Browse Source

Working on porting doc

Florian Mounier 10 years ago
  1. 3
  2. 624
  3. 206
  4. 821
  5. 1
  6. 116
  7. 17
  8. 31
  9. 68
  10. 111
  11. 120
  12. 99
  13. 7
  14. 122
  15. 174
  16. 190
  17. 119
  18. 190
  19. 80
  20. 9
  21. 11
  22. 78
  23. 12


@ -190,3 +190,6 @@ pseudoxml:
$(SPHINXBUILD) -b pseudoxml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/pseudoxml
@echo "Build finished. The pseudo-XML files are in $(BUILDDIR)/pseudoxml."
sphinx-apidoc -f -o . ../pygal


@ -0,0 +1,624 @@
Basic customizations
.. contents::
How to customize:
pygal is customized with the help of the `Config` class (see ` <>`_). It can be changed in several ways:
.. pygal::
from pygal import Config
config = Config()
config.show_legend = False
config.human_readable = True
config.fill = True
config.x_scale = config.y_scale = 0.25
chart = pygal.XY(config)
from math import cos, sin, pi
a = 2 * pi / 5.
chart.add('*', [(cos(i*a+pi/2.), sin(i*a+pi/2.)) for i in (0,2,4,1,3,0)])
By instanciating it
Just import the `Config` class and instanciate it:
.. code-block::
from pygal import Config
config = Config()
config.show_legend = False
config.human_readable = True
config.fill = True
config.x_scale = .25
config.y_scale = .25
chart = pygal.XY(config)
By inheriting it
Import the `Config` class and override it:
.. code-block::
from pygal import Config
class StarConfig(Config):
show_legend = False
human_readable = True
fill = True
x_scale = .25
y_scale = .25
chart = pygal.XY(StarConfig())
Using keyword args
As a shorthand for a one shot config, you can specify all config arguments as keyword args:
.. code-block::
chart = pygal.XY(show_legend=False, human_readable=True, fill=True, x_scale=.25, y_scale=.25)
``width, height, explicit_size``
The simplest and usefull customizations is the svg size to render.
It indicates the desired size of the svg.
.. pygal-code:: 200 100
chart = pygal.Bar(width=200, height=100)
chart.add('1', 1)
chart.add('2', 2)
You can also set `explicit_size` to True to add size attributes to the svg tag.
``spacing, margin``
Spacing determines the space between all elements:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Bar(spacing=50)
chart.x_labels = u'αβγδ'
chart.add('line 1', [5, 15, 10, 8])
chart.add('line 2', [15, 20, 8, 11])
Margin is the external chart margin:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Bar(margin=50)
chart.x_labels = u'αβγδ'
chart.add('line 1', [5, 15, 10, 8])
chart.add('line 2', [15, 20, 8, 11])
Scales are computed automaticaly between the min and the max values.
You may want to always have the absissa in your graph:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(include_x_axis=True)
chart.add('line', [.0002, .0005, .00035])
You may also want to explicitly set a range, `range` takes a tuple containing min and max:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(range=(.0001, .001))
chart.add('line', [.0002, .0005, .00035])
Finaly you can tell at which precision pygal should stop scaling (in log10):
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(order_min=-4)
chart.add('line', [.0002, .0005, .00035])
Chart title
You can add a title to the chart by setting the `title` option:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(title=u'Some points')
chart.add('line', [.0002, .0005, .00035])
X title
You can add a title to the x axis by setting the `x_title` option:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(title=u'Some points', x_title='X Axis')
chart.add('line', [.0002, .0005, .00035])
Y title
You can add a title to the y axis by setting the `y_title` option:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(title=u'Some points', y_title='Y Axis')
chart.add('line', [.0002, .0005, .00035])
Font size
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(title=u'Some points', x_title='X Axis', y_title='Y Axis',
chart.add('line', [.0002, .0005, .00035])
Add labels
``x_labels, y_labels``
You can specify x labels and y labels, depending on the graph type:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line()
chart.x_labels = 'Red', 'Blue', 'Green'
chart.y_labels = .0001, .0003, .0004, .00045, .0005
chart.add('line', [.0002, .0005, .00035])
Remove y labels
Set this to False to deactivate y labels:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(show_y_labels=False)
chart.add('line', [.0002, .0005, .00035])
Rotate labels
``x_label_rotation, y_label_rotation``
Allow label rotation (in degrees) to avoid axis cluttering:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line()
chart.x_labels = [
'This is the first point !',
'This is the second point !',
'This is the third point !',
'This is the fourth point !']
chart.add('line', [0, .0002, .0005, .00035])
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(x_label_rotation=20)
chart.x_labels = [
'This is the first point !',
'This is the second point !',
'This is the third point !',
'This is the fourth point !']
chart.add('line', [0, .0002, .0005, .00035])
Change minor/major labels
``x_labels_major, x_labels_major_every, x_labels_major_count, show_minor_x_labels, y_labels_major, y_labels_major_every, y_labels_major_count, show_minor_y_labels``
You can alter major minor behaviour of axes thanks to `Arjen Stolk <>`_
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(x_label_rotation=20)
chart.x_labels = [
'This is the first point !',
'This is the second point !',
'This is the third point !',
'This is the fourth point !']
chart.x_labels_major = ['This is the first point !', 'This is the fourth point !']
chart.add('line', [0, .0002, .0005, .00035])
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(x_label_rotation=20, x_labels_major_every=3)
chart.x_labels = [
'This is the first point !',
'This is the second point !',
'This is the third point !',
'This is the fourth point !']
chart.add('line', [0, .0002, .0005, .00035])
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(x_label_rotation=20, x_labels_major_count=3)
chart.x_labels = [
'This is the first point !',
'This is the second point !',
'This is the third point !',
'This is the fourth point !']
chart.add('line', [0, .0002, .0005, .00035])
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(x_label_rotation=20, show_minor_x_labels=False)
chart.x_labels = [
'This is the first point !',
'This is the second point !',
'This is the third point !',
'This is the fourth point !']
chart.x_labels_major = ['This is the first point !', 'This is the fourth point !']
chart.add('line', [0, .0002, .0005, .00035])
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(y_label_rotation=-20)
chart.y_labels_major = []
chart.add('line', [0, .0002, .0005, .00035])
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line()
chart.y_labels_major = [.0001, .0004]
chart.add('line', [0, .0002, .0005, .00035])
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(y_label_rotation=20, y_labels_major_every=3)
chart.add('line', [0, .0002, .0005, .00035])
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(y_labels_major_count=3)
chart.add('line', [0, .0002, .0005, .00035])
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(y_labels_major_every=2, show_minor_y_labels=False)
chart.add('line', [0, .0002, .0005, .00035])
Font size
``label_font_size, major_label_font_size``
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(x_label_rotation=20, label_font_size=8, major_label_font_size=12)
chart.x_labels = [
'This is the first point !',
'This is the second point !',
'This is the third point !',
'This is the fourth point !']
chart.x_labels_major = ['This is the first point !', 'This is the fourth point !']
chart.add('line', [0, .0002, .0005, .00035])
You can remove dots by setting `show_dots` at `False`
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(show_dots=False)
chart.add('line', [.0002, .0005, .00035])
You can remove minor x-labelled dots by setting `show_only_major_dots` at `True`
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(show_only_major_dots=True)
chart.add('line', range(12))
chart.x_labels = map(str, range(12))
chart.x_labels_major = ['2', '4', '8', '11']
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(dots_size=5)
chart.add('line', [.0002, .0005, .00035])
You can remove legend by setting these at `False`
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(show_legend=False)
chart.add('line', [.0002, .0005, .00035])
Legend at bottom
You can put legend at bottom by setting `legend_at_bottom` at True:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(legend_at_bottom=True)
chart.add('line', [.0002, .0005, .00035])
Legend box size
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(legend_box_size=18)
chart.add('line', [.0002, .0005, .00035])
Font size
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(legend_font_size=20)
chart.add('line', [.0002, .0005, .00035])
Rounded corner
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(tooltip_border_radius=10)
chart.add('line', [.0002, .0005, .00035])
Font size
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(tooltip_font_size=24)
chart.add('line', [.0002, .0005, .00035])
You can specifiy how the values are displayed on the tooltip using a lambda function.
The code below shows the values to 2 decimal places.
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(range=(0, 5))
chart.add('line', [.070106781, 1.414213562, 3.141592654])
chart.value_formatter = lambda x: "%.2f" % x
The datey graph shows the tooltip as "x=? y=?", where the x format is the same as the x_label_format, and the y format is specified via the value_formatter.
Two y axes
You can plot your values to 2 separate axes, thanks to `wiktorn <>`_
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(title=u'Some different points')
chart.add('line', [.0002, .0005, .00035])
chart.add('other line', [1000, 2000, 7000], secondary=True)
``fill, stroke, zero``
You can disable line stroking:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(stroke=False)
chart.add('line', [.0002, .0005, .00035])
And enable line filling:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(fill=True)
chart.add('line', [.0002, .0005, .00035])
To fill to an other reference than zero:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(fill=True, zero=.0004)
chart.add('line', [.0002, .0005, .00035])
Font sizes
``value_font_size, tooltip_font_size``
Set the various font size
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(label_font_size=34, legend_font_size=8)
chart.add('line', [0, .0002, .0005, .00035])
Text truncation
``truncate_legend, truncate_label``
By default long text are automatically truncated at reasonable length which fit in the graph.
You can override that by setting truncation lenght with `truncate_legend` and `truncate_label`.
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(truncate_legend=3, truncate_label=17)
chart.x_labels = [
'This is the first point !',
'This is the second point !',
'This is the third point !',
'This is the fourth point !']
chart.add('line', [0, .0002, .0005, .00035])
Human readable
Display values in human readable form:
1 230 000 -> 1.23M
.00 098 7 -> 987µ
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(human_readable=True, y_scale=.0001)
chart.add('line', [0, .0002, .0005, .00035])
No data text
Text to display instead of the graph when no data is supplied:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line()
chart.add('line', [])
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(no_data_text='No result found')
chart.add('line', [])
Next: `Interpolations </interpolations>`_


