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505 lines
18 KiB
505 lines
18 KiB
// Copyright © 2015 Abhishek Banthia |
import Cocoa |
import CoreLoggerKit |
class NotesPopover: NSViewController { |
private enum OverrideType { |
case timezoneFormat |
case seconds |
} |
var dataObject: TimezoneData? |
var timezoneObjects: [Data]? |
var currentRow: Int = -1 |
weak var popover: NSPopover? |
@IBOutlet var customLabel: NSTextField! |
@IBOutlet var reminderPicker: NSDatePicker! |
@IBOutlet var reminderView: NSView! |
@IBOutlet var timeFormatTweakingView: NSView! |
@IBOutlet var alertPopupButton: NSPopUpButton! |
@IBOutlet var scriptExecutionIndicator: NSProgressIndicator! |
@IBOutlet var saveButton: NSButton! |
@IBOutlet var setReminderCheckbox: NSButton! |
@IBOutlet var remindersButton: NSButton! |
@IBOutlet var timeFormatControl: NSPopUpButton! |
@IBOutlet var notesTextView: TextViewWithPlaceholder! |
private func convertOverrideFormatToPopupControlSelection() -> Int { |
var chosenFormat: Int = dataObject?.overrideFormat.rawValue ?? 0 |
if chosenFormat == 3 { |
chosenFormat = 4 |
} else if chosenFormat == 6 { |
chosenFormat = 7 |
} else if chosenFormat == 9 { |
chosenFormat = 10 |
} |
return chosenFormat |
} |
override func viewDidLoad() { |
super.viewDidLoad() |
setupAlarmTextField() |
setupUI() |
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, |
selector: #selector(themeChanged), |
name: NSNotification.Name.themeDidChange, |
object: nil) |
let titles = [ |
"None", |
"At time of the event", |
"5 minutes before", |
"10 minutes before", |
"15 minutes before", |
"30 minutes before", |
"1 hour before", |
"2 hour before", |
"1 day before", |
"2 days before", |
] |
alertPopupButton.removeAllItems() |
alertPopupButton.addItems(withTitles: titles) |
alertPopupButton.selectItem(at: 1) |
// Set up time control |
let supportedTimeFormats = ["Respect Global Preference", |
"h:mm a (7:08 PM)", |
"HH:mm (19:08)", |
"-- With Seconds --", |
"h:mm:ss a (7:08:09 PM)", |
"HH:mm:ss (19:08:09)", |
"-- 12 Hour with Preceding 0 --", |
"hh:mm a (07:08 PM)", |
"hh:mm:ss a (07:08:09 PM)", |
"-- 12 Hour w/o AM/PM --", |
"hh:mm (07:08)", |
"hh:mm:ss (07:08:09)"] |
timeFormatControl.removeAllItems() |
timeFormatControl.addItems(withTitles: supportedTimeFormats) |
timeFormatControl.item(at: 3)?.isEnabled = false |
timeFormatControl.item(at: 6)?.isEnabled = false |
timeFormatControl.item(at: 9)?.isEnabled = false |
timeFormatControl.autoenablesItems = false |
timeFormatControl.selectItem(at: convertOverrideFormatToPopupControlSelection()) |
// Set Accessibility Identifiers for UI tests |
customLabel.setAccessibilityIdentifier("CustomLabel") |
saveButton.setAccessibilityIdentifier("SaveButton") |
notesTextView.setAccessibilityIdentifier("NotesTextView") |
setReminderCheckbox.setAccessibilityIdentifier("ReminderCheckbox") |
alertPopupButton.setAccessibilityIdentifier("RemindersAlertPopup") |
reminderView.setAccessibilityIdentifier("RemindersView") |
if #available(OSX 11.0, *) { |
alertPopupButton.controlSize = .large |
} |
} |
override func viewWillAppear() { |
super.viewWillAppear() |
scriptExecutionIndicator.stopAnimation(nil) |
updateContent() |
} |
private func setupUI() { |
if let saveCell = saveButton.cell as? NSButtonCell { |
setCellState(buttonCell: saveCell) |
} |
if let remindersCell = remindersButton.cell as? NSButtonCell { |
setCellState(buttonCell: remindersCell) |
} |
notesTextView.font = NSFont(name: "Avenir", size: 14) |
notesTextView.enclosingScrollView?.hasVerticalScroller = false |
themeChanged() |
