Pygal 1.0.0 =========== Time to become 1.0 ! Get it via `PyPi `_. Changelog --------- - pygal is now python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3 fully compatible without the use of `2to3`. - `Secondary axes `_ .. pygal-code:: chart = pygal.Line(title=u'Some different points') chart.add('line', [.0002, .0005, .00035]) chart.add('other line', [1000, 2000, 7000], secondary=True) - New graph types: + `DateY `_ for date indexed XY charts + `Worldmap `_ for a beautifull worldmap .. pygal-code:: worldmap_chart = pygal.Worldmap() worldmap_chart.title = 'Minimum deaths by capital punishement (source: Amnesty International)' worldmap_chart.add('In 2012', { 'af': 14, 'bd': 1, 'by': 3, 'cn': 1000, 'gm': 9, 'in': 1, 'ir': 314, 'iq': 129, 'jp': 7, 'kp': 6, 'pk': 1, 'ps': 6, 'sa': 79, 'so': 6, 'sd': 5, 'tw': 6, 'ae': 1, 'us': 43, 'ye': 28 })