#import /** * All Firebase references to the same database share a connection, persistent cache, etc. FirebaseApp * represents this shared state and can be accessed from any reference via its `app` property. * It has methods for managing your Firebase connection, etc. * * There is a one-to-one relationship between a FirebaseApp instance and a connection to Firebase. */ @interface FirebaseApp : NSObject /** * The Firebase client automatically queues writes and sends them to the server at the earliest opportunity, * depending on network connectivity. In some cases (e.g. offline usage) there may be a large number of writes * waiting to be sent. Calling this method will purge all outstanding writes so they are abandoned. * * All writes will be purged, including transactions and {@link Firebase#onDisconnect} writes. The writes will * be rolled back locally, perhaps triggering events for affected event listeners, and the client will not * (re-)send them to the Firebase backend. */ - (void)purgeOutstandingWrites; /** * Shuts down our connection to the Firebase backend until goOnline is called. */ - (void)goOffline; /** * Resumes our connection to the Firebase backend after a previous goOffline call. */ - (void)goOnline; @end