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* Copyright (c) 2002-2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
* and read it before using this
* file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
@header SecPolicy
The functions provided in SecPolicy.h provide an interface to various
X.509 certificate trust policies.
#include <CoreFoundation/CFBase.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFDictionary.h>
#include <Security/SecBase.h>
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
@enum Policy Constants
@discussion Predefined constants used to specify a policy.
@constant kSecPolicyAppleX509Basic
@constant kSecPolicyAppleSSL
@constant kSecPolicyAppleSMIME
@constant kSecPolicyAppleEAP
@constant kSecPolicyAppleIPsec
@constant kSecPolicyAppleiChat
@constant kSecPolicyApplePKINITClient
@constant kSecPolicyApplePKINITServer
@constant kSecPolicyAppleCodeSigning
@constant kSecPolicyMacAppStoreReceipt
@constant kSecPolicyAppleIDValidation
@constant kSecPolicyAppleTimeStamping
@constant kSecPolicyAppleRevocation
@constant kSecPolicyApplePassbookSigning
@constant kSecPolicyApplePayIssuerEncryption
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyAppleX509Basic
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyAppleSSL
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyAppleSMIME
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyAppleEAP
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyAppleIPsec
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyAppleiChat
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyApplePKINITClient
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyApplePKINITServer
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyAppleCodeSigning
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyMacAppStoreReceipt
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyAppleIDValidation
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyAppleTimeStamping
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyAppleRevocation
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyApplePassbookSigning
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyApplePayIssuerEncryption
@enum Policy Value Constants
@abstract Predefined property key constants used to get or set values in
a dictionary for a policy instance.
All policies will have the following read-only value:
kSecPolicyOid (the policy object identifier)
Additional policy values which your code can optionally set:
kSecPolicyName (name which must be matched)
kSecPolicyClient (evaluate for client, rather than server)
kSecPolicyRevocationFlags (only valid for a revocation policy)
@constant kSecPolicyOid Specifies the policy OID (value is a CFStringRef)
@constant kSecPolicyName Specifies a CFStringRef (or CFArrayRef of same)
containing a name which must be matched in the certificate to satisfy
this policy. For SSL/TLS, EAP, and IPSec policies, this specifies the
server name which must match the common name of the certificate.
For S/MIME, this specifies the RFC822 email address.
For Passbook signing, this specifies the pass signer.
@constant kSecPolicyClient Specifies a CFBooleanRef value that indicates
this evaluation should be for a client certificate. If not set (or
false), the policy evaluates the certificate as a server certificate.
@constant kSecPolicyRevocationFlags Specifies a CFNumberRef that holds a
kCFNumberCFIndexType bitmask value. See "Revocation Policy Constants"
for a description of individual bits in this value.
@constant kSecPolicyTeamIdentifier Specifies a CFStringRef containing a
team identifier which must be matched in the certificate to satisfy
this policy. For the Passbook signing policy, this string must match
the Organizational Unit field of the certificate subject.
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyOid
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyName
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyClient
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyRevocationFlags
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyTeamIdentifier
@function SecPolicyGetTypeID
@abstract Returns the type identifier of SecPolicy instances.
@result The CFTypeID of SecPolicy instances.
CFTypeID SecPolicyGetTypeID(void)
@function SecPolicyCopyProperties
@abstract Returns a dictionary of this policy's properties.
@param policyRef A policy reference.
@result A properties dictionary. See "Policy Value Constants" for a list
of currently defined property keys. It is the caller's responsibility to
CFRelease this reference when it is no longer needed.
@result A result code. See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
@discussion This function returns the properties for a policy, as set by the
policy's construction function or by a prior call to SecPolicySetProperties.
CFDictionaryRef SecPolicyCopyProperties(SecPolicyRef policyRef)
@function SecPolicyCreateBasicX509
@abstract Returns a policy object for the default X.509 policy.
@result A policy object. The caller is responsible for calling CFRelease
on this when it is no longer needed.
SecPolicyRef SecPolicyCreateBasicX509(void)
@function SecPolicyCreateSSL
@abstract Returns a policy object for evaluating SSL certificate chains.