} |
private func setCellState(buttonCell: NSButtonCell) { |
buttonCell.highlightsBy = .contentsCellMask |
buttonCell.showsStateBy = .pushInCellMask |
} |
private func setupAlarmTextField() { |
reminderPicker.datePickerStyle = .textField |
reminderPicker.isBezeled = false |
reminderPicker.isBordered = false |
reminderPicker.drawsBackground = false |
reminderPicker.datePickerElements = [.yearMonthDay, .hourMinute] |
| = self |
} |
private func setInitialReminderTime() { |
// If self.calSelectedDate is today, the initialStart is set to |
// the next whole hour. Otherwise, 8am of self.calselectedDate. |
getCurrentTimezoneDate { finalDate in |
let currentDate = finalDate ?? Date() |
self.continueProcess(with: currentDate) |
} |
} |
private func continueProcess(with currentDate: Date) { |
let calendar = NSCalendar(calendarIdentifier: NSCalendar.Identifier.gregorian) |
var hour = 0 |
calendar?.getHour(&hour, |
minute: nil, |
second: nil, |
nanosecond: nil, |
from: currentDate) |
hour = (hour == 23) ? 0 : hour + 1 |
guard let initialStart = calendar?.nextDate(after: currentDate, |
matching: NSCalendar.Unit.hour, |
value: hour, |
options: NSCalendar.Options.matchPreviousTimePreservingSmallerUnits) else { |
assertionFailure("Initial Date object was unexepectedly nil") |
return |
} |
reminderPicker.minDate = currentDate |
reminderPicker.dateValue = initialStart |
} |
private func getCurrentTimezoneDate(completionHandler: @escaping (_ response: Date?) -> Void) { |
guard let timezoneID = dataObject?.timezone() else { |
assertionFailure("Unable to retrieve timezoneID from the model") |
completionHandler(nil) |
return |
} |
let currentCalendar = NSCalendar(calendarIdentifier: NSCalendar.Identifier.gregorian) |
guard let newDate = currentCalendar?.date(byAdding: NSCalendar.Unit.minute, |
value: 0, |
to: Date(), |
options: NSCalendar.Options.matchLast) else { |
assertionFailure("Initial Date object was unexepectedly nil") |
completionHandler(nil) |
return |
} |
let formatter = DateFormatter() |
formatter.dateStyle = .medium |
formatter.timeStyle = .short |
formatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US") |
formatter.timeZone = TimeZone(identifier: timezoneID) |
let dateStyle = formatter.string(from: newDate) |
let type: NSTextCheckingResult.CheckingType = .date |
do { |
let detector = try NSDataDetector(types: type.rawValue) |
detector.enumerateMatches(in: dateStyle, |
options: NSRegularExpression.MatchingOptions.reportCompletion, |
range: NSRange(location: 0, length: dateStyle.count), |
using: { result, _, _ in |
guard let completedDate = result?.date else { |
return |
} |
completionHandler(completedDate) |
}) |
} catch { |
assertionFailure("Failed to successfully initialize DataDetector") |
completionHandler(nil) |
} |
} |
private func setAttributedTitle(title: String, for button: NSButton) { |
let style = NSMutableParagraphStyle() |
style.alignment = .center |
guard let font = NSFont(name: "Avenir-Book", size: 13) else { return } |
let attributesDictionary = [ |
NSAttributedString.Key.font: font, |
NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: Themer.shared().mainTextColor(), |
NSAttributedString.Key.paragraphStyle: style, |
] |
button.attributedTitle = NSAttributedString(string: title, |
attributes: attributesDictionary) |
} |
@IBAction func saveAction(_: Any) { |
updateLabel() |
dataObject?.note = notesTextView.string |
dataObject?.setShouldOverrideGlobalTimeFormat(timeFormatControl.indexOfSelectedItem) |
insertTimezoneInDefaultPreferences() |
if setReminderCheckbox.state == .on { |
