import sys import os # Increment the version + build number # Change scheme to Release # Build and Analyze # Notarize the version # Zip and upload it as a Github release # Update appcast.xml def handle_command_execution(command, return_value): if return_value != 0: print(command + " failed with return value of "+str(return_value)) def increment_build_number(): # Print the build number. Use the -terse to limit the output to just the buld number check_version_command = "agvtool what-version" handle_command_execution(check_version_command, os.system(check_version_command)) # Bump the build number bump_version_command = "agvtool next-version -increment-minor-version" handle_command_execution(bump_version_command, os.system(bump_version_command)) def increment_version_to(new_version): check_version_command = "agvtool new-marketing-version "+new_version handle_command_execution(check_version_command, os.system(check_version_command)) def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("Doh! Enter the new release version") return increment_version_to(sys.argv[1]) increment_build_number() main()