153 lines
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153 lines
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// Copyright © 2015 Abhishek Banthia |
import XCTest |
let CLOnboaringTestsLaunchArgument = "isTestingTheOnboardingFlow" |
class OnboardingTests: XCTestCase { |
var app: XCUIApplication! |
override func setUp() { |
continueAfterFailure = false |
app = XCUIApplication() |
app.launchArguments.append(CLOnboaringTestsLaunchArgument) |
app.launch() |
} |
// We test a couple of things in the Onboarding Process |
// 1. The flow (forward button and back button take the user to the correct screen) |
// 2. Static texts and button title's are appropriate |
func testForwardButton() { |
welcomeControllerTests() |
// Let's go to the Permissions View |
moveForward() |
permissionsControllerTests() |
// Time to test the launchAtLoginView |
moveForward() |
startupControllerTests() |
// Let's go to OnboardingSearchController |
moveForward() |
searchControllerTests() |
// Let's go to the FinalOnboardingController |
moveForward() |
finalOnboardingControllerTests() |
backButtonTests() |
} |
func backButtonTests() { |
moveBackward() |
searchControllerTests() |
moveBackward() |
startupControllerTests() |
moveBackward() |
permissionsControllerTests() |
moveBackward() |
welcomeControllerTests() |
alternateStartupFlowTests() |
} |
func alternateStartupFlowTests() { |
// Let's go to the Permissions View |
moveForward() |
permissionsControllerTests() |
// Time to test the launchAtLoginView |
moveForward() |
startupControllerTests() |
// Let's go to OnboardingSearchController |
alternateMoveForward() |
searchControllerTests() |
// Let's go to the FinalOnboardingController |
moveForward() |
finalOnboardingControllerTests() |
moveForward() |
XCTAssertTrue(app.statusItems.count > 0, "Status item was not installed in the menubar") |
} |
private func moveForward() { |
let onboardingWindow = app.windows["OnboardingWindow"] |
onboardingWindow.buttons["Forward"].click() |
sleep(1) |
} |
private func alternateMoveForward() { |
let onboardingWindow = app.windows["OnboardingWindow"] |
onboardingWindow.buttons["Alternate"].click() |
sleep(1) |
} |
private func moveBackward() { |
let onboardingWindow = app.windows["OnboardingWindow"] |
onboardingWindow.buttons["Backward"].click() |
sleep(1) |
} |
private func welcomeControllerTests() { |
let onboardingWindow = app.windows["OnboardingWindow"] |
// Tests static texts |
XCTAssertTrue(onboardingWindow.staticTexts["CFBundleDisplayName".localizedString()].exists, "Static text Clocker was unexpectedly missing") |
XCTAssertTrue(onboardingWindow.staticTexts["It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker.".localizedString()].exists, "Accessory label's static text was unexpectedly wrong.") |
let button = onboardingWindow.buttons["Forward"] |
// Test the button title |
XCTAssertTrue(button.exists, "Button title was unexpectedly wrong. Expected \"Get Started\", Actual: \"\(onboardingWindow.buttons.firstMatch.title)\" ") |
XCTAssertTrue(onboardingWindow.buttons.count == 1, "More than 1 button on Welcome screen!") |
} |
private func permissionsControllerTests() { |
let onboardingWindow = app.windows["OnboardingWindow"] |
XCTAssertTrue(onboardingWindow.staticTexts["Permissions".localizedString()].exists, "Header label's static text was unexpectedly wrong.") |
XCTAssertTrue(onboardingWindow.staticTexts["Later Config Description".localizedString()].exists, "Onboarding Info label's static text was unexpectedly wrong.") |
XCTAssertTrue(onboardingWindow.buttons["Forward"].title == "Continue".localizedString(), "Forward button title's was unexpectedly wrong") |
XCTAssertTrue(onboardingWindow.buttons["Backward"].exists, "Back button was unexpectedly missing") |
XCTAssertFalse(onboardingWindow.buttons["Alternate"].exists, "Alternate button was unexpectedly present.") |
} |
private func startupControllerTests() { |
let onboardingWindow = app.windows["OnboardingWindow"] |
XCTAssertTrue(onboardingWindow.buttons["Forward"].title == "Open Clocker At Login".localizedString(), "Forward button title's was unexpectedly wrong") |
XCTAssertTrue(onboardingWindow.buttons["Alternate"].title == "Don't Open".localizedString(), "Alternate button title's was unexpectedly wrong") |
XCTAssertTrue(onboardingWindow.staticTexts["Launch at Login".localizedString()].exists, "Header label's static text was unexpectedly wrong.") |
XCTAssertTrue(onboardingWindow.staticTexts["Should Clocker open automatically on startup?".localizedString()].exists, "Accessory label's static text was unexpectedly wrong.") |
} |
private func searchControllerTests() { |
let onboardingWindow = app.windows["OnboardingWindow"] |
XCTAssertFalse(onboardingWindow.buttons["Alternate"].exists, "Alternate button was unexpectedly present.") |
XCTAssertTrue(onboardingWindow.buttons["Forward"].title == "Continue".localizedString(), "Forward button title's was unexpectedly wrong") |
XCTAssertTrue(onboardingWindow.staticTexts["Quick Add Locations".localizedString()].exists, "Header label's static text was unexpectedly wrong.") |
XCTAssertTrue(onboardingWindow.staticTexts["More search options in Clocker Preferences.".localizedString()].exists, "Accessory label's static text was unexpectedly wrong.") |
} |
private func finalOnboardingControllerTests() { |
let onboardingWindow = app.windows["OnboardingWindow"] |
// Let's test the buttons |
XCTAssertTrue(onboardingWindow.staticTexts["You're all set!".localizedString()].exists, "Header label's static text was unexpectedly wrong.") |
XCTAssertTrue(onboardingWindow.staticTexts["Thank you for the details.".localizedString()].exists, "Accessory label's static text was unexpectedly wrong.") |
XCTAssertFalse(onboardingWindow.buttons["Alternate".localizedString()].exists, "Alternate button was unexpectedly present.") |
XCTAssertTrue(onboardingWindow.buttons["Forward".localizedString()].title == "Launch Clocker".localizedString(), "Forward button's title was unexpectedly wrong.") |
} |