/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2011,2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this * file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #ifndef _SEC_CUSTOM_TRANSFORM_H__ #define _SEC_CUSTOM_TRANSFORM_H__ #include // Blocks are required for custom transforms #ifdef __BLOCKS__ CF_EXTERN_C_BEGIN CF_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN CF_IMPLICIT_BRIDGING_ENABLED /*! @header Custom transforms are an API that provides the ability to easily create new transforms. The essential functions of a transform are created in a collection of blocks. These blocks override the standard behavior of the base transform; a custom transform with no overrides is a null transform that merely passes through a data flow. A new transform type is created when calling the SecTransformRegister function which registers the name of the new transform and sets up its overrides. The SecTransformCreate function creates a new instance of a registered custom transform. A sample custom transform is provided here, along with a basic test program. This transform creates a Caesar cipher transform, one that simply adds a value to every byte of the plaintext. -----cut here-----
//  CaesarXform.c
//  Copyright (c) 2010-2011,2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


// This is the unique name for the custom transform type.
const CFStringRef kCaesarCipher = CFSTR("com.apple.caesarcipher");

// Name of the "key" attribute.
const CFStringRef kKeyAttributeName = CFSTR("key");

// Shortcut to return a CFError.
CFErrorRef invalid_input_error(void)
    return CFErrorCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kSecTransformErrorDomain,
                         kSecTransformErrorInvalidInput, NULL);

// =========================================================================
//  Implementation of the Transform instance
// =========================================================================
static SecTransformInstanceBlock CaesarImplementation(CFStringRef name,
                                            SecTransformRef newTransform,
                                            SecTransformImplementationRef ref)
    SecTransformInstanceBlock instanceBlock =
        CFErrorRef result = NULL;

        // Every time a new instance of this custom transform class is
        // created, this block is called. This behavior means that any
        // block variables created in this block act like instance
        // variables for the new custom transform instance.
        __block int _key = 0;

        result = SecTransformSetAttributeAction(ref,
                                                ^(SecTransformAttributeRef name, CFTypeRef d)
                CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)d, kCFNumberIntType, &_key);
                return d;

        if (result)
            return result;

        // Create an override that will be called to process the input
        // data into the output data
        result = SecTransformSetDataAction(ref,
                                           ^(CFTypeRef d)
                if (NULL == d)               // End of stream?
                    return (CFTypeRef) NULL; // Just return a null.

                char *dataPtr = (char *)CFDataGetBytePtr((CFDataRef)d);

                CFIndex dataLength = CFDataGetLength((CFDataRef)d);

                // Do the processing in memory.  There are better ways to do
                // this but for showing how custom transforms work this is fine.
                char *buffer = (char *)malloc(dataLength);
                if (NULL == buffer)
                    return (CFTypeRef) invalid_input_error();            // Return a CFErrorRef

                // Do the work of the caesar cipher (Rot(n))

                CFIndex i;
                for (i = 0; i < dataLength; i++)
                    buffer[i] = dataPtr[i] + _key;

                return (CFTypeRef)CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(NULL, (UInt8 *)buffer,
                                                              dataLength, kCFAllocatorMalloc);
        return result;

    return Block_copy(instanceBlock);

SecTransformRef CaesarTransformCreate(CFIndex k, CFErrorRef* error)
    SecTransformRef caesarCipher;
    __block Boolean result = 1;
    static dispatch_once_t registeredOK = 0;

                     result = SecTransformRegister(kCaesarCipher, &CaesarImplementation, error);

    if (!result)
        return NULL;

    caesarCipher = SecTransformCreate(kCaesarCipher, error);
    if (NULL != caesarCipher)
        CFNumberRef keyNumber =  CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault,
                                                kCFNumberIntType, &k);
        SecTransformSetAttribute(caesarCipher, kKeyAttributeName,
                                 keyNumber, error);

    return caesarCipher;

// The second function shows how to use custom transform defined in the
// previous function

// =========================================================================
//  Use a custom ROT-N (caesar cipher) transform
// =========================================================================
CFDataRef TestCaesar(CFDataRef theData, int rotNumber)
    CFDataRef result = NULL;
    CFErrorRef error = NULL;

    if (NULL == theData)
        return result;

