// Copyright © 2015 Abhishek Banthia import Cocoa open class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate { private lazy var floatingWindow: FloatingWindowController = FloatingWindowController.shared() private lazy var panelController: PanelController = PanelController.shared() private var statusBarHandler: StatusItemHandler! private var panelObserver: NSKeyValueObservation? deinit { panelObserver?.invalidate() } open override func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change _: [NSKeyValueChangeKey: Any]?, context _: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) { if let path = keyPath, path == PreferencesConstants.hotKeyPathIdentifier { let hotKeyCenter = PTHotKeyCenter.shared() // Unregister old hot key let oldHotKey = hotKeyCenter?.hotKey(withIdentifier: path) hotKeyCenter?.unregisterHotKey(oldHotKey) // We don't register unless there's a valid key combination guard let newObject = object as? NSObject, let newShortcut = newObject.value(forKeyPath: path) as? [AnyHashable: Any] else { return } // Register new key let newHotKey: PTHotKey = PTHotKey(identifier: keyPath, keyCombo: newShortcut, target: self, action: #selector(ping(_:))) hotKeyCenter?.register(newHotKey) } } public func applicationWillFinishLaunching(_: Notification) { iVersion.sharedInstance().useAllAvailableLanguages = true iVersion.sharedInstance().verboseLogging = false } public func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_: Notification) { // Initializing the event store takes really long EventCenter.sharedCenter() AppDefaults.initialize() // Check if we can show the onboarding flow! showOnboardingFlowIfEligible() // Ratings Controller initialization RateController.applicationDidLaunch(UserDefaults.standard) #if RELEASE Crashlytics.sharedInstance().debugMode = true Fabric.with([Crashlytics.self]) checkIfRunFromApplicationsFolder() #endif logCurrentLanguagePreferences() } // Help us priortize our localization efforts private func logCurrentLanguagePreferences() { let firstLanguage = Locale.preferredLanguages.first ?? "en-US" // We don't care if the language is English! if firstLanguage.contains("en") { return } let annotations = [ "Language": firstLanguage, ] Logger.log(object: annotations, for: "Locale") } public func applicationDockMenu(_: NSApplication) -> NSMenu? { let menu = NSMenu(title: "Quick Access") Logger.log(object: ["Dock Menu Triggered": "YES"], for: "Dock Menu Triggered") let toggleMenuItem = NSMenuItem(title: "Toggle Panel", action: #selector(AppDelegate.togglePanel(_:)), keyEquivalent: "") let openPreferences = NSMenuItem(title: "Preferences", action: #selector(AppDelegate.openPreferencesWindow), keyEquivalent: ",") [toggleMenuItem, openPreferences].forEach { $0.isEnabled = true menu.addItem($0) } return menu } @objc private func openPreferencesWindow() { let displayMode = UserDefaults.standard.integer(forKey: CLShowAppInForeground) if displayMode == 1 { let floatingWindow = FloatingWindowController.shared() floatingWindow.openPreferences(NSButton()) } else { let panelController = PanelController.shared() panelController.openPreferences(NSButton()) } } private lazy var controller: OnboardingController? = { let onboardingStoryboard = NSStoryboard(name: NSStoryboard.Name("Onboarding"), bundle: nil) return onboardingStoryboard.instantiateController(withIdentifier: NSStoryboard.SceneIdentifier("onboardingFlow")) as? OnboardingController }() private func showOnboardingFlowIfEligible() { let shouldLaunchOnboarding = (DataStore.shared().retrieve(key: CLShowOnboardingFlow) == nil && DataStore.shared().timezones().isEmpty) || ProcessInfo.processInfo.arguments.contains(CLOnboaringTestsLaunchArgument) shouldLaunchOnboarding ? controller?.launch() : continueUsually() } func continueUsually() { // Check if another instance of the app is already running. If so, then stop this one. checkIfAppIsAlreadyOpen() // Make sure the old models are not used anymore TimezoneData.convert() // Install the menubar item! statusBarHandler = StatusItemHandler() if UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: CLInstallHomeIndicatorObject) == nil { fetchLocalTimezone() UserDefaults.standard.set(1, forKey: CLInstallHomeIndicatorObject) } if ProcessInfo.processInfo.arguments.contains(CLUITestingLaunchArgument) { RateController.setPreviewMode(true) } UserDefaults.standard.register(defaults: ["NSApplicationCrashOnExceptions": true]) assignShortcut() panelObserver = panelController.observe(\.hasActivePanel, options: [.new]) { obj, _ in self.statusBarHandler.setHasActiveIcon(obj.hasActivePanelGetter()) } let defaults = UserDefaults.standard