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// SRCommon.h
// ShortcutRecorder
// Copyright 2006-2012 Contributors. All rights reserved.
// License: BSD
// Contributors:
// David Dauer
// Jesper
// Jamie Kirkpatrick
// Andy Kim
// Ilya Kulakov
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import <Carbon/Carbon.h>
Mask representing subset of Cocoa modifier flags suitable for shortcuts.
static const NSEventModifierFlags SRCocoaModifierFlagsMask = NSCommandKeyMask | NSAlternateKeyMask | NSShiftKeyMask | NSControlKeyMask;
Mask representing subset of Carbon modifier flags suitable for shortcuts.
static const NSUInteger SRCarbonModifierFlagsMask = cmdKey | optionKey | shiftKey | controlKey;
Converts carbon modifier flags to cocoa.
FOUNDATION_STATIC_INLINE NSEventModifierFlags SRCarbonToCocoaFlags(UInt32 aCarbonFlags)
NSEventModifierFlags cocoaFlags = 0;
if (aCarbonFlags & cmdKey)
cocoaFlags |= NSCommandKeyMask;
if (aCarbonFlags & optionKey)
cocoaFlags |= NSAlternateKeyMask;
if (aCarbonFlags & controlKey)
cocoaFlags |= NSControlKeyMask;
if (aCarbonFlags & shiftKey)
cocoaFlags |= NSShiftKeyMask;
return cocoaFlags;
Converts cocoa modifier flags to carbon.
FOUNDATION_STATIC_INLINE UInt32 SRCocoaToCarbonFlags(NSEventModifierFlags aCocoaFlags)
UInt32 carbonFlags = 0;
if (aCocoaFlags & NSCommandKeyMask)
carbonFlags |= cmdKey;
if (aCocoaFlags & NSAlternateKeyMask)
carbonFlags |= optionKey;
if (aCocoaFlags & NSControlKeyMask)
carbonFlags |= controlKey;
if (aCocoaFlags & NSShiftKeyMask)
carbonFlags |= shiftKey;
return carbonFlags;
Return Bundle where resources can be found.
@discussion Throws NSInternalInconsistencyException if bundle cannot be found.
NSBundle *SRBundle();
Convenient method to get localized string from the framework bundle.
NSString *SRLoc(NSString *aKey);
Convenient method to get image from the framework bundle.
NSImage *SRImage(NSString *anImageName);
Returns string representation of shortcut with modifier flags replaced with their localized
readable equivalents (e.g. ? -> Option).
NSString *SRReadableStringForCocoaModifierFlagsAndKeyCode(NSEventModifierFlags aModifierFlags, unsigned short aKeyCode);
Returns string representation of shortcut with modifier flags replaced with their localized
readable equivalents (e.g. ? -> Option) and ASCII character for key code.
NSString *SRReadableASCIIStringForCocoaModifierFlagsAndKeyCode(NSEventModifierFlags aModifierFlags, unsigned short aKeyCode);
Determines if given key code with flags is equal to key equivalent and flags
(usually taken from NSButton or NSMenu).
@discussion On Mac OS X some key combinations can have "alternates". E.g. option-A can be represented both as option-A and as <EFBFBD>.
BOOL SRKeyCodeWithFlagsEqualToKeyEquivalentWithFlags(unsigned short aKeyCode,
NSEventModifierFlags aKeyCodeFlags,
NSString *aKeyEquivalent,
NSEventModifierFlags aKeyEquivalentModifierFlags);