diff --git a/pygal/graph/__init__.py b/pygal/graph/__init__.py
index 0a05b2a..3216696 100644
--- a/pygal/graph/__init__.py
+++ b/pygal/graph/__init__.py
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ CHARTS_NAMES = [
+ 'SwissMap',
diff --git a/pygal/graph/ch.cantons.svg b/pygal/graph/ch.cantons.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2f3ffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pygal/graph/ch.cantons.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
diff --git a/pygal/graph/swissmap.py b/pygal/graph/swissmap.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e18284e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pygal/graph/swissmap.py
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of pygal
+# A python svg graph plotting library
+# Copyright © 2012-2014 Kozea
+# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+# later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with pygal. If not, see .
+Worldmap chart
+from __future__ import division
+from collections import defaultdict
+from pygal.ghost import ChartCollection
+from pygal.util import cut, cached_property, decorate
+from pygal.graph.graph import Graph
+from pygal._compat import u
+from pygal.etree import etree
+from numbers import Number
+import os
+ 'kt-zh': u("Zürich"),
+ 'kt-be': u("Bern"),
+ 'kt-lu': u("Luzern"),
+ 'kt-ur': u("Uri"),
+ 'kt-sz': u("Schwyz"),
+ 'kt-ow': u("Obwalden"),
+ 'kt-nw': u("Nidwalden"),
+ 'kt-gl': u("Glarus"),
+ 'kt-zg': u("Zug"),
+ 'kt-fr': u("Freiburg"),
+ 'kt-so': u("Solothurn"),
+ 'kt-bl': u("Basel-Stadt "),
+ 'kt-bs': u("Basle-Land"),
+ 'kt-sh': u("Schaffhausen"),
+ 'kt-ar': u("Appenzell Ausseroden"),
+ 'kt-ai': u("Appenzell Innerroden"),
+ 'kt-sg': u("St. Gallen"),
+ 'kt-gr': u("Graubünden"),
+ 'kt-ag': u("Aargau"),
+ 'kt-tg': u("Thurgau"),
+ 'kt-ti': u("Tessin"),
+ 'kt-vd': u("Waadt"),
+ 'kt-vs': u("Wallis"),
+ 'ke-ne': u("Neuenburg"),
+ 'ke-ge': u("Genf"),
+with open(os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'ch.cantons.svg')) as file:
+ CNT_MAP = file.read()
+class SwissMapCantons(Graph):
+ """Swiss Cantons map"""
+ _dual = True
+ x_labels = list(CANTONS.keys())
+ area_names = CANTONS
+ area_prefix = 'z'
+ kind = 'canton'
+ svg_map = CNT_MAP
+ @cached_property
+ def _values(self):
+ """Getter for series values (flattened)"""
+ return [val[1]
+ for serie in self.series
+ for val in serie.values
+ if val[1] is not None]
+ def _plot(self):
+ map = etree.fromstring(self.svg_map)
+ map.set('width', str(self.view.width))
+ map.set('height', str(self.view.height))
+ for i, serie in enumerate(self.series):
+ safe_vals = list(filter(
+ lambda x: x is not None, cut(serie.values, 1)))
+ if not safe_vals:
+ continue
+ min_ = min(safe_vals)
+ max_ = max(safe_vals)
+ for j, (area_code, value) in enumerate(serie.values):
+ if isinstance(area_code, Number):
+ area_code = '%2d' % area_code
+ if value is None:
+ continue
+ if max_ == min_:
+ ratio = 1
+ else:
+ ratio = .3 + .7 * (value - min_) / (max_ - min_)
+ try:
+ areae = map.findall(
+ ".//*[@class='%s%s %s map-element']" % (
+ self.area_prefix, area_code,
+ self.kind))
+ except SyntaxError:
+ # Python 2.6 (you'd better install lxml)
+ areae = []
+ for g in map:
+ for e in g:
+ if '%s%s' % (
+ self.area_prefix, area_code
+ ) in e.attrib.get('class', ''):
+ areae.append(e)
+ if not areae:
+ continue
+ for area in areae:
+ cls = area.get('class', '').split(' ')
+ cls.append('color-%d' % i)
+ area.set('class', ' '.join(cls))
+ area.set('style', 'fill-opacity: %f' % (ratio))
+ metadata = serie.metadata.get(j)
+ if metadata:
+ node = decorate(self.svg, area, metadata)
+ if node != area:
+ area.remove(node)
+ for g in map:
+ if area not in g:
+ continue
+ index = list(g).index(area)
+ g.remove(area)
+ node.append(area)
+ g.insert(index, node)
+ last_node = len(area) > 0 and area[-1]
+ if last_node is not None and last_node.tag == 'title':
+ title_node = last_node
+ text = title_node.text + '\n'
+ else:
+ title_node = self.svg.node(area, 'title')
+ text = ''
+ title_node.text = text + '[%s] %s: %s' % (
+ serie.title,
+ self.area_names[area_code], self._format(value))
+ self.nodes['plot'].append(map)
+class SwissMapCantons(SwissMapCantons):
+ """French regions map"""
+ x_labels = list(CANTONS.keys())
+ area_names = CANTONS
+ area_prefix = 'z'
+ svg_map = CNT_MAP
+ kind = 'canton'
+class SwissMap(ChartCollection):
+ Cantons = SwissMapCantons
diff --git a/pygal/util.py b/pygal/util.py
index 2e9521f..15703c1 100644
--- a/pygal/util.py
+++ b/pygal/util.py
@@ -339,9 +339,10 @@ def prepare_values(raw, config, cls, offset=0):
from pygal.graph.histogram import Histogram
from pygal.graph.worldmap import Worldmap
from pygal.graph.frenchmap import FrenchMapDepartments
+ from pygal.graph.swissmap import SwissMapCantons
if config.x_labels is None and hasattr(cls, 'x_labels'):
config.x_labels = list(map(to_unicode, cls.x_labels))
- if config.zero == 0 and issubclass(cls, (Worldmap, FrenchMapDepartments)):
+ if config.zero == 0 and issubclass(cls, (Worldmap, FrenchMapDepartments,SwissMapCantons)):
config.zero = 1
for key in ('x_labels', 'y_labels'):
@@ -376,7 +377,7 @@ def prepare_values(raw, config, cls, offset=0):
metadata = {}
values = []
if isinstance(raw_values, dict):
- if issubclass(cls, (Worldmap, FrenchMapDepartments)):
+ if issubclass(cls, (Worldmap, FrenchMapDepartments,SwissMapCantons)):
raw_values = list(raw_values.items())
value_list = [None] * width
@@ -411,7 +412,7 @@ def prepare_values(raw, config, cls, offset=0):
if x_adapter:
value = (x_adapter(value[0]), adapter(value[1]))
if issubclass(
- cls, (Worldmap, FrenchMapDepartments)):
+ cls, (Worldmap, FrenchMapDepartments,SwissMapCantons)):
value = (adapter(value[0]), value[1])
value = list(map(adapter, value))