Serie configuration =================== How --- Series are customized using keyword args set in the ``add`` or call function: .. code-block:: python chart = pygal.Line() chart(1, 2, 3, fill=True) chart.add('', [3, 2, 1], dot=False) Options ------- .. contents:: :local: secondary ~~~~~~~~~ You can plot your values to 2 separate axes, thanks to `wiktorn `_ This is the only serie only option. .. pygal-code:: chart = pygal.Line(title=u'Some different points') chart.x_labels = ('one', 'two', 'three') chart.add('line', [.0002, .0005, .00035]) chart.add('other line', [1000, 2000, 7000], secondary=True) stroke ~~~~~~ .. pygal-code:: xy_chart = pygal.XY(stroke=False) xy_chart.title = 'Correlation' xy_chart.add('A', [(0, 0), (.1, .2), (.3, .1), (.5, 1), (.8, .6), (1, 1.08), (1.3, 1.1), (2, 3.23), (2.43, 2)]) xy_chart.add('B', [(.1, .15), (.12, .23), (.4, .3), (.6, .4), (.21, .21), (.5, .3), (.6, .8), (.7, .8)]) xy_chart.add('C', [(.05, .01), (.13, .02), (1.5, 1.7), (1.52, 1.6), (1.8, 1.63), (1.5, 1.82), (1.7, 1.23), (2.1, 2.23), (2.3, 1.98)]) xy_chart.add('Correl', [(0, 0), (2.8, 2.4)], stroke=True) fill ~~~~ .. pygal-code:: chart = pygal.Line() chart.add('line', [.0002, .0005, .00035], fill=True) chart.add('line', [.0004, .0009, .001]) show_dots ~~~~~~~~~ .. pygal-code:: chart = pygal.Line() chart.add('line', [.0002, .0005, .00035], show_dots=False) chart.add('line', [.0004, .0009, .001]) show_only_major_dots ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. pygal-code:: chart = pygal.Line() chart.add('line', range(12)) chart.add('line', range(12)[::-1], show_only_major_dots=True) chart.x_labels = map(str, range(12)) chart.x_labels_major = ['2', '4', '8', '11'] dots_size ~~~~~~~~~ .. pygal-code:: chart = pygal.Line() chart.add('line', [.0002, .0005, .00035], dots_size=4) chart.add('line', [.0004, .0009, .001], dots_size=12) stroke_style ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. pygal-code:: chart = pygal.Line() chart.add('line', [.0002, .0005, .00035], stroke_style={'width': 5, 'dasharray': '3, 6', 'linecap': 'round', 'linejoin': 'round'}) chart.add('line', [.0004, .0009, .001], stroke_style={'width': 2, 'dasharray': '3, 6, 12, 24'}) rounded_bars ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. pygal-code:: chart = pygal.Bar() for i in range(10): chart.add(str(i), i, rounded_bars=2 * i) inner_radius ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. pygal-code:: chart = pygal.Pie() for i in range(10): chart.add(str(i), i, inner_radius=(10 - i) / 10) allow_interruptions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can set `allow_interruptions` to True in order to break lines on None values. .. pygal-code:: interrupted_chart = pygal.Line() interrupted_chart.add( 'Temperature', [22, 34, 43, 12, None, 12, 55, None, 56], allow_interruptions=True) interrupted_chart.add( 'Temperature', [11, 17, 21.5, 6, None, 6, 27.5, None, 28]) formatter ~~~~~~~~~ You can add a `formatter` function for this serie values. It will be used for value printing and tooltip. (Not for axis.) .. pygal-code:: chart = pygal.Bar(print_values=True, value_formatter=lambda x: '{}$'.format(x)) chart.add('bar', [.0002, .0005, .00035], formatter=lambda x: '<%s>' % x) chart.add('bar', [.0004, .0009, .001])