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418 lines
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418 lines
17 KiB
// Copyright © 2015 Abhishek Banthia |
import Cocoa |
import CoreLoggerKit |
import CoreModelKit |
class AppearanceViewController: ParentViewController { |
@IBOutlet var timeFormat: NSPopUpButton! |
@IBOutlet var theme: NSPopUpButton! |
@IBOutlet var informationLabel: NSTextField! |
@IBOutlet var sliderDayRangePopup: NSPopUpButton! |
@IBOutlet var visualEffectView: NSVisualEffectView! |
@IBOutlet var menubarMode: NSSegmentedControl! |
@IBOutlet var includeDayInMenubarControl: NSSegmentedControl! |
@IBOutlet var includeDateInMenubarControl: NSSegmentedControl! |
@IBOutlet var includePlaceNameControl: NSSegmentedControl! |
@IBOutlet var appearanceTab: NSTabView! |
@IBOutlet var appDisplayControl: NSSegmentedControl! |
@IBOutlet var syncLabel: NSTextField! |
@IBOutlet var syncSegementedControl: NSSegmentedControl! |
private var themeDidChangeNotification: NSObjectProtocol? |
private var previewTimezones: [TimezoneData] = [] |
override func viewDidLoad() { |
super.viewDidLoad() |
informationLabel.stringValue = "Favourite a timezone to enable menubar display options.".localized() |
informationLabel.textColor = NSColor.secondaryLabelColor |
let chosenFormat = DataStore.shared().timezoneFormat().intValue |
let supportedTimeFormats = ["h:mm a (7:08 PM)", |
"HH:mm (19:08)", |
"-- With Seconds --", |
"h:mm:ss a (7:08:09 PM)", |
"HH:mm:ss (19:08:09)", |
"-- 12 Hour with Preceding 0 --", |
"hh:mm a (07:08 PM)", |
"hh:mm:ss a (07:08:09 PM)", |
"-- 12 Hour w/o AM/PM --", |
"hh:mm (07:08)", |
"hh:mm:ss (07:08:09)", |
"Epoch Time"] |
timeFormat.removeAllItems() |
timeFormat.addItems(withTitles: supportedTimeFormats) |
timeFormat.item(at: 2)?.isEnabled = false |
timeFormat.item(at: 5)?.isEnabled = false |
timeFormat.item(at: 8)?.isEnabled = false |
timeFormat.autoenablesItems = false |
timeFormat.selectItem(at: chosenFormat) |
timeFormat.setAccessibilityIdentifier("TimeFormatPopover") |
informationLabel.setAccessibilityIdentifier("InformationLabel") |
sliderDayRangePopup.removeAllItems() |
sliderDayRangePopup.addItems(withTitles: [ |
"1 day", |
"2 days", |
"3 days", |
"4 days", |
"5 days", |
"6 days", |
"7 days", |
]) |
if #available(macOS 11.0, *) {} else { |
theme.font = NSFont.systemFont(ofSize: 13) |
} |
setup() |
themeDidChangeNotification = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: .themeDidChangeNotification, object: nil, queue: OperationQueue.main) { _ in |
self.setup() |
self.animateBackgroundColorChange() |
self.view.needsDisplay = true // Let's make the color change permanent. |
self.previewPanelTableView.reloadData() |
} |
previewTimezones = [TimezoneData(with: ["customLabel": "San Francisco", |
"formattedAddress": "San Francisco", |
"place_id": "TestIdentifier", |
"timezoneID": "America/Los_Angeles", |
"nextUpdate": "", |
"note": "Your individual note about this location goes here!", |
"latitude": "37.7749295", |
"longitude": "-122.4194155"])] |
// Ensure the more beautiful tab is selected |
appearanceTab.selectTabViewItem(at: 0) |
// Setup Preview Pane |
previewPanelTableView.dataSource = self |
previewPanelTableView.delegate = self |
previewPanelTableView.reloadData() |
previewPanelTableView.selectionHighlightStyle = .none |
previewPanelTableView.enclosingScrollView?.hasVerticalScroller = false |
previewPanelTableView.enclosingScrollView?.wantsLayer = true |
previewPanelTableView.enclosingScrollView?.layer?.cornerRadius = 12 |
} |
deinit { |
if let themeDidChangeNotif = themeDidChangeNotification { |
NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(themeDidChangeNotif) |