@param server Passing true for this parameter creates a policy for SSL
server certificates.
@param hostname (Optional) If present, the policy will require the specified
hostname to match the hostname in the leaf certificate.
@result A policy object. The caller is responsible for calling CFRelease
on this when it is no longer needed.
SecPolicyRef SecPolicyCreateSSL(Boolean server, CFStringRef __nullable hostname)
@enum Revocation Policy Constants
@abstract Predefined constants which allow you to specify how revocation
checking will be performed for a trust evaluation.
@constant kSecRevocationOCSPMethod If this flag is set, perform revocation
checking using OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol).
@constant kSecRevocationCRLMethod If this flag is set, perform revocation
checking using the CRL (Certificate Revocation List) method.
@constant kSecRevocationPreferCRL If this flag is set, then CRL revocation
checking will be preferred over OCSP (by default, OCSP is preferred.)
Note that this flag only matters if both revocation methods are specified.
@constant kSecRevocationRequirePositiveResponse If this flag is set, then
the policy will fail unless a verified positive response is obtained. If
the flag is not set, revocation checking is done on a "best attempt" basis,
where failure to reach the server is not considered fatal.
@constant kSecRevocationNetworkAccessDisabled If this flag is set, then
no network access is performed; only locally cached replies are consulted.
@constant kSecRevocationUseAnyAvailableMethod Specifies that either
OCSP or CRL may be used, depending on the method(s) specified in the
certificate and the value of kSecRevocationPreferCRL.
enum {
kSecRevocationOCSPMethod = (1 << 0),
kSecRevocationCRLMethod = (1 << 1),
kSecRevocationPreferCRL = (1 << 2),
kSecRevocationRequirePositiveResponse = (1 << 3),
kSecRevocationNetworkAccessDisabled = (1 << 4),
kSecRevocationUseAnyAvailableMethod = (kSecRevocationOCSPMethod |
@function SecPolicyCreateRevocation
@abstract Returns a policy object for checking revocation of certificates.
@result A policy object. The caller is responsible for calling CFRelease
on this when it is no longer needed.
@param revocationFlags Flags to specify revocation checking options.
@discussion Use this function to create a revocation policy with behavior
specified by revocationFlags. See the "Revocation Policy Constants" section
for a description of these flags. Note: it is usually not necessary to
create a revocation policy yourself unless you wish to override default
system behavior (e.g. to force a particular method, or to disable
revocation checking entirely.)
SecPolicyRef SecPolicyCreateRevocation(CFOptionFlags revocationFlags)
@function SecPolicyCreateWithProperties
@abstract Returns a policy object based on an object identifier for the
policy type. See the "Policy Constants" section for a list of defined
policy object identifiers.
@param policyIdentifier The identifier for the desired policy type.
@param properties (Optional) A properties dictionary. See "Policy Value
Constants" for a list of currently defined property keys.
@result The returned policy reference, or NULL if the policy could not be
SecPolicyRef SecPolicyCreateWithProperties(CFTypeRef policyIdentifier,
CFDictionaryRef __nullable properties)
* Legacy functions (OS X only)
#include <Security/cssmtype.h>
@enum Policy Value Constants (OS X)
@discussion Predefined property key constants used to get or set values in
a dictionary for a policy instance.
Some policy values may specify CFBooleanRef key usage constraints:
kSecPolicyKU policy values define certificate-level key purposes,
in contrast to the key-level definitions in SecItem.h
For example, a key in a certificate might be acceptable to use for
signing a CRL, but not for signing another certificate. In either
case, this key would have the ability to sign (i.e. kSecAttrCanSign
is true), but may only sign for specific purposes allowed by these
policy constants. Similarly, a public key might have the capability
to perform encryption or decryption, but the certificate in which it
resides might have a decipher-only certificate policy.
These constants correspond to values defined in RFC 5280, section (Key Usage) which define the purpose of a key contained in a
certificate, in contrast to section which define the uses that
a key is capable of.
Note: these constants are not available on iOS. Your code should
avoid direct reliance on these values for making policy decisions
and use higher level policies where possible.
@constant kSecPolicyKU_DigitalSignature Specifies that the certificate must
have a key usage that allows it to be used for signing.
