// Copyright © 2015 Abhishek Banthia import Cocoa import CoreLoggerKit import CoreModelKit enum ViewType { case futureSlider case upcomingEventView case twelveHour case sunrise case showMeetingInMenubar case showAllDayEventsInMenubar case showAppInForeground case appDisplayOptions case dateInMenubar case placeInMenubar case dayInMenubar case menubarCompactMode case sync } class DataStore: NSObject { private static var sharedStore = DataStore(with: UserDefaults.standard) private var userDefaults: UserDefaults! private var ubiquitousStore: NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore? private static let timeFormatsWithSuffix: Set = Set([NSNumber(integerLiteral: 0), NSNumber(integerLiteral: 3), NSNumber(integerLiteral: 4), NSNumber(integerLiteral: 6), NSNumber(integerLiteral: 7)]) class func shared() -> DataStore { return sharedStore } init(with defaults: UserDefaults) { super.init() userDefaults = defaults setupSyncNotification() } func setupSyncNotification() { if shouldDisplay(.sync) { ubiquitousStore = NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore.default NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(ubiquitousKeyValueStoreChanged), name: NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore.didChangeExternallyNotification, object: NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore.default) let synchronizationResult = ubiquitousStore?.synchronize() ?? false let resultString = synchronizationResult ? "successfully" : "unsuccessfully" Logger.info("Ubiquitous Store synchronized \(resultString)") } else { NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore.didChangeExternallyNotification, object: nil) } } @objc func ubiquitousKeyValueStoreChanged(_ notification: Notification) { let userInfo = notification.userInfo ?? [:] let ubiquitousStore = notification.object as? NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore Logger.info("Ubiquitous Store Changed: User Info is \(userInfo)") let currentTimezones = userDefaults.object(forKey: CLDefaultPreferenceKey) as? [Data] let cloudTimezones = ubiquitousStore?.object(forKey: CLDefaultPreferenceKey) as? [Data] let cloudLastUpdateDate = (ubiquitousStore?.object(forKey: CLUbiquitousStoreLastUpdateKey) as? Date) ?? Date() let defaultsLastUpdateDate = (ubiquitousStore?.object(forKey: CLUserDefaultsLastUpdateKey) as? Date) ?? Date() if cloudTimezones == currentTimezones { Logger.info("Ubiquitous Store timezones aren't equal to current timezones") } if defaultsLastUpdateDate.isLaterThanOrEqual(to: cloudLastUpdateDate) { Logger.info("Ubiquitous Store is stale as compared to User Defaults") } if cloudTimezones != currentTimezones, cloudLastUpdateDate.isLaterThanOrEqual(to: defaultsLastUpdateDate) { Logger.info("Syncing local timezones with data from the ☁️. ☁️ last update timestamp is recent") userDefaults.set(cloudTimezones, forKey: CLDefaultPreferenceKey) userDefaults.set(Date(), forKey: CLUserDefaultsLastUpdateKey) NotificationCenter.default.post(name: DataStore.didSyncFromExternalSourceNotification, object: self) return } } func timezones() -> [Data] { guard let preferences = userDefaults.object(forKey: CLDefaultPreferenceKey) as? [Data] else { return [] } return preferences } func setTimezones(_ timezones: [Data]?) { userDefaults.set(timezones, forKey: CLDefaultPreferenceKey) userDefaults.set(Date(), forKey: CLUserDefaultsLastUpdateKey) // iCloud sync ubiquitousStore?.set(timezones, forKey: CLDefaultPreferenceKey) ubiquitousStore?.set(Date(), forKey: CLUbiquitousStoreLastUpdateKey) } func menubarTimezones() -> [Data]? { return timezones().filter { let customTimezone = TimezoneData.customObject(from: $0) return customTimezone?.isFavourite == 1 } } // MARK: Date (May 8th) in Compact Menubar func shouldShowDateInMenubar() -> Bool { return shouldDisplay(.dateInMenubar) } // MARK: Day (Sun, Mon etc.) in Compact Menubar func shouldShowDayInMenubar() -> Bool { return shouldDisplay(.dayInMenubar) } func retrieve(key: String) -> Any? { return userDefaults.object(forKey: key) } func addTimezone(_ timezone: TimezoneData) { guard let encodedTimezone = NSKeyedArchiver.clocker_archive(with: timezone) else { return } var defaults: [Data] = timezones() defaults.append(encodedTimezone) setTimezones(defaults) } func removeLastTimezone() { var currentLineup = timezones() if currentLineup.isEmpty { return } currentLineup.removeLast() Logger.log(object: [:], for: "Undo Action Executed during Onboarding") setTimezones(currentLineup) } func timezoneFormat() -> NSNumber { return userDefaults.object(forKey: CLSelectedTimeZoneFormatKey) as? NSNumber ?? NSNumber(integerLiteral: 0) } func isBufferRequiredForTwelveHourFormats() -> Bool { return DataStore.timeFormatsWithSuffix.contains(timezoneFormat()) } func shouldDisplay(_ type: ViewType) -> Bool { switch type { case .futureSlider: guard let value = retrieve(key: CLDisplayFutureSliderKey) as? NSNumber else { return false } return value != 1 // Display slider is 0 and Hide is 1. case .upcomingEventView: guard let value = retrieve(key: CLShowUpcomingEventView) as? NSString else { return false } return value == "YES" case .twelveHour: return shouldDisplayHelper(CLSelectedTimeZoneFormatKey) case .showAllDayEventsInMenubar: return shouldDisplayHelper(CLShowAllDayEventsInUpcomingView) case .sunrise: return shouldDisplayHelper(CLSunriseSunsetTime) case .showMeetingInMenubar: return shouldDisplayHelper(CLShowMeetingInMenubar) case .showAppInForeground: guard let value = retrieve(key: CLShowAppInForeground) as? NSNumber else { return false } return value.isEqual(to: NSNumber(value: 1)) case .dateInMenubar: return shouldDisplayNonObjectHelper(CLShowDateInMenu) case .placeInMenubar: return shouldDisplayHelper(CLShowPlaceInMenu) case .dayInMenubar: return shouldDisplayNonObjectHelper(CLShowDayInMenu) case .appDisplayOptions: return shouldDisplayHelper(CLAppDisplayOptions) case .menubarCompactMode: guard let value = retrieve(key: CLMenubarCompactMode) as? Int else { return false } return value == 0 case .sync: return shouldDisplayHelper(CLEnableSyncKey) } } // MARK: Private private func shouldDisplayHelper(_ key: String) -> Bool { guard let value = retrieve(key: key) as? NSNumber else { return false } return value.isEqual(to: NSNumber(value: 0)) } // MARK: Some values are stored as plain integers; objectForKey: will return nil, so using integerForKey: private func shouldDisplayNonObjectHelper(_ key: String) -> Bool { let value = userDefaults.integer(forKey: key) return value == 0 } } extension DataStore { public static let didSyncFromExternalSourceNotification: NSNotification.Name = .init("didSyncFromExternalSourceNotification") }