/* * Copyright (c) 2003-2006,2008-2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this * file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ * * SecAsn1Coder.h: ANS1 encode/decode object. * * A SecAsn1Coder is capable of encoding and decoding both DER and BER data * streams, based on caller-supplied templates which in turn are based * upon ASN.1 specifications. A SecAsn1Coder allocates memory during encode * and decode using a memory pool which is owned and managed by the SecAsn1Coder * object, and which is freed when the SecAsn1Coder object os released. */ #ifndef _SEC_ASN1_CODER_H_ #define _SEC_ASN1_CODER_H_ #include <sys/types.h> #include <Security/SecAsn1Types.h> #include <TargetConditionals.h> #include <Security/SecBase.h> /* error codes */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif CF_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN /* * Opaque reference to a SecAsn1Coder object. */ typedef struct SecAsn1Coder *SecAsn1CoderRef; /* * Create/destroy SecAsn1Coder object. */ OSStatus SecAsn1CoderCreate( SecAsn1CoderRef __nullable * __nonnull coder); OSStatus SecAsn1CoderRelease( SecAsn1CoderRef coder); /* * DER decode an untyped item per the specified template array. * The result is allocated in this SecAsn1Coder's memory pool and * is freed when this object is released. * * The templates argument points to a an array of SecAsn1Templates * defining the object to be decoded; the end of the array is * indicated by a SecAsn1Template with file kind equalling 0. * * The dest pointer is a template-specific struct allocated by the caller * and must be zeroed by the caller. * * Returns errSecUnknownFormat on decode-specific error. */ OSStatus SecAsn1Decode( SecAsn1CoderRef coder, const void *src, // DER-encoded source size_t len, const SecAsn1Template *templates, void *dest); /* * Convenience routine, decode from a SecAsn1Item. */ OSStatus SecAsn1DecodeData( SecAsn1CoderRef coder, const SecAsn1Item *src, const SecAsn1Template *templ, void *dest); /* * DER encode. The encoded data (in dest.Data) is allocated in this * SecAsn1Coder's memory pool and is freed when this object is released. * * The src pointer is a template-specific struct. * * The templates argument points to a an array of SecAsn1Templates * defining the object to be decoded; the end of the array is * indicated by a SecAsn1Template with file kind equalling 0. */ OSStatus SecAsn1EncodeItem( SecAsn1CoderRef coder, const void *src, const SecAsn1Template *templates, SecAsn1Item *dest); /* * Some alloc-related methods which come in handy when using * this object. All memory is allocated using this object's * memory pool. Caller never has to free it. Used for * temp allocs of memory which only needs a scope which is the * same as this object. * * All except SecAsn1Malloc return a errSecAllocate in the highly * unlikely event of a malloc failure. * * SecAsn1Malloc() returns a pointer to allocated memory, like * malloc(). */ void *SecAsn1Malloc( SecAsn1CoderRef coder, size_t len); /* Allocate item.Data, set item.Length */ OSStatus SecAsn1AllocItem( SecAsn1CoderRef coder, SecAsn1Item *item, size_t len); /* Allocate and copy, various forms */ OSStatus SecAsn1AllocCopy( SecAsn1CoderRef coder, const void *src, /* memory copied from here */ size_t len, /* length to allocate & copy */ SecAsn1Item *dest); /* dest->Data allocated and copied to; * dest->Length := len */ OSStatus SecAsn1AllocCopyItem( SecAsn1CoderRef coder, const SecAsn1Item *src, /* src->Length bytes allocated and copied from * src->Data */ SecAsn1Item *dest); /* dest->Data allocated and copied to; * dest->Length := src->Length */ /* Compare two decoded OIDs. Returns true iff they are equivalent. */ bool SecAsn1OidCompare(const SecAsn1Oid *oid1, const SecAsn1Oid *oid2); CF_ASSUME_NONNULL_END #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _SEC_ASN1_CODER_H_ */