@constant kSecPolicyKU_NonRepudiation Specifies that the certificate must
have a key usage that allows it to be used for non-repudiation.
@constant kSecPolicyKU_KeyEncipherment Specifies that the certificate must
have a key usage that allows it to be used for key encipherment.
@constant kSecPolicyKU_DataEncipherment Specifies that the certificate must
have a key usage that allows it to be used for data encipherment.
@constant kSecPolicyKU_KeyAgreement Specifies that the certificate must
have a key usage that allows it to be used for key agreement.
@constant kSecPolicyKU_KeyCertSign Specifies that the certificate must
have a key usage that allows it to be used for signing certificates.
@constant kSecPolicyKU_CRLSign Specifies that the certificate must
have a key usage that allows it to be used for signing CRLs.
@constant kSecPolicyKU_EncipherOnly Specifies that the certificate must
have a key usage that permits it to be used for encryption only.
@constant kSecPolicyKU_DecipherOnly Specifies that the certificate must
have a key usage that permits it to be used for decryption only.
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyKU_DigitalSignature
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyKU_NonRepudiation
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyKU_KeyEncipherment
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyKU_DataEncipherment
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyKU_KeyAgreement
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyKU_KeyCertSign
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyKU_CRLSign
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyKU_EncipherOnly
extern const CFStringRef kSecPolicyKU_DecipherOnly
@function SecPolicyCreateWithOID
@abstract Returns a policy object based on an object identifier for the
policy type. See the "Policy Constants" section for a list of defined
policy object identifiers.
@param policyOID The OID of the desired policy.
@result The returned policy reference, or NULL if the policy could not be
@discussion This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.9 and later;
use SecPolicyCreateWithProperties (or a more specific policy creation
function) instead.
SecPolicyRef SecPolicyCreateWithOID(CFTypeRef policyOID)
@function SecPolicyGetOID
@abstract Returns a policy's object identifier.
@param policyRef A policy reference.
@param oid On return, a pointer to the policy's object identifier.
@result A result code. See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
@discussion This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.7 and later;
use SecPolicyCopyProperties instead.
OSStatus SecPolicyGetOID(SecPolicyRef policyRef, CSSM_OID *oid)
@function SecPolicyGetValue
@abstract Returns a policy's value.
@param policyRef A policy reference.
@param value On return, a pointer to the policy's value.
@result A result code. See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
@discussion This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.7 and later;
use SecPolicyCopyProperties instead.
OSStatus SecPolicyGetValue(SecPolicyRef policyRef, CSSM_DATA *value)
@function SecPolicySetValue
@abstract Sets a policy's value.
@param policyRef A policy reference.
@param value The value to be set into the policy object, replacing any
previous value.
@result A result code. See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
@discussion This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.7 and later. Policy
instances should be considered read-only; in cases where your code would
consider changing properties of a policy, it should instead create a new
policy instance with the desired properties.
OSStatus SecPolicySetValue(SecPolicyRef policyRef, const CSSM_DATA *value)
@function SecPolicySetProperties
@abstract Sets a policy's properties.
@param policyRef A policy reference.
@param properties A properties dictionary. See "Policy Value Constants"
for a list of currently defined property keys. This dictionary replaces the
policy's existing properties, if any. Note that the policy OID (specified
by kSecPolicyOid) is a read-only property of the policy and cannot be set.
@result A result code. See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
@discussion This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.9 and later. Policy
instances should be considered read-only; in cases where your code would
consider changing properties of a policy, it should instead create a new
policy instance with the desired properties.
OSStatus SecPolicySetProperties(SecPolicyRef policyRef,
CFDictionaryRef properties)
@function SecPolicyGetTPHandle
@abstract Returns the CSSM trust policy handle for the given policy.
@param policyRef A policy reference.
@param tpHandle On return, a pointer to a value of type CSSM_TP_HANDLE.
@result A result code. See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
@discussion This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.7 and later.
OSStatus SecPolicyGetTPHandle(SecPolicyRef policyRef, CSSM_TP_HANDLE *tpHandle)
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* !_SECURITY_SECPOLICY_H_ */