do Sol";
"Display the time in seconds" = "Exibir o tempo em segundos";
"Larger Text" = "Texto Maior";
"Future Slider Range" = "Future Slider Range";
"Include Date" = "Incluir Data";
"Include Day" = "Incluir Dia";
"Include Place Name" = "Incluir Nome do Lugar";
"Menubar Display Options" = "Opções de exibição da barra de menu";
"Menubar Mode" = "Modo da barra de menu";
"Preview" = "Pré-visualizar";
"Miscellaneous" = "Diversos";
// Empty View
"No places added" = "Nenhum local adicionado";
// Panel
"No upcoming event." = "Sem eventos futuros.";
"You have no events scheduled for tomorrow." = "Você não tem eventos agendados para amanhã.";
// Review
"Enjoy using Clocker?" = "Gostando de usar o Clocker?";
// App Feedback
"Tell us what you think!" = "Conte-nos o que você pensa!";
"Contact Information (Optional)" = "Informações de Contato (Opcional)";
"Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!" = "Os campos de contato são opcionais! Suas informações de contato nos permitirão entrar em contato com você caso precisemos de mais informações ou possamos ajudar!";
// About View Screen
"Feedback is always welcome:" = "Feedback é sempre bem-vindo:";
// Calendars View
"Upcoming Event View Options" = "Upcoming Event View Options";
"Show Upcoming Event View" = "Mostrar Visualização de Eventos A Seguir";
"Show All Day Meetings" = "Show All Day Meetings";
"Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar" = "Mostrar título da próxima reunião na barra de menus";
"Truncate menubar text longer than" = "Truncar texto de menu mais longo que";
"characters" = "caracteres";
"Show events from" = "Mostrar eventos de";
"If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"" = "Se o título da reunião for “Reunião com Neel” e o comprimento de truncagem for definido como 5, o texto na barra de menu aparecerá como “Reuni...”";
// Notes Popover
"Reminder Set" = "Lembrete definido";
"Successfully set." = "Definido com sucesso.";
// Errors
"You're offline, maybe?" = "Você está offline, talvez?";
"Try again, maybe?" = "Tentar de novo, talvez?";
"The Internet connection appears to be offline." = "A conexão à Internet parece estar desligada.";
// UI Tests
"New Zealand" = "Nova Zelândia";
"Florida" = "Flórida";
"San Francisco" = "San Francisco";
// DST changes
"Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours" = "Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours";
"Copied to Clipboard" = "Copied to Clipboard";
"No upcoming events for today!" = "No upcoming events for today 🎉";
"Great going." = "Great going.";
"Happy Weekend." = "Happy Weekend.";
// iCloud
"Enable iCloud Sync" = "Enable iCloud Sync";


@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
"CFBundleName" = "Clocker";


@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
/* InfoPlist.strings
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16. */
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
/* (No Comment) */
"CFBundleName" = "Clocker";
/* Privacy - Calendars Usage Description */
"NSCalendarsUsageDescription" = "Clocker can be more useful when it can display upcoming events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy";
/* Copyright (human-readable) */
"NSHumanReadableCopyright" = "Авторское право © 2016, Абхишек Бантия";
/* Privacy - Location Always and When In Use Usage Description */
"NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription" = "Clocker can be more useful when it can use your location to determine your current timezone.";
/* Privacy - Location Usage Description */
"NSLocationUsageDescription" = "Clocker can be more useful when it can use your location to determine your current timezone.";
/* Privacy - Reminders Usage Description */
"NSRemindersUsageDescription" = "Clocker can be more useful when it can set reminders for your selected timezone(s). You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy.";


@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
/* (No Comment) */
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
"Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!" = "Спасибо, что помогаете сделать Clocker еще лучше!";
"iRateMessageTitle" = "Оцените";
"iRateAppMessage" = "Если вам нравится %@, просьба уделить время, чтобы поставить оценку? Это займет не больше минуты. Спасибо за вашу поддержку!";
"iRateGameMessage" = "Если вам нравится%@, просьба уделить время, чтобы поставить оценку? Это займет не больше минуты. Спасибо за вашу поддержку!";
"iRateCancelButton" = "Нет, спасибо";
"iRateRateButton" = "Поставьте рейтинг сейчас";
"iRateRemindButton" = "Напомнить позже";
"iRateUpdateMessage" = "Обновить сейчас?";
"ClockerVersion" = "Версия";
"CLFeedbackAlertTitle" = "Благодарю! Вы помогаете мне сделать Clocker лучше!";
"app-name" = "Clocker";
"start-at-login" = "Запустить при логине";
"setup-steps" = "Нужно всего 3 шага что бы настроить Clocker";
"Permissions-Header" = "Права доступа";
"See your next Calendar event here." = "Отображать здесь Ваше следующее событие из календаря.";
"Click here to start." = "Нажмите здесь что бы начать.";
"Reminders Access" = "Доступ к напоминаниям";
"Calendar Access" = "Доступ к календарю";
"Permissions" = "Разрешения";
"Calendar Detail" = "Предстоящие события из вашего личного и общего календарей могут отображаться в строке меню и на панели.";
"Reminders Detail" = "Установите напоминания в часовом поясе в выбранном вами месте. Ваши напоминания хранятся в приложении по умолчанию.";
"Privacy Text" = "Вы можете изменить это позже в разделе «Конфиденциальность» системных настроек.";
"Granted Button Text" = "Разрешено";
"Denied Button Text" = "Запрещено";
"Grant Button Text" = "Разрешение";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker." = "Для настройки Clocker требуется всего 3 шага.";
"Get Started" = "Начнем";
// Tab Item Titles
"Preferences Tab" = "Настройки";
"Appearance Tab" = "Представление";
"Calendar Tab" = "Календарь";
"About Tab" = "Об этом";
"Permissions Tab" = "Разрешения";
// General Preferences Screen
"Start at Login" = "Запустить при логине";
"Sort by Time Difference" = "Сорт по разнице времени";
"Sort by Name" = "Сорт по имени";
"Sort by Label" = "Сорт по метке";
"Search Field Placeholder" = "Введите название города, штата или страны";
"No Timezone Selected" = "Пожалуйста, выберите часовой пояс!";
"Max Timezones Selected" = "Разрешено максимум 100 часовых поясов!";
"Max Search Characters" = "Разрешено всего 50 символов!";
"Add Button Title" = "Добавить";
"Close Button Title" = "Закрыть";
// Onboarding
"Open Clocker At Login" = "Открыть Clocker при входе";
"Launch Clocker" = "Запустить Clocker";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker." = "Нужно всего 3 шага что бы настроить Clocker.";
"Get Started" = "Начало работы";
// Permissions
"Calendar Access Title" = "Доступ к календарю";
"Reminders Access Title" = "Доступ к напоминаниям";
"Later Config Description" = "Это можно настроить позже в Системных Настройках.";
"Back" = "Назад";
"Continue" = "Продолжить";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars." = "Clocker полезнее когда он может отображать события из ваших календарей.";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy." = "Clocker полезнее когда он может отображать предстоящие события из ваших календарей. Вы можете изменить эти настройки перейдя в  Системные настройки › Защита и безопасность › Приватность.";
"Launch Preferences" = "Параметры запуска";
"Grant Access" = "Разрешить доступ";
"Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel." = "Предстоящие события из ваших персонального и общего календарей могут быть показаны в верхнем меню и панели.";
"Granted" = "Предоставлено";
"Denied" = "Отказано";
"Grant" = "Разрешить";
"Unexpected" = "Неожиданный";
// Onboarding Search
"Quick Add Locations" = "Быстрое добавление мест";
"More search options in Clocker Preferences." = "Больше вариантов поиска в настройках Clocker.";
"Enter 3 or more characters for locations you'll like to add" = "Введите 3 или более символов для локаций, которые вы хотите добавить";
// Start at Login
"Launch at Login" = "Запуск при входе";
"This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences." = "Это можно изменить позже в настройках Clocker.";
"Should Clocker open automatically on startup?" = "Должен ли Clocker автоматически открываться при запуске?";
// Final Onboarding Screen
"You're all set!" = "Все готово!";
"Thank you for the details." = "Спасибо Вам за подробности.";
"You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences." = "При запуске приложения вы увидите значок часов в строке меню. Если вы хотите увидеть значок в панели Dock, перейдите в раздел Настройки.";
"If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!" = "Если вы хотите помочь нам локализовать приложение на вашем языке или получить обновления, связанные с приложениями, пожалуйста, введите ваш email!";
// Appearance Tab
"Panel Theme" = "Тема панели";
"Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options." = "Пометьте временную зону как избранную чтобы включить параметры отображения строки меню.";
"Main Panel Options" = "Параметры главной панели";
"Time Format" = "Формат времени";
"Day Display Options" = "Параметры отображения дня";
"Show Future Slider" = "Показать ползунок";
"Show Sunrise/Sunset" = "Показывать Восход/Закат";
"Display the time in seconds" = "Отображать время в секундах";
"Larger Text" = "Увеличенный текст";
"Future Slider Range" = "Диапазон ползунка";
"Include Date" = "Добавить Дату";
"Include Day" = "Добавить День";
"Include Place Name" = "Добавить название места";
"Menubar Display Options" = "Параметры отображения меню";
"Menubar Mode" = "Режимы меню";
"Preview" = "Предпросмотр";
"Miscellaneous" = "Прочее";
// Empty View
"No places added" = "Нет добавленных мест";
// Panel
"No upcoming event." = "Нет предстоящих событий.";
"You have no events scheduled for tomorrow." = "У вас нет запланированных на завтра событий.";
// Review
"Enjoy using Clocker?" = "Понравилось приложения Clocker?";
// App Feedback
"Tell us what you think!" = "Расскажите нам, что вы думаете!";
"Contact Information (Optional)" = "Контактная информация (необязательно)";
"Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!" = "Поля контактной информации необязательны! Ваша контактная информация позволит нам связаться с вами в случае необходимости дополнительной информации или может помочь нам!";
// About View Screen
"Feedback is always welcome:" = "Обратная связь всегда приветствуется:";
// Calendars View
"Upcoming Event View Options" = "Параметры просмотра Предстоящих Событий";
"Show Upcoming Event View" = "Показывать предстоящие события";
"Show All Day Meetings" = "Показать все встречи за день";
"Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar" = "Показывать название следующей встречи в меню";
"Truncate menubar text longer than" = "Урезать текст поля меню более чем";
"characters" = "символы";
"Show events from" = "Отображать события из";
"If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"" = "Если заголовок митинга \"Митинг с Кариной\" и длина обрезания текста установлена как 5, текст в верхнем меню будет отображаться как \"Митин...\"";
// Notes Popover
"Reminder Set" = "Напоминание установлено";
"Successfully set." = "Успешно установлено.";
// Errors
"You're offline, maybe?" = "Возможно Вы не в сети?";
"Try again, maybe?" = "Попробовать еще раз?";
"The Internet connection appears to be offline." = "Похоже, что подключение к Интернету недоступно.";
// UI Tests
"New Zealand" = "Новая Зеландия";
"Florida" = "Флорида";
"San Francisco" = "Сан-Франциско";
// DST changes
"Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours" = "Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours";
"Copied to Clipboard" = "Copied to Clipboard";
"No upcoming events for today!" = "No upcoming events for today 🎉";
"Great going." = "Great going.";
"Happy Weekend." = "Happy Weekend.";
// iCloud
"Enable iCloud Sync" = "Enable iCloud Sync";


