@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
*.xcuserstate |
.DS_Store |
.DS_Store |
Clocker/Clocker.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/abhishek_banthia.xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate |
Clocker/Clocker.xcodeproj/xcuserdata/abhishek_banthia.xcuserdatad/xcdebugger/Breakpoints_v2.xcbkptlist |
*.xcuserstate |
.DS_Store |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
os: osx |
language: swift |
xcode_project: Clocker.xcodeproj # path to your xcodeproj folder |
osx_image: xcode10.2 |
script: |
- set -o pipefail |
- xcodebuild -project Clocker/Clocker.xcodeproj -scheme Clocker build analyze | xcpretty |
- xcodebuild -project Clocker/Clocker.xcodeproj -scheme Tests test-without-building | xcpretty |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 251 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 295 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 272 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1022 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 481 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 711 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 258 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 812 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 144 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,294 @@ |
// Copyright © 2015 Abhishek Banthia |
import Cocoa |
open class AppDelegate : NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate { |
lazy private var floatingWindow: FloatingWindowController = FloatingWindowController.shared() |
lazy private var panelController: PanelController = PanelController.shared() |
private var statusBarHandler: StatusItemHandler! |
deinit { |
panelController.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: "hasActivePanel") |
} |
private var kContextActivePanel = 0 |
open override func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) { |
if context == &kContextActivePanel { |
statusBarHandler.setHasActiveIcon(panelController.hasActivePanelGetter()) |
} else if let path = keyPath, path == "values.globalPing" { |
let hotKeyCenter = PTHotKeyCenter.shared() |
// Unregister old hot key |
let oldHotKey = hotKeyCenter?.hotKey(withIdentifier: path) |
hotKeyCenter?.unregisterHotKey(oldHotKey) |
// We don't register unless there's a valid key combination |
guard let newObject = object as? NSObject, let newShortcut = newObject.value(forKeyPath: path) as? [AnyHashable: Any] else { |
return |
} |
// Register new key |
let newHotKey: PTHotKey = PTHotKey(identifier: keyPath, |
keyCombo: newShortcut, |
target: self, |
action: #selector(ping(_:))) |
hotKeyCenter?.register(newHotKey) |
} |
} |
public func applicationWillFinishLaunching(_ notification: Notification) { |
iVersion.sharedInstance().useAllAvailableLanguages = true |
iVersion.sharedInstance().verboseLogging = false |
} |
public func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ notification: Notification) { |
// Initializing the event store takes really long |
EventCenter.sharedCenter() |
AppDefaults.initialize() |
// Check if we can show the onboarding flow! |
showOnboardingFlow() |
// Ratings Controller initialization |
RateController.applicationDidLaunch(UserDefaults.standard) |
Crashlytics.sharedInstance().debugMode = true |
Fabric.with([Crashlytics.self]) |
checkIfRunFromApplicationsFolder() |
#endif |
} |
public func applicationDockMenu(_ sender: NSApplication) -> NSMenu? { |
let menu = NSMenu(title: "Quick Access") |
Logger.log(object: ["Dock Menu Triggered": "YES"], for: "Dock Menu Triggered") |
let toggleMenuItem = NSMenuItem(title: "Toggle Panel", action: #selector(AppDelegate.togglePanel(_:)), keyEquivalent: "") |
let openPreferences = NSMenuItem(title: "Preferences", action: #selector(AppDelegate.openPreferencesWindow), keyEquivalent: ",") |
[toggleMenuItem, openPreferences].forEach { |
$0.isEnabled = true |
menu.addItem($0) |
} |
return menu |
} |
@objc private func openPreferencesWindow() { |
let displayMode = UserDefaults.standard.integer(forKey: CLShowAppInForeground) |
if displayMode == 1 { |
let floatingWindow = FloatingWindowController.shared() |
floatingWindow.openPreferences(NSButton()) |
} else { |
let panelController = PanelController.shared() |
panelController.openPreferences(NSButton()) |
} |
} |
private lazy var controller: OnboardingController? = { |
let s = NSStoryboard(name: NSStoryboard.Name("Onboarding"), bundle: nil) |
return s.instantiateController(withIdentifier: NSStoryboard.SceneIdentifier("onboardingFlow")) as? OnboardingController |
}() |
private func showOnboardingFlow() { |
let shouldLaunchOnboarding = (DataStore.shared().retrieve(key: CLShowOnboardingFlow) == nil && DataStore.shared().timezones().isEmpty) || (ProcessInfo.processInfo.arguments.contains(CLOnboaringTestsLaunchArgument)) |
shouldLaunchOnboarding ? controller?.launch() : continueUsually() |
} |
func continueUsually() { |
// Check if another instance of the app is already running. If so, then stop this one. |
checkIfAppIsAlreadyOpen() |
// Make sure the old models are not used anymore |
TimezoneData.convert() |
// Install the menubar item! |
statusBarHandler = StatusItemHandler() |
if UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: CLInstallHomeIndicatorObject) == nil { |
fetchLocalTimezone() |
UserDefaults.standard.set(1, forKey: CLInstallHomeIndicatorObject) |
} |
if ProcessInfo.processInfo.arguments.contains(CLUITestingLaunchArgument) { |
RateController.setPreviewMode(true) |
} |
UserDefaults.standard.register(defaults: ["NSApplicationCrashOnExceptions": true]) |
assignShortcut() |
panelController.addObserver(self, |
forKeyPath: "hasActivePanel", |
options: [.new], |
context: &kContextActivePanel) |
let defaults = UserDefaults.standard |
setActivationPolicy() |
// Set the display mode default as panel! |
if let displayMode = defaults.object(forKey: CLShowAppInForeground) as? NSNumber, displayMode.intValue == 1 { |
showFloatingWindow() |
} else if let displayMode = defaults.object(forKey: CLShowAppInForeground) as? Int, displayMode == 1 { |
showFloatingWindow() |
} |
} |
// Should we have a dock icon or just stay in the menubar? |
private func setActivationPolicy() { |
let defaults = UserDefaults.standard |
let activationPolicy: NSApplication.ActivationPolicy = defaults.integer(forKey: CLAppDislayOptions) == 0 ? .accessory : .regular |
NSApp.setActivationPolicy(activationPolicy) |
} |
private func checkIfAppIsAlreadyOpen() { |
guard let bundleID = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier else { |
return |
} |
let apps = NSRunningApplication.runningApplications(withBundleIdentifier: bundleID) |
if apps.count > 1 { |
let currentApplication = NSRunningApplication.current |
for app in apps where app != currentApplication { |
app.terminate() |
} |
} |
} |
private func showAppAlreadyOpenMessage() { |
showAlert(message: "An instance of Clocker is already open 😅", |
informativeText: "This instance of Clocker will terminate now.", |
buttonTitle: "Close") |
} |
private func showAlert(message: String, informativeText: String, buttonTitle: String) { |
NSApplication.shared.activate(ignoringOtherApps: true) |
let alert = NSAlert() |
alert.messageText = message |
alert.informativeText = informativeText |
alert.addButton(withTitle: buttonTitle) |
alert.runModal() |
} |
private func fetchLocalTimezone() { |
let identifier = TimeZone.autoupdatingCurrent.identifier |
let currentTimezone = TimezoneData() |
currentTimezone.timezoneID = identifier |
currentTimezone.setLabel(identifier) |
currentTimezone.formattedAddress = identifier |
currentTimezone.isSystemTimezone = true |
currentTimezone.placeID = "Home" |
let operations = TimezoneDataOperations(with: currentTimezone) |
operations.saveObject(at: 0) |
// Retrieve Location |
// retrieveLatestLocation() |
} |
@IBAction func ping(_ sender: Any) { |
togglePanel(sender) |
} |
private func retrieveLatestLocation() { |
let locationController = LocationController.sharedController() |
locationController.determineAndRequestLocationAuthorization() |
} |
private func showFloatingWindow() { |
// Display the Floating Window! |
floatingWindow.showWindow(nil) |
floatingWindow.updateTableContent() |
floatingWindow.startWindowTimer() |
NSApp.activate(ignoringOtherApps: true) |
} |
private func assignShortcut() { |
NSUserDefaultsController.shared.addObserver(self, |
forKeyPath: "values.globalPing", |
options: [.initial, .new], |
context: nil) |
} |
private func checkIfRunFromApplicationsFolder() { |
if let shortCircuit = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "AllowOutsideApplicationsFolder") as? Bool, shortCircuit == true { |
return |
} |
let bundlePath = Bundle.main.bundlePath |
let applicationDirectory = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(FileManager.SearchPathDirectory.applicationDirectory, |
FileManager.SearchPathDomainMask.localDomainMask, |
true) |
for appDir in applicationDirectory { |
if bundlePath.hasPrefix(appDir) { |
return |
} |
} |
// Clocker is installed out of Applications directory |
// This breaks start at login! Time to show an alert and terminate |
showAlert(message: "Move Clocker to the Applications folder", |
informativeText: "Clocker must be run from the Applications folder in order to work properly.\n\nPlease quit Clocker, move it to the Applications folder, and relaunch. Current folder: \(applicationDirectory)", |
buttonTitle: "Quit") |
// Terminate |
NSApp.terminate(nil) |
} |
@IBAction open func togglePanel(_ sender: Any) { |
let displayMode = UserDefaults.standard.integer(forKey: CLShowAppInForeground) |
if displayMode == 1 { |
floatingWindow.showWindow(nil) |
floatingWindow.updateTableContent() |
floatingWindow.startWindowTimer() |
} else { |
panelController.showWindow(nil) |
panelController.setActivePanel(newValue: !panelController.hasActivePanelGetter()) |
} |
NSApp.activate(ignoringOtherApps: true) |
} |
open func setupFloatingWindow() { |
showFloatingWindow() |
} |
open func closeFloatingWindow() { |
floatingWindow.window?.close() |
} |
func statusItemForPanel() -> StatusItemHandler { |
return statusBarHandler |
} |
open func setPanelDefaults() { |
panelController.updateDefaultPreferences() |
} |
open func setupMenubarTimer() { |
statusBarHandler.setupStatusItem() |
} |
open func invalidateMenubarTimer(_ showIcon: Bool) { |
statusBarHandler.invalidateTimer(showIcon: showIcon, isSyncing: true) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
// Clocker-Bridging-Header.h
// Clocker
// Created by Banthia, Abhishek on 12/22/17.