    // Create an instance of the custom transform
    SecTransformRef caesarCipher = CaesarTransformCreate(rotNumber, &error);
    if (NULL == caesarCipher || NULL != error)
        return result;

    // Set the data to be transformed as the input to the custom transform
                             kSecTransformInputAttributeName, theData, &error);

    if (NULL != error)
        return result;

    // Execute the transform synchronously
    result = (CFDataRef)SecTransformExecute(caesarCipher, &error);

    return result;


int main (int argc, const char *argv[])
    CFDataRef testData, testResult;
    UInt8 bytes[26];
    int i;

    // Create some test data, a string from A-Z

    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(bytes); i++)
        bytes[i] = 'A' + i;

    testData = CFDataCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, bytes, sizeof(bytes));

    // Encrypt the test data
    testResult = TestCaesar(testData, 3);

    return 0;
*/ /**************** Custom Transform attribute metadata ****************/ /*! @enum Custom Transform Attribute Metadata @discussion Within a transform, each of its attributes is a collection of "metadata attributes", of which name and current value are two. The value is directly visible from outside; the other metadata attributes direct the behavior of the transform and its function within its group. Each attribute may be tailored by setting its metadata. @const kSecTransformMetaAttributeValue The actual value of the attribute. The attribute value has a default value of NULL. @const kSecTransformMetaAttributeName The name of the attribute. Attribute name is read only and may not be used with the SecTransformSetAttributeBlock block. @const kSecTransformMetaAttributeRef A direct reference to an attribute's value. This reference allows for direct access to an attribute without having to look up the attribute by name. If a transform commonly uses an attribute, using a reference speeds up the use of that attribute. Attribute references are not visible or valid from outside of the particular transform instance. @const kSecTransformMetaAttributeRequired Specifies if an attribute must have a non NULL value set or have an incoming connection before the transform starts to execute. This metadata has a default value of true for the input attribute, but false for all other attributes. @const kSecTransformMetaAttributeRequiresOutboundConnection Specifies if an attribute must have an outbound connection. This metadata has a default value of true for the output attribute but is false for all other attributes. @const kSecTransformMetaAttributeDeferred Determines if the AttributeSetNotification notification or the ProcessData blocks are deferred until SecExecuteTransform is called. This metadata value has a default value of true for the input attribute but is false for all other attributes. @const kSecTransformMetaAttributeStream Specifies if the attribute should expect a series of values ending with a NULL to specify the end of the data stream. This metadata has a default value of true for the input and output attributes, but is false for all other attributes. @const kSecTransformMetaAttributeCanCycle A Transform group is a directed graph which is typically acyclic. Some transforms need to work with cycles. For example, a transform that emits a header and trailer around the data of another transform must create a cycle. If this metadata set to true, no error is returned if a cycle is detected for this attribute. @const kSecTransformMetaAttributeExternalize Specifies if this attribute should be written out when creating the external representation of this transform. This metadata has a default value of true. @const kSecTransformMetaAttributeHasOutboundConnections This metadata value is true if the attribute has an outbound connection. This metadata is read only. @const kSecTransformMetaAttributeHasInboundConnection This metadata value is true if the attribute has an inbound connection. This metadata is read only. */ typedef CF_ENUM(CFIndex, SecTransformMetaAttributeType) { kSecTransformMetaAttributeValue, kSecTransformMetaAttributeName, kSecTransformMetaAttributeRef, kSecTransformMetaAttributeRequired, kSecTransformMetaAttributeRequiresOutboundConnection, kSecTransformMetaAttributeDeferred, kSecTransformMetaAttributeStream, kSecTransformMetaAttributeCanCycle, kSecTransformMetaAttributeExternalize, kSecTransformMetaAttributeHasOutboundConnections, kSecTransformMetaAttributeHasInboundConnection }; /*! @typedef SecTransformAttributeRef @abstract A direct reference to an attribute. Using an attribute reference speeds up using an attribute's value by removing the need to look it up by name. */ typedef CFTypeRef SecTransformAttributeRef; /*! @typedef SecTransformStringOrAttributeRef @abstract This type signifies that either a CFStringRef or a SecTransformAttributeRef may be used. */ typedef CFTypeRef SecTransformStringOrAttributeRef; /*! @typedef SecTransformActionBlock @abstract A block that overrides the default behavior of a custom transform. @result If this block is used to overide the kSecTransformActionExternalizeExtraData action then the block should return a CFDictinaryRef of the custom items to be exported. For all of other actions the block should return NULL. If an error occurs for any action, the block should return a CFErrorRef. @discussion A SecTransformTransformActionBlock block is used to override the default behavior of a custom transform. This block is associated with the SecTransformOverrideTransformAction block. The behaviors that can be overridden are: kSecTransformActionCanExecute Determine if the transform has all of the data needed to run. kSecTransformActionStartingExecution Called just before running ProcessData. kSecTransformActionFinalize Called just before deleting the custom transform. kSecTransformActionExternalizeExtraData Called to allow for writing out custom data to be exported. Example:
                    SecTransformImplementationRef ref;
                    CFErrorRef error = NULL;