@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
Built-in Styles
pygal provides 14 built-in styles:
.. contents::
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, interpolate='cubic')
chart.add('A', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
chart.add('B', [5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 17])
chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0])
chart.add('D', [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 9, 5])
chart.add('E', [7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 10, 0])
.. pygal-code::
from import NeonStyle
chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, interpolate='cubic', style=NeonStyle)
chart.add('A', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
chart.add('B', [5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 17])
chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0])
chart.add('D', [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 9, 5])
chart.add('E', [7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 10, 0])
Dark Solarized
.. pygal-code::
from import DarkSolarizedStyle
chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, interpolate='cubic', style=DarkSolarizedStyle)
chart.add('A', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
chart.add('B', [5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 17])
chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0])
chart.add('D', [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 9, 5])
chart.add('E', [7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 10, 0])
Light Solarized
.. pygal-code::
from import LightSolarizedStyle
chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, interpolate='cubic', style=LightSolarizedStyle)
chart.add('A', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
chart.add('B', [5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 17])
chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0])
chart.add('D', [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 9, 5])
chart.add('E', [7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 10, 0])
.. pygal-code::
from import LightStyle
chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, interpolate='cubic', style=LightStyle)
chart.add('A', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
chart.add('B', [5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 17])
chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0])
chart.add('D', [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 9, 5])
chart.add('E', [7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 10, 0])
.. pygal-code::
from import CleanStyle
chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, interpolate='cubic', style=CleanStyle)
chart.add('A', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
chart.add('B', [5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 17])
chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0])
chart.add('D', [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 9, 5])
chart.add('E', [7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 10, 0])
Red Blue
.. pygal-code::
from import RedBlueStyle
chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, interpolate='cubic', style=RedBlueStyle)
chart.add('A', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
chart.add('B', [5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 17])
chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0])
chart.add('D', [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 9, 5])
chart.add('E', [7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 10, 0])
Dark Colorized
.. pygal-code::
from import DarkColorizedStyle
chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, interpolate='cubic', style=DarkColorizedStyle)
chart.add('A', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
chart.add('B', [5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 17])
chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0])
chart.add('D', [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 9, 5])
chart.add('E', [7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 10, 0])
Light Colorized
.. pygal-code::
from import LightColorizedStyle
chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, interpolate='cubic', style=LightColorizedStyle)
chart.add('A', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
chart.add('B', [5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 17])
chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0])
chart.add('D', [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 9, 5])
chart.add('E', [7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 10, 0])
.. pygal-code::
from import TurquoiseStyle
chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, interpolate='cubic', style=TurquoiseStyle)
chart.add('A', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
chart.add('B', [5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 17])
chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0])
chart.add('D', [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 9, 5])
chart.add('E', [7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 10, 0])
Light green
.. pygal-code::
from import LightGreenStyle
chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, interpolate='cubic', style=LightGreenStyle)
chart.add('A', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
chart.add('B', [5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 17])
chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0])
chart.add('D', [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 9, 5])
chart.add('E', [7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 10, 0])
Dark green
.. pygal-code::
from import DarkGreenStyle
chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, interpolate='cubic', style=DarkGreenStyle)
chart.add('A', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
chart.add('B', [5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 17])
chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0])
chart.add('D', [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 9, 5])
chart.add('E', [7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 10, 0])
Dark green blue
.. pygal-code::
from import DarkGreenBlueStyle
chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, interpolate='cubic', style=DarkGreenBlueStyle)
chart.add('A', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
chart.add('B', [5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 17])
chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0])
chart.add('D', [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 9, 5])
chart.add('E', [7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 10, 0])
.. pygal-code::
from import BlueStyle
chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, interpolate='cubic', style=BlueStyle)
chart.add('A', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
chart.add('B', [5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 17])
chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0])
chart.add('D', [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 9, 5])
chart.add('E', [7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 10, 0])