#import "CLTimezoneData.h" |
#import "iVersion.h" |
#import <ShortcutRecorder/ShortcutRecorder.h> |
#import <PTHotKey/PTHotKeyCenter.h> |
#import <PTHotKey/PTHotKey+ShortcutRecorder.h> |
#import <Fabric/Fabric.h> |
#import <Crashlytics/Crashlytics.h> |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
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<string>Copyright © 2016, Abhishek Banthia</string> |
<key>NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription</key> |
<string>Clocker can be more useful when it can use your location to determine your current timezone.</string> |
<key>NSLocationUsageDescription</key> |
<string>Clocker can be more useful when it can use your location to determine your current timezone.</string> |
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<string>NSApplication</string> |
<key>NSRemindersUsageDescription</key> |
<string>Clocker can be more useful when it can set reminders for your selected timezone(s). You can change this setting in System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy.</string> |
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// |
// Prefix header for all source files of the 'Clocker' target in the 'Clocker' project |
// |
#ifdef __OBJC__ |
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> |
#endif |
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After Width: | Height: | Size: 16 KiB |
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@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ |
// Copyright © 2015 Abhishek Banthia |
import Cocoa |
import CoreLocation |
class LocationController: NSObject { |
public static let sharedInstance = LocationController() |
private var locationManager: CLLocationManager = { |
let l = CLLocationManager() |
l.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyThreeKilometers |
return l |
}() |
@objc class func sharedController() -> LocationController { |
return sharedInstance |
} |
func authorizationStatus() -> CLAuthorizationStatus { |
return CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() |
} |
@objc func locationAccessNotDetermined() -> Bool { |
return CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() == .notDetermined |
} |
@objc func locationAccessGranted() -> Bool { |
return CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() == .authorizedAlways || CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() == .authorized |
} |
@objc func locationAccessDenied() -> Bool { |
return CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() == .restricted || CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() == .denied |
} |
@objc func setDelegate() { |
locationManager.delegate = self |
} |
@objc func determineAndRequestLocationAuthorization() { |
setDelegate() |
if CLLocationManager.locationServicesEnabled() { |
locationManager.startUpdatingLocation() |
} |
switch authorizationStatus() { |
case .authorizedAlways: |
locationManager.startUpdatingLocation() |
case .notDetermined: |
locationManager.startUpdatingLocation() |
case .denied, .restricted: |
locationManager.startUpdatingLocation() |
default: |
fatalError("Unexpected Authorization Status") |
} |
} |
private func updateHomeObject(with customLabel: String, coordinates: CLLocationCoordinate2D?) { |
let timezones = DataStore.shared().timezones() |
var timezoneObjects: [TimezoneData] = [] |
for timezone in timezones { |
if let model = TimezoneData.customObject(from: timezone) { |
timezoneObjects.append(model) |
} |
} |
for timezoneObject in timezoneObjects { |
if timezoneObject.isSystemTimezone == true { |
timezoneObject.setLabel(customLabel) |
if let latlong = coordinates { |
timezoneObject.longitude = latlong.longitude |
timezoneObject.latitude = latlong.latitude |
} |
} |
} |
var datas: [Data] = [] |
for updatedObject in timezoneObjects { |
let dataObject = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: updatedObject) |
datas.append(dataObject) |
} |
DataStore.shared().setTimezones(datas) |
} |
} |
extension LocationController: CLLocationManagerDelegate { |
func locationManager(_: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) { |
guard locations.count > 0, let coordinates = locations.first?.coordinate else { return } |
let reverseGeoCoder = CLGeocoder() |
reverseGeoCoder.reverseGeocodeLocation(locations[0]) { placemarks, _ in |
guard let customLabel = placemarks?.first?.locality else { return } |
self.updateHomeObject(with: customLabel, coordinates: coordinates) |
self.locationManager.stopUpdatingLocation() |
} |
} |
func locationManager(_: CLLocationManager, didChangeAuthorization status: CLAuthorizationStatus) { |
if status == .denied || status == .restricted { |
updateHomeObject(with: TimeZone.autoupdatingCurrent.identifier, coordinates: nil) |
locationManager.stopUpdatingLocation() |
} else if status == .notDetermined || status == .authorized || status == .authorizedAlways { |
locationManager.startUpdatingLocation() |
} |
} |
func locationManager(_: CLLocationManager, didFailWithError error: Error) { |
print(error) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,361 @@ |
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ |
# Xcode |
build/* |
*.pbxuser |
!default.pbxuser |
*.mode1v3 |
!default.mode1v3 |
*.mode2v3 |
!default.mode2v3 |
*.perspectivev3 |
!default.perspectivev3 |
*.xcworkspace |
!default.xcworkspace |
xcuserdata |
profile |
*.moved-aside |
## Ignore incredibly annoying .DS_Store files |
.DS_Store |
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ |
# ShortcutRecorder |
Copyright (c) 2006, Contributors |
All rights reserved. |
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: |
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright |
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright |
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the |
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
* Neither the name of the organization nor the |
names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products |
derived from this software without specific prior written permission. |
# PTHotKey |
Copyright (c) 2003 Quentin D. Carnicelli. |
All rights reserved. |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> |
<plist version="1.0"> |
<dict> |
<key>CFBundleDevelopmentRegion</key> |
<string>English</string> |
<key>CFBundleExecutable</key> |
<string>ShortcutRecorder</string> |
<key>CFBundleIdentifier</key> |
<string>$(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER)</string> |
<key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key> |
<string>6.0</string> |
<key>CFBundlePackageType</key> |
<string>FMWK</string> |
<key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key> |
<string>2.17</string> |
<key>CFBundleSignature</key> |
<string>????</string> |
<key>CFBundleVersion</key> |
<string>2.17</string> |
</dict> |
</plist> |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
#ifdef __OBJC__ |
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> |
#import <Carbon/Carbon.h> |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ |
// SRCommon.h
// ShortcutRecorder
// Copyright 2006-2012 Contributors. All rights reserved.
// License: BSD
// Contributors:
// David Dauer
// Jesper
// Jamie Kirkpatrick
// Andy Kim
// Ilya Kulakov
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> |
#import <Carbon/Carbon.h> |
Mask representing subset of Cocoa modifier flags suitable for shortcuts. |
*/ |
static const NSEventModifierFlags SRCocoaModifierFlagsMask = NSEventModifierFlagCommand | NSEventModifierFlagOption | NSEventModifierFlagShift | NSEventModifierFlagControl; |
Mask representing subset of Carbon modifier flags suitable for shortcuts. |
*/ |
static const NSUInteger SRCarbonModifierFlagsMask = cmdKey | optionKey | shiftKey | controlKey; |
Converts carbon modifier flags to cocoa. |
*/ |
FOUNDATION_STATIC_INLINE NSEventModifierFlags SRCarbonToCocoaFlags(UInt32 aCarbonFlags) |
{ |
NSEventModifierFlags cocoaFlags = 0; |
if (aCarbonFlags & cmdKey) |
cocoaFlags |= NSEventModifierFlagCommand; |
if (aCarbonFlags & optionKey) |
cocoaFlags |= NSEventModifierFlagOption; |
if (aCarbonFlags & controlKey) |
cocoaFlags |= NSEventModifierFlagControl; |
if (aCarbonFlags & shiftKey) |
cocoaFlags |= NSEventModifierFlagShift; |
return cocoaFlags; |
} |
Converts cocoa modifier flags to carbon. |
*/ |
FOUNDATION_STATIC_INLINE UInt32 SRCocoaToCarbonFlags(NSEventModifierFlags aCocoaFlags) |
{ |
UInt32 carbonFlags = 0; |
if (aCocoaFlags & NSEventModifierFlagCommand) |
carbonFlags |= cmdKey; |
if (aCocoaFlags & NSEventModifierFlagOption) |
carbonFlags |= optionKey; |
if (aCocoaFlags & NSEventModifierFlagControl) |
carbonFlags |= controlKey; |
if (aCocoaFlags & NSEventModifierFlagShift) |
carbonFlags |= shiftKey; |
return carbonFlags; |
} |
Return Bundle where resources can be found. |
@discussion Throws NSInternalInconsistencyException if bundle cannot be found. |
*/ |
NSBundle *SRBundle(void); |
Convenient method to get localized string from the framework bundle. |
*/ |
NSString *SRLoc(NSString *aKey); |
Convenient method to get image from the framework bundle. |
*/ |
NSImage *SRImage(NSString *anImageName); |
Returns string representation of shortcut with modifier flags replaced with their localized |
readable equivalents (e.g. ? -> Option). |
*/ |
NSString *SRReadableStringForCocoaModifierFlagsAndKeyCode(NSEventModifierFlags aModifierFlags, unsigned short aKeyCode); |
Returns string representation of shortcut with modifier flags replaced with their localized |
readable equivalents (e.g. ? -> Option) and ASCII character for key code. |
*/ |
NSString *SRReadableASCIIStringForCocoaModifierFlagsAndKeyCode(NSEventModifierFlags aModifierFlags, unsigned short aKeyCode); |
Determines if given key code with flags is equal to key equivalent and flags |
(usually taken from NSButton or NSMenu). |
@discussion On Mac OS X some key combinations can have "alternates". E.g. option-A can be represented both as option-A and as Œ. |
*/ |
BOOL SRKeyCodeWithFlagsEqualToKeyEquivalentWithFlags(unsigned short aKeyCode, |
NSEventModifierFlags aKeyCodeFlags, |
NSString *aKeyEquivalent, |
NSEventModifierFlags aKeyEquivalentModifierFlags); |
@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ |
// |
// SRCommon.m |
// ShortcutRecorder |
// |
// Copyright 2006-2012 Contributors. All rights reserved. |
// |
// License: BSD |
// |
// Contributors: |
// David Dauer |
// Jesper |
// Jamie Kirkpatrick |
// Andy Kim |
// Ilya Kulakov |
#import "SRCommon.h" |
#import "SRKeyCodeTransformer.h" |
NSBundle *SRBundle() |
{ |
static dispatch_once_t onceToken; |
static NSBundle *Bundle = nil; |
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ |
Bundle = [NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier:@"com.kulakov.ShortcutRecorder"]; |
if (!Bundle) |
{ |
// Could be a CocoaPods framework with embedded resources bundle. |
// Look up "use_frameworks!" and "resources_bundle" in CocoaPods documentation. |
Bundle = [NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier:@"org.cocoapods.ShortcutRecorder"]; |
if (!Bundle) |
{ |
Class c = NSClassFromString(@"SRRecorderControl"); |
if (c) |
{ |
Bundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:c]; |
} |
} |
if (Bundle) |
{ |
Bundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:[Bundle pathForResource:@"ShortcutRecorder" ofType:@"bundle"]]; |
} |
} |
}); |
if (!Bundle) |
{ |
@throw [NSException exceptionWithName:NSInternalInconsistencyException |
reason:@"Unable to find bundle with resources." |
userInfo:nil]; |
} |
else |
{ |
return Bundle; |
} |
} |
NSString *SRLoc(NSString *aKey) |
{ |
return NSLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(aKey, @"ShortcutRecorder", SRBundle(), nil); |
} |
NSImage *SRImage(NSString *anImageName) |
{ |
if (floor(NSAppKitVersionNumber) <= NSAppKitVersionNumber10_6) |
return [[NSImage alloc] initByReferencingURL:[SRBundle() URLForImageResource:anImageName]]; |
else |
return [SRBundle() imageForResource:anImageName]; |
} |
NSString *SRReadableStringForCocoaModifierFlagsAndKeyCode(NSEventModifierFlags aModifierFlags, unsigned short aKeyCode) |
{ |
SRKeyCodeTransformer *t = [SRKeyCodeTransformer sharedPlainTransformer]; |
NSString *c = [t transformedValue:@(aKeyCode)]; |
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@%@%@", |
(aModifierFlags & NSCommandKeyMask ? SRLoc(@"Command-") : @""), |
(aModifierFlags & NSAlternateKeyMask ? SRLoc(@"Option-") : @""), |
(aModifierFlags & NSControlKeyMask ? SRLoc(@"Control-") : @""), |
(aModifierFlags & NSShiftKeyMask ? SRLoc(@"Shift-") : @""), |
c]; |
} |
NSString *SRReadableASCIIStringForCocoaModifierFlagsAndKeyCode(NSEventModifierFlags aModifierFlags, unsigned short aKeyCode) |
{ |
SRKeyCodeTransformer *t = [SRKeyCodeTransformer sharedPlainASCIITransformer]; |
NSString *c = [t transformedValue:@(aKeyCode)]; |
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@%@%@", |
(aModifierFlags & NSCommandKeyMask ? SRLoc(@"Command-") : @""), |
(aModifierFlags & NSAlternateKeyMask ? SRLoc(@"Option-") : @""), |
(aModifierFlags & NSControlKeyMask ? SRLoc(@"Control-") : @""), |
(aModifierFlags & NSShiftKeyMask ? SRLoc(@"Shift-") : @""), |
c]; |
} |
static BOOL _SRKeyCodeWithFlagsEqualToKeyEquivalentWithFlags(unsigned short aKeyCode, |
NSEventModifierFlags aKeyCodeFlags, |
NSString *aKeyEquivalent, |
NSEventModifierFlags aKeyEquivalentModifierFlags, |
SRKeyCodeTransformer *aTransformer) |
{ |
if (!aKeyEquivalent) |
return NO; |
aKeyCodeFlags &= SRCocoaModifierFlagsMask; |
aKeyEquivalentModifierFlags &= SRCocoaModifierFlagsMask; |
if (aKeyCodeFlags == aKeyEquivalentModifierFlags) |
{ |
NSString *keyCodeRepresentation = [aTransformer transformedValue:@(aKeyCode) |
withImplicitModifierFlags:nil |
explicitModifierFlags:@(aKeyCodeFlags)]; |
return [keyCodeRepresentation isEqual:aKeyEquivalent]; |
} |
else if (!aKeyEquivalentModifierFlags || |
(aKeyCodeFlags & aKeyEquivalentModifierFlags) == aKeyEquivalentModifierFlags) |
{ |
// Some key equivalent modifier flags can be implicitly set by using special unicode characters. E.g. Œ insetead of opt-a. |
// However all modifier flags explictily set in key equivalent MUST be also set in key code flags. |
// E.g. ctrl-Œ/ctrl-opt-a and Œ/opt-a match this condition, but cmd-Œ/ctrl-opt-a doesn't. |
NSString *keyCodeRepresentation = [aTransformer transformedValue:@(aKeyCode) |
withImplicitModifierFlags:nil |
explicitModifierFlags:@(aKeyCodeFlags)]; |
if ([keyCodeRepresentation isEqual:aKeyEquivalent]) |
{ |
// Key code and key equivalent are not equal key code representation matches key equivalent, but modifier flags are not. |
return NO; |
} |
else |
{ |
NSEventModifierFlags possiblyImplicitFlags = aKeyCodeFlags & ~aKeyEquivalentModifierFlags; |
keyCodeRepresentation = [aTransformer transformedValue:@(aKeyCode) |
withImplicitModifierFlags:@(possiblyImplicitFlags) |
explicitModifierFlags:@(aKeyEquivalentModifierFlags)]; |
return [keyCodeRepresentation isEqual:aKeyEquivalent]; |
} |
} |
else |
return NO; |
} |
BOOL SRKeyCodeWithFlagsEqualToKeyEquivalentWithFlags(unsigned short aKeyCode, |
NSEventModifierFlags aKeyCodeFlags, |
NSString *aKeyEquivalent, |
NSEventModifierFlags aKeyEquivalentModifierFlags) |
{ |
BOOL isEqual = _SRKeyCodeWithFlagsEqualToKeyEquivalentWithFlags(aKeyCode, |
aKeyCodeFlags, |
aKeyEquivalent, |
aKeyEquivalentModifierFlags, |
[SRKeyCodeTransformer sharedASCIITransformer]); |
if (!isEqual) |
{ |
isEqual = _SRKeyCodeWithFlagsEqualToKeyEquivalentWithFlags(aKeyCode, |
aKeyCodeFlags, |
aKeyEquivalent, |
aKeyEquivalentModifierFlags, |
[SRKeyCodeTransformer sharedTransformer]); |
} |
return isEqual; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ |
// SRKeyCodeTransformer.h
// ShortcutRecorder
// Copyright 2006-2012 Contributors. All rights reserved.
