@ -443,18 +443,6 @@ static NSString *const iVersionMacAppStoreURLFormat = @"macappstore://itunes.app
return _versionDetails ;
return _versionDetails ;
- ( NSString * ) URLEncodedString : ( NSString * ) string
CFStringRef stringRef = CFBridgingRetain ( string ) ;
CFStringRef encoded = CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes ( kCFAllocatorDefault ,
stringRef ,
CFSTR ( "!* ' \ " ( ) ; : @ & = + $ , / ? % # [ ] % " ) ,
kCFStringEncodingUTF8 ) ;
CFRelease ( stringRef ) ;
return CFBridgingRelease ( encoded ) ;
- ( void ) downloadedVersionsData
- ( void ) downloadedVersionsData
@ -609,87 +597,6 @@ static NSString *const iVersionMacAppStoreURLFormat = @"macappstore://itunes.app
return YES ;
return YES ;
- ( NSString * ) valueForKey : ( NSString * ) key inJSON : ( id ) json
if ( [ json isKindOfClass : [ NSString class ] ] )
/ / use legacy parser
NSRange keyRange = [ json rangeOfString : [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "\ "%@\"", key]];
if ( keyRange . location != NSNotFound )
NSInteger start = keyRange . location + keyRange . length ;
NSRange valueStart = [ json rangeOfString : @ ": " options : ( NSStringCompareOptions ) 0 range : NSMakeRange ( start , ( ( NSString * ) json ) . length - start ) ] ;
if ( valueStart . location != NSNotFound )
start = valueStart . location + 1 ;
NSRange valueEnd = [ json rangeOfString : @ ", " options : ( NSStringCompareOptions ) 0 range : NSMakeRange ( start , ( ( NSString * ) json ) . length - start ) ] ;
if ( valueEnd . location != NSNotFound )
NSString * value = [ json substringWithRange : NSMakeRange ( start , valueEnd . location - start ) ] ;
value = [ value stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet : [ NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet ] ] ;
while ( [ value hasPrefix : @ "\ ""] && ![ value hasSuffix : @ "\ ""] )
if ( valueEnd . location == NSNotFound )
break ;
NSInteger newStart = valueEnd . location + 1 ;
valueEnd = [ json rangeOfString : @ ", " options : ( NSStringCompareOptions ) 0 range : NSMakeRange ( newStart , ( ( NSString * ) json ) . length - newStart ) ] ;
value = [ json substringWithRange : NSMakeRange ( start , valueEnd . location - start ) ] ;
value = [ value stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet : [ NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet ] ] ;
value = [ value stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet : [ NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString : @ "\ ""] ] ;
value = [ value stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString : @ "\ \ \ \ " withString : @ "\ \ "] ;
value = [ value stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString : @ "\ \ / " withString : @ "/ "] ;
value = [ value stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString : @ "\ \ \ "" withString : @ "\ ""] ;
value = [ value stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString : @ "\ \ n " withString : @ "\ n "] ;
value = [ value stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString : @ "\ \ r " withString : @ "\ r "] ;
value = [ value stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString : @ "\ \ t " withString : @ "\ t "] ;
value = [ value stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString : @ "\ \ f " withString : @ "\ f "] ;