@ -0,0 +1,821 @@
Chart types
pygal provides 10 kinds of charts:
.. contents::
Line charts
Basic simple line graph:
.. pygal-code::
line_chart = pygal.Line()
line_chart.title = 'Browser usage evolution (in %)'
line_chart.x_labels = map(str, range(2002, 2013))
line_chart.add('Firefox', [None, None, 0, 16.6, 25, 31, 36.4, 45.5, 46.3, 42.8, 37.1])
line_chart.add('Chrome', [None, None, None, None, None, None, 0, 3.9, 10.8, 23.8, 35.3])
line_chart.add('IE', [85.8, 84.6, 84.7, 74.5, 66, 58.6, 54.7, 44.8, 36.2, 26.6, 20.1])
line_chart.add('Others', [14.2, 15.4, 15.3, 8.9, 9, 10.4, 8.9, 5.8, 6.7, 6.8, 7.5])
Same graph but with stacked values and filled rendering:
.. pygal-code::
line_chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True)
line_chart.title = 'Browser usage evolution (in %)'
line_chart.x_labels = map(str, range(2002, 2013))
line_chart.add('Firefox', [None, None, 0, 16.6, 25, 31, 36.4, 45.5, 46.3, 42.8, 37.1])
line_chart.add('Chrome', [None, None, None, None, None, None, 0, 3.9, 10.8, 23.8, 35.3])
line_chart.add('IE', [85.8, 84.6, 84.7, 74.5, 66, 58.6, 54.7, 44.8, 36.2, 26.6, 20.1])
line_chart.add('Others', [14.2, 15.4, 15.3, 8.9, 9, 10.4, 8.9, 5.8, 6.7, 6.8, 7.5])
Bar charts / Histograms
Basic simple bar graph:
.. pygal-code::
line_chart = pygal.Bar()
line_chart.title = 'Browser usage evolution (in %)'
line_chart.x_labels = map(str, range(2002, 2013))
line_chart.add('Firefox', [None, None, 0, 16.6, 25, 31, 36.4, 45.5, 46.3, 42.8, 37.1])
line_chart.add('Chrome', [None, None, None, None, None, None, 0, 3.9, 10.8, 23.8, 35.3])
line_chart.add('IE', [85.8, 84.6, 84.7, 74.5, 66, 58.6, 54.7, 44.8, 36.2, 26.6, 20.1])
line_chart.add('Others', [14.2, 15.4, 15.3, 8.9, 9, 10.4, 8.9, 5.8, 6.7, 6.8, 7.5])
Same graph but with stacked values:
.. pygal-code::
line_chart = pygal.StackedBar()
line_chart.title = 'Browser usage evolution (in %)'
line_chart.x_labels = map(str, range(2002, 2013))
line_chart.add('Firefox', [None, None, 0, 16.6, 25, 31, 36.4, 45.5, 46.3, 42.8, 37.1])
line_chart.add('Chrome', [None, None, None, None, None, None, 0, 3.9, 10.8, 23.8, 35.3])
line_chart.add('IE', [85.8, 84.6, 84.7, 74.5, 66, 58.6, 54.7, 44.8, 36.2, 26.6, 20.1])
line_chart.add('Others', [14.2, 15.4, 15.3, 8.9, 9, 10.4, 8.9, 5.8, 6.7, 6.8, 7.5])
Horizontal bar diagram:
.. pygal-code::
line_chart = pygal.HorizontalBar()
line_chart.title = 'Browser usage in February 2012 (in %)'
line_chart.add('IE', 19.5)
line_chart.add('Firefox', 36.6)
line_chart.add('Chrome', 36.3)
line_chart.add('Safari', 4.5)
line_chart.add('Opera', 2.3)
XY charts
Basic XY lines, drawing cosinus:
.. pygal-code::
from math import cos
xy_chart = pygal.XY()
xy_chart.title = 'XY Cosinus'
xy_chart.add('x = cos(y)', [(cos(x / 10.), x / 10.) for x in range(-50, 50, 5)])
xy_chart.add('y = cos(x)', [(x / 10., cos(x / 10.)) for x in range(-50, 50, 5)])
xy_chart.add('x = 1', [(1, -5), (1, 5)])
xy_chart.add('x = -1', [(-1, -5), (-1, 5)])
xy_chart.add('y = 1', [(-5, 1), (5, 1)])
xy_chart.add('y = -1', [(-5, -1), (5, -1)])
Scatter Plot
Disabling stroke make a good scatter plot
.. pygal-code::
xy_chart = pygal.XY(stroke=False)
xy_chart.title = 'Correlation'
xy_chart.add('A', [(0, 0), (.1, .2), (.3, .1), (.5, 1), (.8, .6), (1, 1.08), (1.3, 1.1), (2, 3.23), (2.43, 2)])
xy_chart.add('B', [(.1, .15), (.12, .23), (.4, .3), (.6, .4), (.21, .21), (.5, .3), (.6, .8), (.7, .8)])
xy_chart.add('C', [(.05, .01), (.13, .02), (1.5, 1.7), (1.52, 1.6), (1.8, 1.63), (1.5, 1.82), (1.7, 1.23), (2.1, 2.23), (2.3, 1.98)])
You can index values by dates (Thanks to `Snarkturne <>`_)
.. pygal-code::
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
datey = pygal.DateY(x_label_rotation=20)
datey.add("Visits", [
(datetime(2013, 1, 2), 300),
(datetime(2013, 1, 12), 412),
(datetime(2013, 2, 2), 823),
(datetime(2013, 2, 22), 672)
The x axis and tool tip x labels can be specified using `x_label_format`. This uses the formatting string for strftime from `here <>`_
The x labels can also be specified, using an array of datetime objects.
.. pygal-code::
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
datey = pygal.DateY(x_label_rotation=20)
datey.add("Visits", [
(datetime(2013, 1, 2), 300),
(datetime(2013, 1, 12), 412),
(datetime(2013, 2, 2), 823),
(datetime(2013, 2, 22), 672)
datey.x_label_format = "%Y-%m-%d"
datey.x_labels = [
datetime(2013, 1, 1),
datetime(2013, 2, 1),
datetime(2013, 3, 1)
Simple pie:
.. pygal-code::
pie_chart = pygal.Pie()
pie_chart.title = 'Browser usage in February 2012 (in %)'
pie_chart.add('IE', 19.5)
pie_chart.add('Firefox', 36.6)
pie_chart.add('Chrome', 36.3)
pie_chart.add('Safari', 4.5)
pie_chart.add('Opera', 2.3)
Multi-series pie
Same pie but divided in sub category:
.. pygal-code::
pie_chart = pygal.Pie()
pie_chart.title = 'Browser usage by version in February 2012 (in %)'
pie_chart.add('IE', [5.7, 10.2, 2.6, 1])
pie_chart.add('Firefox', [.6, 16.8, 7.4, 2.2, 1.2, 1, 1, 1.1, 4.3, 1])
pie_chart.add('Chrome', [.3, .9, 17.1, 15.3, .6, .5, 1.6])
pie_chart.add('Safari', [4.4, .1])
pie_chart.add('Opera', [.1, 1.6, .1, .5])
Radar charts
Simple Kiviat diagram:
.. pygal-code::
radar_chart = pygal.Radar()
radar_chart.title = 'V8 benchmark results'
radar_chart.x_labels = ['Richards', 'DeltaBlue', 'Crypto', 'RayTrace', 'EarleyBoyer', 'RegExp', 'Splay', 'NavierStokes']
radar_chart.add('Chrome', [6395, 8212, 7520, 7218, 12464, 1660, 2123, 8607])
radar_chart.add('Firefox', [7473, 8099, 11700, 2651, 6361, 1044, 3797, 9450])
radar_chart.add('Opera', [3472, 2933, 4203, 5229, 5810, 1828, 9013, 4669])
radar_chart.add('IE', [43, 41, 59, 79, 144, 136, 34, 102])
Box plot
Here's some whiskers:
.. pygal-code::
box_plot = pygal.Box()
box_plot.title = 'V8 benchmark results'
box_plot.add('Chrome', [6395, 8212, 7520, 7218, 12464, 1660, 2123, 8607])
box_plot.add('Firefox', [7473, 8099, 11700, 2651, 6361, 1044, 3797, 9450])
box_plot.add('Opera', [3472, 2933, 4203, 5229, 5810, 1828, 9013, 4669])
box_plot.add('IE', [43, 41, 59, 79, 144, 136, 34, 102])
Dot charts
Punch card like chart:
.. pygal-code::
dot_chart = pygal.Dot(x_label_rotation=30)
dot_chart.title = 'V8 benchmark results'
dot_chart.x_labels = ['Richards', 'DeltaBlue', 'Crypto', 'RayTrace', 'EarleyBoyer', 'RegExp', 'Splay', 'NavierStokes']
dot_chart.add('Chrome', [6395, 8212, 7520, 7218, 12464, 1660, 2123, 8607])
dot_chart.add('Firefox', [7473, 8099, 11700, 2651, 6361, 1044, 3797, 9450])
dot_chart.add('Opera', [3472, 2933, 4203, 5229, 5810, 1828, 9013, 4669])
dot_chart.add('IE', [43, 41, 59, 79, 144, 136, 34, 102])
Funnel charts
Funnel chart:
.. pygal-code::
funnel_chart = pygal.Funnel()
funnel_chart.title = 'V8 benchmark results'
funnel_chart.x_labels = ['Richards', 'DeltaBlue', 'Crypto', 'RayTrace', 'EarleyBoyer', 'RegExp', 'Splay', 'NavierStokes']
funnel_chart.add('Opera', [3472, 2933, 4203, 5229, 5810, 1828, 9013, 4669])
funnel_chart.add('Firefox', [7473, 8099, 11700, 2651, 6361, 1044, 3797, 9450])
funnel_chart.add('Chrome', [6395, 8212, 7520, 7218, 12464, 1660, 2123, 8607])
Gauge charts
Simple gauge chart:
.. pygal-code::
gauge_chart = pygal.Gauge(human_readable=True)
gauge_chart.title = 'DeltaBlue V8 benchmark results'
gauge_chart.x_labels = ['Richards', 'DeltaBlue', 'Crypto', 'RayTrace', 'EarleyBoyer', 'RegExp', 'Splay', 'NavierStokes']
gauge_chart.range = [0, 10000]
gauge_chart.add('Chrome', 8212)
gauge_chart.add('Firefox', 8099)
gauge_chart.add('Opera', 2933)
gauge_chart.add('IE', 41)
Pyramid charts
Population pyramid:
.. pygal-code:: 600 600
ages = [(364381, 358443, 360172, 345848, 334895, 326914, 323053, 312576, 302015, 301277, 309874, 318295, 323396, 332736, 330759, 335267, 345096, 352685, 368067, 381521, 380145, 378724, 388045, 382303, 373469, 365184, 342869, 316928, 285137, 273553, 250861, 221358, 195884, 179321, 171010, 162594, 152221, 148843, 143013, 135887, 125824, 121493, 115913, 113738, 105612, 99596, 91609, 83917, 75688, 69538, 62999, 58864, 54593, 48818, 44739, 41096, 39169, 36321, 34284, 32330, 31437, 30661, 31332, 30334, 23600, 21999, 20187, 19075, 16574, 15091, 14977, 14171, 13687, 13155, 12558, 11600, 10827, 10436, 9851, 9794, 8787, 7993, 6901, 6422, 5506, 4839, 4144, 3433, 2936, 2615),
(346205, 340570, 342668, 328475, 319010, 312898, 308153, 296752, 289639, 290466, 296190, 303871, 309886, 317436, 315487, 316696, 325772, 331694, 345815, 354696, 354899, 351727, 354579, 341702, 336421, 321116, 292261, 261874, 242407, 229488, 208939, 184147, 162662, 147361, 140424, 134336, 126929, 125404, 122764, 116004, 105590, 100813, 95021, 90950, 85036, 79391, 72952, 66022, 59326, 52716, 46582, 42772, 38509, 34048, 30887, 28053, 26152, 23931, 22039, 20677, 19869, 19026, 18757, 18308, 14458, 13685, 12942, 12323, 11033, 10183, 10628, 10803, 10655, 10482, 10202, 10166, 9939, 10138, 10007, 10174, 9997, 9465, 9028, 8806, 8450, 7941, 7253, 6698, 6267, 5773),
(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 23, 91, 412, 1319, 2984, 5816, 10053, 16045, 24240, 35066, 47828, 62384, 78916, 97822, 112738, 124414, 130658, 140789, 153951, 168560, 179996, 194471, 212006, 225209, 228886, 239690, 245974, 253459, 255455, 260715, 259980, 256481, 252222, 249467, 240268, 238465, 238167, 231361, 223832, 220459, 222512, 220099, 219301, 221322, 229783, 239336, 258360, 271151, 218063, 213461, 207617, 196227, 174615, 160855, 165410, 163070, 157379, 149698, 140570, 131785, 119936, 113751, 106989, 99294, 89097, 78413, 68174, 60592, 52189, 43375, 35469, 29648, 24575, 20863),
(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 74, 392, 1351, 3906, 7847, 12857, 19913, 29108, 42475, 58287, 74163, 90724, 108375, 125886, 141559, 148061, 152871, 159725, 171298, 183536, 196136, 210831, 228757, 238731, 239616, 250036, 251759, 259593, 261832, 264864, 264702, 264070, 258117, 253678, 245440, 241342, 239843, 232493, 226118, 221644, 223440, 219833, 219659, 221271, 227123, 232865, 250646, 261796, 210136, 201824, 193109, 181831, 159280, 145235, 145929, 140266, 133082, 124350, 114441, 104655, 93223, 85899, 78800, 72081, 62645, 53214, 44086, 38481, 32219, 26867, 21443, 16899, 13680, 11508),
(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 5, 17, 15, 31, 34, 38, 35, 45, 299, 295, 218, 247, 252, 254, 222, 307, 316, 385, 416, 463, 557, 670, 830, 889, 1025, 1149, 1356, 1488, 1835, 1929, 2130, 2362, 2494, 2884, 3160, 3487, 3916, 4196, 4619, 5032, 5709, 6347, 7288, 8139, 9344, 11002, 12809, 11504, 11918, 12927, 13642, 13298, 14015, 15751, 17445, 18591, 19682, 20969, 21629, 22549, 23619, 25288, 26293, 27038, 27039, 27070, 27750, 27244, 25905, 24357, 22561, 21794, 20595),