@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
"Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!" = "Clocker'ı daha iyi hale getirmek için yaptığınız yardımlara teşekkürler!";
"iRateMessageTitle" = "OylamaMesajYorum%@";
"iRateAppMessage" = "%@ uygulamamız hoşunuza gittiyse, oy vermek ister misiniz? Bir dakikadan fazla sürmeyecektir. Desteğiniz için teşekkürler!";
"iRateGameMessage" = "%@ uygulamamız hoşunuza gittiyse, oy vermek ister misiniz? Bir dakikadan fazla sürmeyecektir. Desteğiniz için teşekkürler!";
"iRateCancelButton" = "Hayır, Teşekkürler";
"iRateRateButton" = "Şimdi Oyla";
"iRateRemindButton" = "Daha sonra hatırlat";
"iRateUpdateMessage" = "Şimdi güncelle?";
"ClockerVersion" = "Versiyon%@";
"CLFeedbackAlertTitle" = "Clocker'ı daha iyi hale getirmek için yaptığınız yardımlara teşekkürler!";
"app-name" = "Clocker";
"start-at-login" = "Oturum açarken başlat";
"setup-steps" = "Clocker'ı 3 adımda kur";
"Permissions-Header" = "Yetkiler";
"See your next Calendar event here." = "Bir sonraki takvim etkinliğini buradan gör.";
"Click here to start." = "Başlamak için buraya tıklayın.";
"Reminders Access" = "Hatırlatıcıya Giriş";
"Calendar Access" = "Takvim Erişimi";
"Permissions" = "Erişim Hakları";
"Calendar Detail" = "Kişisel veya paylaşılan takvimlerinizdeki yaklaşan etkinlikler menü çubuğunda veya panelde görünebilir.";
"Reminders Detail" = "Seçtiğiniz yerin saat diliminde hatırlatıcılar ekleyin. Hatırlatıcılarınız, varsayılan uygulamasında saklanır.";
"Privacy Text" = "Bunu daha sonra Sistem Tercihleri'nin Güvenlik ve Gizlilik bölümünden değiştirebilirsiniz.";
"Granted Button Text" = "Onaylandı";
"Denied Button Text" = "Reddedildi";
"Grant Button Text" = "Onayla";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker." = "Clocker'ı 3 adımda kur.";
"Get Started" = "Başlayın";
// Tab Item Titles
"Preferences Tab" = "Ayarlar";
"Appearance Tab" = "Görünüm";
"Calendar Tab" = "Takvim";
"About Tab" = "Hakkında";
"Permissions Tab" = "Yetkiler";
// General Preferences Screen
"Start at Login" = "Clocker'ı Başlangıçta başlat";
"Sort by Time Difference" = "Zaman farkına göre sırala";
"Sort by Name" = "Ada göre sırala";
"Sort by Label" = "Etikete göre sırala";
"Search Field Placeholder" = "Bir şehir, bölge veya ülke girin";
"No Timezone Selected" = "Lütfen saat dilimi seçin!";
"Max Timezones Selected" = "En fazla 100 saat dilimi kabul edilir!";
"Max Search Characters" = "Sadece 50 karakter kabul edilir!";
"Add Button Title" = "Ekle";
"Close Button Title" = "Kapat";
// Onboarding
"Open Clocker At Login" = "Clocker'ı Başlangıçta başlat";
"Launch Clocker" = "Clocker'ı çalıştır";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker." = "Clocker'i 3 adımda kur.";
"Get Started" = "Başlayın";
// Permissions
"Calendar Access Title" = "Takvim Erişimi";
"Reminders Access Title" = "Hatırlatıcıya Giriş";
"Later Config Description" = "Bu, daha sonra Sistem Ayarlarında değiştirilebilir.";
"Back" = "Geri";
"Continue" = "Devam et";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars." = "Clocker takvimlerdeki etkinliklerinizi gösterebilirse daha kullanışlı hale gelebilir.";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy." = "Clocker takviminizde bulunan sıradaki etkinlikleri gösterdiğinde daha kullanışlı hale gelir. Bu ayarı Sistem Tercihleri › Güvenlik & Gizlilik › Gizlilik kısmından değiştirebilirsiniz.";
/* Text for button that takes the user to the System Preferences app. In case the user hasn't given Calendar/Reminders access permission, this button takes you to the System Preferences app where the user can give proper permissions to Clocker. */
"Launch Preferences" = "Başlatma Tercihleri";
"Grant Access" = "Erişim izni ver";
"Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel." = "Kişisel veya paylaşılan takvimlerinizdeki yaklaşan etkinlikler menü çubuğunda veya panelde görünebilir.";
"Granted" = "İzin verildi";
"Denied" = "Reddedildi";
"Grant" = "Erişim ver";
"Unexpected" = "Beklenmedik";
// Onboarding Search
"Quick Add Locations" = "Hızlı lokasyon ekle";
"More search options in Clocker Preferences." = "Clocker Tercihlerinde daha fazla arama seçenekleri bulunur.";
"Enter 3 or more characters for locations you'll like to add" = "Eklemek istediğiniz konum için 3 veya daha fazla karakter girin";
// Start at Login
"Launch at Login" = "Açılışta Başlat";
"This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences." = "Bu daha sonra Clocker Tercihlerinde düzenlenebilir.";
"Should Clocker open automatically on startup?" = "Clocker başlangıçta otomatik açılsın mı?";
// Final Onboarding Screen
"You're all set!" = "Her şey tamam!";
"Thank you for the details." = "Detaylar için teşekkür ederiz.";
"You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences." = "Uygulamayı başlattığınızda Menü Çubuğunuzda bir saat simgesi göreceksiniz. Bir Dock simgesi görmek isterseniz Tercihler'e gidin.";
"If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!" = "Uygulamayı kendi dilinizde yerelleştirmemize veya nadiren uygulamayla ilgili güncellemeler almanıza yardımcı olmak isterseniz, lütfen e-postanızı girin!";
// Appearance Tab
"Panel Theme" = "Panel Teması";
"Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options." = "Menu çubuğu görünümü seçeneklerini etkinleştirmek için bir zaman dilimini favorileyin.";
"Main Panel Options" = "Ana Panel Seçenekleri";
"Time Format" = "Zaman Formatı";
"Day Display Options" = "Gün Görünüm Seçenekleri";
"Show Future Slider" = "Zaman Kaydırıcısını Göster";
"Show Sunrise/Sunset" = "Gün Doğumu/Batımı'nı Göster";
"Display the time in seconds" = "Zamanı saniye şeklinde göster";
"Larger Text" = "Daha Büyük Yazı";
"Future Slider Range" = "Zaman Kaydırıcı Aralığı";
"Include Date" = "Tarihi Dahil Et";
"Include Day" = "Günü Dahil Et";
"Include Place Name" = "Yer Adını Dahil Et";
"Menubar Display Options" = "Menu Çubuğu Görünüm Seçenekleri";
/* Appears in Preferences -> Appearance which allows the user to switch between the compact and standard menubar mode. It doesn't lead anywhere. */
"Menubar Mode" = "Menü Çubuğu Mod'u";
"Preview" = "Ön İzleme";
"Miscellaneous" = "Çeşitli";
// Empty View
"No places added" = "Yer eklenmedi";
// Panel
"No upcoming event." = "Yaklaşan etkinlik yok.";
"You have no events scheduled for tomorrow." = "Yarın için yapılacak işiniz yok.";
// Review
"Enjoy using Clocker?" = "Clocker'ı kullanmaktan memnun musun?";
// App Feedback
"Tell us what you think!" = "Bize düşüncelerinizi bildiriniz!";
"Contact Information (Optional)" = "İletişim Bilgileri (İsteğe Bağlı)";
"Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!" = "Bağlantı girdileri isteğe bağlıdır! Bağlantı bilgilerinizi, sonrasında sizden daha fazla bilgi almak veya size yardım edebilmek için gerektiğinde kullanacağız!";
// About View Screen
"Feedback is always welcome:" = "Geri bildirimleriniz memnuniyetle karşılanır:";
// Calendars View
"Upcoming Event View Options" = "Sonraki etkinliği görüntüleme seçenekleri
Takvimleri Görüntüle";
"Show Upcoming Event View" = "Yaklaşan Etkinlikleri Göster";
"Show All Day Meetings" = "Günün bütün etkinliklerini göster";
"Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar" = "Bir sonraki etkinlik başlığını Menüde göster";
"Truncate menubar text longer than" = "Menü çubuğu metnini kısalt";
"characters" = "karakterler";
"Show events from" = "Şuradaki etkinlikleri göster";
"If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"" = "Eğer buluşma adı \"Ahmet ile Buluşma\" ise ve kısaltma uzunluğu 5 olarak ayarlıysa, menü çubuğundaki yazı \"Ahmet...\" olarak görünecek";
// Notes Popover
"Reminder Set" = "Hatırlatıcı Ayarlandı";
"Successfully set." = "Ayarlama başarılı.";
// Errors
"You're offline, maybe?" = "Acaba çevrimdışı mısınız?";
"Try again, maybe?" = "Belki tekrar denemek istersin?";
"The Internet connection appears to be offline." = "Internet bağlantınız çevrimdışı görünüyor.";
// UI Tests
"New Zealand" = "New Zealand";
"Florida" = "Florida";
"San Francisco" = "San Francisco";
// iCloud
"Enable iCloud Sync" = "Enable iCloud Sync";