// License: BSD
// Contributors:
// David Dauer
// Jesper
// Jamie Kirkpatrick
// Ilya Kulakov
// Silvio Rizzi
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> |
#import <Carbon/Carbon.h> |
Transforms key code into unicode character or plain string. |
*/ |
@interface SRKeyCodeTransformer : NSValueTransformer |
Returns initialized key code transformer. |
@param aUsesASCII Determines whether transformer uses only ASCII capable keyboard input source. |
@param aUsesPlainStrings Determines whether key codes without readable glyphs (e.g. F1...F19) are transformed to |
to unicode characters (NSF1FunctionKey...NSF19FunctionKey) suitable for setting key equivalents |
of Cocoa controls or to plain strings (@"F1"...@"F19") suitable for drawing, logging and accessibility. |
@discussion This method is the designated initializer for SRKeyCodeTransformer. |
*/ |
- (instancetype)initWithASCIICapableKeyboardInputSource:(BOOL)aUsesASCII plainStrings:(BOOL)aUsesPlainStrings; |
Determines whether transformer uses ASCII capable keyboard input source. |
*/ |
@property (readonly) BOOL usesASCIICapableKeyboardInputSource; |
Determines whether key codes without readable glyphs are transformed to unicode characters |
suitable for setting keqEquivalents or to plain strings suitable for drawing, logging and accessibility. |
*/ |
@property (readonly) BOOL usesPlainStrings; |
Returns the shared transformer. |
*/ |
+ (instancetype)sharedTransformer; |
Returns the shared transformer configured to use only ASCII capable keyboard input source. |
*/ |
+ (instancetype)sharedASCIITransformer; |
Returns the shared transformer configured to transform key codes to plain strings. |
*/ |
+ (SRKeyCodeTransformer *)sharedPlainTransformer; |
Returns the shared transformer configured to use only ASCII capable keyboard input source |
and to transform key codes to plain strings. |
*/ |
+ (SRKeyCodeTransformer *)sharedPlainASCIITransformer; |
Returns mapping from special key codes to unicode characters. |
*/ |
+ (NSDictionary *)specialKeyCodesToUnicodeCharactersMapping; |
Returns mapping from special key codes to plain strings. |
*/ |
+ (NSDictionary *)specialKeyCodesToPlainStringsMapping; |
Determines whether key code is special. |
@param aKeyCode Key code to be checked. |
*/ |
- (BOOL)isKeyCodeSpecial:(unsigned short)aKeyCode; |
Transforms given special key code into unicode character by taking into account modifier flags. |
@discussion E.g. the key code 0x30 is transformed to ⇥. But if shift is pressed, it is transformed to ⇤. |
@result Unicode character or plain string. nil if not a special key code. |
*/ |
- (NSString *)transformedSpecialKeyCode:(NSNumber *)aKeyCode withExplicitModifierFlags:(NSNumber *)aModifierFlags; |
Shorcut to [self transformedValue:aValue withImplicitModifierFlags:aModifierFlags explicitModifierFlags:0] |
*/ |
- (NSString *)transformedValue:(NSNumber *)aValue withModifierFlags:(NSNumber *)aModifierFlags; |
Transfroms given key code into unicode character by taking into account modifier flags. |
@param aValue An instance of NSNumber (unsigned short) that represents key code. |
@param anImplicitModifierFlags An instance of NSNumber (NSEventModifierFlags) that represents implicit modifier flags like opt in å. |
@param anExplicitModifierFlags An instance of NSNumber (NSEventModifierFlags) that represents explicit modifier flags like shift in shift-⇤. |
*/ |
- (NSString *)transformedValue:(NSNumber *)aValue withImplicitModifierFlags:(NSNumber *)anImplicitModifierFlags explicitModifierFlags:(NSNumber *)anExplicitModifierFlags; |
@end |
These constants represents drawable unicode characters for key codes that do not have |
appropriate constants in Carbon and Cocoa. |
*/ |
typedef NS_ENUM(unichar, SRKeyCodeGlyph) |
{ |
SRKeyCodeGlyphTabRight = 0x21E5, // ⇥
SRKeyCodeGlyphTabLeft = 0x21E4, // ⇤
SRKeyCodeGlyphReturn = 0x2305, // ⌅
SRKeyCodeGlyphReturnR2L = 0x21A9, // ↩
SRKeyCodeGlyphDeleteLeft = 0x232B, // ⌫
SRKeyCodeGlyphDeleteRight = 0x2326, // ⌦
SRKeyCodeGlyphPadClear = 0x2327, // ⌧
SRKeyCodeGlyphLeftArrow = 0x2190, // ←
SRKeyCodeGlyphRightArrow = 0x2192, // →
SRKeyCodeGlyphUpArrow = 0x2191, // ↑
SRKeyCodeGlyphDownArrow = 0x2193, // ↓
SRKeyCodeGlyphPageDown = 0x21DF, // ⇟
SRKeyCodeGlyphPageUp = 0x21DE, // ⇞
SRKeyCodeGlyphNorthwestArrow = 0x2196, // ↖
SRKeyCodeGlyphSoutheastArrow = 0x2198, // ↘
SRKeyCodeGlyphEscape = 0x238B, // ⎋
SRKeyCodeGlyphSpace = 0x0020, // ' '
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
// SRKeyEquivalentModifierMaskTransformer.h
// ShortcutRecorder
// Copyright 2012 Contributors. All rights reserved.
// License: BSD
// Contributors to this file:
// Ilya Kulakov
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> |
Transform dictionary representation of shortcut into string suitable |
for -setKeyEquivalentModifierMask: of NSButton and NSMenuItem. |
*/ |
@interface SRKeyEquivalentModifierMaskTransformer : NSValueTransformer |
@end |
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ |
// |
// SRKeyEquivalentModifierMaskTransformer.m |
// ShortcutRecorder |
// |
// Copyright 2012 Contributors. All rights reserved. |
// |
// License: BSD |
// |
// Contributors: |
// Ilya Kulakov |
#import "SRKeyEquivalentModifierMaskTransformer.h" |
#import "SRKeyCodeTransformer.h" |
#import "SRRecorderControl.h" |
@implementation SRKeyEquivalentModifierMaskTransformer |
#pragma mark NSValueTransformer |
+ (BOOL)allowsReverseTransformation |
{ |
return NO; |
} |
+ (Class)transformedValueClass |
{ |
return [NSNumber class]; |
} |
- (NSNumber *)transformedValue:(NSDictionary *)aValue |
{ |
if (![aValue isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) |
return @(0); |
NSNumber *modifierFlags = aValue[SRShortcutModifierFlagsKey]; |
if (![modifierFlags isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) |
return @(0); |
return modifierFlags; |
} |
@end |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
// SRKeyEquivalentTransformer.h
// ShortcutRecorder
// Copyright 2012 Contributors. All rights reserved.
// License: BSD
// Contributors to this file:
// Ilya Kulakov
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> |
Transform dictionary representation of shortcut into string suitable |
for -setKeyEquivalent: of NSButton and NSMenuItem. |
*/ |
@interface SRKeyEquivalentTransformer : NSValueTransformer |
@end |
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ |
// |
// SRKeyEquivalentTransformer.m |
// ShortcutRecorder |
// |
// Copyright 2012 Contributors. All rights reserved. |
// |
// License: BSD |
// |
// Contributors: |
// Ilya Kulakov |
#import "SRKeyEquivalentTransformer.h" |
#import "SRKeyCodeTransformer.h" |
#import "SRRecorderControl.h" |
@implementation SRKeyEquivalentTransformer |
#pragma mark NSValueTransformer |
+ (BOOL)allowsReverseTransformation |
{ |
return NO; |
} |
+ (Class)transformedValueClass |
{ |
return [NSString class]; |
} |
- (NSString *)transformedValue:(NSDictionary *)aValue |
{ |
if (![aValue isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) |
return @""; |
NSNumber *keyCode = aValue[SRShortcutKeyCode]; |
if (![keyCode isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) |
return @""; |
NSNumber *modifierFlags = aValue[SRShortcutModifierFlagsKey]; |
if (![modifierFlags isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) |
modifierFlags = @(0); |
SRKeyCodeTransformer *t = [SRKeyCodeTransformer sharedASCIITransformer]; |
return [t transformedValue:keyCode |
withImplicitModifierFlags:nil |
explicitModifierFlags:modifierFlags]; |
} |
@end |
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ |
// SRModifierFlagsTransformer.h
// ShortcutRecorder
// Copyright 2006-2012 Contributors. All rights reserved.
// License: BSD
// Contributors:
// Ilya Kulakov
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> |
Transforms mask of Cocoa modifier flags to string of unicode characters. |
*/ |
@interface SRModifierFlagsTransformer : NSValueTransformer |
- (instancetype)initWithPlainStrings:(BOOL)aUsesPlainStrings; |
Determines whether modifier flags are transformed to unicode characters or to plain strings. |
*/ |
@property (readonly) BOOL usesPlainStrings; |
Returns the shared transformer. |
*/ |
+ (instancetype)sharedTransformer; |
Returns the shared plain transformer. |
*/ |
+ (instancetype)sharedPlainTransformer; |
@end |
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ |
// |
// SRModifierFlagsTransformer.m |
// ShortcutRecorder |
// |
// Copyright 2006-2012 Contributors. All rights reserved. |
// |
// License: BSD |
// |
// Contributors: |
// Ilya Kulakov |
#import "SRModifierFlagsTransformer.h" |
#import "SRCommon.h" |
@implementation SRModifierFlagsTransformer |
- (instancetype)initWithPlainStrings:(BOOL)aUsesPlainStrings |
{ |
self = [super init]; |
if (self) |
{ |
_usesPlainStrings = aUsesPlainStrings; |
} |
return self; |
} |
- (instancetype)init |
{ |
return [self initWithPlainStrings:NO]; |
} |
#pragma mark Methods |
+ (instancetype)sharedTransformer |
{ |
static dispatch_once_t OnceToken; |
static SRModifierFlagsTransformer *Transformer = nil; |
dispatch_once(&OnceToken, ^{ |
Transformer = [[self alloc] initWithPlainStrings:NO]; |
}); |
return Transformer; |
} |
+ (instancetype)sharedPlainTransformer |
{ |
static dispatch_once_t OnceToken; |
static SRModifierFlagsTransformer *Transformer = nil; |
dispatch_once(&OnceToken, ^{ |
Transformer = [[self alloc] initWithPlainStrings:YES]; |
}); |
return Transformer; |
} |
#pragma mark NSValueTransformer |
+ (Class)transformedValueClass |
{ |
return [NSString class]; |
} |
+ (BOOL)allowsReverseTransformation |
{ |
return NO; |
} |
- (NSString *)transformedValue:(NSNumber *)aValue |
{ |
if (![aValue isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) |
return nil; |
else if (self.usesPlainStrings) |
{ |
NSEventModifierFlags modifierFlags = [aValue unsignedIntegerValue]; |
NSMutableString *s = [NSMutableString string]; |
if (modifierFlags & NSControlKeyMask) |
[s appendString:SRLoc(@"Control-")]; |
if (modifierFlags & NSAlternateKeyMask) |
[s appendString:SRLoc(@"Option-")]; |
if (modifierFlags & NSShiftKeyMask) |
[s appendString:SRLoc(@"Shift-")]; |
if (modifierFlags & NSCommandKeyMask) |
[s appendString:SRLoc(@"Command-")]; |
if (s.length > 0) |
[s deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(s.length - 1, 1)]; |
return s; |
} |
else |
{ |
NSEventModifierFlags f = [aValue unsignedIntegerValue]; |
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@%@", |
(f & NSControlKeyMask ? @"⌃" : @""), |
(f & NSAlternateKeyMask ? @"⌥" : @""), |
(f & NSShiftKeyMask ? @"⇧" : @""), |
(f & NSCommandKeyMask ? @"⌘" : @"")]; |
} |
} |
@end |
@ -0,0 +1,436 @@ |
// SRRecorderControl.h
// ShortcutRecorder
// Copyright 2006-2012 Contributors. All rights reserved.
