// Copyright (C) 2014 by Matthew York // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any // person obtaining a copy of this software and // associated documentation files (the "Software"), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, // publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the // Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall // be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS // BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN // CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #import "DTTimePeriod.h" #import "NSDate+DateTools.h" @interface DTTimePeriod () @end @implementation DTTimePeriod #pragma mark - Custom Init / Factory Methods /** * Initializes an instance of DTTimePeriod from a given start and end date * * @param startDate NSDate - Desired start date * @param endDate NSDate - Desired end date * * @return DTTimePeriod - new instance */ -(instancetype)initWithStartDate:(NSDate *)startDate endDate:(NSDate *)endDate{ if (self = [super init]) { self.StartDate = startDate; self.EndDate = endDate; } return self; } /** * Returns a new instance of DTTimePeriod from a given start and end date * * @param startDate NSDate - Desired start date * @param endDate NSDate - Desired end date * * @return DTTimePeriod - new instance */ +(instancetype)timePeriodWithStartDate:(NSDate *)startDate endDate:(NSDate *)endDate{ return [[DTTimePeriod alloc] initWithStartDate:startDate endDate:endDate]; } /** * Returns a new instance of DTTimePeriod that starts on the provided start date * and is of the size provided * * @param size DTTimePeriodSize - Desired size of the new time period * @param date NSDate - Desired start date of the new time period * * @return DTTimePeriod - new instance */ +(instancetype)timePeriodWithSize:(DTTimePeriodSize)size startingAt:(NSDate *)date{ return [[DTTimePeriod alloc] initWithStartDate:date endDate:[DTTimePeriod dateWithAddedTime:size amount:1 baseDate:date]]; } /** * Returns a new instance of DTTimePeriod that starts on the provided start date * and is of the size provided. The amount represents a multipler to the size (e.g. "2 weeks" or "4 years") * * @param size DTTimePeriodSize - Desired size of the new time period * @param amount NSInteger - Desired multiplier of the size provided * @param date NSDate - Desired start date of the new time period * * @return DTTimePeriod - new instance */ +(instancetype)timePeriodWithSize:(DTTimePeriodSize)size amount:(NSInteger)amount startingAt:(NSDate *)date{ return [[DTTimePeriod alloc] initWithStartDate:date endDate:[DTTimePeriod dateWithAddedTime:size amount:amount baseDate:date]]; } /** * Returns a new instance of DTTimePeriod that ends on the provided end date * and is of the size provided * * @param size DTTimePeriodSize - Desired size of the new time period * @param date NSDate - Desired end date of the new time period * * @return DTTimePeriod - new instance */ +(instancetype)timePeriodWithSize:(DTTimePeriodSize)size endingAt:(NSDate *)date{ return [[DTTimePeriod alloc] initWithStartDate:[DTTimePeriod dateWithSubtractedTime:size amount:1 baseDate:date] endDate:date]; } /** * Returns a new instance of DTTimePeriod that ends on the provided end date * and is of the size provided. The amount represents a multipler to the size (e.g. "2 weeks" or "4 years") * * @param size DTTimePeriodSize - Desired size of the new time period * @param amount NSInteger - Desired multiplier of the size provided * @param date NSDate - Desired end date of the new time period * * @return DTTimePeriod - new instance */ +(instancetype)timePeriodWithSize:(DTTimePeriodSize)size amount:(NSInteger)amount endingAt:(NSDate *)date{ return [[DTTimePeriod alloc] initWithStartDate:[DTTimePeriod dateWithSubtractedTime:size amount:amount baseDate:date] endDate:date]; } /** * Returns a new instance of DTTimePeriod that represents the largest time period available. * The start date is in