Python to generate nice looking SVG graph
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

514 lines
13 KiB

17 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env python
import SVG
from itertools import izip, count, chain
from util import float_range
def get_pairs(i):
i = iter(i)
17 years ago
while True: yield,
class Plot(SVG.Graph):
17 years ago
"""=== For creating SVG plots of scalar data
= Synopsis
require 'SVG/Graph/Plot'
# Data sets are x,y pairs
# Note that multiple data sets can differ in length, and that the
# data in the datasets needn't be in order; they will be ordered
# by the plot along the X-axis.
projection = [
6, 11, 0, 5, 18, 7, 1, 11, 13, 9, 1, 2, 19, 0, 3, 13,
7, 9
17 years ago
actual = [
0, 18, 8, 15, 9, 4, 18, 14, 10, 2, 11, 6, 14, 12,
15, 6, 4, 17, 2, 12
17 years ago
graph ={
:height => 500,
:width => 300,
:key => true,
:scale_x_integers => true,
:scale_y_integerrs => true,
17 years ago
:data => projection
:title => 'Projected',
17 years ago
:data => actual,
:title => 'Actual',
17 years ago
print graph.burn()
= Description
Produces a graph of scalar data.
This object aims to allow you to easily create high quality
SVG[] scalar plots. You can either use the
default style sheet or supply your own. Either way there are many options
which can be configured to give you control over how the graph is
generated - with or without a key, data elements at each point, title,
subtitle etc.
= Examples
= Notes
The default stylesheet handles upto 10 data sets, if you
use more you must create your own stylesheet and add the
additional settings for the extra data sets. You will know
if you go over 10 data sets as they will have no style and
be in black.
Unlike the other types of charts, data sets must contain x,y pairs:
[1, 2] # A data set with 1 point: (1,2)
[1,2, 5,6] # A data set with 2 points: (1,2) and (5,6)
17 years ago
= See also
* SVG::Graph::Graph
* SVG::Graph::BarHorizontal
* SVG::Graph::Bar
* SVG::Graph::Line
* SVG::Graph::Pie
* SVG::Graph::TimeSeries
== Author
Sean E. Russell <serATgermaneHYPHENsoftwareDOTcom>
Copyright 2004 Sean E. Russell
This software is available under the Ruby license[LICENSE.txt]"""
top_align = right_align = top_font = right_font = 1
"""Determines the scaling for the Y axis divisions.
graph.scale_y_divisions = 0.5
would cause the graph to attempt to generate labels stepped by 0.5; EG:
0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, ..."""
scale_y_divisions = None
"Make the X axis labels integers"
scale_x_integers = False
"Make the Y axis labels integers"
scale_y_integers = False
"Fill the area under the line"
area_fill = False
"""Show a small circle on the graph where the line
goes from one point to the next."""
show_data_points = True
"Indicate whether the lines should be drawn between points"
draw_lines_between_points = True
"Set the minimum value of the X axis"
min_x_value = None
"Set the minimum value of the Y axis"
min_y_value = None
"Set the maximum value of the X axis"
max_x_value = None
"Set the maximum value of the Y axis"
max_y_value = None
stacked = False
def scale_x_divisions():
doc = """Determines the scaling for the X axis divisions.