@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
"Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!" = "Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!";
"iRateMessageTitle" = "Оціни %@";
"iRateAppMessage" = "If you enjoy using %@, would you mind taking a moment to rate it? It won’t take more than a minute. Thanks for your support!";
"iRateGameMessage" = "If you enjoy playing %@, would you mind taking a moment to rate it? It won’t take more than a minute. Thanks for your support!";
"iRateCancelButton" = "Ні, дякую";
"iRateRateButton" = "Оцінити зараз";
"iRateRemindButton" = "Нагадати пізніше";
"iRateUpdateMessage" = "Оновити зараз?";
"ClockerVersion" = "Версія %@";
"CLFeedbackAlertTitle" = "Дякуємо, що допомагаєте зробити Clocker ще кращим!";
"app-name" = "Clocker";
"start-at-login" = "Запускати при вході";
"setup-steps" = "Налаштування Clocker займе лише 3 кроки";
"Permissions-Header" = "Дозволи";
"See your next Calendar event here." = "Побачте вашу наступну подію Календаря тут.";
"Click here to start." = "Натисніть тут, щоб почати.";
"Reminders Access" = "Доступ до Нагадувань";
"Calendar Access" = "Доступ до Календаря";
"Permissions" = "Дозволи";
"Calendar Detail" = "Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel.";
"Reminders Detail" = "Встановіть нагадування в часовому поясі вибраного вами місця. Ваші нагадування зберігаються в програмі Нагадування за умовчанням.";
"Privacy Text" = "You can change this later in the Privacy section of the System Preferences.";
"Granted Button Text" = "Надано";
"Denied Button Text" = "Відмовлено";
"Grant Button Text" = "Надати";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker." = "Налаштування Clocker займе лише 3 кроки.";
"Get Started" = "Почати роботу";
// Tab Item Titles
"Preferences Tab" = "Налаштування";
"Appearance Tab" = "Вигляд";
"Calendar Tab" = "Календар";
"About Tab" = "Про програму";
"Permissions Tab" = "Дозволи";
// General Preferences Screen
"Start at Login" = "Запускати Clocker при вході";
"Sort by Time Difference" = "Сортувати за Різницею у часі";
"Sort by Name" = "Сортувати за Назвою";
"Sort by Label" = "Сортувати за Позначенням";
"Search Field Placeholder" = "Введіть місто, область або назву країни";
"No Timezone Selected" = "Будь ласка, оберіть часовий пояс!";
"Max Timezones Selected" = "Максимально доступно 100 часових поясів!";
"Max Search Characters" = "Only 50 characters allowed!";
"Add Button Title" = "Додати";
"Close Button Title" = "Закрити";
// Onboarding
"Open Clocker At Login" = "Відкривати Clocker при вході";
"Launch Clocker" = "Запустити Clocker";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker." = "Налаштування Clocker займе лише 3 кроки.";
"Get Started" = "Почати роботу";
// Permissions
"Calendar Access Title" = "Доступ до Календаря";
"Reminders Access Title" = "Доступ до Нагадувань";
"Later Config Description" = "Це можна налаштувати пізніше в Системних параметрах.";
"Back" = "Назад";
"Continue" = "Continue";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars." = "Clocker більш корисний, коли може відображати події з ваших календарів.";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy." = "Clocker більш корисний, коли може відображати події з ваших календарів. Ви можете змінити цей параметр у Системні параметри › Безпека та приватність › Приватність.";
/* Text for button that takes the user to the System Preferences app. In case the user hasn't given Calendar/Reminders access permission, this button takes you to the System Preferences app where the user can give proper permissions to Clocker. */
"Launch Preferences" = "Відкрити Системні параметри";
"Grant Access" = "Надати доступ";
"Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel." = "Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel.";
"Granted" = "Надано";
"Denied" = "Відмовлено";
"Grant" = "Надати";
"Unexpected" = "Unexpected";
// Onboarding Search
"Quick Add Locations" = "Quick Add Locations";
"More search options in Clocker Preferences." = "Більше варіантів пошуку в налаштуваннях Clocker.";
"Enter 3 or more characters for locations you'll like to add" = "Enter 3 or more characters for locations you'll like to add";
// Start at Login
"Launch at Login" = "Запускати при вході";
"This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences." = "This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences.";
"Should Clocker open automatically on startup?" = "Should Clocker open automatically on startup?";
// Final Onboarding Screen
"You're all set!" = "You're all set!";
"Thank you for the details." = "Thank you for the details.";
"You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences." = "You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences.";
"If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!" = "If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!";
// Appearance Tab
"Panel Theme" = "Panel Theme";
"Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options." = "Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options.";
"Main Panel Options" = "Main Panel Options";
"Time Format" = "Формат часу";
"Day Display Options" = "Варіанти відображання дня";
"Show Future Slider" = "Show Future Slider";
"Show Sunrise/Sunset" = "Show Sunrise/Sunset";
"Display the time in seconds" = "Відображати час у секундах";
"Larger Text" = "Більший текст";
"Future Slider Range" = "Future Slider Range";
"Include Date" = "Include Date";
"Include Day" = "Include Day";
"Include Place Name" = "Include Place Name";
"Menubar Display Options" = "Menubar Display Options";
/* Appears in Preferences -> Appearance which allows the user to switch between the compact and standard menubar mode. It doesn't lead anywhere. */
"Menubar Mode" = "Menubar Mode";
"Preview" = "Preview";
"Miscellaneous" = "Miscellaneous";
// Empty View
"No places added" = "No places added";
// Panel
"No upcoming event." = "No upcoming event.";
"You have no events scheduled for tomorrow." = "You have no events scheduled for tomorrow.";
// Review
"Enjoy using Clocker?" = "Enjoy using Clocker?";
// App Feedback
"Tell us what you think!" = "Розкажіть нам, що ви думаєте!";
"Contact Information (Optional)" = "Contact Information (Optional)";
"Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!" = "Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!";
// About View Screen
"Feedback is always welcome:" = "Feedback is always welcome:";
// Calendars View
"Upcoming Event View Options" = "Варіанти перегляду майбутньої події";
"Show Upcoming Event View" = "Show Upcoming Event View";
"Show All Day Meetings" = "Show All Day Meetings";
"Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar" = "Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar";
"Truncate menubar text longer than" = "Truncate menubar text longer than";
"characters" = "characters";
"Show events from" = "Show events from";
"If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"" = "If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"";
// Notes Popover
"Reminder Set" = "Reminder Set";
"Successfully set." = "Successfully set.";
// Errors
"You're offline, maybe?" = "You're offline, maybe?";
"Try again, maybe?" = "Try again, maybe?";
"The Internet connection appears to be offline." = "The Internet connection appears to be offline.";
// UI Tests
"New Zealand" = "New Zealand";
"Florida" = "Florida";
"San Francisco" = "San Francisco";


@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
/* InfoPlist.strings
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16. */
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
/* (No Comment) */
"CFBundleName" = "Clocker";
/* Privacy - Calendars Usage Description */
"NSCalendarsUsageDescription" = "Clocker在展示你即将到来的日程时非常有用。你可以在 系统设置› 安全和隐私› 隐私 中更改设置。";
/* Copyright (human-readable) */
"NSHumanReadableCopyright" = "版权所有© 2016, Abhishek Banthia";
/* Privacy - Location Always and When In Use Usage Description */
"NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription" = "Clocker can be more useful when it can use your location to determine your current timezone.";
/* Privacy - Location Usage Description */
"NSLocationUsageDescription" = "Clocker can be more useful when it can use your location to determine your current timezone.";
/* Privacy - Reminders Usage Description */
"NSRemindersUsageDescription" = "Clocker can be more useful when it can set reminders for your selected timezone(s). You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy.";


@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
/* (No Comment) */
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "解锁器";
"Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!" = "感谢您帮助 Clocker 做得更好!";
"iRateMessageTitle" = "评价 %@";
"iRateAppMessage" = "如果您喜欢使用 %@,能否请您抽出时间来对它进行评价?评价不会超过一分钟。感谢您的支持 !";
"iRateGameMessage" = "如果您喜欢使用 %@,能否请您抽出时间来对它进行评价?评价不会超过一分钟。感谢您的支持 !";
"iRateCancelButton" = "不用了,谢谢";
"iRateRateButton" = "立即评分";
"iRateRemindButton" = "稍后提醒我";
"iRateUpdateMessage" = "现在更新?";
"ClockerVersion" = "版本 %@";
"CLFeedbackAlertTitle" = "感谢您帮助 Clocker 做得更好!";
"app-name" = "Clocker";
"start-at-login" = "开启时启动";
"setup-steps" = "只需要三步来设置 Clocker";
"Permissions-Header" = "权限";
"See your next Calendar event here." = "在这里查看你的下一个日历事件。";
"Click here to start." = "点此开始。";
"Reminders Access" = "提醒访问权限";
"Calendar Access" = "日历访问权限";
"Permissions" = "权限";
"Calendar Detail" = "未来你个人和分享的日历事件将显示在菜单栏和面板上。";
"Reminders Detail" = "在您选择的位置时区设置提醒。您的提醒存储在默认提醒应用中。";
"Privacy Text" = "您稍后可以在「系统偏好设置」的隐私部分更改此内容。";
"Granted Button Text" = "已授权";
"Denied Button Text" = "已拒绝";
"Grant Button Text" = "授权";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker." = "只需要 3 步来设置 Clocker。";
"Get Started" = "开始";
// Tab Item Titles
"Preferences Tab" = "首选项";
"Appearance Tab" = "外观";
"Calendar Tab" = "日历";
"About Tab" = "关于";
"Permissions Tab" = "权限";
// General Preferences Screen
"Start at Login" = "登录时启动 Clocker";
"Sort by Time Difference" = "按时间差排序";
"Sort by Name" = "按名称排序";
"Sort by Label" = "按标签排序";
"Search Field Placeholder" = "输入城市、省/州或国家名称";
"No Timezone Selected" = "请选择一个时区!";
"Max Timezones Selected" = "最多允许 100 个时区!";
"Max Search Characters" = "最多允许 50 个字符!";
"Add Button Title" = "添加";
"Close Button Title" = "关闭";
// Onboarding
"Open Clocker At Login" = "登录时启动 Clocker";
"Launch Clocker" = "启动 Clocker";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker." = "只需要三步来设置 Clocker。";
"Get Started" = "现在开始";
// Permissions
"Calendar Access Title" = "访问日历";
"Reminders Access Title" = "访问提醒";
"Later Config Description" = "这些可以稍后在系统偏好设置中配置。";
"Back" = "返回";
"Continue" = "继续";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars." = "Clocker 能显示日历中的事件时会更有用。";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy." = "Clocker 在能显示日历中的事件时更有用。你可以在「系统偏好设置 > 安全性与隐私 > 隐私」中更改设置。";
"Launch Preferences" = "打开首选项";
"Grant Access" = "授予访问权限";
"Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel." = "你个人和共享日历的未来事件将显示在菜单栏和面板上。";
"Granted" = "已授权";
"Denied" = "已拒绝";
"Grant" = "授权";
"Unexpected" = "意外的";
// Onboarding Search
"Quick Add Locations" = "快速添加地点";
"More search options in Clocker Preferences." = "Clocker 首选项中的更多搜索选项。";
"Enter 3 or more characters for locations you'll like to add" = "为您想要添加的位置输入 3 个或更多字符";
// Start at Login
"Launch at Login" = "登录时启动";
"This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences." = "这可以稍后在 Clocker 首选项中进行配置。";
"Should Clocker open automatically on startup?" = "是否在启动时自动打开 Clocker?";
// Final Onboarding Screen
"You're all set!" = "已完成全部设置!";
"Thank you for the details." = "感谢您的详细信息。";
"You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences." = "当你启动应用时,会在菜单栏看到一个时钟图标。如果想在 Dock 上显示图标,请在首选项设置。";
"If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!" = "如果您想帮助翻译本应用或收到不定时的应用更新,请输入您的电子邮箱!";
// Appearance Tab
"Panel Theme" = "面板主题";
"Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options." = "收藏一个时区以在菜单栏上显示可选项。";
"Main Panel Options" = "主面板选项";
"Time Format" = "时间格式";
"Day Display Options" = "日显示选项";
"Show Future Slider" = "显示未来滑块";
"Show Sunrise/Sunset" = "显示日出/日落";
"Display the time in seconds" = "显示秒数";
"Larger Text" = "更大字号";
"Future Slider Range" = "未来滑块范围";
"Include Date" = "包含日期";
"Include Day" = "包含日";
"Include Place Name" = "包含地名";
"Menubar Display Options" = "菜单栏显示选项";
"Menubar Mode" = "菜单栏模式";
"Preview" = "预览";
"Miscellaneous" = "杂项设置";
// Empty View
"No places added" = "没有添加地点";
// Panel
"No upcoming event." = "暂无事项";
"You have no events scheduled for tomorrow." = "您明天没有安排。";
// Review
"Enjoy using Clocker?" = "喜欢使用 Clocker 吗?";
// App Feedback
"Tell us what you think!" = "告诉我们您的想法!";
"Contact Information (Optional)" = "联系信息 (可选)";
"Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!" = "联系人字段是可选项!我们需要更多信息或帮助时,将使用联络信息联络您!";
// About View Screen
"Feedback is always welcome:" = "欢迎提供反馈:";
// Calendars View
"Upcoming Event View Options" = "即将到来的事件视图选项";
"Show Upcoming Event View" = "显示即将到来的事件视图";
"Show All Day Meetings" = "显示全天会议";
"Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar" = "在菜单栏中显示下一个会议标题";
"Truncate menubar text longer than" = "截断菜单栏文字长度大于";
"characters" = "字符";
"Show events from" = "显示事件来源";
"If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"" = "如果会议标题是“Meeting with Neel”,并且截断长度设置为 5 ,菜单栏的文本将显示为“Meeti...”";
// Notes Popover
"Reminder Set" = "提醒设置";
"Successfully set." = "设置成功";
// Errors
"You're offline, maybe?" = "您已经离线?";
"Try again, maybe?" = "稍后再试?";
"The Internet connection appears to be offline." = "网络连接已断开。";
// UI Tests
"New Zealand" = "新西兰";
"Florida" = "佛罗里达";
"San Francisco" = "旧金山";
// DST changes
"Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours" = "Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours";
"Copied to Clipboard" = "Copied to Clipboard";
"No upcoming events for today!" = "No upcoming events for today 🎉";
"Great going." = "Great going.";
"Happy Weekend." = "Happy Weekend.";
// iCloud
"Enable iCloud Sync" = "Enable iCloud Sync";