the distant past and the end date is in the distant future. * * @return DTTimePeriod - new instance */ +(instancetype)timePeriodWithAllTime{ return [[DTTimePeriod alloc] initWithStartDate:[NSDate distantPast] endDate:[NSDate distantFuture]]; } /** * Method serving the various factory methods as well as a few others. * Returns a date with time added to a given base date. Includes multiplier amount. * * @param size DTTimePeriodSize - Desired size of the new time period * @param amount NSInteger - Desired multiplier of the size provided * @param date NSDate - Desired end date of the new time period * * @return NSDate - new instance */ +(NSDate *)dateWithAddedTime:(DTTimePeriodSize)size amount:(NSInteger)amount baseDate:(NSDate *)date{ switch (size) { case DTTimePeriodSizeSecond: return [date dateByAddingSeconds:amount]; break; case DTTimePeriodSizeMinute: return [date dateByAddingMinutes:amount]; break; case DTTimePeriodSizeHour: return [date dateByAddingHours:amount]; break; case DTTimePeriodSizeDay: return [date dateByAddingDays:amount]; break; case DTTimePeriodSizeWeek: return [date dateByAddingWeeks:amount]; break; case DTTimePeriodSizeMonth: return [date dateByAddingMonths:amount]; break; case DTTimePeriodSizeYear: return [date dateByAddingYears:amount]; break; default: break; } return date; } /** * Method serving the various factory methods as well as a few others. * Returns a date with time subtracted from a given base date. Includes multiplier amount. * * @param size DTTimePeriodSize - Desired size of the new time period * @param amount NSInteger - Desired multiplier of the size provided * @param date NSDate - Desired end date of the new time period * * @return NSDate - new instance */ +(NSDate *)dateWithSubtractedTime:(DTTimePeriodSize)size amount:(NSInteger)amount baseDate:(NSDate *)date{ switch (size) { case DTTimePeriodSizeSecond: return [date dateBySubtractingSeconds:amount]; break; case DTTimePeriodSizeMinute: return [date dateBySubtractingMinutes:amount]; break; case DTTimePeriodSizeHour: return [date dateBySubtractingHours:amount]; break; case DTTimePeriodSizeDay: return [date dateBySubtractingDays:amount]; break; case DTTimePeriodSizeWeek: return [date dateBySubtractingWeeks:amount]; break; case DTTimePeriodSizeMonth: return [date dateBySubtractingMonths:amount]; break; case DTTimePeriodSizeYear: return [date dateBySubtractingYears:amount]; break; default: break; } return date; } #pragma mark - Time Period Information /** * Returns a boolean representing whether the receiver's StartDate exists * Returns YES if StartDate is not nil, otherwise NO * * @return BOOL */ -(BOOL)hasStartDate { return (self.StartDate)? YES:NO; } /** * Returns a boolean representing whether the receiver's EndDate exists * Returns YES if EndDate is not nil, otherwise NO * * @return BOOL */ -(BOOL)hasEndDate { return (self.EndDate)? YES:NO; } /** * Returns a boolean representing whether the receiver is a "moment", that is the start and end dates are the same. * Returns YES if receiver is a moment, otherwise NO * * @return BOOL */ -(BOOL)isMoment{ if (self.StartDate && self.EndDate) { if ([self.StartDate isEqualToDate:self.EndDate]) { return YES; } } return NO; } /** * Returns the duration of the receiver in years * * @return NSInteger */ -(double)durationInYears { if (self.StartDate && self.EndDate) { return [self.StartDate yearsEarlierThan:self.EndDate]; } return 0; } /** * Returns the duration of the receiver in weeks * * @return double */ -(double)durationInWeeks { if (self.StartDate && self.EndDate) { return [self.StartDate weeksEarlierThan:self.EndDate]; } return 0; } /** * Returns the duration of the receiver in days * * @return double */ -(double)durationInDays { if (self.StartDate && self.EndDate) { return [self.StartDate daysEarlierThan:self.EndDate]; } return 0; } /** * Returns the duration of the receiver in hours * * @return double */ -(double)durationInHours { if (self.StartDate && self.EndDate) { return [self.StartDate hoursEarlierThan:self.EndDate]; } return 0; } /** * Returns the duration of the receiver in minutes * * @return double */ -(double)durationInMinutes { if (self.StartDate && self.EndDate) { return [self.StartDate minutesEarlierThan:self.EndDate]; } return 0; } /** * Returns the duration of the receiver in seconds * * @return double */ -(double)durationInSeconds { if (self.StartDate && self.EndDate) { return [self.StartDate secondsEarlierThan:self.EndDate]; } return 0; } #pragma mark - Time Period Relationship /** * Returns a BOOL representing whether the receiver's start and end dates exatcly match a given time period * Returns YES if the two periods are the same, otherwise NO * * @param period DTTimePeriod - Time period to compare to receiver * * @return BOOL */ -(BOOL)isEqualToPeriod:(DTTimePeriod *)period{ if ([self.StartDate isEqualToDate:period.StartDate] && [self.EndDate isEqualToDate:period.EndDate]) { return YES; } return NO; } /** * Returns a BOOL representing whether the receiver's start and end dates exatcly match a given time period or is contained within them * Returns YES if the receiver is inside the given time period, otherwise NO * * @param period DTTimePeriod - Time period to compare to receiver * * @return BOOL */ -(BOOL)isInside:(DTTimePeriod *)period{ if ([period.StartDate isEarlierThanOrEqualTo:self.StartDate] && [period.EndDate isLaterThanOrEqualTo:self.EndDate]) { return YES; } return NO; } /** * Returns a BOOL representing whether the given time period's start and end dates exatcly match the receivers' or is contained within them * Returns YES if the receiver is inside the given time period, otherwise NO * * @param period DTTimePeriod - Time period to compare to receiver * * @return BOOL */ -(BOOL)contains:(DTTimePeriod *)period{ if ([self.StartDate isEarlierThanOrEqualTo:period.StartDate] && [self.EndDate isLaterThanOrEqualTo:period.EndDate]) { return YES; } return NO; } /** * Returns a BOOL representing whether the receiver and the given time period overlap. * This covers all space they share, minus instantaneous space (i.e. one's start date equals another's end date) * Returns YES if they overlap, otherwise NO * * @param period DTTimePeriod - Time period to compare to receiver * * @return BOOL */ -(BOOL)overlapsWith:(DTTimePeriod *)period{ //Outside -> Inside if ([period.StartDate isEarlierThan:self.StartDate] && [period.EndDate isLaterThan:self.StartDate]) { return YES; } //Enclosing else if ([period.StartDate isLaterThanOrEqualTo:self.StartDate] && [period.EndDate isEarlierThanOrEqualTo:self.EndDate]){ return YES; } //Inside -> Out else if([period.StartDate isEarlierThan:self.EndDate] && [period.EndDate isLaterThan:self.EndDate]){ return YES; } return NO; } /** * Returns a BOOL representing whether the receiver and the given time period overlap. * This covers all space they share, including instantaneous space (i.e. one's start date equals another's end date) * Returns YES if they overlap, otherwise NO * * @param period DTTimePeriod - Time period to compare to receiver * * @return BOOL */ -(BOOL)intersects:(DTTimePeriod *)period{ //Outside -> Inside if ([period.StartDate isEarlierThan:self.StartDate] && [period.EndDate isLaterThanOrEqualTo:self.StartDate]) { return YES; } //Enclosing else if ([period.StartDate isLaterThanOrEqualTo:self.StartDate] && [period.EndDate isEarlierThanOrEqualTo:self.EndDate]){ return YES; } //Inside -> Out else if([period.StartDate isEarlierThanOrEqualTo:self.EndDate] && [period.EndDate isLaterThan:self.EndDate]){ return YES; } return NO; } /** * Returns the relationship of the receiver to a given time period * * @param period DTTimePeriod - Time period to compare to receiver * * @return DTTimePeriodRelation */ -(DTTimePeriodRelation)relationToPeriod:(DTTimePeriod *)period{ //Make sure that all start and end points exist for comparison if (self.StartDate && self.EndDate && period.StartDate && period.EndDate) { //Make sure time periods are of positive durations if ([self.StartDate isEarlierThan:self.EndDate] && [period.StartDate isEarlierThan:period.EndDate]) { //Make comparisons if ([period.EndDate isEarlierThan:self.StartDate]) { return DTTimePeriodRelationAfter; } else if ([period.EndDate isEqualToDate:self.StartDate]){ return DTTimePeriodRelationStartTouching; } else if ([period.StartDate isEarlierThan:self.StartDate] && [period.EndDate isEarlierThan:self.EndDate]){ return DTTimePeriodRelationStartInside; } else if ([period.StartDate isEqualToDate:self.StartDate] && [period.EndDate isLaterThan:self.EndDate]){ return DTTimePeriodRelationInsideStartTouching; } else if ([period.StartDate isEqualToDate:self.StartDate] && [period.EndDate isEarlierThan:self.EndDate]){ return DTTimePeriodRelationEnclosingStartTouching; } else if ([period.StartDate isLaterThan:self.StartDate] && [period.EndDate isEarlierThan:self.EndDate]){ return DTTimePeriodRelationEnclosing; } else if ([period.StartDate isLaterThan:self.StartDate] && [period.EndDate isEqualToDate:self.EndDate]){ return DTTimePeriodRelationEnclosingEndTouching; } else if ([period.StartDate isEqualToDate:self.StartDate] && [period.EndDate isEqualToDate:self.EndDate]){ return DTTimePeriodRelationExactMatch; } else if ([period.StartDate isEarlierThan:self.StartDate] && [period.EndDate isLaterThan:self.EndDate]){ return DTTimePeriodRelationInside; } else if ([period.StartDate isEarlierThan:self.StartDate] && [period.EndDate isEqualToDate:self.EndDate]){ return DTTimePeriodRelationInsideEndTouching; } else if ([period.StartDate isEarlierThan:self.EndDate] && [period.EndDate isLaterThan:self.EndDate]){ return DTTimePeriodRelationEndInside; } else if ([period.StartDate isEqualToDate:self.EndDate] && [period.EndDate isLaterThan:self.EndDate]){ return DTTimePeriodRelationEndTouching; } else if ([period.StartDate isLaterThan:self.EndDate]){ return DTTimePeriodRelationBefore; } } } return DTTimePeriodRelationNone; } /** * Returns the gap in seconds between the receiver and provided time period * Returns 0 if the time periods intersect, otherwise returns the gap between. * * @param period <#period description#> * * @return <#return value description#> */ -(NSTimeInterval)gapBetween:(DTTimePeriod *)period{ if ([self.EndDate isEarlierThan:period.StartDate]) { return ABS([self.EndDate timeIntervalSinceDate:period.StartDate]); } else if ([period.EndDate isEarlierThan:self.StartDate]){ return ABS([period.EndDate timeIntervalSinceDate:self.StartDate]); } return 0; } #pragma mark - Date Relationships /** * Returns a BOOL representing whether the provided date is contained in the receiver. * * @param date NSDate - Date to evaluate * @param interval DTTimePeriodInterval representing evaluation type (Closed includes StartDate and EndDate in evaluation, Open does not) * * @return <#return value description#> */ -(BOOL)containsDate:(NSDate *)date interval:(DTTimePeriodInterval)interval{ if (interval == DTTimePeriodIntervalOpen) { if ([self.StartDate isEarlierThan:date] && [self.EndDate isLaterThan:date]) { return YES; } else { return NO; } } else if (interval == DTTimePeriodIntervalClosed){ if ([self.StartDate isEarlierThanOrEqualTo:date] && [self.EndDate isLaterThanOrEqualTo:date]) { return YES; } else { return NO; } } return NO; } #pragma mark - Period Manipulation /** * Shifts the StartDate and EndDate earlier by a given size amount * * @param size DTTimePeriodSize - Desired shift size */ -(void)shiftEarlierWithSize:(DTTimePeriodSize)size{ [self shiftEarlierWithSize:size amount:1]; } /** * Shifts the StartDate and EndDate earlier by a given size amount. Amount multiplies size. * * @param size DTTimePeriodSize - Desired shift size * @param amount NSInteger - Multiplier of size (i.e. "2 weeks" or "4 years") */ -(void)shiftEarlierWithSize:(DTTimePeriodSize)size amount:(NSInteger)amount{ self.StartDate = [DTTimePeriod