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273 lines
12 KiB
273 lines
12 KiB
// Copyright © 2015 Abhishek Banthia |
import Cocoa |
import CoreLoggerKit |
import CoreModelKit |
func compactWidth(for timezone: TimezoneData, with store: DataStore) -> Int { |
var totalWidth = 55 |
let timeFormat = timezone.timezoneFormat(store.timezoneFormat()) |
if store.shouldShowDayInMenubar() { |
totalWidth += 12 |
} |
if timeFormat == DateFormat.twelveHour |
|| timeFormat == DateFormat.twelveHourWithSeconds |
|| timeFormat == DateFormat.twelveHourWithZero |
|| timeFormat == DateFormat.twelveHourWithSeconds |
{ |
totalWidth += 20 |
} else if timeFormat == DateFormat.twentyFourHour |
|| timeFormat == DateFormat.twentyFourHourWithSeconds |
{ |
totalWidth += 0 |
} |
if timezone.shouldShowSeconds(store.timezoneFormat()) { |
// Slight buffer needed when the Menubar supplementary text was Mon 9:27:58 AM |
totalWidth += 15 |
} |
if store.shouldShowDateInMenubar() { |
totalWidth += 20 |
} |
return totalWidth |
} |
// Test with Sat 12:46 AM |
let bufferWidth: CGFloat = 9.5 |
let upcomingEventBufferWidth: CGFloat = 32.5 |
protocol StatusItemViewConforming { |
/// Mark that we need to refresh the text we're showing in the menubar |
func statusItemViewSetNeedsDisplay() |
/// Status Item Views can be used to represent different information (like time in location, or an upcoming meeting). Distinguish between different status items view through this identifier |
func statusItemViewIdentifier() -> String |
} |
/// Observe for User Default changes for timezones in App Delegate and reconstruct the Status View if neccesary |
/// We'll inject the menubar timezones into Status Container View which'll pass it to StatusItemView |
/// The benefit of doing so is reducing time-spent calculating menubar timezones and deserialization through `TimezoneData.customObject` |
/// Also inject, `shouldDisplaySecondsInMenubar` |
/// |
class StatusContainerView: NSView { |
private var previousX: Int = 0 |
private let store: DataStore |
private lazy var paragraphStyle: NSMutableParagraphStyle = { |
let paragraphStyle = NSMutableParagraphStyle() |
paragraphStyle.alignment = .center |
paragraphStyle.lineBreakMode = .byTruncatingTail |
// Better readability for p,q,y,g in the status bar. |
let userPreferredLanguage = Locale.preferredLanguages.first ?? "en-US" |
let lineHeight = userPreferredLanguage.contains("en") ? 0.92 : 1 |
paragraphStyle.lineHeightMultiple = CGFloat(lineHeight) |
return paragraphStyle |
}() |
override func awakeFromNib() { |
super.awakeFromNib() |
wantsLayer = true |
layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor.clear.cgColor |
} |
init(with timezones: [Data], |
store: DataStore, |
showUpcomingEventView: Bool, |
bufferContainerWidth: Int) |
{ |
| = store |
func addSubviews() { |
if showUpcomingEventView, |
let events = EventCenter.sharedCenter().eventsForDate[NSCalendar.autoupdatingCurrent.startOfDay(for: Date())], |
events.isEmpty == false, |
let upcomingEvent = EventCenter.sharedCenter().nextOccuring(events) |
{ |
let calculatedWidth = bestWidth(for: upcomingEvent) |
let frame = NSRect(x: previousX, y: 0, width: calculatedWidth, height: 30) |
let calendarItemView = UpcomingEventStatusItemView(frame: frame) |
calendarItemView.dataObject = upcomingEvent |
addSubview(calendarItemView) |
previousX += calculatedWidth |
} |
timezones.forEach { |
if let timezoneObject = TimezoneData.customObject(from: $0) { |
addTimezone(timezoneObject) |
} |
} |
} |
let timeBasedAttributes = [ |
NSAttributedString.Key.font: compactModeTimeFont, |
NSAttributedString.Key.backgroundColor: NSColor.clear, |
NSAttributedString.Key.paragraphStyle: defaultParagraphStyle, |
] |
func containerWidth(for timezones: [Data], event: EventInfo?) -> CGFloat { |
var compressedWidth = timezones.reduce(0.0) { result, timezone -> CGFloat in |
if let timezoneObject = TimezoneData.customObject(from: timezone) { |
let precalculatedWidth = Double(compactWidth(for: timezoneObject, with: store)) |
let operationObject = TimezoneDataOperations(with: timezoneObject, store: store) |
let calculatedSubtitleSize = compactModeTimeFont.size(for: operationObject.compactMenuSubtitle(), |
width: precalculatedWidth, |
attributes: timeBasedAttributes) |
let calculatedTitleSize = compactModeTimeFont.size(for: operationObject.compactMenuTitle(), |
width: precalculatedWidth, |
attributes: timeBasedAttributes) |
let showSeconds = timezoneObject.shouldShowSeconds(store.timezoneFormat()) |
let secondsBuffer: CGFloat = showSeconds ? 7 : 0 |
return result + max(calculatedTitleSize.width, calculatedSubtitleSize.width) + bufferWidth + secondsBuffer |
} |
return result + CGFloat(bufferContainerWidth) |
} |
if showUpcomingEventView { |
let calculateMeetingHeaderSize = compactModeTimeFont.size(for: upcomingEvent?.event.title ?? "", width: 70, attributes: timeBasedAttributes) |
let calculatedMeetingSubtitleSize = compactModeTimeFont.size(for: upcomingEvent?.metadataForMeeting() ?? "", width: 55, attributes: timeBasedAttributes) |
