#!/usr/bin/env python from xml.dom import minidom as dom try: import zlib __have_zlib = True except ImportError: __have_zlib = False def CreateElement( nodeName, attributes={} ): "Create an XML node and set the attributes from a dict" node = dom.Element( nodeName ) map( lambda a: node.setAttribute( *a ), attributes.items() ) return node def sort_multiple( arrays ): "sort multiple lists (of equal size) using the first list for the sort keys" tuples = zip( *arrays ) tuples.sort() return zip( *tuples ) """def sort_multiple( arrays, lo=0, hi=None ): if hi is None: hi = len(arrays[0])-1 if lo < hi: p = partition( arrays, lo, hi ) sort_multiple( arrays, lo, p-1 ) sort_multiple( arrays, p+1, hi ) return arrays def partition( arrays, lo, hi ): "Partition for a quick sort" p = arrays[0][lo] l = lo z = lo+1 while z <= hi: if arrays[0][z] < p: l += 1 for array in arrays: array[z], array[l] = array[l], array[z] z += 1 for array in arrays: array[lo], array[l] = array[l], array[lo] return l """ class Graph( object ): """=== Base object for generating SVG Graphs == Synopsis This class is only used as a superclass of specialized charts. Do not attempt to use this class directly, unless creating a new chart type. For examples of how to subclass this class, see the existing specific subclasses, such as SVG.Pie. == Examples For examples of how to use this package, see either the test files, or the documentation for the specific class you want to use. * file:test/plot.rb * file:test/single.rb * file:test/test.rb * file:test/timeseries.rb == Description This package should be used as a base for creating SVG graphs. == Acknowledgements Sean E. Russel for creating the SVG::Graph Ruby package from which this Python port is derived. Leo Lapworth for creating the SVG::TT::Graph package which the Ruby port is based on. Stephen Morgan for creating the TT template and SVG. == See * SVG.BarHorizontal * SVG.Bar * SVG.Line * SVG.Pie * SVG.Plot * SVG.TimeSeries == Author Jason R. Coombs Copyright 2005 Sandia National Laboratories """ defaults = { 'width': 500, 'height': 300, 'show_x_guidelines': False, 'show_y_guidelines': True, 'show_data_values': True, 'min_scale_value': 0, 'show_x_labels': True, 'stagger_x_labels': False, 'rotate_x_labels': False, 'step_x_labels': 1, 'step_include_first_x_label': True, 'show_y_labels': True, 'rotate_y_labels': False, 'stagger_y_labels': False, 'scale_integers': False, 'show_x_title': False, 'x_title': 'X Field names', 'show_y_title': False, 'y_title_text_direction': 'bt', 'y_title': 'Y Scale', 'show_graph_title': False, 'graph_title': 'Graph Title', 'show_graph_subtitle': False, 'graph_subtitle': 'Graph Subtitle', 'key': True, 'key_position': 'right', # 'bottom' or 'right', 'font_size': 12, 'title_font_size': 16, 'subtitle_font_size': 14, 'x_label_font_size': 12, 'x_title_font_size': 14, 'y_label_font_size': 12, 'y_title_font_size': 14, 'key_font_size': 10, 'no_css': False, 'add_popups': False, } #__slots__ = tuple( defaults ) + ( '__dict__', '__weakref__' ) def __init__( self, config ): """Initialize the graph object with the graph settings. You won't instantiate this class directly; see the subclass for options. """ self.top_align = self.top_font = self.right_align = self.right_font = 0 self.load_config() self.load_config( config ) self.clear_data() def load_config( self, config = None ): if not config: config = self.defaults map( lambda pair: setattr( self, *pair ), config.items() ) def add_data( self, conf ): """This method allows you do add data to the graph object. It can be called several times to add more data sets in. >>> data_sales_02 = [12, 45, 21] >>> graph.add_data({ ... 'data': data_sales_02, ... 