setReminderAlarm() |
Logger.log(object: nil, for: "Reminder Set") |
} |
refreshMainTableView() |
| NSNotification.Name.customLabelChanged, object: nil) |
popover?.close() |
} |
@IBAction func seeReminders(_: Any) { |
OperationQueue.main.addOperation { |
self.scriptExecutionIndicator.startAnimation(nil) |
let source = """ |
tell application \"Reminders\" |
tell default account |
show (first list where name is \"Clocker Reminders\") |
activate application |
end tell |
end tell |
""" |
var scriptExecutionErrors: NSDictionary? = .none |
let remindersScript = NSAppleScript(source: source) |
let eventDescriptor = remindersScript?.executeAndReturnError(&scriptExecutionErrors) |
if let errors = scriptExecutionErrors, errors.allKeys.isEmpty == false { |
if let convertedType = errors as? [String: Any] { |
Logger.log(object: convertedType, for: "Script Execution Errors") |
} |
NSWorkspace.shared.launchApplication("Reminders") |
} else if eventDescriptor == nil { |
Logger.log(object: nil, for: "Event Description is unexpectedly nil") |
NSWorkspace.shared.launchApplication("Reminders") |
} else { |
Logger.log(object: ["Successfully Executed Apple Script": "YES"], for: "Successfully Executed Apple Script") |
} |
self.scriptExecutionIndicator.stopAnimation(nil) |
} |
} |
@IBAction func checkboxAction(_: Any) { |
enableReminderView(!alertPopupButton.isEnabled) |
} |
@IBAction func customizeTimeFormat(_ sender: NSSegmentedControl) { |
updateTimezoneInDefaultPreferences(with: sender.selectedSegment, .timezoneFormat) |
refreshMainTableView() |
// Update the display if the chosen menubar mode is compact! |
if let delegate = NSApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate { |
let handler = delegate.statusItemForPanel() |
handler.setupStatusItem() |
} |
} |
private func insertTimezoneInDefaultPreferences() { |
guard let model = dataObject, var timezones = timezoneObjects else { return } |
let encodedObject = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: model) |
timezones[currentRow] = encodedObject |
DataStore.shared().setTimezones(timezones) |
} |
private func updateTimezoneInDefaultPreferences(with override: Int, |
_: OverrideType) { |
let timezones = DataStore.shared().timezones() |
var timezoneObjects: [TimezoneData] = [] |
for timezone in timezones { |
if let model = TimezoneData.customObject(from: timezone) { |
timezoneObjects.append(model) |
} |
} |
for timezoneObject in timezoneObjects where timezoneObject.isEqual(dataObject) { |
timezoneObject.setShouldOverrideGlobalTimeFormat(override) |
} |
var datas: [Data] = [] |
for updatedObject in timezoneObjects { |
let dataObject = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: updatedObject) |
datas.append(dataObject) |
} |
DataStore.shared().setTimezones(datas) |
} |
private func setReminderAlarm() { |
let eventCenter = EventCenter.sharedCenter() |
if eventCenter.reminderAccessNotDetermined() { |
eventCenter.requestAccess(to: .reminder, completionHandler: { granted in |
if granted { |
OperationQueue.main.addOperation { |
self.createReminder() |
} |
} else { |
Logger.log(object: ["Reminder Access Not Granted": "YES"], for: "Reminder Access Not Granted") |
} |
}) |
} else if eventCenter.reminderAccessGranted() { |
createReminder() |
} else { |
showAlertForPermissionNotGiven() |
} |
} |
private func refreshMainTableView() { |
OperationQueue.main.addOperation { |
if DataStore.shared().shouldDisplay(ViewType.showAppInForeground) { |
let currentInstance = FloatingWindowController.shared() |
currentInstance.updateDefaultPreferences() |