// License: BSD
// Contributors:
// David Dauer
// Jesper
// Jamie Kirkpatrick
// Ilya Kulakov
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> |
#import <ShortcutRecorder/SRCommon.h> |
Key code. |
@discussion NSNumber representation of unsigned short. |
Required key of SRRecorderControl's objectValue. |
*/ |
extern NSString *const SRShortcutKeyCode; |
Modifier flags. |
@discussion NSNumber representation of NSEventModifierFlags. |
Optional key of SRRecorderControl's objectValue. |
*/ |
extern NSString *const SRShortcutModifierFlagsKey; |
Interpretation of key code and modifier flags depending on system locale and input source |
used when shortcut was taken. |
@discussion NSString. |
Optional key of SRRecorderControl's objectValue. |
*/ |
extern NSString *const SRShortcutCharacters; |
Interpretation of key code without modifier flags depending on system locale and input source |
used when shortcut was taken. |
@discussion NSString. |
Optional key of SRRecorderControl's objectValue. |
*/ |
extern NSString *const SRShortcutCharactersIgnoringModifiers; |
@protocol SRRecorderControlDelegate; |
An SRRecorderControl object is a control (but not a subclass of NSControl) that allows you to record shortcuts. |
@discussion In addition to NSView bindings, exposes: |
NSValueBinding. This binding supports 2 options: |
- NSValueTransformerBindingOption |
- NSValueTransformerNameBindingOption |
NSEnabledBinding. This binding supports 2 options: |
- NSValueTransformerBindingOption |
- NSValueTransformerNameBindingOption |
Note that at that moment, this binding _is not_ multivalue. |
Required height: 25 points |
Recommended min width: 100 points |
*/ |
@interface SRRecorderControl : NSView /* <NSAccessibility, NSKeyValueBindingCreation, NSToolTipOwner, NSNibAwaking> */ |
The receiver’s delegate. |
@discussion A recorder control delegate responds to editing-related messages. You can use to to prevent editing |
in some cases or to validate typed shortcuts. |
*/ |
@property (assign) IBOutlet NSObject<SRRecorderControlDelegate> *delegate; |
Returns an integer bit field indicating allowed modifier flags. |
@discussion Defaults to SRCocoaModifierFlagsMask. |
*/ |
@property (readonly) IBInspectable NSEventModifierFlags allowedModifierFlags; |
Returns an integer bit field indicating required modifier flags. |
@discussion Defaults to 0. |
*/ |
@property (readonly) IBInspectable NSEventModifierFlags requiredModifierFlags; |
Determines whether shortcuts without modifier flags are allowed. |
@discussion Defaults to NO. |
*/ |
@property (readonly) IBInspectable BOOL allowsEmptyModifierFlags; |
Determines whether the control reinterpret key code and modifier flags |
using ASCII capable input source. |
@discussion Defaults to YES. |
If not set, the same key code may be draw differently depending on current input source. |
E.g. with US English input source key code 0x0 is interpreted as "a", |
however with Russian input source, it's interpreted as "ф". |
*/ |
@property IBInspectable BOOL drawsASCIIEquivalentOfShortcut; |
Determines whether Escape is used to cancel recording. |
@discussion Defaults to YES. |
If set, Escape without modifier flags cannot be recorded as shortcut. |
*/ |
@property IBInspectable BOOL allowsEscapeToCancelRecording; |
Determines whether delete (or forward delete) is used to remove current shortcut and end recording. |
@discussion Defaults to YES. |
If set, neither Delete nor Forward Delete without modifier flags can be recorded as shortcut. |
*/ |
@property IBInspectable BOOL allowsDeleteToClearShortcutAndEndRecording; |
Determines whether control enabled and can be edited or not. |
@discussion Defaults to YES. |
*/ |
@property (nonatomic, getter=isEnabled) IBInspectable BOOL enabled; |
Determines whether recording is in process. |
*/ |
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isRecording; |
Returns dictionary representation of receiver's shortcut. |
*/ |
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSDictionary *objectValue; |
Configures recording behavior of the control. |
@param newAllowedModifierFlags New allowed modifier flags. |
@param newRequiredModifierFlags New required modifier flags. |
@param newAllowsEmptyModifierFlags Determines whether empty modifier flags are allowed. |
@discussion Flags are filtered using SRCocoaModifierFlagsMask. Flags does not affect object values set manually. |
These restrictions can be ignored if delegate implements shortcutRecorder:shouldUnconditionallyAllowModifierFlags:forKeyCode: and returns YES for given modifier flags and key code. |
Throws NSInvalidArgumentException if either required flags are not allowed |
or required flags are not empty and no modifier flags are allowed. |
@see SRRecorderControlDelegate |
*/ |
- (void)setAllowedModifierFlags:(NSEventModifierFlags)newAllowedModifierFlags |
requiredModifierFlags:(NSEventModifierFlags)newRequiredModifierFlags |
allowsEmptyModifierFlags:(BOOL)newAllowsEmptyModifierFlags; |
Called to initialize internal state after either initWithFrame or awakeFromNib is called. |
*/ |
- (void)_initInternalState; |
Turns on the recording mode. |
@discussion You SHOULD not call this method directly. |
*/ |
- (BOOL)beginRecording; |
Turns off the recording mode. Current object value is preserved. |
@discussion You SHOULD not call this method directly. |
*/ |
- (void)endRecording; |
Clears object value and turns off the recording mode. |
@discussion You SHOULD not call this method directly. |
*/ |
- (void)clearAndEndRecording; |
Designated method to end recording. Sets a given object value, updates bindings and turns off the recording mode. |
@discussion You SHOULD not call this method directly. |
*/ |
- (void)endRecordingWithObjectValue:(NSDictionary *)anObjectValue; |
Returns shape of the control. |
@discussion Primarily used to draw appropriate focus ring. |
*/ |
- (NSBezierPath *)controlShape; |
Returns rect for label with given attributes. |
@param aLabel Label for drawing. |
@param anAttributes A dictionary of NSAttributedString text attributes to be applied to the string. |
*/ |
- (NSRect)rectForLabel:(NSString *)aLabel withAttributes:(NSDictionary *)anAttributes; |
Returns rect of the snap back button in the receiver coordinates. |
*/ |
- (NSRect)snapBackButtonRect; |
Returns rect of the clear button in the receiver coordinates. |
@discussion Returned rect will have empty width (other values will be valid) if button should not be drawn. |
*/ |
- (NSRect)clearButtonRect; |
Returns label to be displayed by the receiver. |
@discussion Returned value depends on isRecording state objectValue and currenlty pressed keys and modifier flags. |
*/ |
- (NSString *)label; |
Returns label for accessibility. |
@discussion Returned value depends on isRecording state objectValue and currenlty pressed keys and modifier flags. |
*/ |
- (NSString *)accessibilityLabel; |
Returns string representation of object value. |
*/ |
- (NSString *)stringValue; |
Returns string representation of object value for accessibility. |
*/ |
- (NSString *)accessibilityStringValue; |
Returns attirbutes of label to be displayed by the receiver according to current state. |
@see normalLabelAttributes |
@see recordingLabelAttributes |
@see disabledLabelAttributes |
*/ |
- (NSDictionary *)labelAttributes; |
Returns attributes of label to be displayed by the receiver in normal mode. |
*/ |
- (NSDictionary *)normalLabelAttributes; |
Returns attributes of label to be displayed by the receiver in recording mode. |
*/ |
- (NSDictionary *)recordingLabelAttributes; |
Returns attributes of label to be displayed by the receiver in disabled mode. |
*/ |
- (NSDictionary *)disabledLabelAttributes; |
Draws background of the receiver into current graphics context. |
*/ |
- (void)drawBackground:(NSRect)aDirtyRect; |
Draws interior of the receiver into current graphics context. |
*/ |
- (void)drawInterior:(NSRect)aDirtyRect; |
Draws label of the receiver into current graphics context. |
*/ |
- (void)drawLabel:(NSRect)aDirtyRect; |
Draws snap back button of the receiver into current graphics context. |
*/ |
- (void)drawSnapBackButton:(NSRect)aDirtyRect; |
Draws clear button of the receiver into current graphics context. |
*/ |
- (void)drawClearButton:(NSRect)aDirtyRect; |
Determines whether main button (representation of the receiver in normal mode) is highlighted. |
*/ |
- (BOOL)isMainButtonHighlighted; |
Determines whether snap back button is highlighted. |
*/ |
- (BOOL)isSnapBackButtonHighlighted; |
Determines whetehr clear button is highlighted. |
*/ |
- (BOOL)isClearButtonHighlighted; |
Determines whether modifier flags are valid for key code according to the receiver settings. |
@param aModifierFlags Proposed modifier flags. |
@param aKeyCode Code of the pressed key. |
@see allowedModifierFlags |
@see allowsEmptyModifierFlags |
@see requiredModifierFlags |
*/ |
- (BOOL)areModifierFlagsValid:(NSEventModifierFlags)aModifierFlags forKeyCode:(unsigned short)aKeyCode; |
A helper method to propagate view-driven changes back to model. |
@discussion This method makes it easier to propagate changes from a view |
back to the model without overriding bind:toObject:withKeyPath:options: |
@see http://tomdalling.com/blog/cocoa/implementing-your-own-cocoa-bindings/
*/ |
- (void)propagateValue:(id)aValue forBinding:(NSString *)aBinding; |
@end |
@protocol SRRecorderControlDelegate <NSObject> |
@optional |
Asks the delegate if editing should begin in the specified shortcut recorder. |
@param aRecorder The shortcut recorder which editing is about to begin. |
@result YES if an editing session should be initiated; otherwise, NO to disallow editing. |
@discussion Implementation of this method by the delegate is optional. If it is not present, editing proceeds as if this method had returned YES. |
*/ |
- (BOOL)shortcutRecorderShouldBeginRecording:(SRRecorderControl *)aRecorder; |
Gives a delegate opportunity to bypass rules specified by allowed and required modifier flags. |
@param aRecorder The shortcut recorder for which editing ended. |
@param aModifierFlags Proposed modifier flags. |
@param aKeyCode Code of the pressed key. |
@result YES if recorder should bypass key code with given modifier flags despite settings like required modifier flags, allowed modifier flags. |
@discussion Implementation of this method by the delegate is optional. |
Normally, you wouldn't allow a user to record shourcut without modifier flags set: disallow 'a', but allow cmd-'a'. |
However, some keys were designed to be key shortcuts by itself. E.g. Functional keys. By implementing this method a delegate can allow |
these special keys to be set without modifier flags even when the control is configured to disallow empty modifier flags. |
@see allowedModifierFlags |
@see allowsEmptyModifierFlags |
@see requiredModifierFlags |
*/ |
- (BOOL)shortcutRecorder:(SRRecorderControl *)aRecorder shouldUnconditionallyAllowModifierFlags:(NSEventModifierFlags)aModifierFlags forKeyCode:(unsigned short)aKeyCode; |
Asks the delegate if the shortcut can be set by the specified shortcut recorder. |
@param aRecorder The shortcut recorder which shortcut is beign to be recordered. |
@param aShortcut The Shortcut user typed. |
@result YES if shortcut can be recordered. Otherwise NO. |
@discussion Implementation of this method by the delegate is optional. If it is not present, shortcut is recordered as if this method had returned YES. |
You may implement this method to filter shortcuts that were already set by other recorders. |
@see SRValidator |
*/ |
- (BOOL)shortcutRecorder:(SRRecorderControl *)aRecorder canRecordShortcut:(NSDictionary *)aShortcut; |
Tells the delegate that editing stopped for the specified shortcut recorder. |
@param aRecorder The shortcut recorder for which editing ended. |
@discussion Implementation of this method by the delegate is optional. |
*/ |
- (void)shortcutRecorderDidEndRecording:(SRRecorderControl *)aRecorder; |
@end |
FOUNDATION_STATIC_INLINE BOOL SRShortcutEqualToShortcut(NSDictionary *a, NSDictionary *b) |
{ |
if (a == b) |
return YES; |
else if (a && !b) |
return NO; |
else if (!a && b) |
return NO; |
else |
return ([a[SRShortcutKeyCode] isEqual:b[SRShortcutKeyCode]] && [a[SRShortcutModifierFlagsKey] isEqual:b[SRShortcutModifierFlagsKey]]); |
} |
FOUNDATION_STATIC_INLINE NSDictionary *SRShortcutWithCocoaModifierFlagsAndKeyCode(NSEventModifierFlags aModifierFlags, unsigned short aKeyCode) |
{ |
return @{SRShortcutKeyCode: @(aKeyCode), SRShortcutModifierFlagsKey: @(aModifierFlags)}; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ |
// SRValidator.h
// ShortcutRecorder
// Copyright 2006-2012 Contributors. All rights reserved.