@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
"About Tab" = "關於";
"Add Button Title" = "新增";
"Appearance Tab" = "外觀";
"Back" = "返回";
Created by Abhishek Banthia on 3/27/16.
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "Clocker";
"CLFeedbackAlertTitle" = "感謝您的幫助,讓 Clocker 變得更好!";
"Calendar Access" = "取用您的行事曆";
/* Permissions */
"Calendar Access Title" = "取用您的行事曆";
"Calendar Detail" = "即將到來的行程會在選單列和面板中顯示。";
"Calendar Tab" = "行事曆";
"Click here to start." = "開始";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars." = "從您的行事曆顯示行程將使 Clocker 更實用。";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars. You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy." = "從您的行事曆顯示行程將使 Clocker 更實用。您可以在「系統偏好設定」>「安全性與隱私」>「隱私權」更改此設定。";
"ClockerVersion" = "版本:%@";
"Close Button Title" = "關閉";
"Contact Information (Optional)" = "聯絡資訊(可留空)";
"Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!" = "聯絡欄為可選填欄位!我們需要更多資訊或協助時,將會透過聯絡資訊聯絡您!";
"Continue" = "繼續";
"Copied to Clipboard" = "Copied to Clipboard";
"Day Display Options" = "日期顯示選項";
/* DST changes */
"Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours" = "Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours";
"Denied" = "拒絕";
"Denied Button Text" = "拒絕";
"Display the time in seconds" = "顯示時間秒數";
/* Review */
"Enjoy using Clocker?" = "喜歡使用 Clocker 嗎?";
"Enter 3 or more characters for locations you'll like to add" = "為您想加入的位置輸入 3 個或更多字元";
"Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options." = "將一時區設為喜好項目以啟用選單列顯示選項。";
/* About View Screen */
"Feedback is always welcome:" = "Feedback is always welcome:";
"Florida" = "佛羅里達";
"Future Slider Range" = "未來滑桿範圍";
"Get Started" = "開始使用";
"Get Started" = "開始使用";
"Grant" = "允許";
"Grant Access" = "允許存取";
"Grant Button Text" = "允許";
"Granted" = "允許";
"Granted Button Text" = "允許";
"Great going." = "Great going.";
"Happy Weekend." = "Happy Weekend.";
"If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"" = "如果會議標題為「Meeting with Neel」、文字長度限制為 5,選單列中的文字將顯示為「Meeti...」。";
"If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!" = "If you'd like to help us localize the app in your language or receive infrequent app-related updates, please enter your email!";
"Include Date" = "包含日期";
"Include Day" = "包含星期";
"Include Place Name" = "包含位置名稱";
/* Welcome Onboarding */
"It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker." = "設定 Clocker 只需要 3 個步驟。";
/* Welcome Onboarding */
"It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker." = "設定 Clocker 只需要 3 個步驟。";
"Larger Text" = "文字大小";
"Later Config Description" = "這些可以稍後在「系統偏好設定」中進行設置。";
"Launch Clocker" = "啟動 Clocker";
/* Text for button that takes the user to the System Preferences app. In case the user hasn't given Calendar/Reminders access permission, this button takes you to the System Preferences app where the user can give proper permissions to Clocker. */
"Launch Preferences" = "啟動偏好設定";
/* Start at Login */
"Launch at Login" = "登入時啟動";
"Main Panel Options" = "主要面板選項";
"Max Search Characters" = "只允許 50 個字元!";
"Max Timezones Selected" = "最多允許 100 個時區!";
"Menubar Display Options" = "選單列顯示選項";
"Menubar Mode" = "選單列模式";
"Miscellaneous" = "其他設定";
"More search options in Clocker Preferences." = "在 Clocker 偏好設定中更多的搜尋選項。";
/* UI Tests */
"New Zealand" = "紐西蘭";
"No Timezone Selected" = "請選取一個時區!";
/* Empty View */
"No places added" = "未加入地點";
/* Panel */
"No upcoming event." = "沒有即將到來的行程";
"No upcoming events for today!" = "No upcoming events for today 🎉";
/* Onboarding */
"Open Clocker At Login" = "在登入時打開 Clocker";
/* Appearance Tab */
"Panel Theme" = "面板主題";
"Permissions" = "權限";
"Permissions Tab" = "權限";
"Permissions-Header" = "權限";
/* Tab Item Titles */
"Preferences Tab" = "偏好設定";
"Preview" = "預覽";
"Privacy Text" = "您稍後可以在「系統偏好設定」>「安全性與隱私權」中更改。";
/* Onboarding Search */
"Quick Add Locations" = "快速加入位置";
/* Notes Popover */
"Reminder Set" = "Reminder Set";
"Reminders Access" = "取用提醒事項";
"Reminders Access Title" = "取用提醒事項";
"Reminders Detail" = "根據你選擇的位置設定提醒。您的提醒將儲存在預設的提醒事項應用程式。";
"San Francisco" = "舊金山";
"Search Field Placeholder" = "輸入一個地點的名稱";
"See your next Calendar event here." = "在此查看你的下一個日曆活動。";
"Should Clocker open automatically on startup?" = "啟動時自動打開 Clocker?";
"Show All Day Meetings" = "顯示整日的行程";
"Show Future Slider" = "顯示未來滑桿";
"Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar" = "在選單列中顯示下個行程";
"Show Sunrise/Sunset" = "顯示日出/日落";
"Show Upcoming Event View" = "顯示即將到來的行程";
"Show events from" = "Show events from";
"Sort by Label" = "按標籤排序";
"Sort by Name" = "按名稱排序";
"Sort by Time Difference" = "按時差排序";
/* General Preferences Screen */
"Start at Login" = "登入時打開 Clocker";
"Successfully set." = "設定成功。";
/* App Feedback */
"Tell us what you think!" = "告訴我們您的想法!";
"Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!" = "感謝您的幫助,讓 Clocker 變得更好!";
"Thank you for the details." = "Thank you for the details.";
"The Internet connection appears to be offline." = "Internet連線已斷開。";
"This can be configured later in Clocker Preferences." = "這可以稍後在 Clocker 偏好設定中進行設置。";
"Time Format" = "時間格式";
"Truncate menubar text longer than" = "選單列文字長度限制";
"Try again, maybe?" = "再試一次?";
"Unexpected" = "無法預期的";
/* Calendars View */
"Upcoming Event View Options" = "即將到來的行程顯示選項";
"Upcoming events from your calendars can be shown in the menubar + panel." = "即將到來的行程會在選單列和面板中顯示。";
"You have no events scheduled for tomorrow." = "您明天沒有排任何行程。";
"You'll see a clock icon in your Menu Bar when you launch the app. If you'd like to see a dock icon, go to Preferences." = "當應用程式啟動時,您將會在選單列看到 Clocker 圖像。如果您想在 Dock 上看到圖像,請前往偏好設定。";
/* Final Onboarding Screen */
"You're all set!" = "設定完成。";
/* Errors */
"You're offline, maybe?" = "You're offline, maybe?";
"app-name" = "Clocker";
"characters" = "字元";
"iRateAppMessage" = "如果您喜歡使用 %@ 的話,您是否願意花一點給予評價?不需要一分鐘就能完成。感謝您的支持!";
"iRateCancelButton" = "不用了,謝謝!";
"iRateGameMessage" = "如果您喜歡玩 %@ 的話,您是否願意花一點時間給予評價?不需一分鐘即可完成。感謝您的支持";
"iRateMessageTitle" = "評價 %@";
"iRateRateButton" = "現在評分吧!";
"iRateRemindButton" = "下次再提醒我";
"iRateUpdateMessage" = "立即更新";
"setup-steps" = "設定 Clocker 只需要 3 個步驟";
"start-at-login" = "在登入時啟動";
// iCloud
"Enable iCloud Sync" = "Enable iCloud Sync";


@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
"sourceLanguage" : "en",
"strings" : {
"CFBundleName" : {
"comment" : "Bundle name",
"extractionState" : "extracted_with_value",
"localizations" : {
"de" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "ClockerHelper"
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "new",
"value" : "ClockerHelper"
"ru" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "ClockerHelper"
"zh-Hans" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "ClockerHelper"
"version" : "1.0"


@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
/* Bundle name */
"CFBundleName" = "ClockerHelper";