compressedWidth += CGFloat(min(calculateMeetingHeaderSize.width, calculatedMeetingSubtitleSize.width) + bufferWidth + upcomingEventBufferWidth) |
} |
let calculatedWidth = min(compressedWidth, |
CGFloat(timezones.count * bufferContainerWidth)) |
return calculatedWidth |
} |
let events = EventCenter.sharedCenter().eventsForDate[NSCalendar.autoupdatingCurrent.startOfDay(for: Date())] |
let upcomingEvent = EventCenter.sharedCenter().nextOccuring(events ?? []) |
let statusItemWidth = containerWidth(for: timezones, event: upcomingEvent) |
let frame = NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: statusItemWidth, height: 30) |
super.init(frame: frame) |
addSubviews() |
} |
@available(*, unavailable) |
required init?(coder _: NSCoder) { |
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented") |
} |
func addTimezone(_ timezone: TimezoneData) { |
let calculatedWidth = bestWidth(for: timezone) |
let frame = NSRect(x: previousX, y: 0, width: calculatedWidth, height: 30) |
let statusItemView = StatusItemView(frame: frame) |
statusItemView.dataObject = timezone |
addSubview(statusItemView) |
previousX += calculatedWidth |
} |
private func bestWidth(for timezone: TimezoneData) -> Int { |
var textColor = hasDarkAppearance ? NSColor.white : |
if #available(OSX 11.0, *) { |
textColor = NSColor.white |
} |
let timeBasedAttributes = [ |
NSAttributedString.Key.font: compactModeTimeFont, |
NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: textColor, |
NSAttributedString.Key.backgroundColor: NSColor.clear, |
NSAttributedString.Key.paragraphStyle: paragraphStyle, |
] |
let operation = TimezoneDataOperations(with: timezone, store: store) |
let bestSize = compactModeTimeFont.size(for: operation.compactMenuSubtitle(), |
width: Double(compactWidth(for: timezone, with: store)), |
attributes: timeBasedAttributes) |
let bestTitleSize = compactModeTimeFont.size(for: operation.compactMenuTitle(), |
width: Double(compactWidth(for: timezone, with: store)), |
attributes: timeBasedAttributes) |
return Int(max(bestSize.width, bestTitleSize.width) + bufferWidth) |
} |
private func bestWidth(for eventInfo: EventInfo) -> Int { |
var textColor = hasDarkAppearance ? NSColor.white : |
if #available(OSX 11.0, *) { |
textColor = NSColor.white |
} |
let timeBasedAttributes = [ |
NSAttributedString.Key.font: compactModeTimeFont, |
NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: textColor, |
NSAttributedString.Key.backgroundColor: NSColor.clear, |
NSAttributedString.Key.paragraphStyle: defaultParagraphStyle, |
] |
let bestSize = compactModeTimeFont.size(for: eventInfo.metadataForMeeting(), |
width: 55, // Default for a location based status view |
attributes: timeBasedAttributes) |
let bestTitleSize = compactModeTimeFont.size(for: eventInfo.event.title, |
width: 70, // Little more buffer since meeting titles tend to be longer |
attributes: timeBasedAttributes) |
return Int(max(bestSize.width, bestTitleSize.width) + bufferWidth) |
} |
func updateTime() { |
if subviews.isEmpty { |
assertionFailure("Subviews count should > 0") |
} |
for view in subviews { |
if let conformingView = view as? StatusItemViewConforming { |
conformingView.statusItemViewSetNeedsDisplay() |
} |
} |
// See if frame's width needs any adjustment |
adjustWidthIfNeccessary() |
} |
private func adjustWidthIfNeccessary() { |
var newWidth: CGFloat = 0 |
subviews.forEach { |
if let statusItem = $0 as? StatusItemView, statusItem.isHidden == false { |
// Determine what's the best width required to display the current string. |
let newBestWidth = CGFloat(bestWidth(for: statusItem.dataObject)) |
// Let's note if the current width is too small/correct |
newWidth += statusItem.frame.size.width != newBestWidth ? newBestWidth : statusItem.frame.size.width |
statusItem.frame = CGRect(x: statusItem.frame.origin.x, |
y: statusItem.frame.origin.y, |
width: newBestWidth, |
height: statusItem.frame.size.height) |
} else if let upcomingEventView = $0 as? UpcomingEventStatusItemView, upcomingEventView.isHidden == false { |
let newBestWidth = CGFloat(bestWidth(for: upcomingEventView.dataObject)) |
// Let's note if the current width is too small/correct |
newWidth += $0.frame.size.width != newBestWidth ? newBestWidth : upcomingEventView.frame.size.width |
upcomingEventView.frame = CGRect(x: upcomingEventView.frame.origin.x, |
y: upcomingEventView.frame.origin.y, |
width: newBestWidth, |
height: upcomingEventView.frame.size.height) |
} |
} |
if newWidth != frame.size.width, newWidth > frame.size.width + 2.0 { |
|"Correcting our width to \(newWidth) and the previous width was \(frame.size.width)") |
// NSView move animation |
NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup({ context in |
context.duration = 0.2 |
context.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: CAMediaTimingFunctionName.easeIn) |
let newFrame = CGRect(x: frame.origin.x, y: frame.origin.y, width: newWidth, height: frame.size.height) |
// The view will animate to the new origin |
self.animator().frame = newFrame |
}) {} |
} |
} |