// Copyright © 2015 Abhishek Banthia import XCTest class OnboardingSearchTests: XCTestCase { var app: XCUIApplication! override func setUpWithError() throws { continueAfterFailure = false app = XCUIApplication() app.launchArguments.append(CLOnboaringTestsLaunchArgument) app.launch() // Let's go to the Search View moveForward() moveForward() moveForward() } override func tearDownWithError() throws { // Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class. } func testRegularSearch() throws { let searchField = app.searchFields["MainSearchField"] searchField.reset(text: "Paris") searchField.typeKey(XCUIKeyboardKey.return, modifierFlags: XCUIElement.KeyModifierFlags()) sleep(2) // Wait for the query to return let results = app.tables["ResultsTableView"] let firstResult = results.cells.firstMatch XCTAssertTrue(results.cells.count > 0) let resultsPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "value CONTAINS 'Paris'", "") XCTAssertTrue(firstResult.staticTexts.matching(resultsPredicate).count > 0) // Let's retrieve the tap and add it! firstResult.doubleClick() sleep(2) // Wait for the Undo button to appear // Ensure Added Text is shown properly! let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "value BEGINSWITH 'Added'", "") let successTextShown = app.staticTexts.containing(predicate) XCTAssertTrue(successTextShown.count > 0) } func testUndoSearch() throws { let searchField = app.searchFields["MainSearchField"] searchField.reset(text: "Seoul") searchField.typeKey(XCUIKeyboardKey.return, modifierFlags: XCUIElement.KeyModifierFlags()) sleep(2) // Wait for the query to return let results = app.tables["ResultsTableView"] let firstResult = results.cells.firstMatch XCTAssertTrue(results.cells.count > 0) let resultsPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "value CONTAINS 'Seoul'", "") XCTAssertTrue(firstResult.staticTexts.containing(resultsPredicate).count > 0) // Let's retrieve the tap and add it! firstResult.doubleClick() sleep(2) // Wait for the Undo button to appear // Ensure Added Text is shown properly! let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "value BEGINSWITH 'Added'", "") let successTextShown = app.staticTexts.containing(predicate) XCTAssertTrue(successTextShown.count > 0) let undoButton = app.buttons.matching(identifier: "UndoButton").firstMatch undoButton.click() // Ensure Removed Text is shown! let removedPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "value BEGINSWITH 'Removed.'", "") let removedText = app.staticTexts.containing(removedPredicate) XCTAssertTrue(removedText.count > 0) } func testMispelledCityNameSearch() throws { let searchField = app.searchFields["MainSearchField"] searchField.reset(text: "ajsdkjasdkjhasdkashkjda") searchField.typeKey(XCUIKeyboardKey.return, modifierFlags: XCUIElement.KeyModifierFlags()) sleep(2) // Wait for the query to return let results = app.tables["ResultsTableView"] let firstResult = results.cells.firstMatch XCTAssertTrue(results.cells.count == 0) XCTAssertFalse(firstResult.staticTexts["Paris, France"].exists) sleep(2) // Wait for the Undo button to appear // Ensure Added Text is shown properly! let noErrorTextPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "value CONTAINS 'No results! 😔 Try entering the exact name.'", "") let noErrorText = app.staticTexts.containing(noErrorTextPredicate) XCTAssertTrue(noErrorText.count > 0) } private func moveForward() { let onboardingWindow = app.windows["OnboardingWindow"] onboardingWindow.buttons["Forward"].click() sleep(1) } }