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// TimePeriod.swift
// DateTools
// Created by Grayson Webster on 8/17/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Grayson Webster. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
* In DateTools, time periods are represented by the TimePeriod protocol.
* Required variables and method impleementations are bound below. An inheritable
* implementation of the TimePeriodProtocol is available through the TimePeriodClass
* [Visit our github page]( for more information.
public protocol TimePeriodProtocol {
// MARK: - Variables
* The start date for a TimePeriod representing the starting boundary of the time period
var beginning: Date? { get set }
* The end date for a TimePeriod representing the ending boundary of the time period
var end: Date? { get set }
public extension TimePeriodProtocol {
// MARK: - Information
* True if the `TimePeriod`'s duration is zero
var isMoment: Bool {
return beginning == end
* The duration of the `TimePeriod` in years.
* Returns the max int if beginning or end are nil.
var years: Int {
if beginning != nil, end != nil {
return beginning!.yearsEarlier(than: end!)
return Int.max
* The duration of the `TimePeriod` in weeks.
* Returns the max int if beginning or end are nil.
var weeks: Int {
if beginning != nil, end != nil {
return beginning!.weeksEarlier(than: end!)
return Int.max
* The duration of the `TimePeriod` in days.
* Returns the max int if beginning or end are nil.
var days: Int {
if beginning != nil, end != nil {
return beginning!.daysEarlier(than: end!)
return Int.max
* The duration of the `TimePeriod` in hours.
* Returns the max int if beginning or end are nil.
var hours: Int {
if beginning != nil, end != nil {
return beginning!.hoursEarlier(than: end!)
return Int.max
* The duration of the `TimePeriod` in minutes.
* Returns the max int if beginning or end are nil.
var minutes: Int {
if beginning != nil, end != nil {
return beginning!.minutesEarlier(than: end!)
return Int.max
* The duration of the `TimePeriod` in seconds.
* Returns the max int if beginning or end are nil.
var seconds: Int {
if beginning != nil, end != nil {
return beginning!.secondsEarlier(than: end!)
return Int.max
* The duration of the `TimePeriod` in a time chunk.
* Returns a time chunk with all zeroes if beginning or end are nil.
var chunk: TimeChunk {
if beginning != nil, end != nil {
return beginning!.chunkBetween(date: end!)
return TimeChunk(seconds: 0, minutes: 0, hours: 0, days: 0, weeks: 0, months: 0, years: 0)
* The length of time between the beginning and end dates of the
* `TimePeriod` as a `TimeInterval`.
var duration: TimeInterval {
if beginning != nil, end != nil {
return abs(beginning!.timeIntervalSince(end!))
return TimeInterval(Double.greatestFiniteMagnitude)
// MARK: - Time Period Relationships
* The relationship of the self `TimePeriod` to the given `TimePeriod`.
* Relations are stored in Enums.swift. Formal defnitions available in the provided
* links:
* [GitHub](,
* [CodeProject](
* - parameter period: The time period to compare to self
* - returns: The relationship between self and the given time period
func relation(to period: TimePeriodProtocol) -> Relation {
// Make sure that all start and end points exist for comparison
if beginning != nil, end != nil, period.beginning != nil, period.end != nil {
// Make sure time periods are of positive durations
if beginning!.isEarlier(than: end!), period.beginning!.isEarlier(than: period.end!) {
// Make comparisons
if period.end!.isEarlier(than: beginning!) {
return .after
} else if period.end!.equals(beginning!) {
return .startTouching
} else if period.beginning!.isEarlier(than: beginning!), period.end!.isEarlier(than: end!) {
return .startInside
} else if period.beginning!.equals(beginning!), period.end!.isLater(than: end!) {
return .insideStartTouching
} else if period.beginning!.equals(beginning!), period.end!.isEarlier(than: end!) {
return .enclosingStartTouching
} else if period.beginning!.isLater(than: beginning!), period.end!.isEarlier(than: end!) {
return .enclosing
} else if period.beginning!.isLater(than: beginning!), period.end!.equals(end!) {
return .enclosingEndTouching
} else if period.beginning!.equals(beginning!), period.end!.equals(end!) {
return .exactMatch
} else if period.beginning!.isEarlier(than: beginning!), period.end!.isLater(than: end!) {
return .inside
} else if period.beginning!.isEarlier(than: beginning!), period.end!.equals(end!) {
return .insideEndTouching
} else if period.beginning!.isEarlier(than: end!), period.end!.isLater(than: end!) {
return .endInside
} else if period.beginning!.equals(end!), period.end!.isLater(than: end!) {
return .endTouching
} else if period.beginning!.isLater(than: end!) {
return .before
return .none
* If `self.beginning` and `self.end` are equal to the beginning and end of the
* given `TimePeriod`.