value = [ value stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString : @ "\ \ b " withString : @ "\ f "] ;
while ( YES )
NSRange unicode = [ value rangeOfString : @ "\ \ u "] ;
if ( unicode . location == NSNotFound || unicode . location + unicode . length == 0 )
break ;
uint32_t c = 0 ;
NSString * hex = [ value substringWithRange : NSMakeRange ( unicode . location + 2 , 4 ) ] ;
NSScanner * scanner = [ NSScanner scannerWithString : hex ] ;
[ scanner scanHexInt : & c ] ;
if ( c < = 0 xffff )
value = [ value stringByReplacingCharactersInRange : NSMakeRange ( unicode . location , 6 ) withString : [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "%C", (unichar)c]];
/ / convert character to surrogate pair
uint16_t x = ( uint16_t ) c ;
uint16_t u = ( c > > 16 ) & ( ( 1 < < 5 ) - 1 ) ;
uint16_t w = ( uint16_t ) u - 1 ;
unichar high = 0 xd800 | ( w < < 6 ) | x > > 10 ;
unichar low = ( uint16_t ) ( 0 xdc00 | ( x & ( ( 1 < < 10 ) - 1 ) ) ) ;
value = [ value stringByReplacingCharactersInRange : NSMakeRange ( unicode . location , 6 ) withString : [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "%C%C", high, low]];
return value ;
return json [ key ] ;
return nil ;
- ( void ) setAppStoreIDOnMainThread : ( NSString * ) appStoreIDString
- ( void ) setAppStoreIDOnMainThread : ( NSString * ) appStoreIDString
self . appStoreID = appStoreIDString . longLongValue ;
self . appStoreID = appStoreIDString . longLongValue ;
@ -701,10 +608,10 @@ static NSString *const iVersionMacAppStoreURLFormat = @"macappstore://itunes.app
@ autoreleasepool
@ autoreleasepool
BOOL newerVersionAvailable = NO ;
__block BOOL newerVersionAvailable = NO ;
BOOL osVersionSupported = NO ;
__block BOOL osVersionSupported = NO ;
NSString * latestVersion = nil ;
__block NSString * latestVersion = nil ;
NSDictionary * versions = nil ;
__block NSDictionary * versions = nil ;
/ / first check iTunes
/ / first check iTunes
NSString * iTunesServiceURL = [ NSString stringWithFormat : iVersionAppLookupURLFormat , self . appStoreCountry ] ;
NSString * iTunesServiceURL = [ NSString stringWithFormat : iVersionAppLookupURLFormat , self . appStoreCountry ] ;
@ -722,190 +629,153 @@ static NSString *const iVersionMacAppStoreURLFormat = @"macappstore://itunes.app
NSLog ( @ "iVersion is checking %@ for a new app version...", iTunesServiceURL);
NSLog ( @ "iVersion is checking %@ for a new app version...", iTunesServiceURL);
NSError * error = nil ;
__block NSError * jsonError = nil ;
NSURLResponse * response = nil ;
NSURLRequest * request = [ NSURLRequest requestWithURL : [ NSURL URLWithString : iTunesServiceURL ]
NSURLRequest * request = [ NSURLRequest requestWithURL : [ NSURL URLWithString : iTunesServiceURL ]
cachePolicy : NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData
cachePolicy : NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData
timeoutInterval : REQUEST_TIMEOUT ] ;
timeoutInterval : REQUEST_TIMEOUT ] ;
NSData * data = [ NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest : request returningResponse : & response error : & error ] ;
NSInteger statusCode = ( ( NSHTTPURLResponse * ) response ) . statusCode ;
__weak typeof ( self ) weakSelf = self ;
if ( data && statusCode == 200 )
NSURLSession * session = [ NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration : [ NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration ] ] ;
/ / in case error is garbage ...