// License: BSD
// Contributors:
// David Dauer
// Jesper
// Jamie Kirkpatrick
// Andy Kim
// Silvio Rizzi
// Ilya Kulakov
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> |
@protocol SRValidatorDelegate; |
Implements logic to check whether shortcut is taken by other parts of the application and system. |
*/ |
@interface SRValidator : NSObject |
@property (assign) NSObject<SRValidatorDelegate> *delegate; |
- (instancetype)initWithDelegate:(NSObject<SRValidatorDelegate> *)aDelegate; |
Determines whether shortcut is taken. |
@discussion Key is checked in the following order: |
1. If delegate implements shortcutValidator:isKeyCode:andFlagsTaken:reason: |
2. If delegate allows system-wide shortcuts are checked |
3. If delegate allows application menu it checked |
@see SRValidatorDelegate |
*/ |
- (BOOL)isKeyCode:(unsigned short)aKeyCode andFlagsTaken:(NSEventModifierFlags)aFlags error:(NSError **)outError; |
Determines whether shortcut is taken in delegate. |
@discussion If delegate does not implement appropriate method, returns immediately. |
*/ |
- (BOOL)isKeyCode:(unsigned short)aKeyCode andFlagTakenInDelegate:(NSEventModifierFlags)aFlags error:(NSError **)outError; |
Determines whether shortcut is taken by system-wide shortcuts. |
@discussion Does not check whether delegate allows or disallows checking in system shortcuts. |
*/ |
- (BOOL)isKeyCode:(unsigned short)aKeyCode andFlagsTakenInSystemShortcuts:(NSEventModifierFlags)aFlags error:(NSError **)outError; |
Determines whether shortcut is taken by application menu item. |
@discussion Does not check whether delegate allows or disallows checking in application menu. |
*/ |
- (BOOL)isKeyCode:(unsigned short)aKeyCode andFlags:(NSEventModifierFlags)aFlags takenInMenu:(NSMenu *)aMenu error:(NSError **)outError; |
@end |
@protocol SRValidatorDelegate |
@optional |
Asks the delegate if aKeyCode and aFlags are valid. |
@param aValidator The validator that validates key code and flags. |
@param aKeyCode Key code to validate. |
@param aFlags Flags to validate. |
@param outReason If delegate decides that shortcut is invalid, it may pass here an error message. |
@result YES if shortcut is valid. Otherwise NO. |
@discussion Implementation of this method by the delegate is optional. If it is not present, checking proceeds as if this method had returned YES. |
*/ |
- (BOOL)shortcutValidator:(SRValidator *)aValidator isKeyCode:(unsigned short)aKeyCode andFlagsTaken:(NSEventModifierFlags)aFlags reason:(NSString **)outReason; |
Asks the delegate whether validator should check key equivalents of app's menu items. |
@param aValidator The validator that going to check app's menu items. |
@result YES if validator should check key equivalents of app's menu items. Otherwise NO. |
@discussion Implementation of this method by the delegate is optional. If it is not present, checking proceeds as if this method had returned YES. |
*/ |
- (BOOL)shortcutValidatorShouldCheckMenu:(SRValidator *)aValidator; |
Asks the delegate whether it should check system shortcuts. |
@param aValidator The validator that going to check system shortcuts. |
@result YES if validator should check system shortcuts. Otherwise NO. |
@discussion Implementation of this method by the delegate is optional. If it is not present, checking proceeds as if this method had returned YES. |
*/ |
- (BOOL)shortcutValidatorShouldCheckSystemShortcuts:(SRValidator *)aValidator; |
Asks the delegate whether it should use ASCII representation of key code when making error messages. |
@param aValidator The validator that is about to make an error message. |
@result YES if validator should use ASCII representation. Otherwise NO. |
@discussion Implementation of this method by the delegate is optional. If it is not present, ASCII representation of key code is used. |
*/ |
- (BOOL)shortcutValidatorShouldUseASCIIStringForKeyCodes:(SRValidator *)aValidator; |
@end |
@interface NSMenuItem (SRValidator) |
Returns full path to the menu item. E.g. "Window ➝ Zoom" |
*/ |
- (NSString *)SR_path; |
@end |
@ -0,0 +1,233 @@ |
// |
// SRValidator.h |
// ShortcutRecorder |
// |
// Copyright 2006-2012 Contributors. All rights reserved. |
// |
// License: BSD |
// |
// Contributors: |
// David Dauer |
// Jesper |
// Jamie Kirkpatrick |
// Andy Kim |
// Silvio Rizzi |
// Ilya Kulakov |
#import "SRValidator.h" |
#import "SRCommon.h" |
#import "SRKeyCodeTransformer.h" |
@implementation SRValidator |
- (instancetype)initWithDelegate:(NSObject<SRValidatorDelegate> *)aDelegate; |
{ |
self = [super init]; |
if (self) |
{ |
_delegate = aDelegate; |
} |
return self; |
} |
- (instancetype)init |
{ |
return [self initWithDelegate:nil]; |
} |
#pragma mark Methods |
- (BOOL)isKeyCode:(unsigned short)aKeyCode andFlagsTaken:(NSEventModifierFlags)aFlags error:(NSError **)outError; |
{ |
if ([self isKeyCode:aKeyCode andFlagTakenInDelegate:aFlags error:outError]) |
return YES; |
if ((![self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(shortcutValidatorShouldCheckSystemShortcuts:)] || |
[self.delegate shortcutValidatorShouldCheckSystemShortcuts:self]) && |
[self isKeyCode:aKeyCode andFlagsTakenInSystemShortcuts:aFlags error:outError]) |
{ |
return YES; |
} |
if ((![self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(shortcutValidatorShouldCheckMenu:)] || |
[self.delegate shortcutValidatorShouldCheckMenu:self]) && |
[self isKeyCode:aKeyCode andFlags:aFlags takenInMenu:[NSApp mainMenu] error:outError]) |
{ |
return YES; |
} |
return NO; |
} |
- (BOOL)isKeyCode:(unsigned short)aKeyCode andFlagTakenInDelegate:(NSEventModifierFlags)aFlags error:(NSError **)outError |
{ |
if (self.delegate) |
{ |
NSString *delegateReason = nil; |
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(shortcutValidator:isKeyCode:andFlagsTaken:reason:)] && |
[self.delegate shortcutValidator:self |
isKeyCode:aKeyCode |
andFlagsTaken:aFlags |
reason:&delegateReason]) |
{ |
if (outError) |
{ |
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(shortcutValidatorShouldUseASCIIStringForKeyCodes:)]) |
isASCIIOnly = [self.delegate shortcutValidatorShouldUseASCIIStringForKeyCodes:self]; |
NSString *shortcut = isASCIIOnly ? SRReadableASCIIStringForCocoaModifierFlagsAndKeyCode(aFlags, aKeyCode) : SRReadableStringForCocoaModifierFlagsAndKeyCode(aFlags, aKeyCode); |
NSString *failureReason = [NSString stringWithFormat: |
SRLoc(@"The key combination \"%@\" can't be used!"), |
shortcut]; |
NSString *description = [NSString stringWithFormat: |
SRLoc(@"The key combination \"%@\" can't be used because %@."), |
shortcut, |
[delegateReason length] ? delegateReason : @"it's already used"]; |
NSDictionary *userInfo = @{ |
NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey : failureReason, |
NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: description |
}; |
*outError = [NSError errorWithDomain:NSCocoaErrorDomain code:0 userInfo:userInfo]; |
} |
return YES; |
} |
} |
return NO; |
} |
- (BOOL)isKeyCode:(unsigned short)aKeyCode andFlagsTakenInSystemShortcuts:(NSEventModifierFlags)aFlags error:(NSError **)outError |
{ |
CFArrayRef s = NULL; |
OSStatus err = CopySymbolicHotKeys(&s); |
if (err != noErr) |
return YES; |
NSArray *symbolicHotKeys = (NSArray *)CFBridgingRelease(s); |
aFlags &= SRCocoaModifierFlagsMask; |
for (NSDictionary *symbolicHotKey in symbolicHotKeys) |
{ |
if ((__bridge CFBooleanRef)symbolicHotKey[(__bridge NSString *)kHISymbolicHotKeyEnabled] != kCFBooleanTrue) |
continue; |
unsigned short symbolicHotKeyCode = [symbolicHotKey[(__bridge NSString *)kHISymbolicHotKeyCode] integerValue]; |
if (symbolicHotKeyCode == aKeyCode) |
{ |
UInt32 symbolicHotKeyFlags = [symbolicHotKey[(__bridge NSString *)kHISymbolicHotKeyModifiers] unsignedIntValue]; |
symbolicHotKeyFlags &= SRCarbonModifierFlagsMask; |
if (SRCarbonToCocoaFlags(symbolicHotKeyFlags) == aFlags) |
{ |
if (outError) |
{ |
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(shortcutValidatorShouldUseASCIIStringForKeyCodes:)]) |
isASCIIOnly = [self.delegate shortcutValidatorShouldUseASCIIStringForKeyCodes:self]; |
NSString *shortcut = isASCIIOnly ? SRReadableASCIIStringForCocoaModifierFlagsAndKeyCode(aFlags, aKeyCode) : SRReadableStringForCocoaModifierFlagsAndKeyCode(aFlags, aKeyCode); |
NSString *failureReason = [NSString stringWithFormat: |
SRLoc(@"The key combination \"%@\" can't be used!"), |
shortcut]; |
NSString *description = [NSString stringWithFormat: |
SRLoc(@"The key combination \"%@\" can't be used because it's already used by a system-wide keyboard shortcut. If you really want to use this key combination, most shortcuts can be changed in the Keyboard panel in System Preferences."), |
shortcut]; |
NSDictionary *userInfo = @{ |
NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey: failureReason, |
NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: description |
}; |
*outError = [NSError errorWithDomain:NSCocoaErrorDomain code:0 userInfo:userInfo]; |
} |
return YES; |
} |
} |
} |
return NO; |
} |
- (BOOL)isKeyCode:(unsigned short)aKeyCode andFlags:(NSEventModifierFlags)aFlags takenInMenu:(NSMenu *)aMenu error:(NSError **)outError |
{ |
aFlags &= SRCocoaModifierFlagsMask; |
for (NSMenuItem *menuItem in [aMenu itemArray]) |
{ |
if (menuItem.hasSubmenu && [self isKeyCode:aKeyCode andFlags:aFlags takenInMenu:menuItem.submenu error:outError]) |
return YES; |
NSString *keyEquivalent = menuItem.keyEquivalent; |
if (![keyEquivalent length]) |
continue; |
NSEventModifierFlags keyEquivalentModifierMask = menuItem.keyEquivalentModifierMask; |
if (SRKeyCodeWithFlagsEqualToKeyEquivalentWithFlags(aKeyCode, aFlags, keyEquivalent, keyEquivalentModifierMask)) |
{ |
if (outError) |
{ |
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(shortcutValidatorShouldUseASCIIStringForKeyCodes:)]) |
isASCIIOnly = [self.delegate shortcutValidatorShouldUseASCIIStringForKeyCodes:self]; |
NSString *shortcut = isASCIIOnly ? SRReadableASCIIStringForCocoaModifierFlagsAndKeyCode(aFlags, aKeyCode) : SRReadableStringForCocoaModifierFlagsAndKeyCode(aFlags, aKeyCode); |
NSString *failureReason = [NSString stringWithFormat:SRLoc(@"The key combination \"%@\" can't be used!"), shortcut]; |
NSString *description = [NSString stringWithFormat:SRLoc(@"The key combination \"%@\" can't be used because it's already used by the menu item \"%@\"."), shortcut, menuItem.SR_path]; |
NSDictionary *userInfo = @{ |
NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey: failureReason, |
NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: description |
}; |
*outError = [NSError errorWithDomain:NSCocoaErrorDomain code:0 userInfo:userInfo]; |
} |
return YES; |
} |
} |
return NO; |
} |
@end |
@implementation NSMenuItem (SRValidator) |
- (NSString *)SR_path |
{ |
NSMutableArray *items = [NSMutableArray array]; |
static const NSUInteger Limit = 1000; |
NSMenuItem *currentMenuItem = self; |
NSUInteger i = 0; |
do |
{ |
[items insertObject:currentMenuItem atIndex:0]; |
currentMenuItem = currentMenuItem.parentItem; |
++i; |
} |
while (currentMenuItem && i < Limit); |
NSMutableString *path = [NSMutableString string]; |
for (NSMenuItem *menuItem in items) |
[path appendFormat:@"%@➝", menuItem.title]; |
if ([path length] > 1) |
[path deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange([path length] - 1, 1)]; |
return path; |
} |
@end |
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ |
// ShortcutRecorder.h
// ShortcutRecorder
// Copyright 2012 Contributors. All rights reserved.