                    error = SecTransformSetTransformAction(ref, kSecTransformActionStartingExecution,
                        // This is where the work to initialize any data needed
                        // before running
                        CFErrorRef result = DoMyInitialization();
                        return result;

                    SecTransformTransformActionBlock actionBlock =
                        // This is where the work to clean up any existing data
                        // before running
                        CFErrorRef result = DoMyFinalization();
                        return result;

                    error = SecTransformSetTransformAction(ref, kSecTransformActionFinalize,
*/ typedef CFTypeRef __nullable (^SecTransformActionBlock)(void); /*! @typedef SecTransformAttributeActionBlock @abstract A block used to override the default attribute handling for when an attribute is set. @param attribute The attribute whose default is being overridden or NULL if this is a generic notification override @param value Proposed new value for the attribute. @result The new value of the attribute if successful. If an error occurred then a CFErrorRef is returned. If a transform needs to have a CFErrorRef as the value of an attribute, then the CFErrorRef needs to be placed into a container such as a CFArrayRef, CFDictionaryRef etc. @discussion See the example program in this header for more details. */ typedef CFTypeRef __nullable (^SecTransformAttributeActionBlock)( SecTransformAttributeRef attribute, CFTypeRef value); /*! @typedef SecTransformDataBlock @abstract A block used to override the default data handling for a transform. @param data The data to be processed. When this block is used to to implement the kSecTransformActionProcessData action, the data is the input data that is to be processed into the output data. When this block is used to implement the kSecTransformActionInternalizeExtraData action, the data is a CFDictionaryRef that contains the data that needs to be imported. @result When this block is used to implment the kSecTransformActionProcessData action, the value returned is to be the data that will be passed to the output attribute. If an error occured while processing the input data then the block should return a CFErrorRef. When this block is used to implement the kSecTransformActionInternalizeExtraData action then this block should return NULL or a CFErrorRef if an error occurred. @discussion See the example program for more details. */ typedef CFTypeRef __nullable (^SecTransformDataBlock)(CFTypeRef data); /*! @typedef SecTransformInstanceBlock @abstract This is the block that is returned from an implementation of a CreateTransform function. @result A CFErrorRef if an error occurred or NULL. @discussion The instance block that is returned from the developers CreateTransform function, defines the behavior of a custom attribute. Please see the example at the head of this file. */ typedef CFErrorRef __nullable (^SecTransformInstanceBlock)(void); /*! @typedef SecTransformImplementationRef @abstract The SecTransformImplementationRef is a pointer to a block that implements an instance of a transform. */ typedef const struct OpaqueSecTransformImplementation* SecTransformImplementationRef; /*! @function SecTransformSetAttributeAction @abstract Be notified when a attribute is set. The supplied block is called when the attribute is set. This can be done for a specific named attribute or all attributes. @param ref A SecTransformImplementationRef that is bound to an instance of a custom transform. @param action The behavior to be set. This can be one of the following actions: kSecTransformActionAttributeNotification - add a block that is called when an attribute is set. If the name is NULL, then the supplied block is called for all set attributes except for ones that have a specific block as a handler. For example, if there is a handler for the attribute "foo" and for all attributes, the "foo" handler is called when the "foo" attribute is set, but all other attribute sets will call the NULL handler. The kSecTransformActionProcessData action is a special case of a SecTransformSetAttributeAction action. If this is called on the input attribute then it will overwrite any kSecTransformActionProcessData that was set. kSecTransformActionAttributeValidation Add a block that is called to validate the input to an attribute. @param attribute The name of the attribute that will be handled. An attribute reference may also be given here. A NULL name indicates that the supplied action is for all attributes. @param newAction A SecTransformAttributeActionBlock which implements the behavior. @result A CFErrorRef if an error occured NULL otherwise. @discussion This function may be called multiple times for either a named attribute or for all attributes when