// // TimePeriodGroup.swift // DateTools // // Created by Grayson Webster on 8/17/16. // Copyright © 2016 Grayson Webster. All rights reserved. // import Foundation /** * Time period groups are the final abstraction of date and time in DateTools. Here, time * periods are gathered and organized into something useful. There are two main types of time * period groups, `TimePeriodCollection` and `TimePeriodChain`. * * [Visit our github page](https://github.com/MatthewYork/DateTools#time-period-groups) for more information. */ open class TimePeriodGroup: Sequence { // MARK: - Variables /** * The array of periods that define the group. */ internal var periods: [TimePeriodProtocol] = [] internal var _beginning: Date? internal var _end: Date? /** * The earliest beginning date of a `TimePeriod` in the group. * Nil if any `TimePeriod` in group has a nil beginning date (indefinite). * (Read Only) */ public var beginning: Date? { return _beginning } /** * The latest end date of a `TimePeriod` in the group. * Nil if any `TimePeriod` in group has a nil end date (indefinite). * (Read Only) */ public var end: Date? { return _end } /** * The number of periods in the periods array. */ public var count: Int { return periods.count } /** * The total amount of time between the earliest and latest dates stored in the * periods array. Nil if any beginning or end date in any contained period is nil. */ public var duration: TimeInterval? { if beginning != nil, end != nil { return end!.timeIntervalSince(beginning!) } return nil } // MARK: - Initializers public init() {} // MARK: - Comparisons /** * If `self.periods` contains the exact elements as the given group's periods array. * * - parameter group: The group to compare to self * * - returns: True if the periods arrays are the same */ public func equals(_ group: TimePeriodGroup) -> Bool { return containSameElements(array1: periods, group.periods) } // MARK: - Sequence Protocol public func makeIterator() -> IndexingIterator<[TimePeriodProtocol]> { return periods.makeIterator() } public func map<T>(_ transform: (TimePeriodProtocol) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T] { return try periods.map(transform) } public func filter(_ isIncluded: (TimePeriodProtocol) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [TimePeriodProtocol] { return try periods.filter(isIncluded) } public func forEach(_ body: (TimePeriodProtocol) throws -> Void) rethrows { return try periods.forEach(body) } public func split(maxSplits: Int, omittingEmptySubsequences: Bool, whereSeparator isSeparator: (TimePeriodProtocol) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [AnySequence<TimePeriodProtocol>] { return try periods.split(maxSplits: maxSplits, omittingEmptySubsequences: omittingEmptySubsequences, whereSeparator: isSeparator).map(AnySequence.init) } subscript(index: Int) -> TimePeriodProtocol { return periods[index] } internal func reduce<Result>(_ initialResult: Result, _ nextPartialResult: (Result, TimePeriodProtocol) throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result { return try periods.reduce(initialResult, nextPartialResult) } internal func containSameElements(array1: [TimePeriodProtocol], _ array2: [TimePeriodProtocol]) -> Bool { guard array1.count == array2.count else { return false // No need to sorting if they already have different counts } let compArray1: [TimePeriodProtocol] = array1.sorted { (period1: TimePeriodProtocol, period2: TimePeriodProtocol) -> Bool in if period1.beginning == nil, period2.beginning == nil { return false } else if period1.beginning == nil { return true } else if period2.beginning == nil { return false } else { return period2.beginning! < period1.beginning! } } let compArray2: [TimePeriodProtocol] = array2.sorted { (period1: TimePeriodProtocol, period2: TimePeriodProtocol) -> Bool in if period1.beginning == nil, period2.beginning == nil { return false } else if period1.beginning == nil { return true } else if period2.beginning == nil { return false } else { return period2.beginning! < period1.beginning! } } for x in 0 ..< compArray1.count { if !compArray1[x].equals(compArray2[x]) { return false } } return true } }