/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this * file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #ifndef _CAPTIVENETWORK_H #define _CAPTIVENETWORK_H #include #include #include CF_IMPLICIT_BRIDGING_ENABLED CF_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN /*! @header CaptiveNetwork @discussion The CaptiveNetwork API allows applications to interact with Captive Network Support. Captive Network Support is a system component responsible for detecting and help users navigate networks that require interaction before providing internet access. The most common Captive Networks are WiFi Hotspots in places like airports, restaurants, and hotels. Captive Network Support will attempt to authenticate if possible or drop a user in to a web sheet if authentication is not possible. In the web sheet the user has an opportunity to authenticate or disassociate from the network. The following APIs are designed for third party applications that may handle authentication on these networks on behalf of the user. These APIs are treated as advisory only. There is no guarantee or contract that the operating system will take the intended action. @note IMPORTANT: This API is deprecated starting in iOS 9. For captive network applications, this has been completely replaced by . For other applications, there is no direct replacement. Please file a bug describing your use of this API so that we can consider your requirements as this situation evolves. */ #define CN_DEPRECATION_NOTICE \ "For captive network applications, this has been completely " \ "replaced by . " \ "For other applications, there is no direct replacement. " \ "Please file a bug describing your use of this API to that " \ "we can consider your requirements as this situation evolves." __BEGIN_DECLS /*! @function CNSetSupportedSSIDs @discussion Provides Captive Network Support with an updated list of SSIDs that this application will perform authentication on. Captive Network Support suppresses showing the Web Sheet for a captive Wi-Fi network if that network's SSID is in the specified list. On iOS, the registrations persist until the application is removed from the device. On MacOSX, the registrations persist as long as the application is running. @param ssidArray A CFArray of CFStrings of the SSIDs. @result Returns TRUE if the operation succeeded, FALSE otherwise. */ Boolean CNSetSupportedSSIDs (CFArrayRef ssidArray) __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED_MSG(__MAC_10_8, __MAC_NA, __IPHONE_4_0, __IPHONE_9_0, "Replaced by "); /*! @function CNMarkPortalOnline @discussion Tells Captive Network Support that your application has authenticated the device to the network. Captive Network Support will notify the rest of the system that WiFi is now a viable interface. @param interfaceName Name of the interface that is now online. @result Returns TRUE if the operation succeeded, FALSE otherwise. */ Boolean CNMarkPortalOnline (CFStringRef interfaceName) __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED_MSG(__MAC_10_8, __MAC_NA, __IPHONE_4_0, __IPHONE_9_0, "Replaced by "); /*! @function CNMarkPortalOffline @discussion Tells Captive Network Support that the device is not authenticated on the given network interface. @param interfaceName Name of the interface that is still captive. @result Returns TRUE if the operation succeeded, FALSE otherwise. */ Boolean CNMarkPortalOffline (CFStringRef interfaceName) __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED_MSG(__MAC_10_8, __MAC_NA, __IPHONE_4_0, __IPHONE_9_0, "Replaced by "); /*! @function CNCopySupportedInterfaces @discussion copies a list of all interfaces CaptiveNetworkSupport is monitoring. @result An array of CFStringRef- BSD interface names. Returns NULL if an error was encountered. You MUST release the returned value. */ CFArrayRef __nullable CNCopySupportedInterfaces (void) __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED_MSG(__MAC_10_8, __MAC_NA, __IPHONE_4_1, __IPHONE_9_0, CN_DEPRECATION_NOTICE); /*! @constant kCNNetworkInfoKeySSIDData @discussion NetworkInfo Dictionary key for SSID in CFData format */ extern const CFStringRef kCNNetworkInfoKeySSIDData __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED_MSG(__MAC_NA, __MAC_NA, __IPHONE_4_1, __IPHONE_9_0, CN_DEPRECATION_NOTICE); /*! @constant kCNNetworkInfoKeySSID @discussion NetworkInfo Dictionary key for SSID in CFString format */ extern const CFStringRef kCNNetworkInfoKeySSID __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED_MSG(__MAC_NA, __MAC_NA, __IPHONE_4_1, __IPHONE_9_0, CN_DEPRECATION_NOTICE); /*! @constant kCNNetworkInfoKeyBSSID @discussion NetworkInfo Dictionary key for BSSID in CFString format */ extern const CFStringRef kCNNetworkInfoKeyBSSID __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED_MSG(__MAC_NA, __MAC_NA, __IPHONE_4_1, __IPHONE_9_0, CN_DEPRECATION_NOTICE); /*! @function CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo @discussion Returns the Network Info for the specified interface. For example, Network Info dictionary will contain the following keys, and values:
	Keys                      : Values
	kCNNetworkInfoKeySSIDData : CFDataRef
	kCNNetworkInfoKeySSID     : CFStringRef
	kCNNetworkInfoKeyBSSID    : CFStringRef
@param interfaceName Name of the interface you are interested in @result Network Info dictionary associated with the interface. Returns NULL if an error was encountered. You MUST release the returned value. */ CFDictionaryRef __nullable CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo (CFStringRef interfaceName) __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED_MSG(__MAC_NA, __MAC_NA, __IPHONE_4_1, __IPHONE_9_0, CN_DEPRECATION_NOTICE); __END_DECLS CF_ASSUME_NONNULL_END CF_IMPLICIT_BRIDGING_DISABLED #endif /* _CAPTIVENETWORK_H */