// License: BSD
// Contributors to this file:
// Jesper
// Ilya Kulakov
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> |
#import <ShortcutRecorder/SRCommon.h> |
#import <ShortcutRecorder/SRKeyCodeTransformer.h> |
#import <ShortcutRecorder/SRModifierFlagsTransformer.h> |
#import <ShortcutRecorder/SRKeyEquivalentTransformer.h> |
#import <ShortcutRecorder/SRKeyEquivalentModifierMaskTransformer.h> |
#import <ShortcutRecorder/SRValidator.h> |
#import <ShortcutRecorder/SRRecorderControl.h> |
#ifndef IBInspectable |
#define IBInspectable |
#endif |
#endif |
#ifndef NSAppKitVersionNumber10_6 |
#define NSAppKitVersionNumber10_6 1038 |
#endif |
#ifndef NSAppKitVersionNumber10_9 |
#define NSAppKitVersionNumber10_9 1265 |
#endif |
typedef struct NSEdgeInsets { |
CGFloat top; |
CGFloat left; |
CGFloat bottom; |
CGFloat right; |
} NSEdgeInsets; |
NS_INLINE NSEdgeInsets NSEdgeInsetsMake(CGFloat top, CGFloat left, CGFloat bottom, CGFloat right) { |
NSEdgeInsets e; |
e.top = top; |
e.left = left; |
e.bottom = bottom; |
e.right = right; |
return e; |
} |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> |
<plist version="1.0"> |
<dict> |
<key>CFBundleDevelopmentRegion</key> |
<string>English</string> |
<key>CFBundleExecutable</key> |
<string>${EXECUTABLE_NAME}</string> |
<key>CFBundleIdentifier</key> |
<string>$(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER)</string> |
<key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key> |
<string>6.0</string> |
<key>CFBundlePackageType</key> |
<string>FMWK</string> |
<key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key> |
<string>1.5</string> |
<key>CFBundleSignature</key> |
<string>????</string> |
<key>CFBundleVersion</key> |
<string>1.5</string> |
</dict> |
</plist> |
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ |
// PTHotKey+ShortcutRecorder.h
// ShortcutRecorder
// Created by Ilya Kulakov on 27.02.11.
// Copyright 2011 Wireload. All rights reserved.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> |
#import "PTHotKey.h" |
@interface PTHotKey (ShortcutRecorder) |
+ (PTHotKey *)hotKeyWithIdentifier:(id)anIdentifier |
keyCombo:(NSDictionary *)aKeyCombo |
target:(id)aTarget |
action:(SEL)anAction; |
+ (PTHotKey *)hotKeyWithIdentifier:(id)anIdentifier |
keyCombo:(NSDictionary *)aKeyCombo |
target:(id)aTarget |
action:(SEL)anAction |
keyUpAction:(SEL)aKeyUpAction; |
+ (PTHotKey *)hotKeyWithIdentifier:(id)anIdentifier |
keyCombo:(NSDictionary *)aKeyCombo |
target:(id)aTarget |
action:(SEL)anAction |
withObject:(id)anObject; |
@end |
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ |
// |
// PTHotKey+ShortcutRecorder.m |
// ShortcutRecorder |
// |
// Created by Ilya Kulakov on 27.02.11. |
// Copyright 2011 Wireload. All rights reserved. |
// |
#import "PTHotKey+ShortcutRecorder.h" |
#import "SRRecorderControl.h" |
@implementation PTHotKey (ShortcutRecorder) |
+ (PTHotKey *)hotKeyWithIdentifier:(id)anIdentifier |
keyCombo:(NSDictionary *)aKeyCombo |
target:(id)aTarget |
action:(SEL)anAction |
{ |
return [PTHotKey hotKeyWithIdentifier:anIdentifier keyCombo:aKeyCombo target:aTarget action:anAction withObject:nil]; |
} |
+ (PTHotKey *)hotKeyWithIdentifier:(id)anIdentifier |
keyCombo:(NSDictionary *)aKeyCombo |
target:(id)aTarget |
action:(SEL)anAction |
withObject:(id)anObject |
{ |
NSInteger keyCode = [[aKeyCombo objectForKey:@"keyCode"] integerValue]; |
NSUInteger modifiers = SRCocoaToCarbonFlags([[aKeyCombo objectForKey:@"modifierFlags"] unsignedIntegerValue]); |
PTKeyCombo *newKeyCombo = [[PTKeyCombo alloc] initWithKeyCode:keyCode modifiers:modifiers]; |
PTHotKey *newHotKey = [[PTHotKey alloc] initWithIdentifier:anIdentifier keyCombo:newKeyCombo]; |
[newHotKey setTarget:aTarget]; |
[newHotKey setAction:anAction]; |
[newHotKey setObject:anObject]; |
return newHotKey; |
} |
+ (PTHotKey *)hotKeyWithIdentifier:(id)anIdentifier |
keyCombo:(NSDictionary *)aKeyCombo |
target:(id)aTarget |
action:(SEL)anAction |
keyUpAction:(SEL)aKeyUpAction |
{ |
PTHotKey *newHotKey = [PTHotKey hotKeyWithIdentifier:anIdentifier |
keyCombo:aKeyCombo |
target:aTarget |
action:anAction]; |
[newHotKey setKeyUpAction:aKeyUpAction]; |
return newHotKey; |
} |
@end |
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ |
// PTHotKey.h
// Protein
// Created by Quentin Carnicelli on Sat Aug 02 2003.
// Copyright (c) 2003 Quentin D. Carnicelli. All rights reserved.
// Contributors:
// Andy Kim
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> |
#import <Carbon/Carbon.h> |
#import "PTKeyCombo.h" |
@interface PTHotKey : NSObject |
{ |
NSString* mIdentifier; |
NSString* mName; |
PTKeyCombo* mKeyCombo; |
id mTarget; |
id mObject; |
SEL mAction; |
SEL mKeyUpAction; |
UInt32 mCarbonHotKeyID; |
EventHotKeyRef mCarbonEventHotKeyRef; |
} |
- (id)initWithIdentifier: (id)identifier keyCombo: (PTKeyCombo*)combo; |
- (id)initWithIdentifier: (id)identifier keyCombo: (PTKeyCombo*)combo withObject: (id)object; |
- (id)init; |
- (void)setIdentifier: (id)ident; |
- (id)identifier; |
- (void)setName: (NSString*)name; |
- (NSString*)name; |
- (void)setKeyCombo: (PTKeyCombo*)combo; |
- (PTKeyCombo*)keyCombo; |
- (void)setTarget: (id)target; |
- (id)target; |
- (void)setObject: (id)object; |
- (id)object; |
- (void)setAction: (SEL)action; |
- (SEL)action; |
- (void)setKeyUpAction: (SEL)action; |
- (SEL)keyUpAction; |
- (UInt32)carbonHotKeyID; |
- (void)setCarbonHotKeyID: (UInt32)hotKeyID; |
- (EventHotKeyRef)carbonEventHotKeyRef; |
- (void)setCarbonEventHotKeyRef:(EventHotKeyRef)hotKeyRef; |
- (void)invoke; |
- (void)uninvoke; |
@end |
@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ |
// |
// PTHotKey.m |
// Protein |
// |
// Created by Quentin Carnicelli on Sat Aug 02 2003. |
// Copyright (c) 2003 Quentin D. Carnicelli. All rights reserved. |
// |
#import "PTHotKey.h" |
#import "PTHotKeyCenter.h" |
#import "PTKeyCombo.h" |
@implementation PTHotKey |
- (id)init |
{ |
return [self initWithIdentifier: nil keyCombo: nil withObject:nil]; |
} |
- (id)initWithIdentifier: (id)identifier keyCombo: (PTKeyCombo*)combo |
{ |
return [self initWithIdentifier: identifier keyCombo: combo withObject:nil]; |
} |
- (id)initWithIdentifier: (id)identifier keyCombo: (PTKeyCombo*)combo withObject: (id)object |
{ |
self = [super init]; |
if( self ) |
{ |
[self setIdentifier: identifier]; |
[self setKeyCombo: combo]; |
[self setObject: object]; |
} |
return self; |
} |
- (NSString*)description |
{ |
return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"<%@: %@, %@>", NSStringFromClass( [self class] ), [self identifier], [self keyCombo]]; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
- (void)setIdentifier: (id)ident |
{ |
mIdentifier = ident; |
} |
- (id)identifier |
{ |
return mIdentifier; |
} |
- (void)setKeyCombo: (PTKeyCombo*)combo |
{ |
if( combo == nil ) |
combo = [PTKeyCombo clearKeyCombo]; |
mKeyCombo = combo; |
} |
- (PTKeyCombo*)keyCombo |
{ |
return mKeyCombo; |
} |
- (void)setName: (NSString*)name |
{ |
mName = name; |
} |
- (NSString*)name |
{ |
return mName; |
} |
- (void)setTarget: (id)target |
{ |
mTarget = target; |
} |
- (id)target |
{ |
return mTarget; |
} |
- (void)setObject:(id)object |
{ |
mObject = object; |
} |
- (id)object |
{ |
return mObject; |
} |
- (void)setAction: (SEL)action |
{ |
mAction = action; |
} |
- (SEL)action |
{ |
return mAction; |
} |
- (void)setKeyUpAction: (SEL)action |
{ |
mKeyUpAction = action; |
} |
- (SEL)keyUpAction |
{ |
return mKeyUpAction; |
} |
- (UInt32)carbonHotKeyID |
{ |
return mCarbonHotKeyID; |
} |
- (void)setCarbonHotKeyID: (UInt32)hotKeyID; |
{ |
mCarbonHotKeyID = hotKeyID; |
} |
- (EventHotKeyRef)carbonEventHotKeyRef |
{ |
return mCarbonEventHotKeyRef; |
} |
- (void)setCarbonEventHotKeyRef: (EventHotKeyRef)hotKeyRef |
{ |
mCarbonEventHotKeyRef = hotKeyRef; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
- (void)invoke |
{ |
if(mAction) |
[NSApp sendAction:mAction to:mTarget from:self]; |
} |
- (void)uninvoke |
{ |
if(mKeyUpAction) |
[NSApp sendAction:mKeyUpAction to:mTarget from:self]; |
} |
@end |
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ |
// PTHotKeyCenter.h
// Protein
// Created by Quentin Carnicelli on Sat Aug 02 2003.
// Copyright (c) 2003 Quentin D. Carnicelli. All rights reserved.