* - parameter period: The time period to compare to self
* - returns: True if the periods are the same
func equals(_ period: TimePeriodProtocol) -> Bool {
return beginning == period.beginning && end == period.end
* If the given `TimePeriod`'s beginning is before `self.beginning` and
* if the given 'TimePeriod`'s end is after `self.end`.
* - parameter period: The time period to compare to self
* - returns: True if self is inside of the given `TimePeriod`
func isInside(of period: TimePeriodProtocol) -> Bool {
return period.beginning!.isEarlierThanOrEqual(to: beginning!) && period.end!.isLaterThanOrEqual(to: end!)
* If the given Date is after `self.beginning` and before `self.end`.
* - parameter period: The time period to compare to self
* - parameter interval: Whether the edge of the date is included in the calculation
* - returns: True if the given `TimePeriod` is inside of self
func contains(_ date: Date, interval: Interval) -> Bool {
if interval == .open {
return beginning!.isEarlier(than: date) && end!.isLater(than: date)
} else if interval == .closed {
return (beginning!.isEarlierThanOrEqual(to: date) && end!.isLaterThanOrEqual(to: date))
return false
* If the given `TimePeriod`'s beginning is after `self.beginning` and
* if the given 'TimePeriod`'s after is after `self.end`.
* - parameter period: The time period to compare to self
* - returns: True if the given `TimePeriod` is inside of self
func contains(_ period: TimePeriodProtocol) -> Bool {
return beginning!.isEarlierThanOrEqual(to: period.beginning!) && end!.isLaterThanOrEqual(to: period.end!)
* If self and the given `TimePeriod` share any sub-`TimePeriod`.
* - parameter period: The time period to compare to self
* - returns: True if there is a period of time that is shared by both `TimePeriod`s
func overlaps(with period: TimePeriodProtocol) -> Bool {
// Outside -> Inside
if period.beginning!.isEarlier(than: beginning!), period.end!.isLater(than: beginning!) {
return true
// Enclosing
else if period.beginning!.isLaterThanOrEqual(to: beginning!), period.end!.isEarlierThanOrEqual(to: end!) {
return true
// Inside -> Out
else if period.beginning!.isEarlier(than: end!), period.end!.isLater(than: end!) {
return true
return false
* If self and the given `TimePeriod` overlap or the period's edges touch.
* - parameter period: The time period to compare to self
* - returns: True if there is a period of time or moment that is shared by both `TimePeriod`s
func intersects(with period: TimePeriodProtocol) -> Bool {
return relation(to: period) != .after && relation(to: period) != .before
* If self and the given `TimePeriod` have no overlap or touching edges.
* - parameter period: The time period to compare to self
* - returns: True if there is a period of time between self and the given `TimePeriod` not contained by either period
func hasGap(between period: TimePeriodProtocol) -> Bool {
return isBefore(period: period) || isAfter(period: period)
* The period of time between self and the given `TimePeriod` not contained by either.
* - parameter period: The time period to compare to self
* - returns: The gap between the periods. Zero if there is no gap.
func gap(between period: TimePeriodProtocol) -> TimeInterval {
if end!.isEarlier(than: period.beginning!) {
return abs(end!.timeIntervalSince(period.beginning!))
} else if period.end!.isEarlier(than: beginning!) {
return abs(period.end!.timeIntervalSince(beginning!))
return 0
* The period of time between self and the given `TimePeriod` not contained by either
* as a `TimeChunk`.
* - parameter period: The time period to compare to self
* - returns: The gap between the periods, zero if there is no gap
func gap(between period: TimePeriodProtocol) -> TimeChunk? {
if end != nil, period.beginning != nil {
return (end?.chunkBetween(date: period.beginning!))!
return nil
* If self is after the given `TimePeriod` chronologically. (A gap must exist between the two).
* - parameter period: The time period to compare to self
* - returns: True if self is after the given `TimePeriod`
func isAfter(period: TimePeriodProtocol) -> Bool {
return relation(to: period) == .after
* If self is before the given `TimePeriod` chronologically. (A gap must exist between the two).