the attribute parameter is NULL. Each time the API is called it overwrites what was there previously. */ CF_EXPORT __nullable CFErrorRef SecTransformSetAttributeAction(SecTransformImplementationRef ref, CFStringRef action, SecTransformStringOrAttributeRef __nullable attribute, SecTransformAttributeActionBlock newAction); /*! @function SecTransformSetDataAction @abstract Change the way a custom transform will do data processing. When the action parameter is kSecTransformActionProcessData The newAction block will change the way that input data is processed to become the output data. When the action parameter is kSecTransformActionInternalizeExtraData it will change the way a custom transform reads in data to be imported into the transform. @param ref A SecTransformImplementationRef that is bound to an instance of a custom transform. @param action The action being overridden. This value should be one of the following: kSecTransformActionProcessData Change the way that input data is processed into the output data. The default behavior is to simply copy the input data to the output attribute. The kSecTransformActionProcessData action is really a special case of a SecTransformSetAttributeAction action. If you call this method with kSecTransformActionProcessData it would overwrite any kSecTransformActionAttributeNotification action that was set proviously kSecTransformActionInternalizeExtraData Change the way that custom externalized data is imported into the transform. The default behavior is to do nothing. @param newAction A SecTransformDataBlock which implements the behavior. If the action parameter is kSecTransformActionProcessData then this block will be called to process the input data into the output data. if the action parameter is kSecTransformActionInternalizeExtraData then this block will called to input custom data into the transform. @result A CFErrorRef is an error occured NULL otherwise. @discussion This API may be called multiple times. Each time the API is called it overwrites what was there previously. */ CF_EXPORT __nullable CFErrorRef SecTransformSetDataAction(SecTransformImplementationRef ref, CFStringRef action, SecTransformDataBlock newAction); /* @function SecTransformSetTransformAction @abstract Change the way that transform deals with transform lifecycle behaviors. @param ref A SecTransformImplementationRef that is bound to an instance of a custom transform. It provides the neccessary context for making the call to modify a custom transform. @param action Defines what behavior will be changed. The possible values are: kSecTransformActionCanExecute A CanExecute block is called before the transform starts to execute. Returning NULL indicates that the transform has all necessary parameters set up to be able to execute. If there is a condition that prevents this transform from executing, return a CFError. The default behavior is to return NULL. kSecTransformActionStartingExecution A StartingExecution block is called as a transform starts execution but before any input is delivered. Transform-specific initialization can be performed in this block. kSecTransformActionFinalize A Finalize block is called before a transform is released. Any final cleanup can be performed in this block. kSecTransformActionExternalizeExtraData An ExternalizeExtraData block is called before a transform is externalized. If there is any extra work that the transform needs to do (e.g. copy data from local variables to attributes) it can be performed in this block. @param newAction A SecTransformTransformActionBlock which implements the behavior. @result A CFErrorRef if an error occured NULL otherwise. */ CF_EXPORT __nullable CFErrorRef SecTransformSetTransformAction(SecTransformImplementationRef ref, CFStringRef action, SecTransformActionBlock newAction); /*! @function SecTranformCustomGetAttribute @abstract Allow a custom transform to get an attribute value @param ref A SecTransformImplementationRef that is bound to an instance of a custom transform. @param attribute The name or the attribute handle of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved. @param type The type of data to be retrieved for the attribute. See the discussion on SecTransformMetaAttributeType for details. @result The value of the attribute. */ CF_EXPORT __nullable CFTypeRef SecTranformCustomGetAttribute(SecTransformImplementationRef ref, SecTransformStringOrAttributeRef attribute, SecTransformMetaAttributeType type) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7_AND_LATER_BUT_DEPRECATED_IN_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_8; /*! @function SecTransformCustomGetAttribute @abstract Allow a custom transform to get an attribute value @param ref A SecTransformImplementationRef that is bound to an instance of a custom transform. @param attribute The name or the attribute handle