dateWithSubtractedTime:size amount:amount baseDate:self.StartDate]; self.EndDate = [DTTimePeriod dateWithSubtractedTime:size amount:amount baseDate:self.EndDate]; } /** * Shifts the StartDate and EndDate later by a given size amount * * @param size DTTimePeriodSize - Desired shift size */ -(void)shiftLaterWithSize:(DTTimePeriodSize)size{ [self shiftLaterWithSize:size amount:1]; } /** * Shifts the StartDate and EndDate later by a given size amount. Amount multiplies size. * * @param size DTTimePeriodSize - Desired shift size * @param amount NSInteger - Multiplier of size (i.e. "2 weeks" or "4 years") */ -(void)shiftLaterWithSize:(DTTimePeriodSize)size amount:(NSInteger)amount{ self.StartDate = [DTTimePeriod dateWithAddedTime:size amount:amount baseDate:self.StartDate]; self.EndDate = [DTTimePeriod dateWithAddedTime:size amount:amount baseDate:self.EndDate]; } #pragma mark Lengthen / Shorten /** * Lengthens the receiver by a given amount, anchored by a provided point * * @param anchor DTTimePeriodAnchor - Anchor point for the lengthen (the date that stays the same) * @param size DTTimePeriodSize - Desired lenghtening size */ -(void)lengthenWithAnchorDate:(DTTimePeriodAnchor)anchor size:(DTTimePeriodSize)size{ [self lengthenWithAnchorDate:anchor size:size amount:1]; } /** * Lengthens the receiver by a given amount, anchored by a provided point. Amount multiplies size. * * @param anchor DTTimePeriodAnchor - Anchor point for the lengthen (the date that stays the same) * @param size DTTimePeriodSize - Desired lenghtening size * @param amount NSInteger - Multiplier of size (i.e. "2 weeks" or "4 years") */ -(void)lengthenWithAnchorDate:(DTTimePeriodAnchor)anchor size:(DTTimePeriodSize)size amount:(NSInteger)amount{ switch (anchor) { case DTTimePeriodAnchorStart: self.EndDate = [DTTimePeriod dateWithAddedTime:size amount:amount baseDate:self.EndDate]; break; case DTTimePeriodAnchorCenter: self.StartDate = [DTTimePeriod dateWithSubtractedTime:size amount:amount/2 baseDate:self.StartDate]; self.EndDate = [DTTimePeriod dateWithAddedTime:size amount:amount/2 baseDate:self.EndDate]; break; case DTTimePeriodAnchorEnd: self.StartDate = [DTTimePeriod dateWithSubtractedTime:size amount:amount baseDate:self.StartDate]; break; default: break; } } /** * Shortens the receiver by a given amount, anchored by a provided point * * @param anchor DTTimePeriodAnchor - Anchor point for the shorten (the date that stays the same) * @param size DTTimePeriodSize - Desired shortening size */ -(void)shortenWithAnchorDate:(DTTimePeriodAnchor)anchor size:(DTTimePeriodSize)size{ [self shortenWithAnchorDate:anchor size:size amount:1]; } /** * Shortens the receiver by a given amount, anchored by a provided point. Amount multiplies size. * * @param anchor DTTimePeriodAnchor - Anchor point for the shorten (the date that stays the same) * @param size DTTimePeriodSize - Desired shortening size * @param amount NSInteger - Multiplier of size (i.e. "2 weeks" or "4 years") */ -(void)shortenWithAnchorDate:(DTTimePeriodAnchor)anchor size:(DTTimePeriodSize)size amount:(NSInteger)amount{ switch (anchor) { case DTTimePeriodAnchorStart: self.EndDate = [DTTimePeriod dateWithSubtractedTime:size amount:amount baseDate:self.EndDate]; break; case DTTimePeriodAnchorCenter: self.StartDate = [DTTimePeriod dateWithAddedTime:size amount:amount/2 baseDate:self.StartDate]; self.EndDate = [DTTimePeriod dateWithSubtractedTime:size amount:amount/2 baseDate:self.EndDate]; break; case DTTimePeriodAnchorEnd: self.StartDate = [DTTimePeriod dateWithAddedTime:size amount:amount baseDate:self.StartDate]; break; default: break; } } #pragma mark - Helper Methods -(DTTimePeriod *)copy{ DTTimePeriod *period = [DTTimePeriod timePeriodWithStartDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:self.StartDate.timeIntervalSince1970] endDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:self.EndDate.timeIntervalSince1970]]; return period; } @end