'title': 'Sales 2002' ... }) """ self.validate_data( conf ) self.process_data( conf ) self.data.append( conf ) def validate_data( self, data ): try: assert( isinstance( conf['data'], ( tuple, list ) ) ) except TypeError, e: raise TypeError, "conf should be dictionary with 'data' and other items" except AssertionError: if not hasattr( conf['data'], '__iter__' ): raise TypeError, "conf['data'] should be tuple or list or iterable" def process_data( data ): pass def clear_data( self ): """This method removes all data from the object so that you can reuse it to create a new graph but with the same config options. >>> graph.clear_data() """ self.data = [] def burn( self ): """ # This method processes the template with the data and config which has been set and returns the resulting SVG. This method will croak unless at least one data set has been added to the graph object. Ex: graph.burn() """ if not self.data: raise ValueError( "No data available" ) if hasattr( self, 'calculations' ): self.calculations() self.start_svg() self.calculate_graph_dimensions() self.foreground = dom.Element( "g" ) self.draw_graph() self.draw_titles() self.draw_legend() self.draw_data() self.graph.add_element( self.foreground ) self.style() data = self._doc.toprettyxml() if self.compress: if __have_zlib: data = zlib.compress( data ) else: data += '' return data KEY_BOX_SIZE = 12 def calculate_left_margin( self ): """Override this (and call super) to change the margin to the left of the plot area. Results in border_left being set.""" bl = 7 # Check for Y labels if self.rotate_y_labels: max_y_label_height_px = self.y_label_font_size else: label_lengths = map( len, self.get_y_labels() ) max_y_label_len = reduce( max, label_lengths ) max_y_label_height_px = 0.6 * max_y_label_len * self.y_label_font_size if show_y_labels: bl += max_y_label_height_px if stagger_y_labels: bl += max_y_label_height_px + 10 if show_y_title: bl += self.y_title_font_size + 5 self.border_left = bl def max_y_label_width_px( self ): """Calculates the width of the widest Y label. This will be the character height if the Y labels are rotated.""" if self.rotate_y_labels: return self.font_size def calculate_right_margin( self ): """Override this (and call super) to change the margin to the right of the plot area. Results in border_right being set.""" br = 7 if self.key and self.key_position == 'right': max_key_len = max( map( len, self.keys ) ) br += max_key_len * self.key_font_size * 0.6 br += self.KEY_BOX_SIZE br += 10 # Some padding around the box self.border_right = br def calculate_top_margin( self ): """Override this (and call super) to change the margin to the top of the plot area. Results in border_top being set.""" self.border_top = 5 if self.show_graph_title: self.border_top += self.title_font_size self.border_top += 5 if self.show_graph_subtitle: self.border_top += self.subtitle_font_size def add_popup( self, x, y, label ): "Adds pop-up point information to a graph." txt_width = len( label ) * self.font_size * 0.6 + 10 tx = x + [5,-5](x+txt_width > width) t = dom.Element( 'text' ) anchor = ['start', 'end'][x+txt_width > self.width] style = 'fill: #000; text-anchor: %s;' % anchor id = 'label-%s' % label attributes = { 'x': str( tx ), 'y': str( y - self.font_size ), 'visibility': 'hidden', 'style': style, 'text': label, 'id': id } map( lambda a: t.setAttribute( *a ), attributes.items() ) self.foreground.appendChild( t ) visibility = "document.getElementById(%s).setAttribute('visibility', %%s )" % id t = dom.Element( 'circle' ) attributes = { 'cx': str( x ), 'cy': str( y ), 'r': 10, 'style': 'opacity: 0;', 'onmouseover': visibility % 'visible', 'onmouseout': visibility % 'hidden', } map( lambda a: t.setAttribute( *a ), attributes.items() ) def calculate_bottom_margin( self ): """Override this (and call super) to change the margin to the bottom of the plot area. Results in border_bottom being set.""" bb = 7 if self.key and self.key_position == 'bottom': bb += len( self.data ) * ( self.font_size + 5 ) bb += 10 if self.show_x_labels: max_x_label_height_px = self.x_label_font_size if self.rotate_x_labels: label_lengths = map( len, self.get_x_labels() ) max_x_label_len = reduce( max, label_lengths ) max_x_label_height_px *= 0.6 * max_x_label_len bb += max_x_label_height_px if self.stagger_x_labels: bb += max_x_label_height_px + 10 if self.show_x_title: bb += self.x_title_font_size + 5 self.border_bottom = bb def draw_graph( self ): transform = 'translate ( %s %s )' % ( self.border_left, self.border_top ) self.graph = CreateElement( 'g', { 'transform': transform } ) self.root.appendChild( self.graph ) self.graph.appendChild( CreateElement( 'rect', { 'x': '0', 'y': '0', 'width': str( self.graph_width ), 'height': str( self.graph_height ), 'class': 'graphBackground' } ) ) #Axis self.graph.appendChild( CreateElement( 'path', { 'd': 'M 0 0 v%s' % self.graph_height, 'class': 'axis', 'id': 'xAxis' } ) ) self.graph.appendChild( CreateElement( 'path', { 'd': 'M 0 %s h%s' % ( self.graph_height, self.graph_width ), 'class': 'axis', 'id': 'yAxis' } ) ) self.draw_x_labels() self.draw_y_labels() def x_label_offset( self, width ): """Where in the X area the label is drawn Centered in the field, should be width/2. Start, 0.""" return 0 def make_datapoint_text( self, x, y, value, style='' ): if self.show_data_values: e = CreateElement( 'text', { 'x': str( x ), 'y': str( y ), 'class': 'dataPointLabel', 'style': '%(style)s stroke: #fff; stroke-width: 2;' % vars(), } ) e.nodeValue = value self.foreground.appendChild( e ) def draw_x_labels( self ): "Draw the X axis labels" if self.show_x_labels: label_width = self.field_width labels = self.get_x_labels() count = len( labels ) labels = enumerate( iter( labels ) ) start = int( not self.step_include_first_x_label ) labels = itertools.islice( labels, start, None, self.step_x_labels ) map( self.draw_x_label, labels ) self.draw_x_guidelines( label_width, count ) def draw_x_label( self, label, label_width ): index, label = label text = CreateElement( 'text', { 'class': 'xAxisLabels' } ) text.appendChild( self._doc.createTextNode( label ) ) self.graph.appendChild( text ) x = index * label_width + self.x_label_offset( label_width ) y = self.graph_height + self.x_label_font_size + 3 t = 0 - ( self.font_size / 2 ) if self.stagger_x_labels and (index % 2 ): stagger = self.x_label_font_size + 5 y += stagger graph_height = self.graph_height path = CreateElement( 'path', { 'd': 'M%(x)d %(graph_height)d v%(stagger)d' % vars(), 'class': 'staggerGuideLine' } ) self.graph.appendChild( path ) text.setAttribute( 'x', str( x ) ) text.setAttribute( 'y', str( y ) ) if self.rotate_x_labels: transform = 'rotate( 90 %d %d ) translate( 0 -%d )' % \ ( x, y-self.x_label_font_size, x_label_font_size/4 ) text.setAttribute( 'transform', transform ) text.setAttribute( 'style', 'text-anchor: start' ) else: text.setAttribute( 'style', 'text-anchor: middle' ) def y_label_offset( self, height ): """Where in the Y area the label is drawn Centered in the field, should be width/2. Start, 0.""" return 0 def get_field_width( self ): return float( self.graph_width - font_size*2*right_font ) / \ ( len( self.get_x_labels() ) - self.right_align ) field_width = property( get_field_width ) def get_field_height( self ): return float( self.graph_height - self.font_size*2*self.top_font ) / \ ( len( self.get_y_labels() ) - self.top_align ) field_height = property( self.get_field_height ) def draw_y_labels( self ): "Draw the Y axis labels" if self.show_y_labels: label_height = self.field_height labels = self.get_y_labels() count = len( labels ) labels = enumerate( iter( labels ) ) start = int( not self.step_include_first_y_label ) labels = itertools.islice( labels, start, None, self.step_y_labels ) map( self.draw_y_label, labels ) self.draw_y_guidelines( label_height, count ) def get_y_offset( self ): result = self.graph_height + self.y_label_offset( self.label_height ) if self.rotate_y_labels: result += self.font_size/1.2 return result y_offset = property( get_y_offset ) def draw_y_label( self, label ): index, label = label text = CreateElement( 'text', { 'class': 'yAxisLabels' } ) text.appendChild( self._doc.createTextNode( label ) ) self.graph.appendChild( text ) y = self.y_offset - ( self.label_height * index ) x = {True: 0, False:-3}[self.rotate_y_labels] if self.stagger_x_labels and (index % 2 ): stagger = self.y_label_font_size + 5 x -= stagger path = CreateElement( 'path', { 'd': 'M%(x)d %(y)d v%(stagger)d' % vars(), 'class': 'staggerGuideLine' } ) self.graph.appendChild( path ) text.setAttribute( 'x', str( x ) ) text.setAttribute( 'y', str( y ) ) if self.rotate_y_labels: transform = 'translate( -%d 0 ) rotate ( 90 %d %d )' % \ ( self.font_size, x, y ) text.setAttribute( 'transform', transform ) text.setAttribute( 'style', 'text-anchor: middle' ) else: text.setAttribute( 'y', str( y - self.y_label_font_size/2 ) ) text.setAttribute( 'style', 'text-anchor: middle' ) def draw_x_guidelines( self, label_height, count ): "Draw the X-axis guidelines" # skip the first one for count in range(1,count): start = label_height*count stop = self.graph_height path = CreateElement( 'path', { 'd': 'M %(start)s h%(stop)s' % vars(), 'class': 'guideLines' } ) self.graph.appendChild( path ) def draw_y_guidelines( self, label_height, count ): "Draw the Y-axis guidelines" for count in range( 1, count ): start = self.graph_height - label_height*count stop = self.graph_width path = CreateElement( 'path', { 'd': 'MO %(start)s h%(stop)s' % vars(), 'class': 'guideLines' } ) self.graph.appendChild( path ) def draw_titles( self ): "Draws the graph title and subtitle" if self.show_graph_title: draw_graph_title() if self.show_graph_subtitle: draw_graph_subtitle() if self.show_x_title: draw_x_title() if self.show_y_title: draw_y_title() def draw_graph_title( self ): text = CreateElement( 'text', { 'x': str( self.width / 2 ), 'y': str( self.title_font_size ), 'class': 'mainTitle' } ) text.appendChild( self._doc.createTextNode( self.graph_title ) ) self.root.appendChild( text ) def draw_graph_subtitle( self ): raise NotImplementedError draw_x_title = draw_y_title = draw_graph_subtitle def keys( self ): return map( operator.itemgetter( 'title' ), self.data ) def draw_legend( self ): if self.key: group = CreateElement( 'g' ) root.appendChild( group ) for key_count, key_name in enumerate( self.keys() ): y_offset = ( self.KEY_BOX_SIZE * key_count ) + (key_count * 5 ) rect = group.CreateElement( 'rect', { 'x': '0', 'y': str( y_offset ), 'width': str( self.KEY_BOX_SIZE ), 'height': str( self.KEY_BOX_SIZE ), 'class': 'key%s' % key_count + 1, } ) group.appendChild( rect ) text = group.CreateElement( 'text', { 'x': str( self.KEY_BOX_SIZE + 5 ), 'y': str( y_offset + self.KEY_BOX_SIZE ), 'class': 'keyText' } ) text.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( key_name ) ) group.appendChild( text ) if self.key_position == 'right': x_offset = self.graph_width, self.border_left + 10 y_offset = border_top + 20 if self.key_position == 'bottom': raise NotImplementedError group.setAttribute( 'transform', 'translate(%(x_offset)d %(y_offset)d)' % vars() ) def style( self ): "hard code the styles into the xml if style sheets are not used." if self.no_css: styles = self.parse_css() for node in xpath.Evaluate( '//*[@class]', self.root ): cl = node.getAttribute( 'class' ) style = styles[ cl ] if node.hasAttribute( 'style' ): style += node.getAtrtibute( 'style' ) node.setAttribute( 'style', style ) def parse_css( self ): """Take a .css file (classes only please) and parse it into a dictionary of class/style pairs.""" css = self.get_style() result = {} for match in re.finditer( '^(?\.(\w+)(?:\s*,\s*\.\w+)*)\s*\{(?[^}]+)\}' ): names = match.group_dict()['names'] # apperantly, we're only interested in class names names = filter( None, re.split( '\s*,?