(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 8, 0, 8, 21, 34, 49, 84, 97, 368, 401, 414, 557, 654, 631, 689, 698, 858, 1031, 1120, 1263, 1614, 1882, 2137, 2516, 2923, 3132, 3741, 4259, 4930, 5320, 5948, 6548, 7463, 8309, 9142, 10321, 11167, 12062, 13317, 15238, 16706, 18236, 20336, 23407, 27024, 32502, 37334, 34454, 38080, 41811, 44490, 45247, 46830, 53616, 58798, 63224, 66841, 71086, 73654, 77334, 82062, 87314, 92207, 94603, 94113, 92753, 93174, 91812, 87757, 84255, 79723, 77536, 74173),
(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 5, 0, 11, 35, 137, 331, 803, 1580, 2361, 3632, 4866, 6849, 8754, 10422, 12316, 14152, 16911, 19788, 22822, 27329, 31547, 35711, 38932, 42956, 46466, 49983, 52885, 55178, 56549, 57632, 57770, 57427, 56348, 55593, 55554, 53266, 51084, 49342, 48555, 47067, 45789, 44988, 44624, 44238, 46267, 46203, 36964, 33866, 31701, 28770, 25174, 22702, 21934, 20638, 19051, 17073, 15381, 13736, 11690, 10368, 9350, 8375, 7063, 6006, 5044, 4030, 3420, 2612, 2006, 1709, 1264, 1018),
(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 6, 11, 20, 68, 179, 480, 1077, 2094, 3581, 5151, 7047, 9590, 12434, 15039, 17257, 19098, 21324, 24453, 27813, 32316, 37281, 43597, 49647, 53559, 58888, 62375, 67219, 70956, 73547, 74904, 75994, 76224, 74979, 72064, 70330, 68944, 66527, 63073, 60899, 60968, 58756, 57647, 56301, 57246, 57068, 59027, 59187, 47549, 44425, 40976, 38077, 32904, 29431, 29491, 28020, 26086, 24069, 21742, 19498, 17400, 15738, 14451, 13107, 11568, 10171, 8530, 7273, 6488, 5372, 4499, 3691, 3259, 2657)]
types = ['Males single', 'Females single',
'Males married', 'Females married',
'Males widowed', 'Females widowed',
'Males divorced', 'Females divorced']
pyramid_chart = pygal.Pyramid(human_readable=True, legend_at_bottom=True)
pyramid_chart.title = 'England population by age in 2010 (source:'
pyramid_chart.x_labels = map(lambda x: str(x) if not x % 5 else '', range(90))
for type, age in zip(types, ages):
pyramid_chart.add(type, age)
Worldmap charts
Highlight some countries:
.. pygal-code::
worldmap_chart = pygal.Worldmap()
worldmap_chart.title = 'Some countries'
worldmap_chart.add('F countries', ['fr', 'fi'])
worldmap_chart.add('M countries', ['ma', 'mc', 'md', 'me', 'mg',
'mk', 'ml', 'mm', 'mn', 'mo',
'mr', 'mt', 'mu', 'mv', 'mw',
'mx', 'my', 'mz'])
worldmap_chart.add('U countries', ['ua', 'ug', 'us', 'uy', 'uz'])
You can also specify an number for a country:
.. pygal-code::
worldmap_chart = pygal.Worldmap()
worldmap_chart.title = 'Minimum deaths by capital punishement (source: Amnesty International)'
worldmap_chart.add('In 2012', {
'af': 14,
'bd': 1,
'by': 3,
'cn': 1000,
'gm': 9,
'in': 1,
'ir': 314,
'iq': 129,
'jp': 7,
'kp': 6,
'pk': 1,
'ps': 6,
'sa': 79,
'so': 6,
'sd': 5,
'tw': 6,
'ae': 1,
'us': 43,
'ye': 28
The following countries are supported:
- `ad`: Andorra
- `ae`: United Arab Emirates
- `af`: Afghanistan
- `al`: Albania
- `am`: Armenia
- `ao`: Angola
- `aq`: Antarctica
- `ar`: Argentina
- `at`: Austria
- `au`: Australia
- `az`: Azerbaijan
- `ba`: Bosnia and Herzegovina
- `bd`: Bangladesh
- `be`: Belgium
- `bf`: Burkina Faso
- `bg`: Bulgaria
- `bh`: Bahrain
- `bi`: Burundi
- `bj`: Benin
- `bn`: Brunei Darussalam
- `bo`: Bolivia, Plurinational State of
- `br`: Brazil
- `bt`: Bhutan
- `bw`: Botswana
- `by`: Belarus
- `bz`: Belize
- `ca`: Canada
- `cd`: Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
- `cf`: Central African Republic
- `cg`: Congo
- `ch`: Switzerland
- `ci`: Cote d'Ivoire
- `cl`: Chile
- `cm`: Cameroon
- `cn`: China
- `co`: Colombia
- `cr`: Costa Rica
- `cu`: Cuba
- `cv`: Cape Verde
- `cy`: Cyprus
- `cz`: Czech Republic
- `de`: Germany
- `dj`: Djibouti
- `dk`: Denmark
- `do`: Dominican Republic
- `dz`: Algeria
- `ec`: Ecuador
- `ee`: Estonia
- `eg`: Egypt
- `eh`: Western Sahara
- `er`: Eritrea
- `es`: Spain
- `et`: Ethiopia
- `fi`: Finland
- `fr`: France
- `ga`: Gabon
- `gb`: United Kingdom
- `ge`: Georgia
- `gf`: French Guiana
- `gh`: Ghana
- `gl`: Greenland
- `gm`: Gambia
- `gn`: Guinea
- `gq`: Equatorial Guinea
- `gr`: Greece
- `gt`: Guatemala
- `gu`: Guam
- `gw`: Guinea-Bissau
- `gy`: Guyana
- `hk`: Hong Kong
- `hn`: Honduras
- `hr`: Croatia
- `ht`: Haiti
- `hu`: Hungary
- `id`: Indonesia
- `ie`: Ireland
- `il`: Israel
- `in`: India
- `iq`: Iraq
- `ir`: Iran, Islamic Republic of
- `is`: Iceland
- `it`: Italy
- `jm`: Jamaica
- `jo`: Jordan
- `jp`: Japan
- `ke`: Kenya
- `kg`: Kyrgyzstan
- `kh`: Cambodia
- `kp`: Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
- `kr`: Korea, Republic of
- `kw`: Kuwait
- `kz`: Kazakhstan
- `la`: Lao People's Democratic Republic
- `lb`: Lebanon
- `li`: Liechtenstein
- `lk`: Sri Lanka
- `lr`: Liberia
- `ls`: Lesotho
- `lt`: Lithuania
- `lu`: Luxembourg
- `lv`: Latvia
- `ly`: Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
- `ma`: Morocco
- `mc`: Monaco
- `md`: Moldova, Republic of
- `me`: Montenegro
- `mg`: Madagascar
- `mk`: Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of
- `ml`: Mali
- `mm`: Myanmar
- `mn`: Mongolia
- `mo`: Macao
- `mr`: Mauritania
- `mt`: Malta
- `mu`: Mauritius
- `mv`: Maldives
- `mw`: Malawi
- `mx`: Mexico
- `my`: Malaysia
- `mz`: Mozambique
- `na`: Namibia
- `ne`: Niger
- `ng`: Nigeria
- `ni`: Nicaragua
- `nl`: Netherlands
- `no`: Norway
- `np`: Nepal
- `nz`: New Zealand
- `om`: Oman
- `pa`: Panama
- `pe`: Peru
- `pg`: Papua New Guinea
- `ph`: Philippines
- `pk`: Pakistan
- `pl`: Poland
- `pr`: Puerto Rico
- `ps`: Palestine, State of
- `pt`: Portugal
- `py`: Paraguay
- `re`: Reunion
- `ro`: Romania
- `rs`: Serbia
- `ru`: Russian Federation
- `rw`: Rwanda
- `sa`: Saudi Arabia
- `sc`: Seychelles
- `sd`: Sudan
- `se`: Sweden
- `sg`: Singapore
- `sh`: Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
- `si`: Slovenia
- `sk`: Slovakia
- `sl`: Sierra Leone
- `sm`: San Marino
- `sn`: Senegal
- `so`: Somalia
- `sr`: Suriname
- `st`: Sao Tome and Principe
- `sv`: El Salvador
- `sy`: Syrian Arab Republic
- `sz`: Swaziland
- `td`: Chad
- `tg`: Togo
- `th`: Thailand
- `tj`: Tajikistan
- `tl`: Timor-Leste
- `tm`: Turkmenistan
- `tn`: Tunisia
- `tr`: Turkey
- `tw`: Taiwan, Province of China
- `tz`: Tanzania, United Republic of
- `ua`: Ukraine
- `ug`: Uganda
- `us`: United States
- `uy`: Uruguay
- `uz`: Uzbekistan
- `va`: Holy See (Vatican City State)
- `ve`: Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
- `vn`: Viet Nam
- `ye`: Yemen
- `yt`: Mayotte
- `za`: South Africa
- `zm`: Zambia
- `zw`: Zimbabwe
Country charts
As of now, only France is available. As other country are implemented, this will be externalized in other packages.
(Please submit pull requests :))
French map
Highlight some departments:
.. pygal-code::
fr_chart = pygal.FrenchMap_Departments()
fr_chart.title = 'Some departments'
fr_chart.add('Métropole', ['69', '92', '13'])
fr_chart.add('Corse', ['2A', '2B'])
fr_chart.add('DOM COM', ['971', '972', '973', '974'])
You can also specify an number for a department:
.. pygal-code::
fr_chart = pygal.FrenchMap_Departments(human_readable=True)
fr_chart.title = 'Population by department'
fr_chart.add('In 2011', {
'01': 603827,
'02': 541302,
'03': 342729,
'04': 160959,
'05': 138605,
'06': 1081244,
'07': 317277,
'08': 283110,
'09': 152286,
'10': 303997,
'11': 359967,
'12': 275813,
'13': 1975896,
'14': 685262,
'15': 147577,
'16': 352705,
'17': 625682,
'18': 311694,
'19': 242454,
'2A': 145846,
'2B': 168640,
'21': 525931,
'22': 594375,
'23': 122560,
'24': 415168,
'25': 529103,
'26': 487993,
'27': 588111,
'28': 430416,
'29': 899870,
'30': 718357,
'31': 1260226,
'32': 188893,
'33': 1463662,
'34': 1062036,
'35': 996439,
'36': 230175,
'37': 593683,
'38': 1215212,
'39': 261294,
'40': 387929,
'41': 331280,
'42': 749053,
'43': 224907,
'44': 1296364,
'45': 659587,
'46': 174754,
'47': 330866,
'48': 77156,
'49': 790343,
'50': 499531,
'51': 566571,
'52': 182375,
'53': 307031,
'54': 733124,
'55': 193557,
'56': 727083,
'57': 1045146,
'58': 218341,
'59': 2579208,
'60': 805642,
'61': 290891,
'62': 1462807,
'63': 635469,
'64': 656608,
'65': 229228,
'66': 452530,
'67': 1099269,
'68': 753056,
'69': 1744236,
'70': 239695,
'71': 555999,
'72': 565718,
'73': 418949,
'74': 746994,
'75': 2249975,
'76': 1251282,
'77': 1338427,
'78': 1413635,
'79': 370939,
'80': 571211,
'81': 377675,
'82': 244545,
'83': 1012735,
'84': 546630,
'85': 641657,
'86': 428447,
'87': 376058,
'88': 378830,
'89': 342463,
'90': 143348,
'91': 1225191,
'92': 1581628,
'93': 1529928,
'94': 1333702,
'95': 1180365,
'971': 404635,
'972': 392291,
'973': 237549,
'974': 828581,
'976': 212645
You can do the same with regions:
.. pygal-code::
fr_chart = pygal.FrenchMap_Regions()
fr_chart.title = 'Some regions'
fr_chart.add('Métropole', ['82', '11', '93'])
fr_chart.add('Corse', ['94'])
fr_chart.add('DOM COM', ['01', '02', '03', '04'])
You can also specify a number for a region and use a department to region aggregation:
.. pygal-code::
from pygal.graph.frenchmap import aggregate_regions
fr_chart = pygal.FrenchMap_Regions(human_readable=True)
fr_chart.title = 'Population by region'
fr_chart.add('In 2011', aggregate_regions({
'01': 603827,
'02': 541302,
'03': 342729,
'04': 160959,
'05': 138605,
'06': 1081244,
'07': 317277,
'08': 283110,
'09': 152286,
'10': 303997,
'11': 359967,
'12': 275813,
'13': 1975896,
'14': 685262,
'15': 147577,
'16': 352705,
'17': 625682,
'18': 311694,
'19': 242454,
'2A': 145846,
'2B': 168640,
'21': 525931,
'22': 594375,
'23': 122560,
'24': 415168,
'25': 529103,
'26': 487993,
'27': 588111,
'28': 430416,
'29': 899870,
'30': 718357,
'31': 1260226,
'32': 188893,
'33': 1463662,
'34': 1062036,
'35': 996439,
'36': 230175,
'37': 593683,
'38': 1215212,
'39': 261294,
'40': 387929,
'41': 331280,
'42': 749053,
'43': 224907,
'44': 1296364,
'45': 659587,
'46': 174754,
'47': 330866,
'48': 77156,
'49': 790343,
'50': 499531,
'51': 566571,
'52': 182375,
'53': 307031,
'54': 733124,
'55': 193557,
'56': 727083,
'57': 1045146,
'58': 218341,
'59': 2579208,
'60': 805642,
'61': 290891,
'62': 1462807,
'63': 635469,
'64': 656608,
'65': 229228,
'66': 452530,
'67': 1099269,
'68': 753056,
'69': 1744236,
'70': 239695,
'71': 555999,
'72': 565718,
'73': 418949,
'74': 746994,
'75': 2249975,
'76': 1251282,
'77': 1338427,
'78': 1413635,
'79': 370939,
'80': 571211,
'81': 377675,
'82': 244545,
'83': 1012735,
'84': 546630,
'85': 641657,
'86': 428447,
'87': 376058,
'88': 378830,
'89': 342463,
'90': 143348,
'91': 1225191,
'92': 1581628,
'93': 1529928,
'94': 1333702,
'95': 1180365,
'971': 404635,
'972': 392291,
'973': 237549,
'974': 828581,
'976': 212645
Next: `Styles </styles>`_