@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Find"; ObjectID = "1b7-l0-nxx"; */
"1b7-l0-nxx.title" = "Find";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Lower"; ObjectID = "1tx-W0-xDw"; */
"1tx-W0-xDw.title" = "Lower";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Customize Toolbar…"; ObjectID = "1UK-8n-QPP"; */
"1UK-8n-QPP.title" = "Customize Toolbar…";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "ClockerHelper"; ObjectID = "1Xt-HY-uBw"; */
"1Xt-HY-uBw.title" = "ClockerHelper";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Raise"; ObjectID = "2h7-ER-AoG"; */
"2h7-ER-AoG.title" = "Raise";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Transformations"; ObjectID = "2oI-Rn-ZJC"; */
"2oI-Rn-ZJC.title" = "Transformations";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Spelling"; ObjectID = "3IN-sU-3Bg"; */
"3IN-sU-3Bg.title" = "Spelling";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use Default"; ObjectID = "3Om-Ey-2VK"; */
"3Om-Ey-2VK.title" = "Use Default";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Speech"; ObjectID = "3rS-ZA-NoH"; */
"3rS-ZA-NoH.title" = "Speech";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find"; ObjectID = "4EN-yA-p0u"; */
"4EN-yA-p0u.title" = "Find";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Enter Full Screen"; ObjectID = "4J7-dP-txa"; */
"4J7-dP-txa.title" = "Enter Full Screen";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Quit ClockerHelper"; ObjectID = "4sb-4s-VLi"; */
"4sb-4s-VLi.title" = "Quit ClockerHelper";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "About ClockerHelper"; ObjectID = "5kV-Vb-QxS"; */
"5kV-Vb-QxS.title" = "About ClockerHelper";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Edit"; ObjectID = "5QF-Oa-p0T"; */
"5QF-Oa-p0T.title" = "Edit";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Copy Style"; ObjectID = "5Vv-lz-BsD"; */
"5Vv-lz-BsD.title" = "Copy Style";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Redo"; ObjectID = "6dh-zS-Vam"; */
"6dh-zS-Vam.title" = "Redo";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Writing Direction"; ObjectID = "8mr-sm-Yjd"; */
"8mr-sm-Yjd.title" = "Writing Direction";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Substitutions"; ObjectID = "9ic-FL-obx"; */
"9ic-FL-obx.title" = "Substitutions";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Copy/Paste"; ObjectID = "9yt-4B-nSM"; */
"9yt-4B-nSM.title" = "Smart Copy/Paste";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Tighten"; ObjectID = "46P-cB-AYj"; */
"46P-cB-AYj.title" = "Tighten";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Correct Spelling Automatically"; ObjectID = "78Y-hA-62v"; */
"78Y-hA-62v.title" = "Correct Spelling Automatically";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use Default"; ObjectID = "agt-UL-0e3"; */
"agt-UL-0e3.title" = "Use Default";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Print…"; ObjectID = "aTl-1u-JFS"; */
"aTl-1u-JFS.title" = "Print…";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Window"; ObjectID = "aUF-d1-5bR"; */
"aUF-d1-5bR.title" = "Window";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Font"; ObjectID = "aXa-aM-Jaq"; */
"aXa-aM-Jaq.title" = "Font";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Main Menu"; ObjectID = "AYu-sK-qS6"; */
"AYu-sK-qS6.title" = "Main Menu";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tLeft to Right"; ObjectID = "BgM-ve-c93"; */
"BgM-ve-c93.title" = "\tLeft to Right";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Colors"; ObjectID = "bgn-CT-cEk"; */
"bgn-CT-cEk.title" = "Show Colors";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "File"; ObjectID = "bib-Uj-vzu"; */
"bib-Uj-vzu.title" = "File";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Preferences…"; ObjectID = "BOF-NM-1cW"; */
"BOF-NM-1cW.title" = "Preferences…";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use Selection for Find"; ObjectID = "buJ-ug-pKt"; */
"buJ-ug-pKt.title" = "Use Selection for Find";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Save As…"; ObjectID = "Bw7-FT-i3A"; */
"Bw7-FT-i3A.title" = "Save As…";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Transformations"; ObjectID = "c8a-y6-VQd"; */
"c8a-y6-VQd.title" = "Transformations";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use None"; ObjectID = "cDB-IK-hbR"; */
"cDB-IK-hbR.title" = "Use None";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Selection"; ObjectID = "cqv-fj-IhA"; */
"cqv-fj-IhA.title" = "Selection";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Links"; ObjectID = "cwL-P1-jid"; */
"cwL-P1-jid.title" = "Smart Links";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Text"; ObjectID = "d9c-me-L2H"; */
"d9c-me-L2H.title" = "Text";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Make Lower Case"; ObjectID = "d9M-CD-aMd"; */
"d9M-CD-aMd.title" = "Make Lower Case";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "File"; ObjectID = "dMs-cI-mzQ"; */
"dMs-cI-mzQ.title" = "File";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Undo"; ObjectID = "dRJ-4n-Yzg"; */
"dRJ-4n-Yzg.title" = "Undo";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Spelling and Grammar"; ObjectID = "Dv1-io-Yv7"; */
"Dv1-io-Yv7.title" = "Spelling and Grammar";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Close"; ObjectID = "DVo-aG-piG"; */
"DVo-aG-piG.title" = "Close";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Help"; ObjectID = "F2S-fz-NVQ"; */
"F2S-fz-NVQ.title" = "Help";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Text"; ObjectID = "Fal-I4-PZk"; */
"Fal-I4-PZk.title" = "Text";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Substitutions"; ObjectID = "FeM-D8-WVr"; */
"FeM-D8-WVr.title" = "Substitutions";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "ClockerHelper Help"; ObjectID = "FKE-Sm-Kum"; */
"FKE-Sm-Kum.title" = "ClockerHelper Help";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Bold"; ObjectID = "GB9-OM-e27"; */
"GB9-OM-e27.title" = "Bold";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Format"; ObjectID = "GEO-Iw-cKr"; */
"GEO-Iw-cKr.title" = "Format";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Font"; ObjectID = "Gi5-1S-RQB"; */
"Gi5-1S-RQB.title" = "Font";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use Default"; ObjectID = "GUa-eO-cwY"; */
"GUa-eO-cwY.title" = "Use Default";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste"; ObjectID = "gVA-U4-sdL"; */
"gVA-U4-sdL.title" = "Paste";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Writing Direction"; ObjectID = "H1b-Si-o9J"; */
"H1b-Si-o9J.title" = "Writing Direction";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "View"; ObjectID = "H8h-7b-M4v"; */
"H8h-7b-M4v.title" = "View";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Spelling and Grammar"; ObjectID = "HFo-cy-zxI"; */
"HFo-cy-zxI.title" = "Show Spelling and Grammar";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Text Replacement"; ObjectID = "HFQ-gK-NFA"; */
"HFQ-gK-NFA.title" = "Text Replacement";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Quotes"; ObjectID = "hQb-2v-fYv"; */
"hQb-2v-fYv.title" = "Smart Quotes";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "View"; ObjectID = "HyV-fh-RgO"; */
"HyV-fh-RgO.title" = "View";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Document Now"; ObjectID = "hz2-CU-CR7"; */
"hz2-CU-CR7.title" = "Check Document Now";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Services"; ObjectID = "hz9-B4-Xy5"; */
"hz9-B4-Xy5.title" = "Services";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Subscript"; ObjectID = "I0S-gh-46l"; */
"I0S-gh-46l.title" = "Subscript";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smaller"; ObjectID = "i1d-Er-qST"; */
"i1d-Er-qST.title" = "Smaller";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Open…"; ObjectID = "IAo-SY-fd9"; */
"IAo-SY-fd9.title" = "Open…";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Baseline"; ObjectID = "ijk-EB-dga"; */
"ijk-EB-dga.title" = "Baseline";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Justify"; ObjectID = "J5U-5w-g23"; */
"J5U-5w-g23.title" = "Justify";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use None"; ObjectID = "J7y-lM-qPV"; */
"J7y-lM-qPV.title" = "Use None";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Kern"; ObjectID = "jBQ-r6-VK2"; */
"jBQ-r6-VK2.title" = "Kern";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tRight to Left"; ObjectID = "jFq-tB-4Kx"; */
"jFq-tB-4Kx.title" = "\tRight to Left";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Format"; ObjectID = "jxT-CU-nIS"; */
"jxT-CU-nIS.title" = "Format";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Revert to Saved"; ObjectID = "KaW-ft-85H"; */
"KaW-ft-85H.title" = "Revert to Saved";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show All"; ObjectID = "Kd2-mp-pUS"; */
"Kd2-mp-pUS.title" = "Show All";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Sidebar"; ObjectID = "kIP-vf-haE"; */
"kIP-vf-haE.title" = "Show Sidebar";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tLeft to Right"; ObjectID = "Lbh-J2-qVU"; */
"Lbh-J2-qVU.title" = "\tLeft to Right";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Bring All to Front"; ObjectID = "LE2-aR-0XJ"; */
"LE2-aR-0XJ.title" = "Bring All to Front";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste Ruler"; ObjectID = "LVM-kO-fVI"; */
"LVM-kO-fVI.title" = "Paste Ruler";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Grammar With Spelling"; ObjectID = "mK6-2p-4JG"; */
"mK6-2p-4JG.title" = "Check Grammar With Spelling";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Copy Ruler"; ObjectID = "MkV-Pr-PK5"; */
"MkV-Pr-PK5.title" = "Copy Ruler";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Services"; ObjectID = "NMo-om-nkz"; */
"NMo-om-nkz.title" = "Services";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tDefault"; ObjectID = "Nop-cj-93Q"; */
"Nop-cj-93Q.title" = "\tDefault";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Ligatures"; ObjectID = "o6e-r0-MWq"; */
"o6e-r0-MWq.title" = "Ligatures";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Baseline"; ObjectID = "OaQ-X3-Vso"; */
"OaQ-X3-Vso.title" = "Baseline";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Open Recent"; ObjectID = "oas-Oc-fiZ"; */
"oas-Oc-fiZ.title" = "Open Recent";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Loosen"; ObjectID = "ogc-rX-tC1"; */
"ogc-rX-tC1.title" = "Loosen";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Hide ClockerHelper"; ObjectID = "Olw-nP-bQN"; */
"Olw-nP-bQN.title" = "Hide ClockerHelper";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find Previous"; ObjectID = "OwM-mh-QMV"; */
"OwM-mh-QMV.title" = "Find Previous";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Minimize"; ObjectID = "OY7-WF-poV"; */
"OY7-WF-poV.title" = "Minimize";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Stop Speaking"; ObjectID = "Oyz-dy-DGm"; */
"Oyz-dy-DGm.title" = "Stop Speaking";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Delete"; ObjectID = "pa3-QI-u2k"; */
"pa3-QI-u2k.title" = "Delete";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Bigger"; ObjectID = "Ptp-SP-VEL"; */
"Ptp-SP-VEL.title" = "Bigger";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Save…"; ObjectID = "pxx-59-PXV"; */
"pxx-59-PXV.title" = "Save…";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Fonts"; ObjectID = "Q5e-8K-NDq"; */
"Q5e-8K-NDq.title" = "Show Fonts";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find Next"; ObjectID = "q09-fT-Sye"; */
"q09-fT-Sye.title" = "Find Next";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Page Setup…"; ObjectID = "qIS-W8-SiK"; */
"qIS-W8-SiK.title" = "Page Setup…";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Zoom"; ObjectID = "R4o-n2-Eq4"; */
"R4o-n2-Eq4.title" = "Zoom";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tRight to Left"; ObjectID = "RB4-Sm-HuC"; */
"RB4-Sm-HuC.title" = "\tRight to Left";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Spelling While Typing"; ObjectID = "rbD-Rh-wIN"; */
"rbD-Rh-wIN.title" = "Check Spelling While Typing";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Dashes"; ObjectID = "rgM-f4-ycn"; */
"rgM-f4-ycn.title" = "Smart Dashes";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Superscript"; ObjectID = "Rqc-34-cIF"; */
"Rqc-34-cIF.title" = "Superscript";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Select All"; ObjectID = "Ruw-6m-B2m"; */
"Ruw-6m-B2m.title" = "Select All";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Jump to Selection"; ObjectID = "S0p-oC-mLd"; */
"S0p-oC-mLd.title" = "Jump to Selection";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Toolbar"; ObjectID = "snW-S8-Cw5"; */
"snW-S8-Cw5.title" = "Show Toolbar";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Window"; ObjectID = "Td7-aD-5lo"; */
"Td7-aD-5lo.title" = "Window";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Kern"; ObjectID = "tlD-Oa-oAM"; */
"tlD-Oa-oAM.title" = "Kern";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Data Detectors"; ObjectID = "tRr-pd-1PS"; */
"tRr-pd-1PS.title" = "Data Detectors";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Open Recent"; ObjectID = "tXI-mr-wws"; */
"tXI-mr-wws.title" = "Open Recent";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Capitalize"; ObjectID = "UEZ-Bs-lqG"; */
"UEZ-Bs-lqG.title" = "Capitalize";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "ClockerHelper"; ObjectID = "uQy-DD-JDr"; */
"uQy-DD-JDr.title" = "ClockerHelper";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Cut"; ObjectID = "uRl-iY-unG"; */
"uRl-iY-unG.title" = "Cut";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Hide Others"; ObjectID = "Vdr-fp-XzO"; */
"Vdr-fp-XzO.title" = "Hide Others";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Center"; ObjectID = "VIY-Ag-zcb"; */
"VIY-Ag-zcb.title" = "Center";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Italic"; ObjectID = "Vjx-xi-njq"; */
"Vjx-xi-njq.title" = "Italic";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste Style"; ObjectID = "vKC-jM-MkH"; */
"vKC-jM-MkH.title" = "Paste Style";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Ruler"; ObjectID = "vLm-3I-IUL"; */
"vLm-3I-IUL.title" = "Show Ruler";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Make Upper Case"; ObjectID = "vmV-6d-7jI"; */
"vmV-6d-7jI.title" = "Make Upper Case";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Clear Menu"; ObjectID = "vNY-rz-j42"; */
"vNY-rz-j42.title" = "Clear Menu";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Ligatures"; ObjectID = "w0m-vy-SC9"; */
"w0m-vy-SC9.title" = "Ligatures";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Edit"; ObjectID = "W48-6f-4Dl"; */
"W48-6f-4Dl.title" = "Edit";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "New"; ObjectID = "Was-JA-tGl"; */
"Was-JA-tGl.title" = "New";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Align Right"; ObjectID = "wb2-vD-lq4"; */
"wb2-vD-lq4.title" = "Align Right";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste and Match Style"; ObjectID = "WeT-3V-zwk"; */
"WeT-3V-zwk.title" = "Paste and Match Style";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Help"; ObjectID = "wpr-3q-Mcd"; */
"wpr-3q-Mcd.title" = "Help";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Underline"; ObjectID = "WRG-CD-K1S"; */
"WRG-CD-K1S.title" = "Underline";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Copy"; ObjectID = "x3v-GG-iWU"; */
"x3v-GG-iWU.title" = "Copy";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use All"; ObjectID = "xQD-1f-W4t"; */
"xQD-1f-W4t.title" = "Use All";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Speech"; ObjectID = "xrE-MZ-jX0"; */
"xrE-MZ-jX0.title" = "Speech";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find…"; ObjectID = "Xz5-n4-O0W"; */
"Xz5-n4-O0W.title" = "Find…";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find and Replace…"; ObjectID = "YEy-JH-Tfz"; */
"YEy-JH-Tfz.title" = "Find and Replace…";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tDefault"; ObjectID = "YGs-j5-SAR"; */
"YGs-j5-SAR.title" = "\tDefault";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Start Speaking"; ObjectID = "Ynk-f8-cLZ"; */
"Ynk-f8-cLZ.title" = "Start Speaking";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Substitutions"; ObjectID = "z6F-FW-3nz"; */
"z6F-FW-3nz.title" = "Show Substitutions";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Align Left"; ObjectID = "ZM1-6Q-yy1"; */
"ZM1-6Q-yy1.title" = "Align Left";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paragraph"; ObjectID = "ZvO-Gk-QUH"; */
"ZvO-Gk-QUH.title" = "Paragraph";