setActivationPolicy() // Set the display mode default as panel! if let displayMode = defaults.object(forKey: CLShowAppInForeground) as? NSNumber, displayMode.intValue == 1 { showFloatingWindow() } else if let displayMode = defaults.object(forKey: CLShowAppInForeground) as? Int, displayMode == 1 { showFloatingWindow() } } // Should we have a dock icon or just stay in the menubar? private func setActivationPolicy() { let defaults = UserDefaults.standard let currentActivationPolicy = NSRunningApplication.current.activationPolicy var activationPolicy: NSApplication.ActivationPolicy = defaults.integer(forKey: CLAppDislayOptions) == 0 ? .accessory : .regular #if DEBUG activationPolicy = .regular #endif if currentActivationPolicy != activationPolicy { NSApp.setActivationPolicy(activationPolicy) } } private func checkIfAppIsAlreadyOpen() { guard let bundleID = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier else { return } let apps = NSRunningApplication.runningApplications(withBundleIdentifier: bundleID) if apps.count > 1 { let currentApplication = NSRunningApplication.current for app in apps where app != currentApplication { app.terminate() } } } private func showAppAlreadyOpenMessage() { showAlert(message: "An instance of Clocker is already open 😅", informativeText: "This instance of Clocker will terminate now.", buttonTitle: "Close") } private func showAlert(message: String, informativeText: String, buttonTitle: String) { NSApplication.shared.activate(ignoringOtherApps: true) let alert = NSAlert() alert.messageText = message alert.informativeText = informativeText alert.addButton(withTitle: buttonTitle) alert.runModal() } private func fetchLocalTimezone() { let identifier = TimeZone.autoupdatingCurrent.identifier let currentTimezone = TimezoneData() currentTimezone.timezoneID = identifier currentTimezone.setLabel(identifier) currentTimezone.formattedAddress = identifier currentTimezone.isSystemTimezone = true currentTimezone.placeID = "Home" let operations = TimezoneDataOperations(with: currentTimezone) operations.saveObject(at: 0) // Retrieve Location // retrieveLatestLocation() } @IBAction func ping(_ sender: Any) { togglePanel(sender) } private func retrieveLatestLocation() { let locationController = LocationController.sharedController() locationController.determineAndRequestLocationAuthorization() } private func showFloatingWindow() { // Display the Floating Window! floatingWindow.showWindow(nil) floatingWindow.updateTableContent() floatingWindow.startWindowTimer() NSApp.activate(ignoringOtherApps: true) } private func assignShortcut() { NSUserDefaultsController.shared.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: PreferencesConstants.hotKeyPathIdentifier, options: [.initial, .new], context: nil) } private func checkIfRunFromApplicationsFolder() { if let shortCircuit = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "AllowOutsideApplicationsFolder") as? Bool, shortCircuit == true { return } let bundlePath = Bundle.main.bundlePath let applicationDirectory = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(FileManager.SearchPathDirectory.applicationDirectory, FileManager.SearchPathDomainMask.localDomainMask, true) for appDir in applicationDirectory { if bundlePath.hasPrefix(appDir) { return } } let informativeText = """ Clocker must be run from the Applications folder in order to work properly. Please quit Clocker, move it to the Applications folder, and relaunch. Current folder: \(applicationDirectory)" """ // Clocker is installed out of Applications directory // This breaks start at login! Time to show an alert and terminate showAlert(message: "Move Clocker to the Applications folder", informativeText: informativeText, buttonTitle: "Quit") // Terminate NSApp.terminate(nil) } @IBAction open func togglePanel(_: Any) { let displayMode = UserDefaults.standard.integer(forKey: CLShowAppInForeground) if displayMode == 1 { floatingWindow.showWindow(nil) floatingWindow.updateTableContent() floatingWindow.startWindowTimer() } else { panelController.showWindow(nil) panelController.setActivePanel(newValue: !panelController.hasActivePanelGetter()) } NSApp.activate(ignoringOtherApps: true) } open func setupFloatingWindow() { showFloatingWindow() } open func closeFloatingWindow() { floatingWindow.window?.close() } func statusItemForPanel() -> StatusItemHandler { return statusBarHandler } open func setPanelDefaults() { panelController.updateDefaultPreferences() } open func setupMenubarTimer() { statusBarHandler.setupStatusItem() } open func invalidateMenubarTimer(_ showIcon: Bool) { statusBarHandler.invalidateTimer(showIcon: showIcon, isSyncing: true) } }