of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved. @param type The type of data to be retrieved for the attribute. See the discussion on SecTransformMetaAttributeType for details. @result The value of the attribute. */ CF_EXPORT __nullable CFTypeRef SecTransformCustomGetAttribute(SecTransformImplementationRef ref, SecTransformStringOrAttributeRef attribute, SecTransformMetaAttributeType type) __asm__("_SecTranformCustomGetAttribute"); /*! @function SecTransformCustomSetAttribute @abstract Allow a custom transform to set an attribute value @param ref A SecTransformImplementationRef that is bound to an instance of a custom transform. @param attribute The name or the attribute handle of the attribute whose value is to be set. @param type The type of data to be retrieved for the attribute. See the discussion on SecTransformMetaAttributeType for details. @param value The new value for the attribute @result A CFErrorRef if an error occured , NULL otherwise. @discussion Unlike the SecTransformSetAttribute API this API can set attribute values while a transform is executing. These values are limited to the custom transform instance that is bound to the ref parameter. */ CF_EXPORT __nullable CFTypeRef SecTransformCustomSetAttribute(SecTransformImplementationRef ref, SecTransformStringOrAttributeRef attribute, SecTransformMetaAttributeType type, CFTypeRef __nullable value); /*! @function SecTransformPushbackAttribute @abstract Allows for putting a single value back for a specific attribute. This will stop the flow of data into the specified attribute until any attribute is changed for the transform instance bound to the ref parameter. @param ref A SecTransformImplementationRef that is bound to an instance of a custom transform. @param attribute The name or the attribute handle of the attribute whose value is to be pushed back. @param value The value being pushed back. @result A CFErrorRef if an error occured , NULL otherwise. */ CF_EXPORT __nullable CFTypeRef SecTransformPushbackAttribute(SecTransformImplementationRef ref, SecTransformStringOrAttributeRef attribute, CFTypeRef value); /*! @typedef SecTransformCreateFP @abstract A function pointer to a function that will create a new instance of a custom transform. @param name The name of the new custom transform. This name MUST be unique. @param newTransform The newly created transform Ref. @param ref A reference that is bound to an instance of a custom transform. @result A SecTransformInstanceBlock that is used to create a new instance of a custom transform. @discussion The CreateTransform function creates a new transform. The SecTransformInstanceBlock that is returned from this function provides the implementation of all of the overrides necessary to create the custom transform. This returned SecTransformInstanceBlock is also where the "instance" variables for the custom transform may be defined. See the example in the header section of this file for more detail. */ typedef SecTransformInstanceBlock __nonnull (*SecTransformCreateFP)(CFStringRef name, SecTransformRef newTransform, SecTransformImplementationRef ref); /************** custom Transform transform override actions **************/ /*! @constant kSecTransformActionCanExecute Overrides the standard behavior that checks to see if all of the required attributes either have been set or are connected to another transform. When overriding the default behavior the developer can decided what the necessary data is to have for a transform to be considered 'ready to run'. Returning NULL means that the transform is ready to be run. If the transform is NOT ready to run then the override should return a CFErrorRef stipulating the error. */ CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kSecTransformActionCanExecute; /*! @constant kSecTransformActionStartingExecution Overrides the standard behavior that occurs just before starting execution of a custom transform. This is typically overridden to allow for initialization. This is used with the SecTransformOverrideTransformAction block. */ CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kSecTransformActionStartingExecution; /*! @constant kSecTransformActionFinalize Overrides the standard behavior that occurs just before deleting a custom transform. This is typically overridden to allow for memory clean up of a custom transform. This is used with the SecTransformOverrideTransformAction block. */ CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kSecTransformActionFinalize; /*! @constant kSecTransformActionExternalizeExtraData Allows for adding to the data that is stored using an override to the kSecTransformActionExternalizeExtraData block. The output of this override is a dictionary that contains the custom externalized data. A common use of this override is to write out a version number of a custom transform. */ CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kSecTransformActionExternalizeExtraData; /*! @constant kSecTransformActionProcessData Overrides the standard data processing for an attribute. This is almost exclusively used for processing the input attribute as the return value of their block sets the output attribute. This is used with the SecTransformOverrideAttributeAction block. */ CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kSecTransformActionProcessData; /*! @constant kSecTransformActionInternalizeExtraData Overrides the standard processing that occurs when externalized data is used to create a transform. This is closely tied to the kSecTransformActionExternalizeExtraData override. The 'normal' attributes are read into the new transform and then this is called to read in the items that were written out using kSecTransformActionExternalizeExtraData override. A common use of this override would be to read in the version number of the externalized custom transform. */ CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kSecTransformActionInternalizeExtraData; /*! @constant SecTransformActionAttributeNotification Allows a block to be called when an attribute is set. This allows for caching the value as a block variable in the instance block or transmogrifying the data to be set. This action is where a custom transform would be able to do processing outside of processing input to output as process data does. One the data has been processed the action block can call SecTransformCustomSetAttribute to update and other attribute. */ CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kSecTransformActionAttributeNotification; /*! @constant kSecTransformActionAttributeValidation Allows a block to be called to validate the new value for an attribute. The default is no validation and any CFTypeRef can be used as the new value. The block should return NULL if the value is ok to set on the attribute or a CFErrorRef otherwise. */ CF_EXPORT const CFStringRef kSecTransformActionAttributeValidation; /*! @function SecTransformRegister @abstract Register a new custom transform so that it may be used to process data @param uniqueName A unique name for this custom transform. It is recommended that a reverse DNS name be used for the name of your custom transform @param createTransformFunction A SecTransformCreateFP function pointer. The function must return a SecTransformInstanceBlock block that block_copy has been called on before returning the block. Failure to call block_copy will cause undefined behavior. @param error This pointer is set if an error occurred. This value may be NULL if you do not want an error returned. @result True if the custom transform was registered false otherwise */ CF_EXPORT Boolean SecTransformRegister(CFStringRef uniqueName, SecTransformCreateFP createTransformFunction, CFErrorRef* error) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_7,__IPHONE_NA); /*! @function SecTransformCreate @abstract Creates a transform computation object. @param name The type of transform to create, must have been registered by SecTransformRegister, or be a system pre-defined transform type. @param error A pointer to a CFErrorRef. This pointer is set if an error occurred. This value may be NULL if you do not want an error returned. @result A pointer to a SecTransformRef object. This object must be released with CFRelease when you are done with it. This function returns NULL if an error occurred. */ CF_EXPORT __nullable SecTransformRef SecTransformCreate(CFStringRef name, CFErrorRef *error) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_7,__IPHONE_NA); /*! @Function SecTransformNoData @abstract Returns back A CFTypeRef from inside a processData override that says that while no data is being returned the transform is still active and awaiting data. @result A 'special' value that allows that specifies that the transform is still active and awaiting data. @discussion The standard behavior for the ProcessData override is that it will receive a CFDataRef and it processes that data and returns a CFDataRef that contains the processed data. When there is no more data to process the ProcessData override block is called one last time with a NULL CFDataRef. The ProcessData block should/must return the NULL CFDataRef to complete the processing. This model does not work well for some transforms. For example a digest transform needs to see ALL of the data that is being digested before it can send out the digest value. If a ProcessData block has no data to return, it can return SecTransformNoData(), which informs the transform system that there is no data to pass on to the next transform. */ CF_EXPORT CFTypeRef SecTransformNoData(void); CF_IMPLICIT_BRIDGING_DISABLED CF_ASSUME_NONNULL_END CF_EXTERN_C_END #endif // __BLOCKS__ #endif // _SEC_CUSTOM_TRANSFORM_H__