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
/* Bundle name */
"CFBundleName" = "ClockerHelper";


@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Find"; ObjectID = "1b7-l0-nxx"; */
"1b7-l0-nxx.title" = "Найти";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Lower"; ObjectID = "1tx-W0-xDw"; */
"1tx-W0-xDw.title" = "Lower";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Customize Toolbar…"; ObjectID = "1UK-8n-QPP"; */
"1UK-8n-QPP.title" = "Customize Toolbar…";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "ClockerHelper"; ObjectID = "1Xt-HY-uBw"; */
"1Xt-HY-uBw.title" = "ClockerHelper";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Raise"; ObjectID = "2h7-ER-AoG"; */
"2h7-ER-AoG.title" = "Raise";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Transformations"; ObjectID = "2oI-Rn-ZJC"; */
"2oI-Rn-ZJC.title" = "Transformations";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Spelling"; ObjectID = "3IN-sU-3Bg"; */
"3IN-sU-3Bg.title" = "Spelling";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use Default"; ObjectID = "3Om-Ey-2VK"; */
"3Om-Ey-2VK.title" = "Use Default";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Speech"; ObjectID = "3rS-ZA-NoH"; */
"3rS-ZA-NoH.title" = "Speech";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find"; ObjectID = "4EN-yA-p0u"; */
"4EN-yA-p0u.title" = "Найти";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Enter Full Screen"; ObjectID = "4J7-dP-txa"; */
"4J7-dP-txa.title" = "Enter Full Screen";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Quit ClockerHelper"; ObjectID = "4sb-4s-VLi"; */
"4sb-4s-VLi.title" = "Quit ClockerHelper";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "About ClockerHelper"; ObjectID = "5kV-Vb-QxS"; */
"5kV-Vb-QxS.title" = "About ClockerHelper";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Edit"; ObjectID = "5QF-Oa-p0T"; */
"5QF-Oa-p0T.title" = "Изменить";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Copy Style"; ObjectID = "5Vv-lz-BsD"; */
"5Vv-lz-BsD.title" = "Copy Style";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Redo"; ObjectID = "6dh-zS-Vam"; */
"6dh-zS-Vam.title" = "Redo";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Writing Direction"; ObjectID = "8mr-sm-Yjd"; */
"8mr-sm-Yjd.title" = "Writing Direction";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Substitutions"; ObjectID = "9ic-FL-obx"; */
"9ic-FL-obx.title" = "Substitutions";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Copy/Paste"; ObjectID = "9yt-4B-nSM"; */
"9yt-4B-nSM.title" = "Smart Copy/Paste";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Tighten"; ObjectID = "46P-cB-AYj"; */
"46P-cB-AYj.title" = "Tighten";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Correct Spelling Automatically"; ObjectID = "78Y-hA-62v"; */
"78Y-hA-62v.title" = "Correct Spelling Automatically";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use Default"; ObjectID = "agt-UL-0e3"; */
"agt-UL-0e3.title" = "Использовать значение по умолчанию";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Print…"; ObjectID = "aTl-1u-JFS"; */
"aTl-1u-JFS.title" = "Print…";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Window"; ObjectID = "aUF-d1-5bR"; */
"aUF-d1-5bR.title" = "Окно";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Font"; ObjectID = "aXa-aM-Jaq"; */
"aXa-aM-Jaq.title" = "Шрифт";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Main Menu"; ObjectID = "AYu-sK-qS6"; */
"AYu-sK-qS6.title" = "Main Menu";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tLeft to Right"; ObjectID = "BgM-ve-c93"; */
"BgM-ve-c93.title" = "\tLeft to Right";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Colors"; ObjectID = "bgn-CT-cEk"; */
"bgn-CT-cEk.title" = "Показать цвета";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "File"; ObjectID = "bib-Uj-vzu"; */
"bib-Uj-vzu.title" = "File";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Preferences…"; ObjectID = "BOF-NM-1cW"; */
"BOF-NM-1cW.title" = "Preferences…";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use Selection for Find"; ObjectID = "buJ-ug-pKt"; */
"buJ-ug-pKt.title" = "Use Selection for Find";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Save As…"; ObjectID = "Bw7-FT-i3A"; */
"Bw7-FT-i3A.title" = "Сохранить как…";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Transformations"; ObjectID = "c8a-y6-VQd"; */
"c8a-y6-VQd.title" = "Transformations";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use None"; ObjectID = "cDB-IK-hbR"; */
"cDB-IK-hbR.title" = "Не использовать";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Selection"; ObjectID = "cqv-fj-IhA"; */
"cqv-fj-IhA.title" = "Selection";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Links"; ObjectID = "cwL-P1-jid"; */
"cwL-P1-jid.title" = "Smart Links";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Text"; ObjectID = "d9c-me-L2H"; */
"d9c-me-L2H.title" = "Текст";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Make Lower Case"; ObjectID = "d9M-CD-aMd"; */
"d9M-CD-aMd.title" = "Make Lower Case";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "File"; ObjectID = "dMs-cI-mzQ"; */
"dMs-cI-mzQ.title" = "File";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Undo"; ObjectID = "dRJ-4n-Yzg"; */
"dRJ-4n-Yzg.title" = "Отменить";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Spelling and Grammar"; ObjectID = "Dv1-io-Yv7"; */
"Dv1-io-Yv7.title" = "Spelling and Grammar";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Close"; ObjectID = "DVo-aG-piG"; */
"DVo-aG-piG.title" = "Закрыть";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Help"; ObjectID = "F2S-fz-NVQ"; */
"F2S-fz-NVQ.title" = "Help";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Text"; ObjectID = "Fal-I4-PZk"; */
"Fal-I4-PZk.title" = "Текст";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Substitutions"; ObjectID = "FeM-D8-WVr"; */
"FeM-D8-WVr.title" = "Substitutions";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "ClockerHelper Help"; ObjectID = "FKE-Sm-Kum"; */
"FKE-Sm-Kum.title" = "ClockerHelper Help";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Bold"; ObjectID = "GB9-OM-e27"; */
"GB9-OM-e27.title" = "Жирный";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Format"; ObjectID = "GEO-Iw-cKr"; */
"GEO-Iw-cKr.title" = "Формат";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Font"; ObjectID = "Gi5-1S-RQB"; */
"Gi5-1S-RQB.title" = "Шрифт";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use Default"; ObjectID = "GUa-eO-cwY"; */
"GUa-eO-cwY.title" = "Использовать значение по умолчанию";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste"; ObjectID = "gVA-U4-sdL"; */
"gVA-U4-sdL.title" = "Вставить";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Writing Direction"; ObjectID = "H1b-Si-o9J"; */
"H1b-Si-o9J.title" = "Writing Direction";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "View"; ObjectID = "H8h-7b-M4v"; */
"H8h-7b-M4v.title" = "View";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Spelling and Grammar"; ObjectID = "HFo-cy-zxI"; */
"HFo-cy-zxI.title" = "Show Spelling and Grammar";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Text Replacement"; ObjectID = "HFQ-gK-NFA"; */
"HFQ-gK-NFA.title" = "Text Replacement";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Quotes"; ObjectID = "hQb-2v-fYv"; */
"hQb-2v-fYv.title" = "Smart Quotes";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "View"; ObjectID = "HyV-fh-RgO"; */
"HyV-fh-RgO.title" = "View";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Document Now"; ObjectID = "hz2-CU-CR7"; */
"hz2-CU-CR7.title" = "Check Document Now";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Services"; ObjectID = "hz9-B4-Xy5"; */
"hz9-B4-Xy5.title" = "Services";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Subscript"; ObjectID = "I0S-gh-46l"; */
"I0S-gh-46l.title" = "Subscript";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smaller"; ObjectID = "i1d-Er-qST"; */
"i1d-Er-qST.title" = "Smaller";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Open…"; ObjectID = "IAo-SY-fd9"; */
"IAo-SY-fd9.title" = "Открыть…";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Baseline"; ObjectID = "ijk-EB-dga"; */
"ijk-EB-dga.title" = "Baseline";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Justify"; ObjectID = "J5U-5w-g23"; */
"J5U-5w-g23.title" = "Justify";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use None"; ObjectID = "J7y-lM-qPV"; */
"J7y-lM-qPV.title" = "Не использовать";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Kern"; ObjectID = "jBQ-r6-VK2"; */
"jBQ-r6-VK2.title" = "Kern";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tRight to Left"; ObjectID = "jFq-tB-4Kx"; */
"jFq-tB-4Kx.title" = "\tRight to Left";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Format"; ObjectID = "jxT-CU-nIS"; */
"jxT-CU-nIS.title" = "Format";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Revert to Saved"; ObjectID = "KaW-ft-85H"; */
"KaW-ft-85H.title" = "Revert to Saved";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show All"; ObjectID = "Kd2-mp-pUS"; */
"Kd2-mp-pUS.title" = "Показать всё";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Sidebar"; ObjectID = "kIP-vf-haE"; */
"kIP-vf-haE.title" = "Show Sidebar";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tLeft to Right"; ObjectID = "Lbh-J2-qVU"; */
"Lbh-J2-qVU.title" = "\tLeft to Right";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Bring All to Front"; ObjectID = "LE2-aR-0XJ"; */
"LE2-aR-0XJ.title" = "Bring All to Front";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste Ruler"; ObjectID = "LVM-kO-fVI"; */
"LVM-kO-fVI.title" = "Paste Ruler";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Grammar With Spelling"; ObjectID = "mK6-2p-4JG"; */
"mK6-2p-4JG.title" = "Check Grammar With Spelling";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Copy Ruler"; ObjectID = "MkV-Pr-PK5"; */
"MkV-Pr-PK5.title" = "Copy Ruler";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Services"; ObjectID = "NMo-om-nkz"; */
"NMo-om-nkz.title" = "Services";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tDefault"; ObjectID = "Nop-cj-93Q"; */
"Nop-cj-93Q.title" = "\tПо умолчанию";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Ligatures"; ObjectID = "o6e-r0-MWq"; */
"o6e-r0-MWq.title" = "Ligatures";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Baseline"; ObjectID = "OaQ-X3-Vso"; */
"OaQ-X3-Vso.title" = "Baseline";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Open Recent"; ObjectID = "oas-Oc-fiZ"; */
"oas-Oc-fiZ.title" = "Open Recent";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Loosen"; ObjectID = "ogc-rX-tC1"; */
"ogc-rX-tC1.title" = "Loosen";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Hide ClockerHelper"; ObjectID = "Olw-nP-bQN"; */
"Olw-nP-bQN.title" = "Hide ClockerHelper";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find Previous"; ObjectID = "OwM-mh-QMV"; */
"OwM-mh-QMV.title" = "Find Previous";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Minimize"; ObjectID = "OY7-WF-poV"; */
"OY7-WF-poV.title" = "Minimize";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Stop Speaking"; ObjectID = "Oyz-dy-DGm"; */
"Oyz-dy-DGm.title" = "Stop Speaking";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Delete"; ObjectID = "pa3-QI-u2k"; */
"pa3-QI-u2k.title" = "Удалить";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Bigger"; ObjectID = "Ptp-SP-VEL"; */
"Ptp-SP-VEL.title" = "Bigger";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Save…"; ObjectID = "pxx-59-PXV"; */
"pxx-59-PXV.title" = "Сохранить…";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Fonts"; ObjectID = "Q5e-8K-NDq"; */
"Q5e-8K-NDq.title" = "Показать шрифты";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find Next"; ObjectID = "q09-fT-Sye"; */
"q09-fT-Sye.title" = "Find Next";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Page Setup…"; ObjectID = "qIS-W8-SiK"; */
"qIS-W8-SiK.title" = "Page Setup…";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Zoom"; ObjectID = "R4o-n2-Eq4"; */
"R4o-n2-Eq4.title" = "Масштабирование";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tRight to Left"; ObjectID = "RB4-Sm-HuC"; */
"RB4-Sm-HuC.title" = "\tСправа налево";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Spelling While Typing"; ObjectID = "rbD-Rh-wIN"; */
"rbD-Rh-wIN.title" = "Check Spelling While Typing";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Dashes"; ObjectID = "rgM-f4-ycn"; */
"rgM-f4-ycn.title" = "Smart Dashes";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Superscript"; ObjectID = "Rqc-34-cIF"; */
"Rqc-34-cIF.title" = "Superscript";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Select All"; ObjectID = "Ruw-6m-B2m"; */
"Ruw-6m-B2m.title" = "Выбрать всё";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Jump to Selection"; ObjectID = "S0p-oC-mLd"; */
"S0p-oC-mLd.title" = "Jump to Selection";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Toolbar"; ObjectID = "snW-S8-Cw5"; */
"snW-S8-Cw5.title" = "Show Toolbar";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Window"; ObjectID = "Td7-aD-5lo"; */
"Td7-aD-5lo.title" = "Окно";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Kern"; ObjectID = "tlD-Oa-oAM"; */
"tlD-Oa-oAM.title" = "Kern";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Data Detectors"; ObjectID = "tRr-pd-1PS"; */
"tRr-pd-1PS.title" = "Data Detectors";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Open Recent"; ObjectID = "tXI-mr-wws"; */
"tXI-mr-wws.title" = "Open Recent";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Capitalize"; ObjectID = "UEZ-Bs-lqG"; */
"UEZ-Bs-lqG.title" = "Capitalize";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "ClockerHelper"; ObjectID = "uQy-DD-JDr"; */
"uQy-DD-JDr.title" = "ClockerHelper";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Cut"; ObjectID = "uRl-iY-unG"; */
"uRl-iY-unG.title" = "Вырезать";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Hide Others"; ObjectID = "Vdr-fp-XzO"; */
"Vdr-fp-XzO.title" = "Hide Others";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Center"; ObjectID = "VIY-Ag-zcb"; */
"VIY-Ag-zcb.title" = "По центру";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Italic"; ObjectID = "Vjx-xi-njq"; */
"Vjx-xi-njq.title" = "Курсив";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste Style"; ObjectID = "vKC-jM-MkH"; */
"vKC-jM-MkH.title" = "Paste Style";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Ruler"; ObjectID = "vLm-3I-IUL"; */
"vLm-3I-IUL.title" = "Show Ruler";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Make Upper Case"; ObjectID = "vmV-6d-7jI"; */
"vmV-6d-7jI.title" = "Make Upper Case";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Clear Menu"; ObjectID = "vNY-rz-j42"; */
"vNY-rz-j42.title" = "Clear Menu";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Ligatures"; ObjectID = "w0m-vy-SC9"; */
"w0m-vy-SC9.title" = "Ligatures";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Edit"; ObjectID = "W48-6f-4Dl"; */
"W48-6f-4Dl.title" = "Изменить";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "New"; ObjectID = "Was-JA-tGl"; */
"Was-JA-tGl.title" = "New";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Align Right"; ObjectID = "wb2-vD-lq4"; */
"wb2-vD-lq4.title" = "Align Right";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste and Match Style"; ObjectID = "WeT-3V-zwk"; */
"WeT-3V-zwk.title" = "Paste and Match Style";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Help"; ObjectID = "wpr-3q-Mcd"; */
"wpr-3q-Mcd.title" = "Справка";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Underline"; ObjectID = "WRG-CD-K1S"; */
"WRG-CD-K1S.title" = "Underline";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Copy"; ObjectID = "x3v-GG-iWU"; */
"x3v-GG-iWU.title" = "Копировать";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use All"; ObjectID = "xQD-1f-W4t"; */
"xQD-1f-W4t.title" = "Использовать всё";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Speech"; ObjectID = "xrE-MZ-jX0"; */
"xrE-MZ-jX0.title" = "Speech";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find…"; ObjectID = "Xz5-n4-O0W"; */
"Xz5-n4-O0W.title" = "Найти…";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find and Replace…"; ObjectID = "YEy-JH-Tfz"; */
"YEy-JH-Tfz.title" = "Find and Replace…";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tDefault"; ObjectID = "YGs-j5-SAR"; */
"YGs-j5-SAR.title" = "\tПо умолчанию";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Start Speaking"; ObjectID = "Ynk-f8-cLZ"; */
"Ynk-f8-cLZ.title" = "Start Speaking";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Substitutions"; ObjectID = "z6F-FW-3nz"; */
"z6F-FW-3nz.title" = "Show Substitutions";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Align Left"; ObjectID = "ZM1-6Q-yy1"; */
"ZM1-6Q-yy1.title" = "Align Left";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paragraph"; ObjectID = "ZvO-Gk-QUH"; */
"ZvO-Gk-QUH.title" = "Paragraph";


