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// SRKeyCodeTransformer.h
// ShortcutRecorder
// Copyright 2006-2012 Contributors. All rights reserved.
// License: BSD
// Contributors:
// David Dauer
// Jesper
// Jamie Kirkpatrick
// Ilya Kulakov
// Silvio Rizzi
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import <Carbon/Carbon.h>
Transforms key code into unicode character or plain string.
@interface SRKeyCodeTransformer : NSValueTransformer
Returns initialized key code transformer.
@param aUsesASCII Determines whether transformer uses only ASCII capable keyboard input source.
@param aUsesPlainStrings Determines whether key codes without readable glyphs (e.g. F1...F19) are transformed to
to unicode characters (NSF1FunctionKey...NSF19FunctionKey) suitable for setting key equivalents
of Cocoa controls or to plain strings (@"F1"...@"F19") suitable for drawing, logging and accessibility.
@discussion This method is the designated initializer for SRKeyCodeTransformer.
- (instancetype)initWithASCIICapableKeyboardInputSource:(BOOL)aUsesASCII plainStrings:(BOOL)aUsesPlainStrings;
Determines whether transformer uses ASCII capable keyboard input source.
@property (readonly) BOOL usesASCIICapableKeyboardInputSource;
Determines whether key codes without readable glyphs are transformed to unicode characters
suitable for setting keqEquivalents or to plain strings suitable for drawing, logging and accessibility.
@property (readonly) BOOL usesPlainStrings;
Returns the shared transformer.
+ (instancetype)sharedTransformer;
Returns the shared transformer configured to use only ASCII capable keyboard input source.
+ (instancetype)sharedASCIITransformer;
Returns the shared transformer configured to transform key codes to plain strings.
+ (SRKeyCodeTransformer *)sharedPlainTransformer;
Returns the shared transformer configured to use only ASCII capable keyboard input source
and to transform key codes to plain strings.
+ (SRKeyCodeTransformer *)sharedPlainASCIITransformer;
Returns mapping from special key codes to unicode characters.
+ (NSDictionary *)specialKeyCodesToUnicodeCharactersMapping;
Returns mapping from special key codes to plain strings.
+ (NSDictionary *)specialKeyCodesToPlainStringsMapping;
Determines whether key code is special.
@param aKeyCode Key code to be checked.
- (BOOL)isKeyCodeSpecial:(unsigned short)aKeyCode;
Transforms given special key code into unicode character by taking into account modifier flags.
@discussion E.g. the key code 0x30 is transformed to ⇥. But if shift is pressed, it is transformed to ⇤.
@result Unicode character or plain string. nil if not a special key code.
- (NSString *)transformedSpecialKeyCode:(NSNumber *)aKeyCode withExplicitModifierFlags:(NSNumber *)aModifierFlags;
Shorcut to [self transformedValue:aValue withImplicitModifierFlags:aModifierFlags explicitModifierFlags:0]
- (NSString *)transformedValue:(NSNumber *)aValue withModifierFlags:(NSNumber *)aModifierFlags;
Transfroms given key code into unicode character by taking into account modifier flags.
@param aValue An instance of NSNumber (unsigned short) that represents key code.
@param anImplicitModifierFlags An instance of NSNumber (NSEventModifierFlags) that represents implicit modifier flags like opt in å.
@param anExplicitModifierFlags An instance of NSNumber (NSEventModifierFlags) that represents explicit modifier flags like shift in shift-⇤.
- (NSString *)transformedValue:(NSNumber *)aValue withImplicitModifierFlags:(NSNumber *)anImplicitModifierFlags explicitModifierFlags:(NSNumber *)anExplicitModifierFlags;
These constants represents drawable unicode characters for key codes that do not have
appropriate constants in Carbon and Cocoa.
typedef NS_ENUM(unichar, SRKeyCodeGlyph)
SRKeyCodeGlyphTabRight = 0x21E5, // ⇥
SRKeyCodeGlyphTabLeft = 0x21E4, // ⇤
SRKeyCodeGlyphReturn = 0x2305, // ⌅
SRKeyCodeGlyphReturnR2L = 0x21A9, // ↩
SRKeyCodeGlyphDeleteLeft = 0x232B, // ⌫
SRKeyCodeGlyphDeleteRight = 0x2326, // ⌦
SRKeyCodeGlyphPadClear = 0x2327, // ⌧
SRKeyCodeGlyphLeftArrow = 0x2190, // ←
SRKeyCodeGlyphRightArrow = 0x2192, // →
SRKeyCodeGlyphUpArrow = 0x2191, // ↑
SRKeyCodeGlyphDownArrow = 0x2193, // ↓
SRKeyCodeGlyphPageDown = 0x21DF, // ⇟
SRKeyCodeGlyphPageUp = 0x21DE, // ⇞
SRKeyCodeGlyphNorthwestArrow = 0x2196, // ↖
SRKeyCodeGlyphSoutheastArrow = 0x2198, // ↘
SRKeyCodeGlyphEscape = 0x238B, // ⎋
SRKeyCodeGlyphSpace = 0x0020, // ' '