// Copyright 2019 Google // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #import #import "FIRCrashlyticsReport.h" #import "FIRExceptionModel.h" #if __has_include() #warning "FirebaseCrashlytics and Crashlytics are not compatible \ in the same app because including multiple crash reporters can \ cause problems when registering exception handlers." #endif NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN /** * The Firebase Crashlytics API provides methods to annotate and manage fatal and * non-fatal reports captured and reported to Firebase Crashlytics. * * By default, Firebase Crashlytics is initialized with `[FIRApp configure]`. * * Note: The Crashlytics class cannot be subclassed. If this makes testing difficult, * we suggest using a wrapper class or a protocol extension. */ NS_SWIFT_NAME(Crashlytics) @interface FIRCrashlytics : NSObject /** :nodoc: */ - (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE; /** * Accesses the singleton Crashlytics instance. * * @return The singleton Crashlytics instance. */ + (instancetype)crashlytics NS_SWIFT_NAME(crashlytics()); /** * Adds logging that is sent with your crash data. The logging does not appear in the * system.log and is only visible in the Crashlytics dashboard. * * @param msg Message to log */ - (void)log:(NSString *)msg; /** * Adds logging that is sent with your crash data. The logging does not appear in the * system.log and is only visible in the Crashlytics dashboard. * * @param format Format of string * @param ... A comma-separated list of arguments to substitute into format */ - (void)logWithFormat:(NSString *)format, ... NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(1, 2); /** * Adds logging that is sent with your crash data. The logging does not appear in the * system.log and is only visible in the Crashlytics dashboard. * * @param format Format of string * @param args Arguments to substitute into format */ - (void)logWithFormat:(NSString *)format arguments:(va_list)args NS_SWIFT_NAME(log(format:arguments:)); /** * Sets a custom key and value to be associated with subsequent fatal and non-fatal reports. * When setting an object value, the object is converted to a string. This is * typically done by calling "-[NSObject description]". * * @param value The value to be associated with the key * @param key A unique key */ - (void)setCustomValue:(id)value forKey:(NSString *)key; /** * Sets custom keys and values to be associated with subsequent fatal and non-fatal reports. * The objects in the dictionary are converted to strings. This is * typically done by calling "-[NSObject description]". * * @param keysAndValues The values to be associated with the corresponding keys */ - (void)setCustomKeysAndValues:(NSDictionary *)keysAndValues; /** * Records a user ID (identifier) that's associated with subsequent fatal and non-fatal reports. * * If you want to associate a crash with a specific user, we recommend specifying an arbitrary * string (e.g., a database, ID, hash, or other value that you can index and query, but is * meaningless to a third-party observer). This allows you to facilitate responses for support * requests and reach out to users for more information. * * @param userID An arbitrary user identifier string that associates a user to a record in your * system. */ - (void)setUserID:(NSString *)userID; /** * Records a non-fatal event described by an NSError object. The events are * grouped and displayed similarly to crashes. Keep in mind that this method can be expensive. * The total number of NSErrors that can be recorded during your app's life-cycle is limited by a * fixed-size circular buffer. If the buffer is overrun, the oldest data is dropped. Errors are * relayed to Crashlytics on a subsequent launch of your application. * * @param error Non-fatal error to be recorded */ - (void)recordError:(NSError *)error NS_SWIFT_NAME(record(error:)); /** * Records an Exception Model described by an FIRExceptionModel object. The events are * grouped and displayed similarly to crashes. Keep in mind that this method can be expensive. * The total number of FIRExceptionModels that can be recorded during your app's life-cycle is * limited by a fixed-size circular buffer. If the buffer is overrun, the oldest data is dropped. * Exception Models are relayed to Crashlytics on a subsequent launch of your