// Contributors:
// Quentin D. Carnicelli
// Finlay Dobbie
// Vincent Pottier
// Andy Kim
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> |
#import <Carbon/Carbon.h> |
@class PTHotKey; |
@interface PTHotKeyCenter : NSObject |
{ |
NSMutableDictionary* mHotKeys; //Keys are carbon hot key IDs
BOOL mEventHandlerInstalled; |
UInt32 mHotKeyCount; // Used to assign new hot key ID
BOOL mIsPaused; |
EventHandlerRef mEventHandler; |
} |
+ (PTHotKeyCenter *)sharedCenter; |
- (BOOL)registerHotKey: (PTHotKey*)hotKey; |
- (void)unregisterHotKey: (PTHotKey*)hotKey; |
- (NSArray*)allHotKeys; |
- (PTHotKey*)hotKeyWithIdentifier: (id)ident; |
- (void)sendEvent: (NSEvent*)event; |
- (void)pause; |
- (void)resume; |
- (BOOL)isPaused; |
@end |
@ -0,0 +1,334 @@ |
// |
// PTHotKeyCenter.m |
// Protein |
// |
// Created by Quentin Carnicelli on Sat Aug 02 2003. |
// Copyright (c) 2003 Quentin D. Carnicelli. All rights reserved. |
// |
#import "PTHotKeyCenter.h" |
#import "PTHotKey.h" |
#import "PTKeyCombo.h" |
@interface PTHotKeyCenter (Private) |
- (PTHotKey*)_hotKeyForCarbonHotKey: (EventHotKeyRef)carbonHotKey; |
- (PTHotKey*)_hotKeyForCarbonHotKeyID: (EventHotKeyID)hotKeyID; |
- (void)_updateEventHandler; |
- (void)_hotKeyDown: (PTHotKey*)hotKey; |
- (void)_hotKeyUp: (PTHotKey*)hotKey; |
static OSStatus hotKeyEventHandler(EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerRef, EventRef inEvent, void* refCon ); |
@end |
@implementation PTHotKeyCenter |
static PTHotKeyCenter *_sharedHotKeyCenter = nil; |
+ (PTHotKeyCenter*)sharedCenter |
{ |
if( _sharedHotKeyCenter == nil ) |
{ |
_sharedHotKeyCenter = [[self alloc] init]; |
} |
return _sharedHotKeyCenter; |
} |
- (id)init |
{ |
self = [super init]; |
if( self ) |
{ |
mHotKeys = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; |
} |
return self; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
- (BOOL)registerHotKey: (PTHotKey*)hotKey |
{ |
if ( mIsPaused == NO ) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
EventHotKeyID hotKeyID; |
EventHotKeyRef carbonHotKey; |
if( [[self allHotKeys] containsObject: hotKey] == YES ) |
[self unregisterHotKey: hotKey]; |
if( [[hotKey keyCombo] isValidHotKeyCombo] == NO ) |
return YES; |
hotKeyID.signature = 'PTHk'; |
hotKeyID.id = ++mHotKeyCount; |
err = RegisterEventHotKey( (SInt32)[[hotKey keyCombo] keyCode], |
(UInt32)[[hotKey keyCombo] modifiers], |
hotKeyID, |
GetEventDispatcherTarget(), |
0, |
&carbonHotKey ); |
if( err ) |
return NO; |
[hotKey setCarbonHotKeyID:hotKeyID.id]; |
[hotKey setCarbonEventHotKeyRef:carbonHotKey]; |
if( hotKey ) |
[mHotKeys setObject: hotKey forKey: [NSNumber numberWithInteger:hotKeyID.id]]; |
[self _updateEventHandler]; |
} |
else |
{ |
EventHotKeyID hotKeyID = {'PTHk', ++mHotKeyCount}; |
[hotKey setCarbonHotKeyID:hotKeyID.id]; |
if( hotKey ) |
[mHotKeys setObject: hotKey forKey: [NSNumber numberWithInteger:hotKeyID.id]]; |
} |
return YES; |
} |
- (void)unregisterHotKey: (PTHotKey*)hotKey |
{ |
if ( mIsPaused == NO ) |
{ |
EventHotKeyRef carbonHotKey; |
if( [[self allHotKeys] containsObject: hotKey] == NO ) |
return; |
carbonHotKey = [hotKey carbonEventHotKeyRef]; |
if( carbonHotKey ) |
{ |
UnregisterEventHotKey( carbonHotKey ); |
//Watch as we ignore 'err': |
[mHotKeys removeObjectForKey: [NSNumber numberWithInteger:[hotKey carbonHotKeyID]]]; |
[hotKey setCarbonHotKeyID:0]; |
[hotKey setCarbonEventHotKeyRef:NULL]; |
[self _updateEventHandler]; |
//See that? Completely ignored |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
[mHotKeys removeObjectForKey: [NSNumber numberWithInteger:[hotKey carbonHotKeyID]]]; |
[hotKey setCarbonHotKeyID:0]; |
[hotKey setCarbonEventHotKeyRef:NULL]; |
} |
} |
- (NSArray*)allHotKeys |
{ |
return [mHotKeys allValues]; |
} |
- (PTHotKey*)hotKeyWithIdentifier: (id)ident |
{ |
NSEnumerator* hotKeysEnum = [[self allHotKeys] objectEnumerator]; |
PTHotKey* hotKey; |
if( !ident ) |
return nil; |
while( (hotKey = [hotKeysEnum nextObject]) != nil ) |
{ |
if( [[hotKey identifier] isEqual: ident] ) |
return hotKey; |
} |
return nil; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
- (PTHotKey*)_hotKeyForCarbonHotKey: (EventHotKeyRef)carbonHotKeyRef |
{ |
NSEnumerator *e = [mHotKeys objectEnumerator]; |
PTHotKey *hotkey = nil; |
while( (hotkey = [e nextObject]) ) |
{ |
if( [hotkey carbonEventHotKeyRef] == carbonHotKeyRef ) |
return hotkey; |
} |
return nil; |
} |
- (PTHotKey*)_hotKeyForCarbonHotKeyID: (EventHotKeyID)hotKeyID |
{ |
return [mHotKeys objectForKey:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:hotKeyID.id]]; |
} |
- (void)_updateEventHandler |
{ |
if( [mHotKeys count] && mEventHandlerInstalled == NO ) |
{ |
EventTypeSpec eventSpec[2] = { |
{ kEventClassKeyboard, kEventHotKeyPressed }, |
{ kEventClassKeyboard, kEventHotKeyReleased } |
}; |
InstallEventHandler( GetEventDispatcherTarget(), |
(EventHandlerProcPtr)hotKeyEventHandler, |
2, eventSpec, nil, &mEventHandler); |
mEventHandlerInstalled = YES; |
} |
} |
- (void)_hotKeyDown: (PTHotKey*)hotKey |
{ |
[hotKey invoke]; |
} |
- (void)_hotKeyUp: (PTHotKey*)hotKey |
{ |
[hotKey uninvoke]; |
} |
- (void)sendEvent: (NSEvent*)event |
{ |
// Not sure why this is needed? - Andy Kim (Aug 23, 2009) |
short subType; |
EventHotKeyRef carbonHotKey; |
if( [event type] == NSSystemDefined ) |
{ |
subType = [event subtype]; |
if( subType == 6 ) //6 is hot key down |
{ |
carbonHotKey= (EventHotKeyRef)[event data1]; //data1 is our hot key ref |
if( carbonHotKey != nil ) |
{ |
PTHotKey* hotKey = [self _hotKeyForCarbonHotKey: carbonHotKey]; |
[self _hotKeyDown: hotKey]; |
} |
} |
else if( subType == 9 ) //9 is hot key up |
{ |
carbonHotKey= (EventHotKeyRef)[event data1]; |
if( carbonHotKey != nil ) |
{ |
PTHotKey* hotKey = [self _hotKeyForCarbonHotKey: carbonHotKey]; |
[self _hotKeyUp: hotKey]; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
- (OSStatus)sendCarbonEvent: (EventRef)event |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
EventHotKeyID hotKeyID; |
PTHotKey* hotKey; |
NSAssert( GetEventClass( event ) == kEventClassKeyboard, @"Unknown event class" ); |
err = GetEventParameter( event, |
kEventParamDirectObject, |
typeEventHotKeyID, |
nil, |
sizeof(EventHotKeyID), |
nil, |
&hotKeyID ); |
if( err ) |
return err; |
if( hotKeyID.signature != 'PTHk' ) |
return eventNotHandledErr; |
if (hotKeyID.id == 0) |
return eventNotHandledErr; |
hotKey = [self _hotKeyForCarbonHotKeyID:hotKeyID]; |
switch( GetEventKind( event ) ) |
{ |
case kEventHotKeyPressed: |
[self _hotKeyDown: hotKey]; |
break; |
case kEventHotKeyReleased: |
[self _hotKeyUp: hotKey]; |
break; |
default: |
return eventNotHandledErr; |
break; |
} |
return noErr; |
} |
- (void)pause |
{ |
if ( mIsPaused ) |
return; |
mIsPaused = YES; |
for (NSNumber *hotKeyID in mHotKeys) |
{ |
PTHotKey *hotKey = [mHotKeys objectForKey:hotKeyID]; |
EventHotKeyRef carbonHotKey = [hotKey carbonEventHotKeyRef]; |
UnregisterEventHotKey( carbonHotKey ); |
[hotKey setCarbonEventHotKeyRef:NULL]; |
} |
if (mEventHandler != NULL) |
{ |
RemoveEventHandler(mEventHandler); |
mEventHandler = NULL; |
mEventHandlerInstalled = NO; |
} |
} |
- (void)resume |
{ |
if ( mIsPaused == NO) |
return; |
mIsPaused = NO; |
for (NSNumber *hotKeyIDNumber in mHotKeys) |
{ |
PTHotKey *hotKey = [mHotKeys objectForKey:hotKeyIDNumber]; |
EventHotKeyRef carbonHotKey = NULL; |
EventHotKeyID hotKeyID; |
hotKeyID.signature = 'PTHk'; |
hotKeyID.id = [hotKey carbonHotKeyID]; |
RegisterEventHotKey( (SInt32)[[hotKey keyCombo] keyCode], |
(UInt32)[[hotKey keyCombo] modifiers], |
hotKeyID, |
GetEventDispatcherTarget(), |
0, |
&carbonHotKey ); |
[hotKey setCarbonEventHotKeyRef:carbonHotKey]; |
} |
[self _updateEventHandler]; |
} |
- (BOOL)isPaused |
{ |
return mIsPaused; |
} |
static OSStatus hotKeyEventHandler(EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerRef, EventRef inEvent, void* refCon ) |
{ |
return [[PTHotKeyCenter sharedCenter] sendCarbonEvent: inEvent]; |
} |
@end |
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ |
// PTKeyCodeTranslator.h
// Chercher
// Created by Finlay Dobbie on Sat Oct 11 2003.
// Copyright (c) 2003 Cliché Software. All rights reserved.
#import <Carbon/Carbon.h> |
@interface PTKeyCodeTranslator : NSObject |
{ |
TISInputSourceRef keyboardLayout; |
const UCKeyboardLayout *uchrData; |
UInt32 keyTranslateState; |
UInt32 deadKeyState; |
} |
+ (id)currentTranslator; |
- (id)initWithKeyboardLayout:(TISInputSourceRef)aLayout; |
- (NSString *)translateKeyCode:(short)keyCode; |
- (TISInputSourceRef)keyboardLayout; |
@end |
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ |
// |
// PTKeyCodeTranslator.m |
// Chercher |
// |
// Created by Finlay Dobbie on Sat Oct 11 2003. |
// Copyright (c) 2003 Cliché Software. All rights reserved. |
// |
#import "PTKeyCodeTranslator.h" |
@implementation PTKeyCodeTranslator |
+ (id)currentTranslator |
{ |
static PTKeyCodeTranslator *current = nil; |
TISInputSourceRef currentLayout = TISCopyCurrentKeyboardLayoutInputSource(); |
if (current == nil) { |
current = [[PTKeyCodeTranslator alloc] initWithKeyboardLayout:currentLayout]; |
} else if ([current keyboardLayout] != currentLayout) { |
current = [[PTKeyCodeTranslator alloc] initWithKeyboardLayout:currentLayout]; |
} |
CFRelease(currentLayout); |
return current; |
} |
- (id)initWithKeyboardLayout:(TISInputSourceRef)aLayout |
{ |
if ((self = [super init]) != nil) { |
keyboardLayout = aLayout; |
CFRetain(keyboardLayout); |
CFDataRef uchr = TISGetInputSourceProperty( keyboardLayout , kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData ); |
uchrData = ( const UCKeyboardLayout* )CFDataGetBytePtr(uchr); |
} |
return self; |
} |
- (void)dealloc |
{ |
CFRelease(keyboardLayout); |
} |
- (NSString *)translateKeyCode:(short)keyCode { |
UniCharCount maxStringLength = 4, actualStringLength; |
UniChar unicodeString[4]; |
UCKeyTranslate( uchrData, keyCode, kUCKeyActionDisplay, 0, LMGetKbdType(), kUCKeyTranslateNoDeadKeysBit, &deadKeyState, maxStringLength, &actualStringLength, unicodeString ); |
return [NSString stringWithCharacters:unicodeString length:1]; |
} |
- (TISInputSourceRef)keyboardLayout { |
return keyboardLayout; |
} |
- (NSString *)description { |
NSString *kind; |
kind = @"uchr"; |
NSString *layoutName; |
layoutName = (__bridge NSString *)(TISGetInputSourceProperty( keyboardLayout, kTISPropertyLocalizedName )); |
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"PTKeyCodeTranslator layout=%@ (%@)", layoutName, kind]; |
} |
@end |
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ |
// PTKeyCombo.h
// Protein
// Created by Quentin Carnicelli on Sat Aug 02 2003.