graph.scale_x_divisions = 2
would cause the graph to attempt to generate labels stepped by 2; EG:
def fget(self):
return getattr(self, '_scale_x_divisions', None)
def fset(self, val):
17 years ago
self._scale_x_divisions = val
return property(**locals())
def validate_data(self, data):
if len(data['data']) % 2 != 0:
17 years ago
raise "Expecting x,y pairs for data points for %s." % self.__class__.__name__
def process_data(self, data):
pairs = list(get_pairs(data['data']))
17 years ago
data['data'] = zip(*pairs)
17 years ago
def calculate_left_margin(self):
super(Plot, self).calculate_left_margin()
label_left = len(str(self.get_x_labels()[0])) / 2 * self.font_size * 0.6
self.border_left = max(label_left, self.border_left)
17 years ago
def calculate_right_margin(self):
super(Plot, self).calculate_right_margin()
label_right = len(str(self.get_x_labels()[-1])) / 2 * self.font_size * 0.6
self.border_right = max(label_right, self.border_right)
17 years ago
def data_max(self, axis):
data_index = getattr(self, '%s_data_index' % axis)
max_value = max(chain(*map(lambda set: set['data'][data_index],
17 years ago
# above is same as
#max_value = max(map(lambda set: max(set['data'][data_index]),
spec_max = getattr(self, 'max_%s_value' % axis)
max_value = max(max_value, spec_max)
17 years ago
return max_value
def data_min(self, axis):
data_index = getattr(self, '%s_data_index' % axis)
min_value = min(chain(*map(lambda set: set['data'][data_index],
spec_min = getattr(self, 'min_%s_value' % axis)
17 years ago
if spec_min is not None:
min_value = min(min_value, spec_min)
17 years ago
return min_value
x_data_index = 0
y_data_index = 1
def data_range(self, axis):
side = {'x': 'right', 'y': 'top'}[axis]
17 years ago
min_value = self.data_min(axis)
max_value = self.data_max(axis)
17 years ago
range = max_value - min_value
side_pad = range / 20.0 or 10
scale_range = (max_value + side_pad) - min_value
17 years ago
scale_division = getattr(self, 'scale_%s_divisions' % axis) or (scale_range / 10.0)
17 years ago
if getattr(self, 'scale_%s_integers' % axis):
scale_division = round(scale_division) or 1
17 years ago
return min_value, max_value, scale_division
def x_range(self): return self.data_range('x')
def y_range(self): return self.data_range('y')
17 years ago
def get_data_values(self, axis):
min_value, max_value, scale_division = self.data_range(axis)
return tuple(float_range(*self.data_range(axis)))
17 years ago
def get_x_values(self): return self.get_data_values('x')
def get_y_values(self): return self.get_data_values('y')
17 years ago
def get_x_labels(self):
return map(str, self.get_x_values())
def get_y_labels(self):
return map(str, self.get_y_values())
17 years ago
def field_size(self, axis):
size = {'x': 'width', 'y': 'height'}[axis]
side = {'x': 'right', 'y': 'top'}[axis]
values = getattr(self, 'get_%s_values' % axis)()
max_d = self.data_max(axis)
dx = float(max_d - values[-1]) / (values[-1] - values[-2])
graph_size = getattr(self, 'graph_%s' % size)
side_font = getattr(self, '%s_font' % side)
side_align = getattr(self, '%s_align' % side)
result = (float(graph_size) - self.font_size*2*side_font) / \
(len(values) + dx - side_align)
17 years ago
return result
def field_width(self): return self.field_size('x')
def field_height(self): return self.field_size('y')
17 years ago
def draw_data(self):
17 years ago
for line, data in izip(count(1),
17 years ago
x_start, y_start = self.transform_output_coordinates(
17 years ago
data_points = zip(*data['data'])
graph_points = self.get_graph_points(data_points)
lpath = self.get_lpath(graph_points)
17 years ago
if self.area_fill:
graph_height = self.graph_height
path = self._create_element('path', {
17 years ago
'd': 'M%(x_start)f %(graph_height)f %(lpath)s V%(graph_height)f Z' % vars(),
'class': 'fill%(line)d' % vars()})
17 years ago
if self.draw_lines_between_points:
path = self._create_element('path', {
17 years ago
'd': 'M%(x_start)f %(y_start)f %(lpath)s' % vars(),
'class': 'line%(line)d' % vars()})
self.draw_data_points(line, data_points, graph_points)
17 years ago
del self.__transform_parameters
def add_constant_line(self, value, label = None, style = None):
self.constant_lines = getattr(self, 'constant_lines', [])
self.constant_lines.append((value, label, style))
17 years ago
def _draw_constant_lines(self):
if hasattr(self, 'constant_lines'):
map(self.__draw_constant_line, self.constant_lines)
17 years ago
def __draw_constant_line(self, (value, label, style)):
17 years ago