\s*\.' ) ) content = match.group_dict()['content'] # convert all whitespace to content = re.sub( '\s+', ' ', content ) for name in names: result[name] = ';'.join( result[name], content ) return result def add_defs( self, defs ): "Override and place code to add defs here" pass def start_svg( self ): "Base SVG Document Creation" impl = dom.getDOMImplementation() #dt = impl.createDocumentType( 'svg', 'PUBLIC' self._doc = impl.createDocument( None, 'svg', None ) self.root = self._doc.documentElement() if self.style_sheet: pi = self._doc.createProcessingInstruction( 'xml-stylesheet', 'href="%s" type="text/css"' % self.style_sheet ) attributes = { 'width': str( self.width ), 'height': str( self.height ), 'viewBox': '0 0 %s %s' % ( width, height ), 'xmlns': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'xmlns:xlink': 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'xmlns:a3': 'http://ns.adobe.com/AdobeSVGViewerExtensions/3.0/', 'a3:scriptImplementation': 'Adobe' } map( lambda a: self.root.setAttribute( *a ), attributes.items() ) self.root.appendChild( self._doc.createComment( ' Created with SVG.Graph ' ) ) self.root.appendChild( self._doc.createComment( ' SVG.Graph by Jason R. Coombs ' ) ) self.root.appendChild( self._doc.createComment( ' Based on SVG::Graph by Sean E. Russel ' ) ) self.root.appendChild( self._doc.createComment( ' Based on Perl SVG:TT:Graph by Leo Lapworth & Stephan Morgan ' ) ) self.root.appendChild( self._doc.createComment( ' '+'/'*66 ) ) defs = self._doc.createElement( 'defs' ) self.add_defs( defs ) if not self.style_sheet and not self.no_css: self.root.appendChild( self._doc.createComment( ' include default stylesheet if none specified ' ) ) style = CreateElement( 'style', { 'type': 'text/css' } ) defs.appendChild( style ) style.createCDataNode( self.get_style() ) self.root.appendChild( self._doc.createComment( 'SVG Background' ) ) rect = CreateElement( 'rect', { 'width': str( width ), 'height': str( height ), 'x': '0', 'y': '0', 'class': 'svgBackground' } ) def calculate_graph_dimensions( self ): self.calculate_left_margin() self.calculate_right_margin() self.calculate_bottom_margin() self.calculate_top_margin() self.graph_width = self.width - self.border_left - self.border_right self.graph_height = self.height - self.border_top - self.border_bottom def get_style( self ): return """/* Copy from here for external style sheet */ .svgBackground{ fill:#ffffff; } .graphBackground{ fill:#f0f0f0; } /* graphs titles */ .mainTitle{ text-anchor: middle; fill: #000000; font-size: #{title_font_size}px; font-family: "Arial", sans-serif; font-weight: normal; } .subTitle{ text-anchor: middle; fill: #999999; font-size: #{subtitle_font_size}px; font-family: "Arial", sans-serif; font-weight: normal; } .axis{ stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 1px; } .guideLines{ stroke: #666666; stroke-width: 1px; stroke-dasharray: 5 5; } .xAxisLabels{ text-anchor: middle; fill: #000000; font-size: #{x_label_font_size}px; font-family: "Arial", sans-serif; font-weight: normal; } .yAxisLabels{ text-anchor: end; fill: #000000; font-size: #{y_label_font_size}px; font-family: "Arial", sans-serif; font-weight: normal; } .xAxisTitle{ text-anchor: middle; fill: #ff0000; font-size: #{x_title_font_size}px; font-family: "Arial", sans-serif; font-weight: normal; } .yAxisTitle{ fill: #ff0000; text-anchor: middle; font-size: #{y_title_font_size}px; font-family: "Arial", sans-serif; font-weight: normal; } .dataPointLabel{ fill: #000000; text-anchor:middle; font-size: 10px; font-family: "Arial", sans-serif; font-weight: normal; } .staggerGuideLine{ fill: none; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.5px; } %s .keyText{ fill: #000000; text-anchor:start; font-size: #{key_font_size}px; font-family: "Arial", sans-serif; font-weight: normal; } /* End copy for external style sheet */ """ % self.get_css()