// Copyright (c) 2003 Quentin D. Carnicelli. All rights reserved.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> |
@interface PTKeyCombo : NSObject <NSCopying> |
{ |
NSInteger mKeyCode; |
NSUInteger mModifiers; |
} |
+ (id)clearKeyCombo; |
+ (id)keyComboWithKeyCode: (NSInteger)keyCode modifiers: (NSUInteger)modifiers; |
- (id)initWithKeyCode: (NSInteger)keyCode modifiers: (NSUInteger)modifiers; |
- (id)initWithPlistRepresentation: (id)plist; |
- (id)plistRepresentation; |
- (BOOL)isEqual: (PTKeyCombo*)combo; |
- (NSInteger)keyCode; |
- (NSUInteger)modifiers; |
- (BOOL)isClearCombo; |
- (BOOL)isValidHotKeyCombo; |
@end |
@interface PTKeyCombo (UserDisplayAdditions) |
- (NSString*)keyCodeString; |
- (NSUInteger)modifierMask; |
@end |
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ |
// |
// PTKeyCombo.m |
// Protein |
// |
// Created by Quentin Carnicelli on Sat Aug 02 2003. |
// Copyright (c) 2003 Quentin D. Carnicelli. All rights reserved. |
// |
#import "PTKeyCombo.h" |
#import "PTKeyCodeTranslator.h" |
@implementation PTKeyCombo |
+ (id)clearKeyCombo |
{ |
return [self keyComboWithKeyCode: -1 modifiers: -1]; |
} |
+ (id)keyComboWithKeyCode: (NSInteger)keyCode modifiers: (NSUInteger)modifiers |
{ |
return [[self alloc] initWithKeyCode: keyCode modifiers: modifiers]; |
} |
- (id)initWithKeyCode: (NSInteger)keyCode modifiers: (NSUInteger)modifiers |
{ |
self = [super init]; |
if( self ) |
{ |
switch ( keyCode ) |
{ |
case kVK_F1: |
case kVK_F2: |
case kVK_F3: |
case kVK_F4: |
case kVK_F5: |
case kVK_F6: |
case kVK_F7: |
case kVK_F8: |
case kVK_F9: |
case kVK_F10: |
case kVK_F11: |
case kVK_F12: |
case kVK_F13: |
case kVK_F14: |
case kVK_F15: |
case kVK_F16: |
case kVK_F17: |
case kVK_F18: |
case kVK_F19: |
case kVK_F20: |
mModifiers = modifiers | NSFunctionKeyMask; |
break; |
default: |
mModifiers = modifiers; |
break; |
} |
mKeyCode = keyCode; |
} |
return self; |
} |
- (id)initWithPlistRepresentation: (id)plist |
{ |
int keyCode, modifiers; |
if( !plist || ![plist count] ) |
{ |
keyCode = -1; |
modifiers = -1; |
} |
else |
{ |
keyCode = [[plist objectForKey: @"keyCode"] intValue]; |
if( keyCode < 0 ) keyCode = -1; |
modifiers = [[plist objectForKey: @"modifiers"] intValue]; |
if( modifiers <= 0 ) modifiers = -1; |
} |
return [self initWithKeyCode: keyCode modifiers: modifiers]; |
} |
- (id)plistRepresentation |
{ |
return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: |
[NSNumber numberWithInteger: [self keyCode]], @"keyCode", |
[NSNumber numberWithInteger: [self modifiers]], @"modifiers", |
nil]; |
} |
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone*)zone; |
{ |
return self; |
} |
- (BOOL)isEqual: (PTKeyCombo*)combo |
{ |
return [self keyCode] == [combo keyCode] && |
[self modifiers] == [combo modifiers]; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
- (NSInteger)keyCode |
{ |
return mKeyCode; |
} |
- (NSUInteger)modifiers |
{ |
return mModifiers; |
} |
- (BOOL)isValidHotKeyCombo |
{ |
return mKeyCode >= 0 && mModifiers > 0; |
} |
- (BOOL)isClearCombo |
{ |
return mKeyCode == -1 && mModifiers == 0; |
} |
@end |
@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ |
ShortcutRecorder 2 |
==================== |
![pre-Yosemite ShortcutRecorder Preview](Demo/example.png) |
![Yosemite ShortcutRecorder Preview](Demo/example-yosemite.png) |
The only user interface control to record shortcuts. For Mac OS X 10.6+, 64bit. |
- :microscope: Support for Xcode 6 Quick Help |
- :microscope: Support for Xcode 6 Interface Builder integration |
- Fresh Look & Feel (brought to you by [Wireload](http://wireload.net) and [John Wells](https://github.com/jwells89)) |
- With Retina support |
- Auto Layout ready |
- Correct drawing on Layer-backed and Layer-hosted views |
- Accessibility for people with disabilities |
- Revised codebase with Automatic Reference Counting support |
- Translated into 24 languages |
Includes framework to set global shortcuts (PTHotKey). |
Get Sources |
----------- |
The preferred way to add the ShortcutRecorder to your project is to use git submodules: |
`git submodule add git://github.com/Kentzo/ShortcutRecorder.git` |
You can download sources from the site as well. |
Integrate into your project |
--------------------------- |
First, add ShortcutRecorder.xcodeproj to your workspace via Xcode ([Apple docs](https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/recipes/xcode_help-structure_navigator/articles/Adding_an_Existing_Project_to_a_Workspace.html)). Don't have a workspace? No problem, just add ShortcutRecorder.xcodeproj via the "Add Files to" dialog. |
Next step is to ensure your target is linked against the ShortcutRecorder or/and PTHotKey frameworks ([Apple docs](http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#recipes/xcode_help-project_editor/Articles/AddingaLibrarytoaTarget.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40010155-CH17)). Desired frameworks will be listed under *Workspace*. |
Now it's time to make frameworks part of your app. To do this, you need to add custom Build Phase ([Apple docs](http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#recipes/xcode_help-project_editor/Articles/CreatingaCopyFilesBuildPhase.html)). Remember to set *Destination* to *Frameworks* and clean up *Subpath*. |
Finally, ensure your app will find frameworks upon start. Open Build Settings of your target, look up *Runtime Search Paths*. Add `@executable_path/../Frameworks` to the list of paths. |
Add control in Interface Builder |
-------------------------------- |
Since Xcode 4 Apple removed Interface Builder Plugins. You can only use it to add and position/resize ShortcutRecorder control. To do this, add Custom View and set its class to SRRecorderControl. |
SRRecorderControl has fixed height of 25 points so ensure you do not use autoresizing masks/layout rules which allows vertical resizing. I recommend you to pin height in case you're using Auto Layout. |
Usage |
----- |
First, we want to keep value of the control across relaunches of the app. We can simply achieve this by using NSUserDefaultsController and bindings: |
[self.pingShortcutRecorder bind:NSValueBinding |
toObject:[NSUserDefaultsController sharedUserDefaultsController] |
withKeyPath:@"values.ping" |
options:nil]; |
The value can be used to set key equivalent of NSMenuItem or NSButton. It can also be used to register a global shortcut. |
Setting key equivalent of NSMenuItem using bindings: |
[self.pingItem bind:@"keyEquivalent" |
toObject:defaults |
withKeyPath:@"values.ping" |
options:@{NSValueTransformerBindingOption: [SRKeyEquivalentTransformer new]}]; |
[self.pingItem bind:@"keyEquivalentModifierMask" |
toObject:defaults |
withKeyPath:@"values.ping" |
options:@{NSValueTransformerBindingOption: [SRKeyEquivalentModifierMaskTransformer new]}]; |
Setting key equivalent of NSButton using bindings: |
[self.pingButton bind:@"keyEquivalent" |
toObject:defaults |
withKeyPath:@"values.ping" |
options:@{NSValueTransformerBindingOption: [SRKeyEquivalentTransformer new]}]; |
[self.pingButton bind:@"keyEquivalentModifierMask" |
toObject:defaults |
withKeyPath:@"values.ping" |
options:@{NSValueTransformerBindingOption: [SRKeyEquivalentModifierMaskTransformer new]}]; |
Setting global shortcut using PTHotKeyCenter: |
PTHotKeyCenter *hotKeyCenter = [PTHotKeyCenter sharedCenter]; |
PTHotKey *oldHotKey = [hotKeyCenter hotKeyWithIdentifier:aKeyPath]; |
[hotKeyCenter unregisterHotKey:oldHotKey]; |
PTHotKey *newHotKey = [PTHotKey hotKeyWithIdentifier:aKeyPath |
keyCombo:newShortcut |
target:self |
action:@selector(ping:)]; |
[hotKeyCenter registerHotKey:newHotKey]; |
Key Equivalents and Keyboard Layout |
---------------------------------------------------- |
While ShortcutRecorder keeps your shortcuts as combination of *key code* and modifier masks, key equivalents are expressed using *key character* and modifier mask. The difference is that position of key code on keyboard does not depend on current keyboard layout while position of key character does. |
ShortcutRecorder includes two special transformers to simplify binding to the key equivalents of NSMenuItem and NSButton: |
- SRKeyEquivalentTransformer |
- SRKeyEquivalentModifierMaskTransformer |
SRKeyEquivalentTransformer uses ASCII keyboard layout to convert key code into character, therefore resulting character does not depend on keyboard layout. |
The drawback is that position of the character on keyboard may change depending on layout and used modifier keys (primarly Option and Shift). |
NSButton |
-------- |
If you're going to bind ShortcutRecorder to key equivalent of NSButton, I encourage you to require `NSCommandKeyMask`. |
This is because NSButton handles key equivalents very strange. Rather than investigating full information of the keyboard event, it just asks for `charactersIgnoringModifiers` |
and compares returned value with its `keyEquivalent`. Unfortunately, Cocoa returns layout-independent (ASCII) representation of characters only when NSCommandKeyMask is set. |
If it's not set, assigned shortcut likely won't work with other layouts. |
Questions |
--------- |
Still have questions? [Create an issue](https://github.com/Kentzo/ShortcutRecorder/issues/new) immediately and feel free to ping me. |
Paid Support |
------------ |
If functional you need is missing but you're ready to pay for it, feel free to contact me. If not, create an issue anyway, I'll take a look as soon as I can. |
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ |
Copyright (c) 2006, contributors to ShortcutRecorder. (See the contributors listed in detail later in the file, or see <http://wafflesoftware.net/shortcut/contributors/>.) |
All rights reserved. |
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: |
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright |
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright |
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the |
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
* The name of the contributors may not be used to endorse or promote |
products derived from this software without specific prior written |
permission. |
===================================================================== |
Contributors to Shortcut Recorder, in no order in particular: |
Jesper, waffle software, <wootest+shortcutrecorder@gmail.com>. Initial idea and concept, first shot at implementation using NSView. |
David Dauer, <david@daviddauer.de>. Refinement, cleaner reimplementation, documentation, IB Palette. |
Jamie Kirkpatrick, Kirk Consulting Ltd, <jkp@kirkconsulting.co.uk>. Further modularisation and re-factoring, and general bug fixes. |
Ilya Kulakov, <kulakov.ilya@gmail.com>. ShortcutRecorder 2.0 and further support. |
Alexander Ljungberg, <aljungberg@wireload.net>. Graphics for ShortcutRecorder 2.0 |
===================================================================== |
Some rights reserved: <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/> |
For more information, visit <http://blog.oofn.net/projects/misc/> |