error = nil ;
NSURLSessionDataTask * dataTask = [ session dataTaskWithRequest : request
completionHandler : ^( NSData * _Nullable data , NSURLResponse * _Nullable response , NSError * _Nullable error ) {
NSHTTPURLResponse * httpResponse = ( NSHTTPURLResponse * ) response ;
__strong typeof ( self ) strongSelf = weakSelf ;
if ( !strongSelf ) {
return ;
id json = nil ;
if ( error != nil || data == nil ) {
if ( [ NSJSONSerialization class ] )
return ;
json = [ [ NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData : data options : ( NSJSONReadingOptions ) 0 error : & error ] [ @ "results "] lastObject ] ;
NSDictionary * json = [ NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData : data options : 0 error : & jsonError ] ;
if ( !jsonError ) {
/ / convert to string
/ / check bundle ID matches
json = [ [ NSString alloc ] initWithData : data encoding : NSUTF8StringEncoding ] ;
NSArray * resultsArray = json [ @ "results "] ;
if ( ![ resultsArray isKindOfClass : [ NSArray class ] ] ) {
return ;
NSDictionary * firstResult = [ resultsArray firstObject ] ;
if ( !firstResult ) {
return ;
NSString * bundleID = firstResult [ @ "bundleId "] ;
if ( ![ bundleID isKindOfClass : [ NSString class ] ] ) {
return ;
if ( bundleID ) {
if ( [ bundleID isEqualToString : strongSelf . applicationBundleID ] )
/ / get supported OS version
NSString * minimumSupportedOSVersion = firstResult [ @ "minimumOsVersion "] ;
if ( !minimumSupportedOSVersion || ![ minimumSupportedOSVersion isKindOfClass : [ NSString class ] ] ) {
return ;
NSOperatingSystemVersion version = [ NSProcessInfo processInfo ] . operatingSystemVersion ;
NSString * systemVersion = [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "%zd.%zd.%zd", version.majorVersion, version.minorVersion, version.patchVersion];
osVersionSupported = ( [ systemVersion compare : minimumSupportedOSVersion options : NSNumericSearch ] != NSOrderedAscending ) ;
if ( !osVersionSupported )
error = [ NSError errorWithDomain : iVersionErrorDomain
code : iVersionErrorOSVersionNotSupported
userInfo : @ { NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : @ "Current OS version is not supported . "} ] ;
/ / get version details
NSString * releaseNotes = firstResult [ @ "releaseNotes "] ;
latestVersion = firstResult [ @ "version "] ;
if ( latestVersion && osVersionSupported )
versions = @ { latestVersion : releaseNotes ?: @ ""} ;
/ / get app id
if ( !strongSelf . appStoreID )
NSString * appStoreIDString = firstResult [ @ "trackId "] ;
[ strongSelf performSelectorOnMainThread : @ selector ( setAppStoreIDOnMainThread : )
withObject : appStoreIDString
waitUntilDone : YES ] ;
if ( strongSelf . verboseLogging )
NSLog ( @ "iVersion found the app on iTunes . The App Store ID is %@", appStoreIDString);
/ / check for new version
newerVersionAvailable = ( [ latestVersion compareVersion : strongSelf . applicationVersion ] == NSOrderedDescending ) ;
if ( strongSelf . verboseLogging )
if ( newerVersionAvailable )
NSLog ( @ "iVersion found a new version ( %@) of the app on iTunes. Current version is %@", latestVersion, strongSelf.applicationVersion);
NSLog ( @ "iVersion did not find a new version of the app on iTunes . Current version is %@, latest version is %@", strongSelf.applicationVersion, latestVersion);
if ( strongSelf . verboseLogging )
NSLog ( @ "iVersion found that the application bundle ID ( %@) does not match the bundle ID of the app found on iTunes (%@) with the specified App Store ID (%@)", strongSelf.applicationBundleID, bundleID, @(strongSelf.appStoreID));
error = [ NSError errorWithDomain : iVersionErrorDomain
code : iVersionErrorBundleIdDoesNotMatchAppStore
userInfo : @ { NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "Application bundle ID does not match expected value of %@", bundleID]}];
} else if ( strongSelf . appStoreID || !strongSelf . remoteVersionsPlistURL )
if ( strongSelf . verboseLogging )
NSLog ( @ "iVersion could not find this application on iTunes . If your app is not intended for App Store release then you must specify a remoteVersionsPlistURL . If this is the first release of your application then it ' s not a problem that it cannot be found on the store yet ") ;