} |
} |
private func animateBackgroundColorChange() { |
let colorAnimation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "backgroundColor") |
colorAnimation.duration = 0.25 |
colorAnimation.fromValue = previousBackgroundColor.cgColor |
colorAnimation.toValue = Themer.shared().mainBackgroundColor().cgColor |
view.layer?.add(colorAnimation, forKey: "backgroundColor") |
} |
override func viewWillAppear() { |
super.viewWillAppear() |
if let menubarFavourites = DataStore.shared().menubarTimezones() { |
visualEffectView.isHidden = menubarFavourites.isEmpty ? false : true |
informationLabel.isHidden = menubarFavourites.isEmpty ? false : true |
} |
if let selectedIndex = DataStore.shared().retrieve(key: UserDefaultKeys.futureSliderRange) as? NSNumber { |
sliderDayRangePopup.selectItem(at: selectedIndex.intValue) |
} |
if #available(macOS 10.14, *) {} else { |
theme.removeItem(at: 2) |
} |
let shouldDisplayCompact = DataStore.shared().shouldDisplay(.menubarCompactMode) |
menubarMode.setSelected(true, forSegment: shouldDisplayCompact ? 0 : 1) |
// True is Menubar Only and False is Menubar + Dock |
let appDisplayOptions = DataStore.shared().shouldDisplay(.appDisplayOptions) |
appDisplayControl.setSelected(true, forSegment: appDisplayOptions ? 0 : 1) |
// Set the Sync value from NSUbiqutousKeyValueStore |
let syncEnabled = NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore.default.bool(forKey: UserDefaultKeys.enableSyncKey) |
syncSegementedControl.setSelected(true, forSegment: syncEnabled ? 0 : 1) |
} |
@IBOutlet var timeFormatLabel: NSTextField! |
@IBOutlet var panelTheme: NSTextField! |
@IBOutlet var dayDisplayOptionsLabel: NSTextField! |
@IBOutlet var showSliderLabel: NSTextField! |
@IBOutlet var showSunriseLabel: NSTextField! |
@IBOutlet var largerTextLabel: NSTextField! |
@IBOutlet var futureSliderRangeLabel: NSTextField! |
@IBOutlet var includeDateLabel: NSTextField! |
@IBOutlet var includeDayLabel: NSTextField! |
@IBOutlet var includePlaceLabel: NSTextField! |
@IBOutlet var appDisplayLabel: NSTextField! |
@IBOutlet var menubarModeLabel: NSTextField! |
@IBOutlet var previewLabel: NSTextField! |
@IBOutlet var miscelleaneousLabel: NSTextField! |
// Panel Preview |
@IBOutlet var previewPanelTableView: NSTableView! |
private func setup() { |
timeFormatLabel.stringValue = "Time Format".localized() |
panelTheme.stringValue = "Panel Theme".localized() |
dayDisplayOptionsLabel.stringValue = "Day Display Options".localized() |
showSliderLabel.stringValue = "Time Scroller".localized() |
showSunriseLabel.stringValue = "Show Sunrise/Sunset".localized() |
largerTextLabel.stringValue = "Larger Text".localized() |
syncLabel.stringValue = "Enable iCloud Sync".localized() |
futureSliderRangeLabel.stringValue = "Future Slider Range".localized() |
includeDateLabel.stringValue = "Include Date".localized() |
includeDayLabel.stringValue = "Include Day".localized() |
includePlaceLabel.stringValue = "Include Place Name".localized() |
menubarModeLabel.stringValue = "Menubar Mode".localized() |
previewLabel.stringValue = "Preview".localized() |
miscelleaneousLabel.stringValue = "Miscellaneous".localized() |
[timeFormatLabel, panelTheme, |
dayDisplayOptionsLabel, showSliderLabel, |
showSunriseLabel, largerTextLabel, syncLabel, futureSliderRangeLabel, |
includeDayLabel, includeDateLabel, includePlaceLabel, appDisplayLabel, menubarModeLabel, |
previewLabel, miscelleaneousLabel].forEach { |
$0?.textColor = Themer.shared().mainTextColor() |
} |
previewPanelTableView.backgroundColor = Themer.shared().mainBackgroundColor() |
} |
@IBAction func timeFormatSelectionChanged(_ sender: NSPopUpButton) { |