@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ extensions = [
# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.


@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
Custom Styles
pygal provides 2 ways to customize styles:
.. contents::
Using Style class
You can instantiate the `Style` class with some customizations for quick styling:
.. pygal-code::
from import Style
custom_style = Style(
transition='400ms ease-in',
colors=('#E853A0', '#E8537A', '#E95355', '#E87653', '#E89B53'))
chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, interpolate='cubic', style=custom_style)
chart.add('A', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
chart.add('B', [5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 17])
chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0])
chart.add('D', [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 9, 5])
chart.add('E', [7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 10, 0])
Using a custom css
You can also specify a file containing a custom css for more customization. The css option is an array containing included css by default (except from ``base.css`` which is always included).
It supports local file names and external stylesheet too, just append your URI in the list.
(See the `default css <>`_)
NB: Now the css rules are prefixed by an unique id, to prevent collisions when including several svg dirctly into a web page. You can disable it with the `no_prefix` option.
.. pygal-code::
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
custom_css = '''
{{ id }}text {
fill: green;
font-family: monospace;
{{ id }}.legends .legend text {
font-size: {{ font_sizes.legend }};
{{ id }}.axis {
stroke: #666;
{{ id }}.axis text {
font-size: {{ font_sizes.label }};
font-family: sans;
stroke: none;
{{ id }}.axis.y text {
text-anchor: end;
{{ id }}#tooltip text {
font-size: {{ font_sizes.tooltip }};
{{ id }}.dot {
fill: yellow;
{{ id }}.color-0 {
stroke: #ff1100;
fill: #ff1100;
{{ id }}.color-1 {
stroke: #ffee00;
fill: #ffee00;
{{ id }}.color-2 {
stroke: #66bb44;
fill: #66bb44;
{{ id }}.color-3 {
stroke: #88bbdd;
fill: #88bbdd;
{{ id }}.color-4 {
stroke: #0000ff;
fill: #0000ff;
custom_css_file = '/tmp/pygal_custom_style.css'
with open(custom_css_file, 'w') as f:
config = pygal.Config(fill=True, interpolate='cubic')
chart = pygal.StackedLine(config)
chart.add('A', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
chart.add('B', [5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 17])
chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0])
chart.add('D', [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 9, 5])
chart.add('E', [7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 10, 0])
Next: `Basic customizations </basic_customizations>`_