@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
/* Bundle name */
"CFBundleName" = "ClockerHelper";


@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Find"; ObjectID = "1b7-l0-nxx"; */
"1b7-l0-nxx.title" = "Find";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Lower"; ObjectID = "1tx-W0-xDw"; */
"1tx-W0-xDw.title" = "Lower";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Customize Toolbar…"; ObjectID = "1UK-8n-QPP"; */
"1UK-8n-QPP.title" = "自定义工具栏…";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "ClockerHelper"; ObjectID = "1Xt-HY-uBw"; */
"1Xt-HY-uBw.title" = "ClockerHelper";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Raise"; ObjectID = "2h7-ER-AoG"; */
"2h7-ER-AoG.title" = "Raise";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Transformations"; ObjectID = "2oI-Rn-ZJC"; */
"2oI-Rn-ZJC.title" = "Transformations";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Spelling"; ObjectID = "3IN-sU-3Bg"; */
"3IN-sU-3Bg.title" = "Spelling";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use Default"; ObjectID = "3Om-Ey-2VK"; */
"3Om-Ey-2VK.title" = "Use Default";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Speech"; ObjectID = "3rS-ZA-NoH"; */
"3rS-ZA-NoH.title" = "Speech";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find"; ObjectID = "4EN-yA-p0u"; */
"4EN-yA-p0u.title" = "Find";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Enter Full Screen"; ObjectID = "4J7-dP-txa"; */
"4J7-dP-txa.title" = "Enter Full Screen";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Quit ClockerHelper"; ObjectID = "4sb-4s-VLi"; */
"4sb-4s-VLi.title" = "Quit ClockerHelper";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "About ClockerHelper"; ObjectID = "5kV-Vb-QxS"; */
"5kV-Vb-QxS.title" = "About ClockerHelper";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Edit"; ObjectID = "5QF-Oa-p0T"; */
"5QF-Oa-p0T.title" = "编辑";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Copy Style"; ObjectID = "5Vv-lz-BsD"; */
"5Vv-lz-BsD.title" = "Copy Style";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Redo"; ObjectID = "6dh-zS-Vam"; */
"6dh-zS-Vam.title" = "Redo";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Writing Direction"; ObjectID = "8mr-sm-Yjd"; */
"8mr-sm-Yjd.title" = "Writing Direction";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Substitutions"; ObjectID = "9ic-FL-obx"; */
"9ic-FL-obx.title" = "Substitutions";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Copy/Paste"; ObjectID = "9yt-4B-nSM"; */
"9yt-4B-nSM.title" = "Smart Copy/Paste";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Tighten"; ObjectID = "46P-cB-AYj"; */
"46P-cB-AYj.title" = "Tighten";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Correct Spelling Automatically"; ObjectID = "78Y-hA-62v"; */
"78Y-hA-62v.title" = "Correct Spelling Automatically";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use Default"; ObjectID = "agt-UL-0e3"; */
"agt-UL-0e3.title" = "Use Default";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Print…"; ObjectID = "aTl-1u-JFS"; */
"aTl-1u-JFS.title" = "Print…";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Window"; ObjectID = "aUF-d1-5bR"; */
"aUF-d1-5bR.title" = "Window";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Font"; ObjectID = "aXa-aM-Jaq"; */
"aXa-aM-Jaq.title" = "Font";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Main Menu"; ObjectID = "AYu-sK-qS6"; */
"AYu-sK-qS6.title" = "Main Menu";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tLeft to Right"; ObjectID = "BgM-ve-c93"; */
"BgM-ve-c93.title" = "\tLeft to Right";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Colors"; ObjectID = "bgn-CT-cEk"; */
"bgn-CT-cEk.title" = "Show Colors";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "File"; ObjectID = "bib-Uj-vzu"; */
"bib-Uj-vzu.title" = "File";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Preferences…"; ObjectID = "BOF-NM-1cW"; */
"BOF-NM-1cW.title" = "Preferences…";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use Selection for Find"; ObjectID = "buJ-ug-pKt"; */
"buJ-ug-pKt.title" = "Use Selection for Find";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Save As…"; ObjectID = "Bw7-FT-i3A"; */
"Bw7-FT-i3A.title" = "Save As…";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Transformations"; ObjectID = "c8a-y6-VQd"; */
"c8a-y6-VQd.title" = "Transformations";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use None"; ObjectID = "cDB-IK-hbR"; */
"cDB-IK-hbR.title" = "Use None";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Selection"; ObjectID = "cqv-fj-IhA"; */
"cqv-fj-IhA.title" = "Selection";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Links"; ObjectID = "cwL-P1-jid"; */
"cwL-P1-jid.title" = "Smart Links";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Text"; ObjectID = "d9c-me-L2H"; */
"d9c-me-L2H.title" = "Text";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Make Lower Case"; ObjectID = "d9M-CD-aMd"; */
"d9M-CD-aMd.title" = "Make Lower Case";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "File"; ObjectID = "dMs-cI-mzQ"; */
"dMs-cI-mzQ.title" = "File";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Undo"; ObjectID = "dRJ-4n-Yzg"; */
"dRJ-4n-Yzg.title" = "Undo";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Spelling and Grammar"; ObjectID = "Dv1-io-Yv7"; */
"Dv1-io-Yv7.title" = "Spelling and Grammar";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Close"; ObjectID = "DVo-aG-piG"; */
"DVo-aG-piG.title" = "Close";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Help"; ObjectID = "F2S-fz-NVQ"; */
"F2S-fz-NVQ.title" = "Help";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Text"; ObjectID = "Fal-I4-PZk"; */
"Fal-I4-PZk.title" = "Text";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Substitutions"; ObjectID = "FeM-D8-WVr"; */
"FeM-D8-WVr.title" = "Substitutions";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "ClockerHelper Help"; ObjectID = "FKE-Sm-Kum"; */
"FKE-Sm-Kum.title" = "ClockerHelper Help";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Bold"; ObjectID = "GB9-OM-e27"; */
"GB9-OM-e27.title" = "Bold";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Format"; ObjectID = "GEO-Iw-cKr"; */
"GEO-Iw-cKr.title" = "Format";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Font"; ObjectID = "Gi5-1S-RQB"; */
"Gi5-1S-RQB.title" = "Font";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use Default"; ObjectID = "GUa-eO-cwY"; */
"GUa-eO-cwY.title" = "Use Default";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste"; ObjectID = "gVA-U4-sdL"; */
"gVA-U4-sdL.title" = "Paste";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Writing Direction"; ObjectID = "H1b-Si-o9J"; */
"H1b-Si-o9J.title" = "Writing Direction";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "View"; ObjectID = "H8h-7b-M4v"; */
"H8h-7b-M4v.title" = "View";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Spelling and Grammar"; ObjectID = "HFo-cy-zxI"; */
"HFo-cy-zxI.title" = "Show Spelling and Grammar";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Text Replacement"; ObjectID = "HFQ-gK-NFA"; */
"HFQ-gK-NFA.title" = "Text Replacement";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Quotes"; ObjectID = "hQb-2v-fYv"; */
"hQb-2v-fYv.title" = "Smart Quotes";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "View"; ObjectID = "HyV-fh-RgO"; */
"HyV-fh-RgO.title" = "View";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Document Now"; ObjectID = "hz2-CU-CR7"; */
"hz2-CU-CR7.title" = "Check Document Now";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Services"; ObjectID = "hz9-B4-Xy5"; */
"hz9-B4-Xy5.title" = "Services";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Subscript"; ObjectID = "I0S-gh-46l"; */
"I0S-gh-46l.title" = "Subscript";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smaller"; ObjectID = "i1d-Er-qST"; */
"i1d-Er-qST.title" = "Smaller";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Open…"; ObjectID = "IAo-SY-fd9"; */
"IAo-SY-fd9.title" = "Open…";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Baseline"; ObjectID = "ijk-EB-dga"; */
"ijk-EB-dga.title" = "Baseline";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Justify"; ObjectID = "J5U-5w-g23"; */
"J5U-5w-g23.title" = "Justify";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use None"; ObjectID = "J7y-lM-qPV"; */
"J7y-lM-qPV.title" = "Use None";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Kern"; ObjectID = "jBQ-r6-VK2"; */
"jBQ-r6-VK2.title" = "Kern";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tRight to Left"; ObjectID = "jFq-tB-4Kx"; */
"jFq-tB-4Kx.title" = "\tRight to Left";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Format"; ObjectID = "jxT-CU-nIS"; */
"jxT-CU-nIS.title" = "Format";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Revert to Saved"; ObjectID = "KaW-ft-85H"; */
"KaW-ft-85H.title" = "Revert to Saved";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show All"; ObjectID = "Kd2-mp-pUS"; */
"Kd2-mp-pUS.title" = "Show All";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Sidebar"; ObjectID = "kIP-vf-haE"; */
"kIP-vf-haE.title" = "Show Sidebar";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tLeft to Right"; ObjectID = "Lbh-J2-qVU"; */
"Lbh-J2-qVU.title" = "\tLeft to Right";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Bring All to Front"; ObjectID = "LE2-aR-0XJ"; */