let selection = NSNumber(value: sender.indexOfSelectedItem) |
UserDefaults.standard.set(selection, forKey: UserDefaultKeys.selectedTimeZoneFormatKey) |
refresh(panel: true, floating: true) |
if let selectedFormat = sender.selectedItem?.title, |
selectedFormat.contains("ss") |
{ |
|"Selected format contains timezone format") |
guard let panelController = PanelController.panel() else { return } |
panelController.pauseTimer() |
} |
updateStatusItem() |
previewPanelTableView.reloadData() |
} |
private var previousBackgroundColor = NSColor.white |
@IBAction func themeChanged(_ sender: NSPopUpButton) { |
previousBackgroundColor = Themer.shared().mainBackgroundColor() |
let selectedMenuItem = sender.indexOfSelectedItem |
Themer.shared().set(theme: selectedMenuItem) |
refresh(panel: false, floating: true) |
guard let panelController = PanelController.panel() else { |
return |
} |
panelController.refreshBackgroundView() |
panelController.shutdownButton.image = Themer.shared().shutdownImage() |
panelController.preferencesButton.image = Themer.shared().preferenceImage() |
panelController.pinButton.image = Themer.shared().pinImage() |
panelController.sharingButton.image = Themer.shared().sharingImage() |
let defaultTimezones = panelController.defaultPreferences |
if defaultTimezones.isEmpty { |
panelController.updatePanelColor() |
} |
panelController.updateTableContent() |
switch selectedMenuItem { |
case 0: |
Logger.log(object: ["themeSelected": "Light"], for: "Theme") |
case 1: |
Logger.log(object: ["themeSelected": "Dark"], for: "Theme") |
case 2: |
Logger.log(object: ["themeSelected": "System"], for: "Theme") |
default: |
Logger.log(object: ["themeSelected": "System"], for: "Theme") |
} |
} |
private func loggingStringForRelativeDisplaySelection(_ selection: Int) -> String { |
switch selection { |
case 0: |
return "Relative Day" |
case 1: |
return "Actual Day" |
case 2: |
return "Actual Date Day" |
case 3: |
return "Hide" |
default: |
return "Unexpected Selection" |
} |
} |
@IBAction func changeRelativeDayDisplay(_ sender: NSSegmentedControl) { |
Logger.log(object: ["dayPreference": loggingStringForRelativeDisplaySelection(sender.selectedSegment)], for: "RelativeDate") |
refresh(panel: true, floating: true) |
previewPanelTableView.reloadData() |
} |
@IBAction func showFutureSlider(_: Any) { |
refresh(panel: false, floating: true) |
} |
@IBAction func showSunriseSunset(_ sender: NSSegmentedControl) { |
Logger.log(object: ["Is It Displayed": sender.selectedSegment == 0 ? "YES" : "NO"], for: "Sunrise Sunset") |
previewPanelTableView.reloadData() |
} |
@IBAction func changeAppDisplayOptions(_ sender: NSSegmentedControl) { |
if sender.selectedSegment == 0 { |
Logger.log(object: ["Selection": "Menubar"], for: "Dock Mode") |
NSApp.setActivationPolicy(.accessory) |
} else { |
Logger.log(object: ["Selection": "Menubar and Dock"], for: "Dock Mode") |
NSApp.setActivationPolicy(.regular) |
} |
} |
private func refresh(panel: Bool, floating: Bool) { |
OperationQueue.main.addOperation { |
if panel, DataStore.shared().shouldDisplay(ViewType.showAppInForeground) == false { |
guard let panelController = PanelController.panel() else { return } |
let futureSliderBounds = panelController.futureSlider.bounds |
panelController.futureSlider.setNeedsDisplay(futureSliderBounds) |
panelController.updateDefaultPreferences() |
panelController.updateTableContent() |
panelController.setupMenubarTimer() |
} |
if floating, DataStore.shared().shouldDisplay(ViewType.showAppInForeground) { |
if DataStore.shared().shouldDisplay(ViewType.showAppInForeground) { |
let floatingWindow = FloatingWindowController.shared() |