@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
User documentation
- `First steps </first_steps>`_ - learn how to very simply make beautiful charts.
- `Charts types </chart_types>`_ - see what pygal can do for you.
- `Styles </styles>`_ - change the style.
- `Basic customizations </basic_customizations>`_ - start to improve your charts.
- `Interpolations </interpolations>`_ - smooth your lines.
- `Sparklines </sparks>`_ - create simple sparklines.
- `Metadata </metadata>`_ - enrich your graph.
- `Other customizations </other_customizations>`_ - customize all the things.
- `Embedding in a web page </web>`_ - see several ways to use pygal on the intertubes.


@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
pygal is `available on PyPI <>`_. To
install, just type as superuser::
pip install pygal
Git Repository
If you want the development version of pygal, take a look at the
:codelink:`git repository on GitHub`, or clone it with::
git clone git://
You can also download `the development snapshot from github <>`_.
Linux Distribution Packages
Pygal has been packaged for:
- `Fedora <>`_ by ralph
- `Gentoo <>`_ by Ben de Groot
If you are interested in creating packages for Linux distributions, `contact us </support/>`_.


@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
First steps
First you need to download the pygal package, see the `download page </download>`_.
When it's done, you are ready to make your first chart:
.. code-block:: python
import pygal # First import pygal
bar_chart = pygal.Bar() # Then create a bar graph object
bar_chart.add('Fibonacci', [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]) # Add some values
bar_chart.render_to_file('bar_chart.svg') # Save the svg to a file
Now you have a svg file called `bar_chart.svg` in your current directory.
You can open it with various programs such as your web browser, inkscape or any svg compatible viewer.
The resulting chart will be tho following:
.. pygal-code::
bar_chart = pygal.Bar()
bar_chart.add('Fibonacci', [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55])
To make a multiple series graph just add another one:
.. pygal-code::
bar_chart = pygal.Bar()
bar_chart.add('Fibonacci', [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55])
bar_chart.add('Padovan', [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12])
If you want to stack them, use `StackedBar` instead of `Bar`:
.. pygal-code::
bar_chart = pygal.StackedBar()
bar_chart.add('Fibonacci', [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55])
bar_chart.add('Padovan', [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12])
You can also make it horizontal with `HorizontalStackedBar`:
.. pygal-code::
bar_chart = pygal.HorizontalStackedBar()
bar_chart.add('Fibonacci', [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55])
bar_chart.add('Padovan', [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12])
And finally add a title and some labels:
.. pygal-code::
bar_chart = pygal.HorizontalStackedBar()
bar_chart.title = "Remarquable sequences"
bar_chart.x_labels = map(str, range(11))
bar_chart.add('Fibonacci', [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55])
bar_chart.add('Padovan', [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12])
Next: `Charts types </chart_types>`_


@ -1,10 +1,108 @@
.. pygal documentation master file, created by
sphinx-quickstart on Wed Jul 1 14:31:10 2015.
You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.
Welcome to pygal's documentation!
pygal is a SVG charting library written in python.
.. pygal:: 300 200
chart = pygal.HorizontalBar(y_label_rotation=-25)
chart.x_labels = 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five'
chart.add('red', [1, 2, 3, 1, 2])
chart.add('green', [4, 3, 0, 1, 2])
.. pygal:: 300 200
chart = pygal.Line(x_label_rotation=25, fill=True,, interpolate='cubic')
chart.x_labels = 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five'
chart.add('red', [1, 2, 3, 1, 2])
chart.add('green', [4, 3, 0, 1, 2])
.. pygal:: 300 200
chart = pygal.Pie()
chart.x_labels = 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five'
chart.add('red', [1, 2, 3, 1, 2])
chart.add('green', [4, 3, 0, 1, 2])
.. pygal:: 300 200
chart = pygal.Radar(fill=True,
chart.x_labels = 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five'
chart.add('red', [1, 2, 3, 1, 2])
chart.add('green', [4, 3, 0, 1, 2])
It features various graph types:
- `Bar charts </chart_types/#idbar-charts-histograms>`_
- `Line charts </chart_types/#idline-charts>`_
- `XY charts </chart_types/#idxy-charts>`_
- `Pie charts </chart_types/#idpies>`_
- `Radar charts </chart_types/#idradar-charts>`_
- `Box plot </chart_types/#idbox-plot>`_
- `Dot charts </chart_types/#iddot-charts>`_
- `Pyramid charts </chart_types/#idpyramid-charts>`_
- `Funnel charts </chart_types/#idfunnel-charts>`_
- `Gauge charts </chart_types/#idgauge-charts>`_
- `Worldmap charts </chart_types/#idworldmap-charts>`_
- `Country charts </chart_types/#country-charts>`_
Python/Css styling with some pre-defined themes. See `styling </styles/>`_.
And a lot of options to `customize the charts. </basic_customizations>`_
Get it !
- Get the package on `pypi <>`_
- Fork me on `github <>`_
More information in the `download page </download>`_
Get started
Start `here </first_steps/>`_ to make your first steps.
Technical Description
As of now pygal is known to work for python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.2, 3.3, 3.4.
Needed dependencies
pygal uses `lxml <>`_ to generate the svg, this is the only needed dependency.
Optional dependencies
PNG output requires `CairoSVG <>`_, `tinycss <>`_ and `cssselect <>`_.
Install those with ``pip install CairoSVG tinycss cssselect``.
Unit testing needs `py.test <>`_ or `nosetests <>`_.
Visual testing is based on `flask <>`_.
@ -19,4 +117,3 @@ Indices and tables
* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`


