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// CommonStrings.m
// Clocker
// Created by Abhishek Banthia on 12/11/15.
#import "CommonStrings.h"
@implementation CommonStrings
NSString *const CLEmptyString = @"";
NSString *const CLDefaultPreferenceKey = @"defaultPreferences";
NSString *const CLTimezoneName = @"formattedAddress";
NSString *const CLPlaceIdentifier = @"place_id";
NSString *const CLTimezoneID = @"timezoneID";
NSString *const CLCustomLabel = @"customLabel";
NSString *const CL24hourFormatSelectedKey = @"is24HourFormatSelected";
NSString *const CLDragSessionKey = @"public.text";
NSString *const CLCustomLabelChangedNotification = @"CLCustomLabelChangedNotification";
NSString *const CLRelativeDateKey = @"relativeDate";
NSString *const CLThemeKey = @"defaultTheme";
NSString *const CLDisplayFutureSliderKey = @"displayFutureSlider";
NSString *const CLShowDayInMenu = @"showDay";
NSString *const CLShowDateInMenu = @"showDate";
NSString *const CLShowPlaceInMenu = @"showPlaceName";
NSString *const CLStartAtLogin = @"startAtLogin";