@ -346,20 +346,8 @@ class Graph(PublicApi):
h = max ( self . legend_box_size , self . style . legend_font_size )
x_step = self . view . width / cols
if self . legend_at_bottom :
# if legends at the bottom, we dont split the windows
# gen structure - (i, (j, (l, tf)))
# i - global serie number - used for coloring and identification
# j - position within current legend box
# l - label
# tf - whether it is secondary label
gen = enumerate ( enumerate ( chain (
zip ( self . _legends , repeat ( False ) ) ,
zip ( self . _secondary_legends , repeat ( True ) ) ) ) )
secondary_legends = legends # svg node is the same
else :
gen = enumerate ( chain (
enumerate ( zip ( self . _legends , repeat ( False ) ) ) ,
enumerate ( zip ( self . _secondary_legends , repeat ( True ) ) ) ) )
# draw secondary axis on right
x = self . margin_box . left + self . view . width + self . spacing
@ -375,44 +363,57 @@ class Graph(PublicApi):
self . nodes [ ' graph ' ] , class_ = ' legends ' ,
transform = ' translate( %d , %d ) ' % ( x , y ) )
for ( global_serie_number , ( i , ( title , is_secondary ) ) ) in gen :
serie_number = - 1
i = 0
col = i % cols
row = i / / cols
for titles , is_secondary in (
( self . _legends , False ) ,
( self . _secondary_legends , True ) ) :
if not self . legend_at_bottom and is_secondary :
i = 0
legend = self . svg . node (
secondary_legends if is_secondary else legends ,
class_ = ' legend reactive activate-serie ' ,
id = " activate-serie- %d " % global_serie_number )
self . svg . node (
legend , ' rect ' ,
x = col * x_step ,
y = 1.5 * row * h + (
self . style . legend_font_size - self . legend_box_size
if self . style . legend_font_size > self . legend_box_size
else 0
) / 2 ,
width = self . legend_box_size ,
height = self . legend_box_size ,
class_ = " color- %d reactive " % (
global_serie_number % len ( self . style . colors ) )
for title in titles :
serie_number + = 1
if title is None :
col = i % cols
row = i / / cols
if isinstance ( title , dict ) :
node = decorate ( self . svg , legend , title )
title = title [ ' title ' ]
else :
node = legend
legend = self . svg . node (
secondary_legends if is_secondary else legends ,
class_ = ' legend reactive activate-serie ' ,
id = " activate-serie- %d " % serie_number )
self . svg . node (
legend , ' rect ' ,
x = col * x_step ,
y = 1.5 * row * h + (
self . style . legend_font_size - self . legend_box_size
if self . style . legend_font_size > self . legend_box_size
else 0
) / 2 ,
width = self . legend_box_size ,
height = self . legend_box_size ,
class_ = " color- %d reactive " % (
serie_number % len ( self . style . colors ) )
truncated = truncate ( title , truncation )
self . svg . node (
node , ' text ' ,
x = col * x_step + self . legend_box_size + 5 ,
y = 1.5 * row * h + .5 * h + .3 * self . style . legend_font_size
) . text = truncated
if isinstance ( title , dict ) :
node = decorate ( self . svg , legend , title )
title = title [ ' title ' ]
else :
node = legend
truncated = truncate ( title , truncation )
self . svg . node (
node , ' text ' ,
x = col * x_step + self . legend_box_size + 5 ,
y = 1.5 * row * h + .5 * h + .3 * self . style . legend_font_size
) . text = truncated
if truncated != title :
self . svg . node ( legend , ' title ' ) . text = title
if truncated != title :
self . svg . node ( legend , ' title ' ) . text = title
i + = 1
def _make_title ( self ) :
""" Make the title """
@ -643,7 +644,7 @@ class Graph(PublicApi):
map ( lambda x : truncate ( x , self . truncate_legend or 15 ) ,
[ serie . title [ ' title ' ]
if isinstance ( serie . title , dict )
else serie . title for serie in series_group ] ) ,
else serie . title or ' ' for serie in series_group ] ) ,
self . style . legend_font_size )
if self . legend_at_bottom :
h_max = max ( h , self . legend_box_size )
@ -938,7 +939,7 @@ class Graph(PublicApi):
""" Check if there is any data """
return any ( [
len ( [
v for a in ( s [ 1 ] if is_list_like ( s ) else [ s ] )
v for a in ( s [ 0 ] if is_list_like ( s ) else [ s ] )
for v in ( a if is_list_like ( a ) else [ a ] )
if v is not None ] )
for s in self . raw_series