@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
.. contents::
Without interpolation:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line()
chart.add('line', [1, 5, 17, 12, 5, 10])
With cubic interpolation:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(interpolate='cubic')
chart.add('line', [1, 5, 17, 12, 5, 10])
With quadratic interpolation:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(interpolate='quadratic')
chart.add('line', [1, 5, 17, 12, 5, 10])
With lagrange interpolation:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(interpolate='lagrange')
chart.add('line', [1, 5, 17, 12, 5, 10])
With trigonometric interpolation:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(interpolate='trigonometric')
chart.add('line', [1, 5, 17, 12, 5, 10])
With hermite interpolation:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(interpolate='hermite')
chart.add('line', [1, 5, 17, 12, 5, 10])
For hermite you can also pass additionnal parameters to configure tangent behaviour:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(interpolate='hermite', interpolation_parameters={'type': 'finite_difference'})
chart.add('line', [1, 5, 17, 12, 5, 10])
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(interpolate='hermite', interpolation_parameters={'type': 'cardinal', 'c': .75})
chart.add('line', [1, 5, 17, 12, 5, 10])
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(interpolate='hermite', interpolation_parameters={'type': 'kochanek_bartels', 'b': -1, 'c': 1, 't': 1})
chart.add('line', [1, 5, 17, 12, 5, 10])
For more information see the `wikipedia article <>`_
Interpolation precision
You can change the resolution of the interpolation with the help of `interpolation_precision`:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(interpolate='quadratic')
chart.add('line', [1, 5, 17, 12, 5, 10])
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(interpolate='quadratic', interpolation_precision=3)
chart.add('line', [1, 5, 17, 12, 5, 10])
Next: `Sparklines </sparks>`_


@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
.. contents::
You can add per value metadata like labels, by specifying a dictionary instead of a value:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Bar()
chart.add('Red', [{'value': 2, 'label': 'This is red'}])
chart.add('Green', [{'value': 4, 'label': 'This is green'}])
chart.add('Yellow', 7)
chart.add('Blue', [{'value': 5}])
chart.add('Violet', [{'value': 3, 'label': 'This is violet'}])
You can also add hyper links:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Bar()
chart.add('Red', [{
'value': 2,
'label': 'This is red',
'xlink': ''}])
chart.add('Green', [{
'value': 4,
'label': 'This is green',
'xlink': ''}])
chart.add('Yellow', 7)
chart.add('Blue', [{
'value': 5,
'xlink': ''}])
chart.add('Violet', [{
'value': 3,
'label': 'This is violet',
'xlink': ''}])
You can specify a dictionary to xlink with all links attributes:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Bar()
chart.add('Red', [{
'value': 2,
'label': 'This is red',
'xlink': {'href': ''}}])
chart.add('Green', [{
'value': 4,
'label': 'This is green',
'xlink': {
'href': '',
'target': '_top'}
chart.add('Yellow', 7)
chart.add('Blue', [{
'value': 5,
'xlink': {
'href': '',
'target': '_blank'}
chart.add('Violet', [{
'value': 3,
'label': 'This is violet',
'xlink': {
'href': '',
'target': '_self'}
Next: `Other customizations </other_customizations>`_


@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 4


@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
Other customizations
.. contents::
You can set the scale to be logarithmic:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(logarithmic=True)
values = [1, 3, 43, 123, 1231, 23192]
chart.x_labels = map(str, values)
chart.add('log example', values)
.. caution::
Negative values are ignored
Custom css and js
``css, js``
You can add or replace css/js files in pygal using the `css` and `js` array options.
These lists contain absolute filenames and/or external URI. (Relative filenames are relative to pygal internal files)
.. code-block::
css = ['style.css', 'graph.css']
js = [
Legend box size
You can change the size of the rectangle next to the legend:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(legend_box_size=50)
values = [1, 3, 43, 123, 1231, 23192]
chart.x_labels = map(str, values)
chart.add('log example', values)
Rounded bars
You can add a round effect to bar diagrams with `rounded_bars`:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Bar(rounded_bars=20)
chart.add('values', [3, 10, 7, 2, 9, 7])
Pretty print
You can enable pretty print if you want to edit the source at hand (look at this frame source):
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Bar(pretty_print=True)
chart.add('values', [3, 10, 7, 2, 9, 7])
Static options
``print_values, print_zeroes``
By default, when the graph is viewed using a non javascript compatible
viewer or as an image, all the values are displayed on the graph.
It can be disabled by setting `print_values` to `False`.
`print_zeroes` can be enabled to display static values even if equal to zero.
Disable xml declaration
When you want to embed directly your SVG in your html,
this option disables the xml prolog in the output.
Since no encoding is declared, the result will be in unicode instead of bytes.
No prefix
Normally pygal set an unique id to the chart and use it to style each chart to avoid collisions when svg are directly embedded in html. This can be a problem if you use external styling overriding the prefixed css. You can set this to True in order to prevent that behaviour.


@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
Parametric Styles
pygal provides 5 parametric styles:
.. contents::
A parametric style is initiated with a default color and the other are generated from this one:
.. pygal-code::
from import LightenStyle
dark_lighten_style = LightenStyle('#336676')
chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, interpolate='cubic', style=dark_lighten_style)
chart.add('A', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
chart.add('B', [5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 17])
chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0])
chart.add('D', [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 9, 5])
chart.add('E', [7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 10, 0])
You can set the `step` parameter to tell between how much colors the color modifier will be applied
.. pygal-code::
from import LightenStyle
dark_lighten_style = LightenStyle('#336676', step=5)
chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, interpolate='cubic', style=dark_lighten_style)
chart.add('A', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
chart.add('B', [5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 17])
chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0])
chart.add('D', [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 9, 5])
chart.add('E', [7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 10, 0])
and the `max_` to limit the amplitude at a certain value (in % for all color operation except rotate which is 360):
.. pygal-code::
from import LightenStyle
dark_lighten_style = LightenStyle('#336676', step=5, max_=10)
chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, interpolate='cubic', style=dark_lighten_style)
chart.add('A', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
chart.add('B', [5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 17])
chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0])
chart.add('D', [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 9, 5])
chart.add('E', [7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 10, 0])
You can tell the style to inheritate all the styles from another theme:
.. pygal-code::
from import LightenStyle, LightColorizedStyle
dark_lighten_style = LightenStyle('#336676', base_style=LightColorizedStyle)
chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, interpolate='cubic', style=dark_lighten_style)
chart.add('A', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
chart.add('B', [5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 17])
chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0])
chart.add('D', [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 9, 5])
chart.add('E', [7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 10, 0])
And you can manually set the properties just like any other theme:
.. pygal-code::
from import LightenStyle, LightColorizedStyle
dark_lighten_style = LightenStyle('#336676', base_style=LightColorizedStyle)
dark_lighten_style.background = '#ffcccc'
chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, interpolate='cubic', style=dark_lighten_style)
chart.add('A', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
chart.add('B', [5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 17])
chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0])
chart.add('D', [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 9, 5])
chart.add('E', [7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 10, 0])
.. pygal-code::
from import RotateStyle
dark_rotate_style = RotateStyle('#9e6ffe')
chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, interpolate='cubic', style=dark_rotate_style)
chart.add('A', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
chart.add('B', [5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 17])
chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0])
chart.add('D', [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 9, 5])
chart.add('E', [7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 10, 0])
.. pygal-code::
from import RotateStyle, LightColorizedStyle
dark_rotate_style = RotateStyle('#75ff98', base_style=LightColorizedStyle)
chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, interpolate='cubic', style=dark_rotate_style)
chart.add('A', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
chart.add('B', [5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 17])
chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0])
chart.add('D', [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 9, 5])
chart.add('E', [7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 10, 0])
.. pygal-code::
from import LightenStyle
dark_lighten_style = LightenStyle('#004466')
chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, interpolate='cubic', style=dark_lighten_style)
chart.add('A', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
chart.add('B', [5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 17])
chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0])
chart.add('D', [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 9, 5])
chart.add('E', [7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 10, 0])
.. pygal-code::
from import DarkenStyle
darken_style = DarkenStyle('#ff8723')
chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, interpolate='cubic', style=darken_style)
chart.add('A', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
chart.add('B', [5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 17])
chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0])
chart.add('D', [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 9, 5])
chart.add('E', [7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 10, 0])
.. pygal-code::
from import SaturateStyle
saturate_style = SaturateStyle('#609f86')
chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, interpolate='cubic', style=saturate_style)
chart.add('A', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
chart.add('B', [5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 17])
chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0])
chart.add('D', [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 9, 5])
chart.add('E', [7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 10, 0])
.. pygal-code::
from import DesaturateStyle
desaturate_style = DesaturateStyle('#8322dd')
chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, interpolate='cubic', style=desaturate_style)
chart.add('A', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
chart.add('B', [5, 2, 3, 2, 5, 7, 17])
chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9, 7, 3, 1, 0])
chart.add('D', [2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 9, 5])
chart.add('E', [7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 10, 0])