} else { |
guard let panelController = PanelController.panel() else { return } |
panelController.updateDefaultPreferences() |
panelController.updateTableContent() |
} |
} |
} |
private func createReminder() { |
guard let model = dataObject else { return } |
if setReminderCheckbox.state == .on { |
let eventCenter = EventCenter.sharedCenter() |
let alertIndex = alertPopupButton.indexOfSelectedItem |
if eventCenter.createReminder(with: model.customLabel!, |
timezone: model.timezone(), |
alertIndex: alertIndex, |
reminderDate: reminderPicker.dateValue, |
additionalNotes: model.note) { |
showSuccessMessage() |
} |
} |
} |
private func showAlertForPermissionNotGiven() { |
NSApplication.shared.activate(ignoringOtherApps: true) |
let alert = NSAlert() |
alert.messageText = "Clocker needs access to Reminders 😅" |
alert.informativeText = "Please go to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Privacy -> Reminders to allow Clocker to set reminders." |
alert.addButton(withTitle: "Okay") |
let alertResponse = alert.runModal() |
if alertResponse == .stop { |
OperationQueue.main.addOperation { |
self.popover?.close() |
} |
} |
} |
private func showSuccessMessage() { |
let reminderNotification = NSUserNotification() |
reminderNotification.title = "Reminder Set".localized() |
reminderNotification.subtitle = "Successfully set.".localized() |
NSUserNotificationCenter.default.scheduleNotification(reminderNotification) |
} |
func setDataSource(data: TimezoneData) { |
dataObject = data |
if isViewLoaded { |
updateContent() |
} |
} |
} |
extension NotesPopover { |
func setRow(row: Int) { |
currentRow = row |
} |
func set(timezones: [Data]) { |
timezoneObjects = timezones |
} |
func set(with popover: NSPopover) { |
self.popover = popover |
} |
@objc func themeChanged() { |
notesTextView.textColor = Themer.shared().mainTextColor() |
customLabel.textColor = Themer.shared().mainTextColor() |
reminderPicker.textColor = Themer.shared().mainTextColor() |
popover?.appearance = Themer.shared().popoverAppearance() |
setAttributedTitle(title: saveButton.title, for: saveButton) |
setAttributedTitle(title: remindersButton.title, for: remindersButton) |
} |
func updateContent() { |
guard let model = dataObject else { |
assertionFailure("Model object was unexepectedly nil") |
return |
} |
enableReminderView(false) |
setReminderCheckbox.state = .off |
if let label = model.customLabel, !label.isEmpty { |
customLabel.stringValue = label |
} else { |
customLabel.stringValue = model.formattedTimezoneLabel() |
} |
if let note = model.note, !note.isEmpty { |
notesTextView.string = note |
} else { |
notesTextView.string = CLEmptyString |
} |
setInitialReminderTime() |
updateTimeFormat() |
} |
private func updateTimeFormat() { |
timeFormatControl.selectItem(at: convertOverrideFormatToPopupControlSelection()) |
} |
private func enableReminderView(_ shouldEnable: Bool) { |
reminderPicker.isEnabled = shouldEnable |
alertPopupButton.isEnabled = shouldEnable |
reminderPicker.alphaValue = shouldEnable ? 1.0 : 0.25 |
} |
} |
extension NotesPopover: NSTextFieldDelegate { |
func controlTextDidChange(_: Notification) { |
updateLabel() |
} |
private func updateLabel() { |
// We need to do a couple of things if the customLabel is updated |
// 1. Update the userDefaults |
// 2. Check if the timezone is displayed in the menubar; if so, update the model |
guard let model = dataObject else { return } |
model.setLabel(customLabel.stringValue) |
insertTimezoneInDefaultPreferences() |
| NSNotification.Name.customLabelChanged, |
object: nil) |
} |