* - parameter period: The time period to compare to self
* - returns: True if self is after the given `TimePeriod`
func isBefore(period: TimePeriodProtocol) -> Bool {
return relation(to: period) == .before
// MARK: - Shifts
// MARK: In Place
* In place, shift the `TimePeriod` by a `TimeInterval`
* - parameter timeInterval: The time interval to shift the period by
mutating func shift(by timeInterval: TimeInterval) {
* In place, shift the `TimePeriod` by a `TimeChunk`
* - parameter chunk: The time chunk to shift the period by
mutating func shift(by chunk: TimeChunk) {
beginning = beginning?.add(chunk)
end = end?.add(chunk)
// MARK: - Lengthen / Shorten
// MARK: In Place
* In place, lengthen the `TimePeriod`, anchored at the beginning, end or center
* - parameter timeInterval: The time interval to lengthen the period by
* - parameter anchor: The anchor point from which to make the change
mutating func lengthen(by timeInterval: TimeInterval, at anchor: Anchor) {
switch anchor {
case .beginning:
end = end?.addingTimeInterval(timeInterval)
case .center:
beginning = beginning?.addingTimeInterval(-timeInterval / 2.0)
end = end?.addingTimeInterval(timeInterval / 2.0)
case .end:
beginning = beginning?.addingTimeInterval(-timeInterval)
* In place, lengthen the `TimePeriod`, anchored at the beginning or end
* - parameter chunk: The time chunk to lengthen the period by
* - parameter anchor: The anchor point from which to make the change
mutating func lengthen(by chunk: TimeChunk, at anchor: Anchor) {
switch anchor {
case .beginning:
end = end?.add(chunk)
case .center:
// Do not lengthen by TimeChunk at center
print("Mutation via chunk from center anchor is not supported.")
case .end:
beginning = beginning?.subtract(chunk)
* In place, shorten the `TimePeriod`, anchored at the beginning, end or center
* - parameter timeInterval: The time interval to shorten the period by
* - parameter anchor: The anchor point from which to make the change
mutating func shorten(by timeInterval: TimeInterval, at anchor: Anchor) {
switch anchor {
case .beginning:
end = end?.addingTimeInterval(-timeInterval)
case .center:
beginning = beginning?.addingTimeInterval(timeInterval / 2.0)
end = end?.addingTimeInterval(-timeInterval / 2.0)
case .end:
beginning = beginning?.addingTimeInterval(timeInterval)
* In place, shorten the `TimePeriod`, anchored at the beginning or end
* - parameter chunk: The time chunk to shorten the period by
* - parameter anchor: The anchor point from which to make the change
mutating func shorten(by chunk: TimeChunk, at anchor: Anchor) {
switch anchor {
case .beginning:
end = end?.subtract(chunk)
case .center:
// Do not shorten by TimeChunk at center
print("Mutation via chunk from center anchor is not supported.")
case .end:
beginning = beginning?.add(chunk)
* In DateTools, time periods are represented by the case TimePeriod class
* and come with a suite of initializaiton, manipulation, and comparison methods
* to make working with them a breeze.
* [Visit our github page]( for more information.
open class TimePeriod: TimePeriodProtocol {
// MARK: - Variables
* The start date for a TimePeriod representing the starting boundary of the time period
public var beginning: Date?
* The end date for a TimePeriod representing the ending boundary of the time period
public var end: Date?
// MARK: - Initializers
init() {}
init(beginning: Date?, end: Date?) {
self.beginning = beginning
self.end = end
init(beginning: Date, duration: TimeInterval) {
self.beginning = beginning
end = beginning + duration
init(end: Date, duration: TimeInterval) {
self.end = end
beginning = end.addingTimeInterval(-duration)
init(beginning: Date, chunk: TimeChunk) {
self.beginning = beginning
end = beginning + chunk
init(end: Date, chunk: TimeChunk) {
self.end = end
beginning = end - chunk
init(chunk: TimeChunk) {
beginning = Date()
end = beginning?.add(chunk)
// MARK: - Shifted
* Shift the `TimePeriod` by a `TimeInterval`
* - parameter timeInterval: The time interval to shift the period by
* - returns: The new, shifted `TimePeriod`
func shifted(by timeInterval: TimeInterval) -> TimePeriod {
let timePeriod = TimePeriod()
timePeriod.beginning = beginning?.addingTimeInterval(timeInterval)
timePeriod.end = end?.addingTimeInterval(timeInterval)
return timePeriod