@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
pygal.graph package
---------- module
.. automodule::
pygal.graph.base module
.. automodule:: pygal.graph.base
:show-inheritance: module
.. automodule::
:show-inheritance: module
.. automodule::
pygal.graph.funnel module
.. automodule:: pygal.graph.funnel
pygal.graph.gauge module
.. automodule:: pygal.graph.gauge
pygal.graph.graph module
.. automodule:: pygal.graph.graph
pygal.graph.histogram module
.. automodule:: pygal.graph.histogram
pygal.graph.horizontal module
.. automodule:: pygal.graph.horizontal
pygal.graph.horizontalbar module
.. automodule:: pygal.graph.horizontalbar
pygal.graph.horizontalstackedbar module
.. automodule:: pygal.graph.horizontalstackedbar
pygal.graph.line module
.. automodule:: pygal.graph.line
:show-inheritance: module
.. automodule::
pygal.graph.pie module
.. automodule:: pygal.graph.pie
pygal.graph.pyramid module
.. automodule:: pygal.graph.pyramid
pygal.graph.radar module
.. automodule:: pygal.graph.radar
pygal.graph.stackedbar module
.. automodule:: pygal.graph.stackedbar
pygal.graph.stackedline module
.. automodule:: pygal.graph.stackedline
pygal.graph.time module
.. automodule:: pygal.graph.time
pygal.graph.treemap module
.. automodule:: pygal.graph.treemap
pygal.graph.verticalpyramid module
.. automodule:: pygal.graph.verticalpyramid
pygal.graph.xy module
.. automodule:: pygal.graph.xy
Module contents
.. automodule:: pygal.graph


@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
pygal package
.. toctree::
pygal.adapters module
.. automodule:: pygal.adapters
pygal.colors module
.. automodule:: pygal.colors
pygal.config module
.. automodule:: pygal.config
pygal.etree module
.. automodule:: pygal.etree
pygal.interpolate module
.. automodule:: pygal.interpolate
pygal.serie module
.. automodule:: pygal.serie
pygal.state module
.. automodule:: pygal.state
:show-inheritance: module
.. automodule::
pygal.svg module
.. automodule:: pygal.svg
pygal.table module
.. automodule:: pygal.table
pygal.util module
.. automodule:: pygal.util
pygal.view module
.. automodule:: pygal.view
Module contents
.. automodule:: pygal


@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
pygal.test package
pygal.test.conftest module
.. automodule:: pygal.test.conftest
pygal.test.test_bar module
.. automodule:: pygal.test.test_bar
pygal.test.test_box module
.. automodule:: pygal.test.test_box
pygal.test.test_colors module
.. automodule:: pygal.test.test_colors
pygal.test.test_config module
.. automodule:: pygal.test.test_config
pygal.test.test_date module
.. automodule:: pygal.test.test_date
pygal.test.test_donut module
.. automodule:: pygal.test.test_donut
pygal.test.test_graph module
.. automodule:: pygal.test.test_graph
pygal.test.test_histogram module
.. automodule:: pygal.test.test_histogram
pygal.test.test_interpolate module
.. automodule:: pygal.test.test_interpolate
pygal.test.test_line module
.. automodule:: pygal.test.test_line
pygal.test.test_maps module
.. automodule:: pygal.test.test_maps
pygal.test.test_pie module
.. automodule:: pygal.test.test_pie
pygal.test.test_serie_config module
.. automodule:: pygal.test.test_serie_config
pygal.test.test_sparktext module
.. automodule:: pygal.test.test_sparktext
pygal.test.test_stacked module
.. automodule:: pygal.test.test_stacked
pygal.test.test_style module
.. automodule:: pygal.test.test_style
pygal.test.test_table module
.. automodule:: pygal.test.test_table
pygal.test.test_util module
.. automodule:: pygal.test.test_util
pygal.test.test_view module
.. automodule:: pygal.test.test_view
pygal.test.test_xml_filters module
.. automodule:: pygal.test.test_xml_filters
pygal.test.utils module
.. automodule:: pygal.test.utils
Module contents
.. automodule:: pygal.test


@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
pygal provides a simple way to get beautiful sparklines.
.. contents::
.. pygal-code:: sparkline
chart = pygal.Line()
chart.add('', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
It supports styling like any chart but the option is given to the `render_sparkline` method:
.. pygal-code:: sparkline
from import DarkSolarizedStyle
chart = pygal.Line()
chart.add('', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
It's the same for other options:
.. pygal-code:: sparkline
chart = pygal.Line()
chart.add('', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
.. pygal-code:: sparkline
chart = pygal.Line()
chart.add('', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7, 9, 2, 1, 4, 9, 12, 10, 12, 16, 14, 12, 7, 2])
chart.render_sparkline(width=500, height=25, show_dots=True)
If you want to get a simple spartext, use the render_sparktext function:
.. code-block:: python
chart = pygal.Line()
chart.add('', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
You can also specify an explicit minimum for the values:
.. code-block:: python
chart = pygal.Line()
chart.add('', [1, 3, 5, 16, 13, 3, 7])
Next: `Metadata </metadata>`_


@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
There are three ways to style the charts:
- Using `built-in themes </builtin_styles>`_
- Using `parametric themes </parametric_styles>`_
- Using `custom themes </custom_styles>`_


@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Submit your bug reports and your feature requests to the `github bug tracker <>`_.
Never hesitate to fork the project on github.
Pull requests are always welcomed.


@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
Embedding in a web page
.. contents::
Within an embed tag
First setup an url entry point for you svg: `/mysvg.svg` don't forget to set the mime-type to `image/svg+xml`. (If you are using flask you can use the `render_response` method.)
Then in your html put an embed tag like this:
.. code-block:: html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- ... -->
<embed type="image/svg+xml" src="/mysvg.svg" />
You can also use an iframe tag, but automatic sizing with `width: 100%` will not work.
Directly in the html
You can insert it directly in a html page with the use of `disable_xml_declaration`.
You have to put the javascript manually in you webpage, for instance:
.. code-block:: html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- Pygal render() result: -->
viewBox="0 0 800 600">
<!--Generated with pygal 1.0.0 ©Kozea 2011-2013 on 2013-06-25-->
<!-- ... -->
<g class="graph bar-graph vertical">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- End of Pygal render() result: -->
You can use `explicit_size` to set the svg size from the `width`, `height` properties.


@ -301,6 +301,18 @@ SolidColorStyle = Style(
'#0099C6', '#DD4477', '#74B217', '#B82E2E', '#316395', '#994499'))
RTDStyle = Style(
transition='400ms ease-in',
colors=[colors.rotate('#2980b9', i * 30) for i in range(16)])
styles = {'default': DefaultStyle,
'light': LightStyle,
'neon': NeonStyle,