"Draw a constant line on the y-axis with the label"
start = self.transform_output_coordinates((0, value))[1]
17 years ago
stop = self.graph_width
path = self._create_element('path', {
17 years ago
'd': 'M 0 %(start)s h%(stop)s' % vars(),
'class': 'constantLine'})
17 years ago
if style:
path['style'] = style
text = self._create_element('text', {
'x': str(2),
'y': str(start - 2),
'class': 'constantLine'})
17 years ago
def load_transform_parameters(self):
17 years ago
"Cache the parameters necessary to transform x & y coordinates"
x_min, x_max, x_div = self.x_range()
y_min, y_max, y_div = self.y_range()
x_step = (float(self.graph_width) - self.font_size*2) / \
(x_max - x_min)
y_step = (float(self.graph_height) - self.font_size*2) / \
(y_max - y_min)
self.__transform_parameters = dict(vars())
17 years ago
del self.__transform_parameters['self']
def get_graph_points(self, data_points):
return map(self.transform_output_coordinates, data_points)
17 years ago
def get_lpath(self, points):
points = map(lambda p: "%f %f" % p, points)
return 'L' + ' '.join(points)
17 years ago
def transform_output_coordinates(self, (x,y)):
17 years ago
x_min = self.__transform_parameters['x_min']
x_step = self.__transform_parameters['x_step']
y_min = self.__transform_parameters['y_min']
y_step = self.__transform_parameters['y_step']
x = (x - x_min) * x_step
y = self.graph_height - (y - y_min) * y_step
17 years ago
return x,y
def draw_data_points(self, line, data_points, graph_points):
17 years ago
if not self.show_data_points \
and not self.show_data_values: return
for ((dx,dy),(gx,gy)) in izip(data_points, graph_points):
17 years ago
if self.show_data_points:
circle = self._create_element('circle', {
'cx': str(gx),
'cy': str(gy),
17 years ago
'r': '2.5',
'class': 'dataPoint%(line)s' % vars()})
17 years ago
if self.show_data_values:
self.add_popup(gx, gy, self.format(dx, dy))
self.make_datapoint_text(gx, gy-6, dy)
17 years ago
def format(self, x, y):
17 years ago
return '(%0.2f, %0.2f)' % (x,y)
def get_css(self):
17 years ago
return """/* default line styles */
fill: none;
stroke: #ff0000;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: none;
stroke: #0000ff;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: none;
stroke: #00ff00;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: none;
stroke: #ffcc00;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: none;
stroke: #00ccff;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: none;
stroke: #ff00ff;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: none;
stroke: #00ffff;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: none;
stroke: #ffff00;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: none;
stroke: #ccc6666;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: none;
stroke: #663399;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: none;
stroke: #339900;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: none;
stroke: #9966FF;
stroke-width: 1px;
/* default fill styles */
fill: #cc0000;
fill-opacity: 0.2;
stroke: none;
fill: #0000cc;
fill-opacity: 0.2;
stroke: none;
fill: #00cc00;
fill-opacity: 0.2;
stroke: none;
fill: #ffcc00;
fill-opacity: 0.2;
stroke: none;
fill: #00ccff;
fill-opacity: 0.2;
stroke: none;
fill: #ff00ff;
fill-opacity: 0.2;
stroke: none;
fill: #00ffff;
fill-opacity: 0.2;
stroke: none;
fill: #ffff00;
fill-opacity: 0.2;
stroke: none;
fill: #cc6666;
fill-opacity: 0.2;
stroke: none;
fill: #663399;
fill-opacity: 0.2;
stroke: none;
fill: #339900;
fill-opacity: 0.2;
stroke: none;
fill: #9966FF;
fill-opacity: 0.2;
stroke: none;
/* default line styles */
fill: #ff0000;
stroke: none;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: #0000ff;
stroke: none;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: #00ff00;
stroke: none;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: #ffcc00;
stroke: none;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: #00ccff;
stroke: none;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: #ff00ff;
stroke: none;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: #00ffff;
stroke: none;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: #ffff00;
stroke: none;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: #cc6666;
stroke: none;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: #663399;
stroke: none;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: #339900;
stroke: none;
stroke-width: 1px;
fill: #9966FF;
stroke: none;
stroke-width: 1px;
color: navy;
stroke: navy;
stroke-width: 1px;
stroke-dasharray: 9 1 1;