"LE2-aR-0XJ.title" = "Bring All to Front";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste Ruler"; ObjectID = "LVM-kO-fVI"; */
"LVM-kO-fVI.title" = "Paste Ruler";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Grammar With Spelling"; ObjectID = "mK6-2p-4JG"; */
"mK6-2p-4JG.title" = "Check Grammar With Spelling";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Copy Ruler"; ObjectID = "MkV-Pr-PK5"; */
"MkV-Pr-PK5.title" = "Copy Ruler";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Services"; ObjectID = "NMo-om-nkz"; */
"NMo-om-nkz.title" = "Services";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tDefault"; ObjectID = "Nop-cj-93Q"; */
"Nop-cj-93Q.title" = "\tDefault";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Ligatures"; ObjectID = "o6e-r0-MWq"; */
"o6e-r0-MWq.title" = "Ligatures";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Baseline"; ObjectID = "OaQ-X3-Vso"; */
"OaQ-X3-Vso.title" = "Baseline";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Open Recent"; ObjectID = "oas-Oc-fiZ"; */
"oas-Oc-fiZ.title" = "Open Recent";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Loosen"; ObjectID = "ogc-rX-tC1"; */
"ogc-rX-tC1.title" = "Loosen";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Hide ClockerHelper"; ObjectID = "Olw-nP-bQN"; */
"Olw-nP-bQN.title" = "Hide ClockerHelper";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find Previous"; ObjectID = "OwM-mh-QMV"; */
"OwM-mh-QMV.title" = "Find Previous";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Minimize"; ObjectID = "OY7-WF-poV"; */
"OY7-WF-poV.title" = "Minimize";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Stop Speaking"; ObjectID = "Oyz-dy-DGm"; */
"Oyz-dy-DGm.title" = "Stop Speaking";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Delete"; ObjectID = "pa3-QI-u2k"; */
"pa3-QI-u2k.title" = "Delete";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Bigger"; ObjectID = "Ptp-SP-VEL"; */
"Ptp-SP-VEL.title" = "Bigger";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Save…"; ObjectID = "pxx-59-PXV"; */
"pxx-59-PXV.title" = "Save…";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Fonts"; ObjectID = "Q5e-8K-NDq"; */
"Q5e-8K-NDq.title" = "Show Fonts";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find Next"; ObjectID = "q09-fT-Sye"; */
"q09-fT-Sye.title" = "Find Next";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Page Setup…"; ObjectID = "qIS-W8-SiK"; */
"qIS-W8-SiK.title" = "Page Setup…";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Zoom"; ObjectID = "R4o-n2-Eq4"; */
"R4o-n2-Eq4.title" = "Zoom";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tRight to Left"; ObjectID = "RB4-Sm-HuC"; */
"RB4-Sm-HuC.title" = "\tRight to Left";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Check Spelling While Typing"; ObjectID = "rbD-Rh-wIN"; */
"rbD-Rh-wIN.title" = "Check Spelling While Typing";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Smart Dashes"; ObjectID = "rgM-f4-ycn"; */
"rgM-f4-ycn.title" = "Smart Dashes";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Superscript"; ObjectID = "Rqc-34-cIF"; */
"Rqc-34-cIF.title" = "Superscript";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Select All"; ObjectID = "Ruw-6m-B2m"; */
"Ruw-6m-B2m.title" = "Select All";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Jump to Selection"; ObjectID = "S0p-oC-mLd"; */
"S0p-oC-mLd.title" = "Jump to Selection";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Toolbar"; ObjectID = "snW-S8-Cw5"; */
"snW-S8-Cw5.title" = "Show Toolbar";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Window"; ObjectID = "Td7-aD-5lo"; */
"Td7-aD-5lo.title" = "Window";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Kern"; ObjectID = "tlD-Oa-oAM"; */
"tlD-Oa-oAM.title" = "Kern";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Data Detectors"; ObjectID = "tRr-pd-1PS"; */
"tRr-pd-1PS.title" = "Data Detectors";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Open Recent"; ObjectID = "tXI-mr-wws"; */
"tXI-mr-wws.title" = "Open Recent";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Capitalize"; ObjectID = "UEZ-Bs-lqG"; */
"UEZ-Bs-lqG.title" = "Capitalize";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "ClockerHelper"; ObjectID = "uQy-DD-JDr"; */
"uQy-DD-JDr.title" = "ClockerHelper";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Cut"; ObjectID = "uRl-iY-unG"; */
"uRl-iY-unG.title" = "Cut";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Hide Others"; ObjectID = "Vdr-fp-XzO"; */
"Vdr-fp-XzO.title" = "Hide Others";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Center"; ObjectID = "VIY-Ag-zcb"; */
"VIY-Ag-zcb.title" = "Center";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Italic"; ObjectID = "Vjx-xi-njq"; */
"Vjx-xi-njq.title" = "Italic";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste Style"; ObjectID = "vKC-jM-MkH"; */
"vKC-jM-MkH.title" = "Paste Style";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Ruler"; ObjectID = "vLm-3I-IUL"; */
"vLm-3I-IUL.title" = "Show Ruler";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Make Upper Case"; ObjectID = "vmV-6d-7jI"; */
"vmV-6d-7jI.title" = "Make Upper Case";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Clear Menu"; ObjectID = "vNY-rz-j42"; */
"vNY-rz-j42.title" = "Clear Menu";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Ligatures"; ObjectID = "w0m-vy-SC9"; */
"w0m-vy-SC9.title" = "Ligatures";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Edit"; ObjectID = "W48-6f-4Dl"; */
"W48-6f-4Dl.title" = "Edit";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "New"; ObjectID = "Was-JA-tGl"; */
"Was-JA-tGl.title" = "New";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Align Right"; ObjectID = "wb2-vD-lq4"; */
"wb2-vD-lq4.title" = "Align Right";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paste and Match Style"; ObjectID = "WeT-3V-zwk"; */
"WeT-3V-zwk.title" = "Paste and Match Style";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Help"; ObjectID = "wpr-3q-Mcd"; */
"wpr-3q-Mcd.title" = "Help";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Underline"; ObjectID = "WRG-CD-K1S"; */
"WRG-CD-K1S.title" = "Underline";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Copy"; ObjectID = "x3v-GG-iWU"; */
"x3v-GG-iWU.title" = "Copy";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Use All"; ObjectID = "xQD-1f-W4t"; */
"xQD-1f-W4t.title" = "Use All";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Speech"; ObjectID = "xrE-MZ-jX0"; */
"xrE-MZ-jX0.title" = "Speech";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find…"; ObjectID = "Xz5-n4-O0W"; */
"Xz5-n4-O0W.title" = "Find…";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Find and Replace…"; ObjectID = "YEy-JH-Tfz"; */
"YEy-JH-Tfz.title" = "Find and Replace…";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "\tDefault"; ObjectID = "YGs-j5-SAR"; */
"YGs-j5-SAR.title" = "\tDefault";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Start Speaking"; ObjectID = "Ynk-f8-cLZ"; */
"Ynk-f8-cLZ.title" = "Start Speaking";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Show Substitutions"; ObjectID = "z6F-FW-3nz"; */
"z6F-FW-3nz.title" = "Show Substitutions";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Align Left"; ObjectID = "ZM1-6Q-yy1"; */
"ZM1-6Q-yy1.title" = "Align Left";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Paragraph"; ObjectID = "ZvO-Gk-QUH"; */
"ZvO-Gk-QUH.title" = "Paragraph";


@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
"sourceLanguage" : "en",
"strings" : {
"CFBundleName" : {
"comment" : "Bundle name",
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"de" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "ClockerUITests"
"ru" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "ClockerUITests"
"zh-Hans" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "ClockerUITests"
"version" : "1.0"


@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
/* Bundle name */
"CFBundleName" = "ClockerUITests";


@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
/* Bundle name */
"CFBundleName" = "ClockerUITests";


@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
/* Bundle name */
"CFBundleName" = "ClockerUITests";


@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class FinalOnboardingViewController: NSViewController {
mutableParaghStyle.alignment = .center
let underlineRange = NSRange(location: 0, length: 9)
let originalText = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "Follow us on X / Twitter for occasional updates!")
let originalText = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "Follow us on Twitter for occasional updates!")
value: NSNumber(value: Int8(NSUnderlineStyle.single.rawValue)),
range: underlineRange)


@ -216,8 +216,7 @@ extension TimezoneDataSource: PanelTableViewDelegate {
let currentModel = timezones[row]
if let timezone = TimeZone(identifier: currentModel.timezone()) {
let offSet = Double(timezone.secondsFromGMT()) / 3600
let isDaylightSavings = timezone.isDaylightSavingTime()
let localizedName = timezone.localizedName(for: isDaylightSavings ? .shortDaylightSaving : .shortStandard, locale: Locale.autoupdatingCurrent) ?? "Error"
let localizedName = timezone.localizedName(for: .shortDaylightSaving, locale: Locale.autoupdatingCurrent) ?? "Error"
if offSet == 0.0 {
return "\(localizedName)"
} else {