floatingWindow.updateTableContent() |
floatingWindow.futureSlider.setNeedsDisplay(floatingWindow.futureSlider.bounds) |
if !panel { |
floatingWindow.updatePanelColor() |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@IBAction func displayDayInMenubarAction(_: Any) { |
updateStatusItem() |
} |
@IBAction func displayDateInMenubarAction(_: Any) { |
updateStatusItem() |
} |
@IBAction func displayPlaceInMenubarAction(_: Any) { |
updateStatusItem() |
} |
private func updateStatusItem() { |
guard let statusItem = (NSApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate)?.statusItemForPanel() else { |
return |
} |
if DataStore.shared().shouldDisplay(.menubarCompactMode) { |
statusItem.setupStatusItem() |
} else { |
statusItem.refresh() |
} |
} |
@IBAction func menubarModeChanged(_ sender: NSSegmentedControl) { |
guard let statusItem = (NSApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate)?.statusItemForPanel() else { |
return |
} |
statusItem.setupStatusItem() |
if sender.selectedSegment == 0 { |
Logger.log(object: ["Context": "In Appearance View"], for: "Switched to Compact Mode") |
} else { |
Logger.log(object: ["Context": "In Appearance View"], for: "Switched to Standard Mode") |
} |
} |
@IBAction func fontSliderChanged(_: Any) { |
previewPanelTableView.reloadData() |
} |
@IBAction func toggleSync(_ sender: NSSegmentedControl) { |
NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore.default.set(sender.selectedSegment == 0, forKey: UserDefaultKeys.enableSyncKey) |
DataStore.shared().setupSyncNotification() |
} |
} |
extension AppearanceViewController: NSTableViewDataSource, NSTableViewDelegate { |
func numberOfRows(in _: NSTableView) -> Int { |
return 1 |
} |
func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, viewFor _: NSTableColumn?, row: Int) -> NSView? { |
guard !previewTimezones.isEmpty else { |
return nil |
} |
guard let cellView = tableView.makeView(withIdentifier: NSUserInterfaceItemIdentifier(rawValue: "previewTimezoneCell"), owner: self) as? TimezoneCellView else { |
assertionFailure("Unable to create tableviewcell") |
return NSView() |
} |
let currentModel = previewTimezones[row] |
let operation = TimezoneDataOperations(with: currentModel, store: DataStore.shared()) |
cellView.sunriseSetTime.stringValue = operation.formattedSunriseTime(with: 0) |
cellView.sunriseImage.image = currentModel.isSunriseOrSunset ? Themer.shared().sunriseImage() : Themer.shared().sunsetImage() |
cellView.relativeDate.stringValue = 0, displayType: .panel) |
cellView.rowNumber = row |
cellView.customName.stringValue = currentModel.formattedTimezoneLabel() |
cellView.time.stringValue = operation.time(with: 0) |
if let note = currentModel.note, !note.isEmpty { |
cellView.noteLabel.stringValue = note |
} else { |
cellView.noteLabel.stringValue = UserDefaultKeys.emptyString |
} |
cellView.currentLocationIndicator.isHidden = !currentModel.isSystemTimezone |
cellView.time.setAccessibilityIdentifier("ActualTime") |
cellView.layout(with: currentModel) |
cellView.setAccessibilityIdentifier(currentModel.formattedTimezoneLabel()) |
cellView.setAccessibilityLabel(currentModel.formattedTimezoneLabel()) |
return cellView |
} |
func tableView(_: NSTableView, heightOfRow row: Int) -> CGFloat { |
if let userFontSize = DataStore.shared().retrieve(key: UserDefaultKeys.userFontSizePreference) as? NSNumber, previewTimezones.count > row { |
let model = previewTimezones[row] |
let rowHeight: Int = userFontSize == 4 ? 60 : 65 |
if let note = model.note, !note.isEmpty { |
return CGFloat(rowHeight + userFontSize.intValue + 25) |
} |
return CGFloat(rowHeight + (userFontSize.intValue * 2)) |
} |
return 0 |
} |