error = [ NSError errorWithDomain : iVersionErrorDomain
code : iVersionErrorApplicationNotFoundOnAppStore
userInfo : @ { NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : @ "The application could not be found on the App Store . "} ] ;
else if ( !strongSelf . appStoreID && strongSelf . verboseLogging )
NSLog ( @ "iVersion could not find your app on iTunes . If your app is not yet on the store or is not intended for App Store release then don ' t worry about this ") ;
} else {
/ / http error
NSString * message = [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "The server returned a %@ error", @([httpResponse statusCode])];
error = [ NSError errorWithDomain : @ "HTTPResponseErrorDomain "
code : [ httpResponse statusCode ]
userInfo : @ { NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : message } ] ;
[ strongSelf performSelectorOnMainThread : @ selector ( setDownloadError : ) withObject : error waitUntilDone : YES ] ;
[ strongSelf performSelectorOnMainThread : @ selector ( setRemoteVersionsDict : ) withObject : versions waitUntilDone : YES ] ;
[ strongSelf performSelectorOnMainThread : @ selector ( setLastChecked : ) withObject : [ NSDate date ] waitUntilDone : YES ] ;
[ strongSelf performSelectorOnMainThread : @ selector ( downloadedVersionsData ) withObject : nil waitUntilDone : YES ] ;
if ( !error )
} ] ;
/ / check bundle ID matches
[ dataTask resume ] ;
NSString * bundleID = [ self valueForKey : @ "bundleId " inJSON : json ] ;
if ( bundleID )
if ( [ bundleID isEqualToString : self . applicationBundleID ] )
/ / get supported OS version
NSString * minimumSupportedOSVersion = [ self valueForKey : @ "minimumOsVersion " inJSON : json ] ;
NSString * systemVersion = [ UIDevice currentDevice ] . systemVersion ;
NSString * systemVersion = nil ;
if ( [ [ NSProcessInfo class ] respondsToSelector : @ selector ( processInfo ) ] )
NSOperatingSystemVersion version = [ NSProcessInfo processInfo ] . operatingSystemVersion ;
systemVersion = [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "%zd.%zd.%zd", version.majorVersion, version.minorVersion, version.patchVersion];
#pragma clang diagnostic push
SInt32 majorVersion = 0 , minorVersion = 0 , patchVersion = 0 ;
Gestalt ( gestaltSystemVersionMajor , & majorVersion ) ;
Gestalt ( gestaltSystemVersionMinor , & minorVersion ) ;
Gestalt ( gestaltSystemVersionBugFix , & patchVersion ) ;
systemVersion = [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "%d.%d.%d", majorVersion, minorVersion, patchVersion];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
osVersionSupported = ( [ systemVersion compare : minimumSupportedOSVersion options : NSNumericSearch ] != NSOrderedAscending ) ;
if ( !osVersionSupported )
error = [ NSError errorWithDomain : iVersionErrorDomain
code : iVersionErrorOSVersionNotSupported
userInfo : @ { NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : @ "Current OS version is not supported . "} ] ;
/ / get version details
NSString * releaseNotes = [ self valueForKey : @ "releaseNotes " inJSON : json ] ;
latestVersion = [ self valueForKey : @ "version " inJSON : json ] ;
if ( latestVersion && osVersionSupported )
versions = @ { latestVersion : releaseNotes ?: @ ""} ;
/ / get app id
if ( !self . appStoreID )
NSString * appStoreIDString = [ self valueForKey : @ "trackId " inJSON : json ] ;
[ self performSelectorOnMainThread : @ selector ( setAppStoreIDOnMainThread : ) withObject : appStoreIDString waitUntilDone : YES ] ;
if ( self . verboseLogging )
NSLog ( @ "iVersion found the app on iTunes . The App Store ID is %@", appStoreIDString);
/ / check for new version
newerVersionAvailable = ( [ latestVersion compareVersion : self . applicationVersion ] == NSOrderedDescending ) ;
if ( self . verboseLogging )
if ( newerVersionAvailable )
NSLog ( @ "iVersion found a new version ( %@) of the app on iTunes. Current version is %@", latestVersion, self.applicationVersion);
NSLog ( @ "iVersion did not find a new version of the app on iTunes . Current version is %@, latest version is %@", self.applicationVersion, latestVersion);