* Shift the `TimePeriod` by a `TimeChunk`
* - parameter chunk: The time chunk to shift the period by
* - returns: The new, shifted `TimePeriod`
func shifted(by chunk: TimeChunk) -> TimePeriod {
let timePeriod = TimePeriod()
timePeriod.beginning = beginning?.add(chunk)
timePeriod.end = end?.add(chunk)
return timePeriod
// MARK: - Lengthen / Shorten
// MARK: New
* Lengthen the `TimePeriod` by a `TimeInterval`
* - parameter timeInterval: The time interval to lengthen the period by
* - parameter anchor: The anchor point from which to make the change
* - returns: The new, lengthened `TimePeriod`
func lengthened(by timeInterval: TimeInterval, at anchor: Anchor) -> TimePeriod {
let timePeriod = TimePeriod()
switch anchor {
case .beginning:
timePeriod.beginning = beginning
timePeriod.end = end?.addingTimeInterval(timeInterval)
case .center:
timePeriod.beginning = beginning?.addingTimeInterval(-timeInterval)
timePeriod.end = end?.addingTimeInterval(timeInterval)
case .end:
timePeriod.beginning = beginning?.addingTimeInterval(-timeInterval)
timePeriod.end = end
return timePeriod
* Lengthen the `TimePeriod` by a `TimeChunk`
* - parameter chunk: The time chunk to lengthen the period by
* - parameter anchor: The anchor point from which to make the change
* - returns: The new, lengthened `TimePeriod`
func lengthened(by chunk: TimeChunk, at anchor: Anchor) -> TimePeriod {
let timePeriod = TimePeriod()
switch anchor {
case .beginning:
timePeriod.beginning = beginning
timePeriod.end = end?.add(chunk)
case .center:
print("Mutation via chunk from center anchor is not supported.")
case .end:
timePeriod.beginning = beginning?.add(-chunk)
timePeriod.end = end
return timePeriod
* Shorten the `TimePeriod` by a `TimeInterval`
* - parameter timeInterval: The time interval to shorten the period by
* - parameter anchor: The anchor point from which to make the change
* - returns: The new, shortened `TimePeriod`
func shortened(by timeInterval: TimeInterval, at anchor: Anchor) -> TimePeriod {
let timePeriod = TimePeriod()
switch anchor {
case .beginning:
timePeriod.beginning = beginning
timePeriod.end = end?.addingTimeInterval(-timeInterval)
case .center:
timePeriod.beginning = beginning?.addingTimeInterval(-timeInterval / 2)
timePeriod.end = end?.addingTimeInterval(timeInterval / 2)
case .end:
timePeriod.beginning = beginning?.addingTimeInterval(timeInterval)
timePeriod.end = end
return timePeriod
* Shorten the `TimePeriod` by a `TimeChunk`
* - parameter chunk: The time chunk to shorten the period by
* - parameter anchor: The anchor point from which to make the change
* - returns: The new, shortened `TimePeriod`
func shortened(by chunk: TimeChunk, at anchor: Anchor) -> TimePeriod {
let timePeriod = TimePeriod()
switch anchor {
case .beginning:
timePeriod.beginning = beginning
timePeriod.end = end?.subtract(chunk)
case .center:
print("Mutation via chunk from center anchor is not supported.")
case .end:
timePeriod.beginning = beginning?.add(-chunk)
timePeriod.end = end
return timePeriod
// MARK: - Operator Overloads
* Operator overload for checking if two `TimePeriod`s are equal
static func == (leftAddend: TimePeriod, rightAddend: TimePeriod) -> Bool {
return leftAddend.equals(rightAddend)
// Default anchor = beginning
* Operator overload for lengthening a `TimePeriod` by a `TimeInterval`
static func + (leftAddend: TimePeriod, rightAddend: TimeInterval) -> TimePeriod {
return leftAddend.lengthened(by: rightAddend, at: .beginning)
* Operator overload for lengthening a `TimePeriod` by a `TimeChunk`
static func + (leftAddend: TimePeriod, rightAddend: TimeChunk) -> TimePeriod {
return leftAddend.lengthened(by: rightAddend, at: .beginning)
// Default anchor = beginning
* Operator overload for shortening a `TimePeriod` by a `TimeInterval`
static func - (minuend: TimePeriod, subtrahend: TimeInterval) -> TimePeriod {
return minuend.shortened(by: subtrahend, at: .beginning)
* Operator overload for shortening a `TimePeriod` by a `TimeChunk`
static func - (minuend: TimePeriod, subtrahend: TimeChunk) -> TimePeriod {
return minuend.shortened(by: subtrahend, at: .beginning)
* Operator overload for checking if a `TimePeriod` is equal to a `TimePeriodProtocol`
static func == (left: TimePeriod, right: TimePeriodProtocol) -> Bool {
return left.equals(right)