application. * * @param exceptionModel Instance of the FIRExceptionModel to be recorded */ - (void)recordExceptionModel:(FIRExceptionModel *)exceptionModel NS_SWIFT_NAME(record(exceptionModel:)); /** * Returns whether the app crashed during the previous execution. */ - (BOOL)didCrashDuringPreviousExecution; /** * Enables/disables automatic data collection. * * Calling this method overrides both the FirebaseCrashlyticsCollectionEnabled flag in your * App's Info.plist and FIRApp's isDataCollectionDefaultEnabled flag. * * When you set a value for this method, it persists across runs of the app. * * The value does not apply until the next run of the app. If you want to disable data * collection without rebooting, add the FirebaseCrashlyticsCollectionEnabled flag to your app's * Info.plist. * * * @param enabled Determines whether automatic data collection is enabled */ - (void)setCrashlyticsCollectionEnabled:(BOOL)enabled; /** * Indicates whether or not automatic data collection is enabled * * This method uses three ways to decide whether automatic data collection is enabled, * in order of priority: * - If setCrashlyticsCollectionEnabled is called with a value, use it * - If the FirebaseCrashlyticsCollectionEnabled key is in your app's Info.plist, use it * - Otherwise, use the default isDataCollectionDefaultEnabled in FIRApp */ - (BOOL)isCrashlyticsCollectionEnabled; /** * Determines whether there are any unsent crash reports cached on the device, then calls the given * callback. * * The callback only executes if automatic data collection is disabled. You can use * the callback to get one-time consent from a user upon a crash, and then call * sendUnsentReports or deleteUnsentReports, depending on whether or not the user gives consent. * * Disable automatic collection by: * - Adding the FirebaseCrashlyticsCollectionEnabled: NO key to your App's Info.plist * - Calling [[FIRCrashlytics crashlytics] setCrashlyticsCollectionEnabled:NO] in your app * - Setting FIRApp's isDataCollectionDefaultEnabled to NO * * @param completion The callback that's executed once Crashlytics finishes checking for unsent * reports. The callback is set to YES if there are unsent reports on disk. */ - (void)checkForUnsentReportsWithCompletion:(void (^)(BOOL))completion NS_SWIFT_NAME(checkForUnsentReports(completion:)); /** * Determines whether there are any unsent crash reports cached on the device, then calls the given * callback with a CrashlyticsReport object that you can use to update the unsent report. * CrashlyticsReports have a lot of the familiar Crashlytics methods like setting custom keys and * logs. * * The callback only executes if automatic data collection is disabled. You can use * the callback to get one-time consent from a user upon a crash, and then call * sendUnsentReports or deleteUnsentReports, depending on whether or not the user gives consent. * * Disable automatic collection by: * - Adding the FirebaseCrashlyticsCollectionEnabled: NO key to your App's Info.plist * - Calling [[FIRCrashlytics crashlytics] setCrashlyticsCollectionEnabled:NO] in your app * - Setting FIRApp's isDataCollectionDefaultEnabled to NO * * Not calling send/deleteUnsentReports will result in the report staying on disk, which means the * same CrashlyticsReport can show up in multiple runs of the app. If you want avoid duplicates, * ensure there was a crash on the last run of the app by checking the value of * didCrashDuringPreviousExecution. * * @param completion The callback that's executed once Crashlytics finishes checking for unsent * reports. The callback is called with the newest unsent Crashlytics Report, or nil if there are * none cached on disk. */ - (void)checkAndUpdateUnsentReportsWithCompletion: (void (^)(FIRCrashlyticsReport *_Nullable))completion NS_SWIFT_NAME(checkAndUpdateUnsentReports(completion:)); /** * Enqueues any unsent reports on the device to upload to Crashlytics. * * This method only applies if automatic data collection is disabled. * * When automatic data collection is enabled, Crashlytics automatically uploads and deletes reports * at startup, so this method is ignored. */ - (void)sendUnsentReports; /** * Deletes any unsent reports on the device. * * This method only applies if automatic data collection is disabled. */ - (void)deleteUnsentReports; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END