if ( self . verboseLogging )
NSLog ( @ "iVersion found that the application bundle ID ( %@) does not match the bundle ID of the app found on iTunes (%@) with the specified App Store ID (%@)", self.applicationBundleID, bundleID, @(self.appStoreID));
error = [ NSError errorWithDomain : iVersionErrorDomain
code : iVersionErrorBundleIdDoesNotMatchAppStore
userInfo : @ { NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "Application bundle ID does not match expected value of %@", bundleID]}];
else if ( self . appStoreID || !self . remoteVersionsPlistURL )
if ( self . verboseLogging )
NSLog ( @ "iVersion could not find this application on iTunes . If your app is not intended for App Store release then you must specify a remoteVersionsPlistURL . If this is the first release of your application then it ' s not a problem that it cannot be found on the store yet ") ;
error = [ NSError errorWithDomain : iVersionErrorDomain
code : iVersionErrorApplicationNotFoundOnAppStore
userInfo : @ { NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : @ "The application could not be found on the App Store . "} ] ;
else if ( !self . appStoreID && self . verboseLogging )
NSLog ( @ "iVersion could not find your app on iTunes . If your app is not yet on the store or is not intended for App Store release then don ' t worry about this ") ;
/ / now check plist for alternative release notes
if ( ( ( self . appStoreID && newerVersionAvailable && osVersionSupported ) || !self . appStoreID || self . previewMode ) && self . remoteVersionsPlistURL )
if ( self . verboseLogging )
NSLog ( @ "iVersion will check %@ for %@", self.remoteVersionsPlistURL, self.appStoreID? @"release notes": @"a new app version");
NSURLRequest * request = [ NSURLRequest requestWithURL : [ NSURL URLWithString : self . remoteVersionsPlistURL ] cachePolicy : NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData timeoutInterval : REQUEST_TIMEOUT ] ;
NSData * data = [ NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest : request returningResponse : & response error : & error ] ;
if ( data )
NSPropertyListFormat format ;
NSDictionary * plistVersions = [ NSPropertyListSerialization propertyListWithData : data options : NSPropertyListImmutable format : & format error : & error ] ;
if ( latestVersion )
/ / remove versions that are greater than latest in app store
NSMutableDictionary * versions = [ NSMutableDictionary dictionary ] ;
for ( NSString * version in plistVersions )
if ( [ version compareVersion : latestVersion ] != NSOrderedDescending )
versions [ version ] = plistVersions [ version ] ;
plistVersions = versions ;
if ( !latestVersion || plistVersions [ latestVersion ] || !_useAppStoreDetailsIfNoPlistEntryFound )
versions = [ plistVersions copy ] ;
else if ( self . verboseLogging )
NSLog ( @ "iVersion was unable to download the user - specified release notes ") ;
else if ( statusCode > = 400 )
/ / http error
NSString * message = [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "The server returned a %@ error", @(statusCode)];
error = [ NSError errorWithDomain : @ "HTTPResponseErrorDomain " code : statusCode userInfo : @ { NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : message } ] ;
[ self performSelectorOnMainThread : @ selector ( setDownloadError : ) withObject : error waitUntilDone : YES ] ;
[ self performSelectorOnMainThread : @ selector ( setRemoteVersionsDict : ) withObject : versions waitUntilDone : YES ] ;
[ self performSelectorOnMainThread : @ selector ( setLastChecked : ) withObject : [ NSDate date ] waitUntilDone : YES ] ;
[ self performSelectorOnMainThread : @ selector ( downloadedVersionsData ) withObject : nil waitUntilDone : YES ] ;
@ -915,7 +785,8 @@ static NSString *const iVersionMacAppStoreURLFormat = @"macappstore://itunes.app
if ( !self . checkingForNewVersion )
if ( !self . checkingForNewVersion )
self . checkingForNewVersion = YES ;
self . checkingForNewVersion = YES ;
[ self performSelectorInBackground : @ selector ( checkForNewVersionInBackground ) withObject : nil ] ;
[ self performSelectorInBackground : @ selector ( checkForNewVersionInBackground )
withObject : nil ] ;