@ -21,6 +21,28 @@ Charts styling
""" |
from __future__ import division |
from pygal.util import cycle_fill |
from colorsys import rgb_to_hls, hls_to_rgb |
def darken(color, percent): |
assert color[0] == '#', '#rrggbb and #rgb format are supported' |
color = color[1:] |
assert len(color) in (3, 6), '#rrggbb and #rgb format are supported' |
if len(color) == 3: |
color = [a for b in zip(color, color) for a in b] |
return '#%02x%02x%02x' % tuple( |
map(lambda x: 255 * x, |
hls_to_rgb(*( |
lambda h, l, s: (h, max(0, min(1, l - percent / 100)), s))( |
*rgb_to_hls(*map( |
lambda x: int(''.join(x), 16) / 255, |
zip(color[::2], color[1::2]))) |
)))) |
def lighten(color, percent): |
return darken(color, -percent) |
class Style(object): |
@ -217,6 +239,18 @@ GreenBlueDarkStyle = Style(
colors=(lighten('#34B8F7', 15), '#7dcf30', '#247fab', darken('#7dcf30', 10), |
lighten('#247fab', 10), lighten('#7dcf30', 10), darken('#247fab', 10), '#fff')) |
BlueStyle = Style( |
background=darken('#f8f8f8', 3), |
plot_background='#f8f8f8', |
foreground='rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)', |
foreground_light='rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)', |
foreground_dark='rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)', |
opacity='.5', |
opacity_hover='.9', |
transition='250ms ease-in', |
colors=('#00b2f0', '#43d9be', '#0662ab', '#ffd541', lighten('#43d9be', 20), |
lighten('#7dcf30', 10), darken('#0662ab', 15), '#7dcf30', darken('#ffd541', 20))) |
styles = {'default': DefaultStyle, |
'light': LightStyle, |
'neon': NeonStyle, |
@ -229,4 +263,5 @@ styles = {'default': DefaultStyle,
'turquoise': TurquoiseStyle, |
'green': GreenLightStyle, |
'dark_green': GreenDarkStyle, |
'dark_green_blue': GreenBlueDarkStyle} |
'dark_green_blue': GreenBlueDarkStyle, |
'blue_colorized': BlueStyle} |