Python to generate nice looking SVG graph
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``svg.charts`` - Package for generating SVG Charts in Python
.. contents::
Status and License
``svg.charts`` is a port of the SVG::Graph Ruby package by Sean E. Russel.
15 years ago
``svg.charts`` supercedes ``svg_charts`` 1.1 and 1.2.
``svg.charts`` is written by Jason R. Coombs. It is licensed under an
`MIT-style permissive license
You can install it with ``easy_install svg.charts``, or from the
`subversion repository
<>`_ with
``easy_install svg.charts==dev``.
Getting Started
``svg.charts`` has some examples (taken directly from the reference implementation)
in `tests/ <`.
These examples show sample usage of the various chart types. They should provide a
good starting point for learning the usage of the library.
Upgrade Notes
Upgrading from 1.x to 2.0
I suggest removing SVG 1.0 from the python installation. This involves removing the SVG directory (or svg_chart*) from site-packages.
Change import statements to import from the new namespace.
from SVG import Bar
from import VerticalBar
More To-Dos
- Implement javascript-based animation (See JellyGraph for a Silverlight example of what simple animation can do for a charting library).
* First major divergence from the Ruby reference implementation
* Now implemented as a namespace package (svg.charts instead of svg_charts)
* Changed XML processor to lxml
* Enabled extensible css support using cssutils, greatly reducing static CSS
* Renamed modules and methods to be more consistent with PEP-8 naming convention
* Bug fixes
* First public release